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Fandom The Suicide Squad: High-Risk

School! Teaches you bullshit but has it little gold nuggets of intelligent teachers and smart classes. Science and literature classes are best courses. My latest electives I had was myth and AAL.
Yes, I loved,learning about more the just Greek myth. Norse, Abrahamic and Egyptian theology was so interesting.
Maybe you should introduce Amanda Waller without me yet. I have to go to school now, so I can't post yet. Just put that the chemical used in me was stronger, which meant I was knocked out longer.
Im taking off for a year for work. Need money to pay for school. 
Okay after Gotham is over I will make my post.
I have recently had a sex change and I shall be refereed as a She....I regret this now. Nice butt though.

Okay let me make the update post. I shall tag you all.
Both! That's what pizza, french people and milk gets this boy girl thing into....End me please!

Just pulling ya arm. Or im I? 



And that's coming from me​

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