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Fandom The Suicide Squad

Yuri walked to his crate and pulled out a large machine gun "Before we perform the mission it'll be important to gauge what our strengths and weaknesses are." he said, lifting up the rifle and getting a feel for it, it was light weight and had a seventy round magazine. "I'm a heavy weapons and demolition expert." he said swinging the rifle in the air and hitting an imaginary opponent with its butt.
A voice came over the heli plane's PA "Hi, I'm gonna be your operator, you guys can call me Tony. It's my job to try and guide you through your missions. If you ever wonder-" Tony then made an accent obviously imitating a stupid person 'Hey, should I follow Tony's advice? I mean, he does sound a bit like a mentally disabled walrus. Tony broke his accent and continued "The answer is always yes, listen, I'm the only guy out there who gives half a shit in a barrel if you guys die or don't. Now then, enjoy your three hour flight to Washington Medical Center."

-timeskip vewwy vewwy soon-
As Stacey helped the doctor out of his bindings, he returned with a quiet, quip of thanks, stretching his wrists as spidery fingertips curled with a slow, wicked, surgical tense, his neck stretching to the side, with a sharp, soft sound somewhere between a snap and a gurgle. The blindfold unveiled, the doctor surveyed the room with haunting, glassy eyes, smirking lightly as he took in the appearance of his companions - though, oddly enough, wore no surprise as his gaze passed over even the bionic abomination, the 'symbiote', as it called itself. Curiosity, definitely - the strange insectoid, this "Tommin", certainly called for it - but no shock. He had certainly felt its presence, and it his, no doubt, before even entering the room. And while the other ladies looked distinctly prettier through eyes, he could not say the same for Tommin's host.

Moving forward with a slow, deliberate step, Dr. Rivers' crate seemed to hold nothing but a neatly folded lab coat. The doctor smiled, rolling up the sleeves of the now unfastened straightjacket, wearing the coat over it. "Well, look at that - you had it dry cleaned. How sweet." he teased, running a hand against the underside of the lab coat with a thin smirk - there was something in there, fastened into the inside of the coat, but from where the doctor stood, it was impossible to tell what, as he slipped it on. Yuri's comment only elicited a thin smirk. "Haven't you figured out by now? I'm the Doctor." he smiled, giving the hardened warrior a devilish, knowing wink, making his way into the heliplane just as the PA came online. "Let's get airborne, Tony. I could kill for some fresh air." he quipped in response. The phrase might have seemed innocent enough from anyone else, but when the doctor said the world 'kill', there was a certain nonchalant, potent gravity to it that may have hinted that it wasn't just a phrase.
The airship arrived a mile or so out of the medical center as Tony spoke again "Now, there's a few ways you can do this. I could let you off here and you'd bust your way through the hospital, it'll be loud and there'll probably quite a bit of resistance. It might be good to head in incognito for as long as you can. The other option would be your carrier hovering above the center and you'd rappel down. The Formula is somewhere on the top five floors, but careful not to set off the roof door's alarm on the way in. So, option A, B, or do you wanna try something else?"
Viper had been silent for all the while they had been in the airship, why the hell was she put in this "squad" with other people, she, as the rest of her organisation worked best in one man teams. And what the hell was up with the "the one who can make the most noise"? She was a freaking assassin, but when she heard the options between A and B, a smile grew on her face.

"Darling, if these idiots wouldn't mind, I would love option B, por favor!" she had a feeling they wouldn't really work as a team but rather this would turn into a contest. And she would love to see it from afar. And while they were all ocupied she would swoop in take the formula and enjoy a good meal from Mexico tonight.

"This is going to be easy!" she laughed as she readied herself for whatever way they were going to execute this.
Jinx listened intently to Tony over what seemed to be a PA system of sorts before gathering the rest of what would be needed from her crate, she spared a glance at both Symbiote and Dr. Rivers before nodding in appreciation. Seeing that man still bound made her cringe and she was somewhat ecstatic to see how truly badass he was. As Tony exploited the options for a plan, Jinx's mind whirred in thought, calculating the probability of a direct attack and a more stealthier approach, her hands gripping the device she had first collected. "Hey, if you guys would rather go and kill everyone in sight I wouldn't mind but you'd risk getting yourself blown up from the little knickknacks they have embedded into the wall, medical facilities have ways of guarding things they wish to protect and one of my companions ended up splattered onto the nearest wall when he went Rambo-style on the assholes..an incognito attack would certainly be in our best interests but the vents should be laced with all kinds of contraptions however I've got a few little devices that should take care of that." Jinx shrugged in indifference before glancing around at her teammates. "It's up to you."
Dr. Rivers sat by the window, relaxing into his seat as he laid back, one leg draped over the knee of the other - deep, slow exhales breathing the world in. He had been in captivity too long and, judging by the binds he was in, it was safe to assume the rest of his imprisonment had been under the same, or worse, conditions, which either meant that the guards were purposefully making his life more miserable, believable but unlikely given the doctor's calm, collected demeanor, or that it was the only way to keep themselves safe from him - which said a great deal about what the Doctor was capable of.

As Jinx spoke, his gaze slowly shifted from the window to her eyes, his glassy irises catching hers with a small, benign smile, lifting himself to face her properly. "Now, now, my dear - let's not shirk on our responsibilities. I am willing to advise, but at the end of the day, this is your squad. If Little Miss Downsyndrome wants to go all by her lonesome, that's fine - I'm all for freedom and animal rights and all that - but you are our leader." he said, smiling and cocking his head towards the quiet 'Viper' girl at his mention of her, though as far as the doctor saw it 'Donkey' would have made a far more fitting pseudonym. It was quite clear she was the rash and crude sort, and thus deserved neither his respect nor his direct attention as anything more than a fly to swat aside until she learned a little class. He would have called her an insect, but considering the only actual insect on board, Tommin, was literally a psionic powerhouse, the term didn't seem all that fitting, given the circumstances. A guiding hand rested on Jinx's shoulder as eyes locked. "So lead."
Viper snarled at the doctors remark and grabbed her gloves putting them on and went over towards him.

"Puta, tu deteste!" she said as she neared him with her claws ready for the strike, she licked her lips, missing the taste of her neurotoxin teeth. Up until now she had a contraption on, so to make sure she would open her mouth and bite anyone. Her split tongue found its way to her upper lip as she neared him.

"I know you are going to taste aweful, but just to make sure I might take a small bite!" she said as she lept forward, but halfway through she stopped and jumped back. This was only a test, to see if he would be intimidated. She ran fingers through her long brown hair, and then began braiding it, when she was done she took the rest of her gear and put the braid into a bun, hiding small knifes all around it. Her snake eyes were fixed on the doctor.

"I am not a teamplayer, but I am a fan of democracy, so if the other way is better for everyone, I will not complain. I will just wait to kill your culos when i get out of this thing." she said and pointed at the contraption on her neck. She then turned and sat down waiting for the mark to go.
He was certainly inspiring, Jinx would give him that. Her eyes flickered to the hand which rested upon her shoulder before scanning the crewmates, a direct assault would definitely be deadly for either attacker and she didn't want to get blown up just yet. Leadership was certainly not something she had familiarized herself with due to working alone or with as few people as physically possible and all of them managed to be killed or better yet, incarcerated. Jinx was even more surprised when the girl who had been insulted by the good Doctor leapt up and nearly attacked him, fuck. "HEY! HEY, no one is killing anyone when we've got people to do that for us..I don't know what you two have against each other but I'd rather not get blood all over my face, thank you very much. Now, as for the tactic we're applying I believe that stealth is the best way to go seeing as it reaps more benefits.."
"Go in loud and proud." Yuri said, putting on a flak jacket, "I'll blow a hole in the place and gun mother fuckers left right and center, all you people need to do is come in and secure the rear.' he said, strapping magazines of ammunition to his belt. He then took out one of the grenades pinned to the belt "Once I'm in, and I've shocked them to all hell with my presence, its a simple game of getting the formula before they can counterattack."
Cadence was oddly silent this whole time observing the nuanced actions and reactions from her teammates. She did seem to tilt her head on occasion and shake her head from time to time. She would eventually stand and role her shoulders moving to stand near Jinx. "I firmly believe in self preservation on this one, though we are fully capable of going in loud and well... for lack of better terms.. eviscerate the enemy. I believe this mission to be wholly ill conceived by our host Walker. We have little as far as knowledge with building stability, security forces, and the exact location of said formula. Five floors is a large area to cover when operating loud." Cadence pauses to clear her throat a moment

"Tony! Do tell me where the central security hub for the facility is located.... that whether going in soft or hard is priority one, as the human guard and whatever observer may have direct link to comms and camera systems shall need to be duped. Their communication betwixt each other, will have them fall on us quick. If we do indeed go in hard as Mr. Yuri wishes well... it'll at least buy us some time, if the team is divided betwixt searching and distraction that is. You would sacrifice less of us doing it this way, Madam Jinx... but I shall encourage us to fallow you until my livelihood comes in to question" As Cadence mouth moved her eyes seemed to stay focused as if slightly zoned out. She moves to sit down and sighs. "Yeah yeah whatever... do what you want on this one Jinxy... ." she chuckles bemusedly as she looks to the speakers to hear from the body-less voice Tony? Her human hand running over her throat as if it was slightly pained
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"I must say I quite like the distraction slash infiltration idea, my specialty is stealth so I will put myself out there in the general infiltration area of the plan, doctor, why don't you go with the distracting thing, or better yet you could just talk them to sleep like you do the rest of us?" Viper chuckled, but really it seemed to be a good idea, and if she was lucky the doctor would be killed quickly and she wouldn't have to listen to him anymore. She clenched her fists to be sure her claws were on, and checked the neurotoxin container, luckily a single drop of this nasty vile would be enough to take out even an elephant, so a 30 miligram container would last for years. She looked at Jinx waiting for her to take control and lead the way, honestly even if Jinx died, she still wouldn't put herself in the role as leader, because she was a lone wolf, and the whole pack order thing didn't interest her. But Jinx trying to be a leader was a pretty funny deal to witness, and she was excited to see if she would be a dictator or a democratic leader.

"Let the fun commence, mi niños!"
"They've got security outsourced to Wayne Enterprises, it's pretty tight. You'll have to take are of things play by play. So, it's the roof entrance? I'll brings outdone."

(Sorry short reply, in a hurry)
"I uhh, yo Tony don't think a decision was reached.... Do you know where that security console room is or not? I mean... it's Jinxy's call anyways so don't go landing us on the roof at your discretion... thought you didn't want us to die?" Cadence pauses blinking in some confusion and there is a chitter from Tommin just behind Cadence. The sound of carapace scrapping across each other as their is movements. Anyone who looks toward Tommin see's the large insect's wingless shells scrapping against each other and the creatures maw curling some seemingly perturbed.
Jinx considers the options before glancing down at the device, splitting them up could prove fruitful as maintaining a steady surveillance on unwanted guests once inside however she would have to inform them if there was any trap or contraption to watch out for. "These devices aren't going to be easily recognizable if one of you happens to come across them, if I split you all up there would have to be some way I could communicate with your person easily..I believe it would be easier to do so, I am going to put you in groups." Her gaze flickers between each participant, cataloging their weaknesses and strengths, calculating their probabilities of dying, and surveying their accesibilites and skills.
"Let me make this easier on you Toots," looks to Jinx. "I am pretty good at fighting flat out.... however if you need something rewired, dismantled what have you... Im good with engineering. Now would I say that's why I'm here on this little dibocal of a team... hell no." she grins a bit. "I'm a thief... and a cold blooded killer but mostly to keep our hide intact if you catch my drift. I ain't gonna go killin for killin sake.... and if things get dicey and if our life is at stake; I'll abandon all you fools without a second thought." there is a pause, "That being said.... till such time I do believe we will keep as best we can to whatever role you wish to place us. However; my personal preference is not that of a distraction... though... we are quite capable of making noise as the host Walker put it, Madam Jinx; and we will not fly off the handle." Cadence rolls her eyes and scoffs. "One time... one time I swear... asshole." there is a chittering noise from behind Cadence
Oh. There were two people. Why hadn't she noticed that shit before? Jinx nodded in understanding before glancing towards the others and making her decision. "Symbiote you will be traveling with Yuri, Kenzo, and Viper although Stacey and Doctor Rivers are to assist me. It seems that most of you are skilled at tactical assault and so I will trust you with only killing when you have to however some of you will obviously be grateful to pretend this is a Halo game and shoot up everybody in the damn facility, I trust Symbiote will be able to detect any devices if I have not already intercepted their signal within the facility and need I remind you to keep quiet, the assholes can't shoot what they can't hear." Jinx tipped her two fingers to her head to mimick the shooting of a gun before crossing her arms. "We will be going through the roof because that sounds so fucking cool and I've never got to try it before..it's also a better alternative.."
Yrui grinned and looked up from his rifle "Looks like we're in a team creeper." he said, looking at the Symbiote "What would you regard as the best form of approach?" he asked "Cos we could tackle the assault in a few different ways." he said, standing up and locking the rifles safety on. He made sure the grenades were strapped to his vest, and then pulled a combat helmet from his crate "So Tony, any idea where this thing is?"
Seems to eye Yuri as he examines gun after gun. Clearly those types of weapons were not Cadence's forte from the apparent expression. "Team Creeper is it... humorous. I still say to ensure optimal success. - ." there is a brief pause "Creeper? Really that's the best you got... anyways we should blast away there camera and communication ability... of course that means we have to know where that is. Which unless Tony does, we likely don't... ahem." Cadence clears her throat and one of the insect limbs looming over her shoulder hits Cadence's forehead and she rubs it with a slight annoyed look.

"If that is not possible then while the others use Madam Jinx's apparent technical expertise we should repel down to a lower floor, NOT one of the five they will be searching. Then simply, cause all kinds of bloody good fun and between the two teams first to see anything that looks like a communication hub... cause well some good o'l destruction. OR... ."

Cadence gets hit again,
"Establish a loop video feed in the system, and create white-noise to disturb any close range communication. Also shut down any out of facility communications if possible. We can do that? Yes, given time.... we won't be nearly as tactically efficient as some... but we can do it."

Cadence sighs,
"In other words Tommin thinks she can help me do it... but... really I think it's better just to blow the whole heap... guess that's situational at best unless you have a preference Toots." looks to Jinx
"The strange insectoid thing is right, covering our arses for a few minutes will buy us more time for a surprise attack." he said "Should it work we'll be well out of our way to crush the enemy like Khrushchev." he looked at the Symbiote "Nothing makes Americans shit their pants more than realizing that I am in the middle of their base and I am going to put bullets through them." he cracked another sadistic grin and pulled a machete from his vest. "Will we be able to have fun with the enemy?" he asked.
"Fun? What do you mean?" there is a pause. "He means can he well... enjoy the hunt? Play with his prey that sort of thing."

"I see, he is what you humans call cold-blooded... . Well I see no issue with you having your fun, only after we ensure there will be no external feed going from the facility.... to be perfectly blunt... the likelihood of preventing that is nill, without advance information or luck. SO we will have to deal with Wayne Tech security and possible external SWAT level enforcement. If your "fun" wont sacrifice your tactical ability, I have no interest or revulsion towards it."

"Sounds to me if were made were made... so guess just be quite as long as we can and well.... if the jig is up our team should make all the noise."

"Also... Madam Jinx I do not mean to question you in the slightest... however taking one of your most possibly strongest assets and placing them on a team meant to make noise is foolish. I recommend taking Viper with you. She if living to the name of whom I believe she is meant to be... then it is far better to have her with you."

"Also the hell we gonna do if a Supa powered goodie goodie shows huh? I mean I ain't exactly top notch in the brains department; but, why else would they need all of us if it was just Wayne Tech employee's. I got enough Wayne Tech in my arm it's ridiculous. I got a feeling there may be possible additional interested parties in this whole mess... ."
"Look bug baby, I have fought the American army, the CIA, the Russian army, Mossad and MI6, any thing the pot smoking Washington state police can throw it can't be any worse than what they have done." he said "And if some superpowered prick intercepts us, I say we tell him or her, I mean we are agents acting on the interests of the American government." he said "Right Tony?"
"Isn't this whole team thing so the government has well... what's it called, Un-involvement. I mean Walker isn't gonna be like yo these my hommies... I mean we are fodder. Straight up meat being flung at the wall hopping it sticks. Telling some super-powered prick like the Bat we are working for the government ain't gonna fly. Think we are solo on this, No badge, no credentials, and no powerhouse backing us."

"In other words... firmly screwed. Also... Wayne Tech has the annoying pension for being well equipped so be prepared Yuri to dig deep into that bag of tricks you have because I assure... we arn't taking on local PD here."

"Always so Pessimistic... we will be fine... this is a snatch and grab on a large scale. Just shit hits the fan from the start and not the middle unless we get into their comms and feeds. Also... I notice no brilliant ideas for communications." kicks open a box. "We got some fancy neck or ear pieces in this rubble."
Jinx snickered at Symbiote's comment, feeling slightly ironic by the mention of Batman. "My father tried to kill Batman and ended up getting his ass handed to him, got incarcerated and became obsessed with the man." Of course Jinx had only learned of this a few years after the event had occurred, seeing her father practically insane with his affinity for killing the Big B. It had been both hilarious and terrifying.
"We are far enough away from Gotham to not fear Batman." Yuri said "What we will however fear is if that fuck of steel deems it necessary to interupt our mission." Yuri said"I've known men who have tried and failed at killing him, most of whom end up crippled for life, and I propose we don't end up like that." he said, pacing around the aircraft "I think we are overthinking this and we should just smash in and get out."

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