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Fandom The Suicide Squad: High-Risk

Just for an added bit of realism, I recommend changing head of military to secretary of defense, otherwise, it's good
I was like you deadkool 2 years ago and now I am a heavy reader. 
It's like Manga, You have good comics and shitty ones.
Two years to go then, you should check out Comicstorian 
I quite dislike it when I meet someone who says they're a comic book geek or a video game geek when they don't know what the lantern corps, bizzaro world, or Dig Dug is.
I love them! You should check out Variant Comics, Nerdsync, Marvel explained, Comicbook Weekly, It's super effective. All good channels for learn about comics.
Yes, I feel you cuz. Got into a fight with some dumb...Err. Did you know batman has killed people? try telling that to a fangirl who denys it.
Fake Fangirls ruin shit for real fangirls. That is why everyone hates fangirls because you have dumb ones running around false flagging.
Oh..Sorry. Didn't know 

Deadkool said:
Superhero trivia
Rules. No looking up the answers

Resources: You get to phone a friend once

Questions: 10
ehhhh...thats my weak area. I am good when it comes to video games though. Mainly assassin's creed
Question one: Name all the Lantern corps colors and emotions they represent ( This excludes Black and

Fine, Icefox, you can also answer if you want
Deadkool said:
Question one: Name all the Lantern corps colors and emotions they represent ( This excludes Black and
Fine, Icefox, you can also answer if you want

Deadkool said:
Question one: Name all the Lantern corps colors and emotions they represent ( This excludes Black and
Fine, Icefox, you can also answer if you want
oh wait! you mean the ring colors from like green lantern????

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