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Fandom The Suicide Squad: High-Risk

Alan Scott, n-n-next 
Also, is Amanda Waller appearing once everyone has made their first post?
Yeah, Basically. She has everyone knocked out and when you wake up your in a room with your team. 
Ask me a question, Stomp thee!
The entity inside the orange central powered body was created when? (No, it's not a date)
Either Orange or Blue

(Some of) Bruce Wayne's ancestors were killed by this mysterious group inspired by an Avian species. 
Answer was when a life form first ate something it didn't need btw. 
I wonder why Batman doesn't have a lantern ring yet, does he not possess the will?
The Court of Owls! A group of assassins with relation to Dick Grayson's family also.

Question: Who is the Current White Lantern?

Batman has willed the Yellow Ring and the Green before. Green was in a what if story and yellow is canon.
Nick Fury used a drug to keep himself alive for an extended period of time by the name of
The Current Wielder is Kyle Rayner and everyone thinks he dead at the moment but he's not.

Hmm, Can't name it but it was used for another Super solider experiment.
loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side

What is the name of this formula?

I wanna start a prison riot :( Poops

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