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Fandom The Suicide Squad: High-Risk

I would like to say thank you to all of you for putting up with the wait. It would have started in the morning but I had work and had to deal with my grandmother also. So thank you all and I hope we all having a good time. (That sounds so strange coming from me.) I hope we all have some fucking kick ass bloody fun. (Much better)
Don't worry, There won't be like 20 post when you get back. This roleplay is more about quality then quantity.
Alright, kyd when i come back can you make a scenario that brings my character into play?
Yeah, You can start with them being taken in or them thinking about what happen and how they landed there selves in there.
I remembered the orange ring has no effect when it's off, so I slightly modified my post
Hey man I got a way to read comics for free, It's called illegal downloads (Not proud) I cant tell you how if you would like me too?

I wish we still had a store but nope, Gone now. If there was then I could finally have Multiversity in my hands. I don't care if I have to pay 5$ Grant Morrison is amazing.


If you ever read this book you will know it is amazing. Grant Morrison is the man who showed how interesting Superman truly is with his All Star Superman book.
Yeah, sure, I tried Pirate Bay, but got a few viruses, still worth it, thank you Norton, anyway, sure.
Do you have a android phone? If you do then just download ADownloader and Perfect Viewer. Don't get the shitty Adownloader from the market, Go to there website and download the blue one. It might say something like "Software might have virus" Don't worry it doesn't. Once you got that all set up to can download comics, Music and movies. If it wasn't for Adownloader i would not be listening rock music. 
Try red hood and the outlaws. Very good book. Try to get collected edition downloads if you want catch up on the whole series.

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