• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Subjects CS



Click Bar
Art \\ Guillem H. Pongiluppi
Name \\
Nickname \\
Gender \\
Age \\
Job \\
For hardworking experiments or the staff
Sexuality \\
Romantic Orientation \\

Hair Color\\
Eye Color \\
Body Modifications \\
Faceclaim \\

Species \\
Time at the Facility \\
Danger Level \\
Diet \\


History \\
Personality \\


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate

  • lavender vale
    the fae
    • i
      full name
      Lavender Celeste Vale
      Lav, Lavie, or just Celeste
      date of birth
      June 18th
      Demisexual, heteroromantic
      May end up working in the kitchen.
    coded by natasha.
Last edited:

Gabriel Wolfe

Name \\ Gabriel Nicole Wolfe

Nickname \\ Gabi
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ 21
Job \\ Hm she’s not really trusted so no jobs for her currently. If she were to get one would need to be inside with supervision at all times.
Sexuality \\ Demisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Demiromantic

Hair Color\\ Raven black
Eye Color \\ Bright blue almost translucent
Body Modifications \\ None currently she did have her nose pierced but it was removed.
Faceclaim \\ @ilost.unicorn
Species \\ Hybrid (Vampire & Werewolf/Alpha)
Time at the Facility \\ 3 years
Danger Level \\ Highly Dangerous (is in a rowdy cell)
Diet \\ Mainly raw meat and blood. Though she does also enjoy well cooked vegetables and fresh fruit.
Strengths \\ Speed, Agility, Night vision, enhanced strength, Shifting to a wolf at will, slow aging, extreme bite has fangs at all times with several other teeth being pointed
Weaknesses \\ Loses control of wolf form during full moons, Fire is a huge danger to her, any type of weapon piercing her heart would kill her instantly(most effective is silver or wooden), silver, most types of water harm her with holy water being the worst, being a hybrid the sun isn’t as bad but makes her extremely tired

History \\
•Gabriel was born at the facility well one of its many compounds that hold creatures. Her parents were paired up to see if their child would inherit all their skills, some, and like wise weakness wise. So after a few years Gabriel was born despite her parents having been forced together they were affectionate with one another and more so with their child. They tried their best to keep their daughter safe from the people who wanted nothing more then to play their sick games with them all. However eventually Gabriel was ripped away from her parents and taken to the main facility where she’s now been there for three years. In those three years she’s never softened up toward any of the guards or scientists always hostile and violent toward them. She’s been kept in the dangerous section and observed closely to see what all powers she actually wields.
Personality \\
•A watchful and calculating young woman she’s always observing things going on around her. Now for the most part she’s pretty cold and short tempered not easily letting others in because for her trust is everything. Once you are in her inner circle she will protect you at all costs not afraid to harm or kill someone for those she loves.

•Studious - She loves learning and works hard to learn. She knows knowledge will help her get further in life. She also knows that knowledge is power and can get her far in life.
•Organized - A very organized woman in both mind and body. She likes keeping things tidy and in the right places as it helps everyone. She also likes to help organize tasks and such since it’s just fun to her.
•Hardworking - A very hard working young woman though most don’t know. She’s always been this way since she wants to make a name for herself and just live comfortably one day. She tends to work hard towards anything and everything.
•Clean - Oh she’s a bit ocd very very clean and tidy in nature. She tries to stay as clean as possible and often washes when she can even if it sometimes hurts. She also likes to try and keep her work clean and tidy since it’s the only thing she truly enjoys.
•Creative - She’s always coming up with new ways to go about tasks or designs for clothing she draws. She also when she has the supplies and time drawing people and things she finds lovely.
•Strong-willed - She has to have a strong Will to get by in life. She knows if she was weak she would easily get stepped on or killed.
•Regretful - She can be very regretful of the things she’s done to survive sometimes not always.
•Envious - She can be very envious of those of more loved status. She wants to live a happy life like them and not worry about being punished constantly.

Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas:
•Maybe a huge fire breaks out in the facility causing mayhem and panic amongst all of them.
-Physical Appearance Description:
•A beautiful young woman her looks dimmed a bit by the treatment of this place. She has milk white skin that is pretty much flawless other then the burn scars that cover her wrists and ankles where she gets chained up during full moons. Gabriel had long raven black hair that hangs to her mid back and a slender body form. Her eyes are a pale blue almost translucent color. She is an average height of 5’5 and weighs about 125lbs.
-What you are looking for in their soulmate:
•She’s looking for someone who will be able to handle her. Since she’s a hybrid it makes her nervous that her soulmate wouldn’t like her as much. So she wants someone who is kind yet tough not afraid to take what they want in life. Someone who can protect her and treat her right. She wants someone who will be loyal and loyal only to her. She doesn’t really want to share.
•Fresh strawberries, drawing jewelry designs, dark clothing, being with other werewolves, day dreaming out her soulmate, planning an escape, sweets, blood
•Harsh sunlight, rotten fruit, being near silver, pools or deep baths, being bored, loneliness, the guards


Draven Night

Name \\ Draven Lucas Night

Nickname \\ Lucas
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ 26
Job \\ Guard
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Chocolate Brown
Eye Color \\ He has heterochromia with one eyes being blue and the other being brown.
Body Modifications \\ He’s completely covered in tattoos.
Faceclaim \\ Levi Stocke
History \\
His father was a terrible man cruel and blunt he never missed a chance to hurt his wife and child. So Draven grew up in an abusive house hold other then his wonderful mother who tried her best to keep his life happy. Whenever his father went off to work or drink his mother would make a warm apple pie just for them a small token of her love. As he grew up he began being able to defend himself and his mother. One day however their fight escalated and his mother suffered having stepped between them taking a hit for her son. After that day Draven ran away wanting to earn enough money to save his mother from that toxic home. So that’s when he was approached to be a guard for some mysterious facility he agreed as long as they promised to send most his funds to a hidden bank account he’d set up for his mother. Draven’s been working here ever since wanting to keep his mom safe.
Personality \\
•Loyal - He is loyal to his cause and loyal to his family for the most part and those he cares about. He would do anything for them as long as they are on his side. If they were to go against him they would no longer be his family or friends.

•Determined - This man is determined he didn’t suffer at the hands of his father for years just to lay back and take things from others. He’s determined to make things right and he will no matter what gets in his way.
•Clever - A very clever man he had to be to outwit his father and not suffer at his hand all the time. He also gained his mother’s smarts which makes him as deadly as a sword.
•Fair - Though he has his set ways he’s always fair and listens to both sides before making any decisions.
•Sociable - Oh outgoing and playful as hell. He can be the life of a party when he wants to be. Despite all he’s gone through he likes to have fun and talk with others. He’s also been known to charm his way into people’s minds and hearts.
•Stubborn - This man is extremely stubborn once he’s set in his way it’s almost impossible for him to change his mind. Now he’s not stubborn over stupid stuff well sometimes but it really is hard to get this man to change his mind or decisions.
•Blunt - He’s not one to mince words. He tells you like it is unless it’s something that needs to remain hidden. He doesn’t even soften his words for his family which can often make him seem like his father who was just as blunt.
•Possessive - A very possessive man what’s his is his. There’s no sharing and no negotiation when he wants something. He can be a bit cruel due to trapping things/people that he is possessive of. He is working on being less possessive.
•Sly - He’s been known to make underhanded deals occasionally and always have a quick wit about him. He is cunning and much like many of the creatures he watches over.

Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas:

-Physical Appearance Description:
•Draven has an athletic body build, and he manages his body with a healthy diet and regular physical exercise. He is a solid 6’1 with a weight of 230lbs of muscle. His eyes are often showing warmth towards anyone he meets. Draven’s eyes are two different colors with one being blue while the other is a warm golden brown.
-What you are looking for in their soulmate:
•He wants someone who’s outgoing, playful, knows how to have a good time. He also wants them to be loyal and loving just wanting to have a good relationship with them. Oh he would also love it if they had a bit of a spitfire personality it would make things much more fun.
•Fresh apple pie, swords, his German shepherd named Dragon, flowers, cooking, savory foods
•Having to punish any of the creatures, Some of the things others guards do, not knowing what exactly is going on, dirt on his new clothes, sour foods, small tight rooms


Nikolai Marcos

Name \\ Nikolai Marcos
Nickname \\ Niko or Marco
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ 24
Job \\ For hardworking experiments or the staff
Sexuality \\ Heterosexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Heteromantic

Hair Color\\ Dark brown
Eye Color \\ Steely grey
Body Modifications \\ None
Face claim \\
Species \\ Angel
Time at the Facility \\ 1 year
Danger Level \\ He’s a big ole softy so he’s pretty loved
Diet \\ He can consume regular human food.
Abilities and Weaknesses:
+Flight he has giant black wings(which he can retract and fold against his back nice and neatly)
+Slow aging
+Pyrokinesis or Cryokinesis (Nikolai has one of these abilities due to the type of Angel he is.)

-Angelic Exorcism
-Several traps and Sigils known to trap angels within them. They also lose their powers when caught within these.
-Holy Fire
-Wings become useless if he’s submerged in water

History \\

Personality \\
•A very protective and caring man he always does what he believes is right. He’s extremely compassionate and very loyal to those he holds dear. When he learns someone has a traumatic past it breaks his heart. So once he knows the man tries everything in his power to keep them safe and make sure their past never repeats itself. Now he might seem like a saint but he is not no matter how much he tries to be. He is heavily flawed and easily manipulated by others who take advantage of his kindness.
Loyal -
Outgoing -
Playful -
Passionate -
Vague -
Naive -

Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas:

-Physical Appearance Description:

-What you are looking for in their soulmate:
•Someone with some fire to them. He’s always had a soft spot for more outgoing people. He’s so drawn to the light of them that he hopes his mate will be outgoing and willing to accept him.
•Flying, feeling someone touching his wings, music, using his magic, praying
•Injured wings, when someone is rough with his wings, silence, being restrained


Genevieve Nightshade

Name \\ Genevieve Nightshade
Nickname \\ Gen or Vivi
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ 25
Job \\ None at the moment
Sexuality \\ undetermined
Romantic Orientation \\ undetermined

Hair Color\\ Auburn
Eye Color \\ Soft forest green
Body Modifications \\ None
Faceclaim \\ Erika Postnikova
Species \\ Selkie
Time at the Facility \\ New
Danger Level \\ Average
Diet \\ Mainly fish but can have vegetables
Abilities and Weaknesses:
+She is able to take two forms her true form which is a seal like creature while the other is a human.
+She has sharp dangerous claws and teeth while in both forms but is strongest while in seal form.
+Has various forms of water manipulation .
+Selkie song similar to a siren song. It’s able to lure people in with its magical properties and beauty. However Selkies usually sing for themselves not meaning to lure people in but will use it when threatened to calm/seduce their attackers into submission.

-If a selkies skin is taken they are no longer able to take their seal form. This leaves them depressed and unable to use their full powers.
-Much like how they can lure people in with their songs. Music is a weakness for them as well easily distracted by the sounds of music it leaves them vulnerable for a short period of time.
-Steel also is very dangerous to them. Steel chains can keep a selkie from escaping. Locking a selkies skin up in a steel cage/container is the best way to keep them from getting it back.

History \\
Personality \\
A giant marshmallow of a woman despite being a selkie who are usually fierce as their seal form. She’s a very shy and quiet individual hardly ever talking unless spoken to first. A warm hearted individual who is just a total warm squishy heart of a person. Will try and help you in anyway she can even if it doesn’t seem like it. Honestly it doesn’t take much to get her upset she’s a bit of a cry baby. She things it’s from the trauma she experienced as a young seal so hopefully one day things will look up. Gen is always trying to improve herself and do better she thinks with the help of her mate she can succeed.
Gentle -
Lyrical -
Loveable -
Maternal -
Obedient -
Anxious -
Hesitant -

Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas:

-Physical Appearance Description:

-What you are looking for in their soulmate:
•Oh she’s not super picky. She wants someone who will treat her and other people right. Someone who’s like a knight and shinning armor or someone who could pull her out of her shell more.
•Singing, swimming, water, swimming after fish, merpeople/sirens
•People touching her seal skin when it’s off, talking, being surrounded by people, needles



Name \\ Seraphina
Nickname \\ Sera
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ Roughly in her hundreds
Job \\ Seamstress helps make clothes for the creatures.
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Jet Black
Eye Color \\ Beautiful caramel color
Body Modifications \\
Faceclaim \\ emeraude toubia
Species \\ Jorogumo
Time at the Facility \\
Danger Level \\ Can be very dangerous. However she’s been decently docile for the moment.
Diet \\ Human men, but can eat some regular foods and insects

History \\
It’s a Wip
Seraphina was the oldest child born to a very loving mother and father. When Seraphina turned 5 that’s when she learned soon she’d be a big sister which excited the young jorogumo. This meant she would have someone to play with so as time passed her mother soon gave birth to Auden! That day Seraphina couldn’t be any happier the tiny pink and blonde blob of a creature was her new joy. It didn’t take long for the sister to grow close their bond thickening as they became sisters once more to a new addition. Now years passed with the sisters occasionally having a regular sibling feud but they always made up in the end. Seraphina was older now and at the right age for marriage which turned out to be perfect she had found the love of her life. A wonderful vampire named Vladimir who some how had made his way into this spiders heart. The two were almost inseparable not wanting to be apart a single moment. Sera thought that this must be her soulmate so with that in mind Vladimir invited her and her little siblings along for a long vacation. Vladimir wanted too get to know Auden and Mika better since he would soon be joining in the family. So on a decent weathered day the siblings and Vlad set off unaware of the danger that lurked near by. While driving they were suddenly in a terrible accident no one knows what exactly happened all Sera remembers is a crash the car rolling then blackness. When she awoke it was to an utter nightmare pain coursed through her body like never before but the worst was seeing the lifeless bodies of her beloved baby sister and of her lover. I’m desperation she looked around hoping to see a glimpse of Auden hoping she was okay. That’s when she saw her looking utterly heart broken the look on her face one Seraphina would never forget. However before she could even call out to her sister men were suddenly surrounding their vehicle capturing both her and Auden.
Personality \\
Seraphina has always been a doting older sister nothing gives her more pride then her beloved little sisters. A compassionate, hard working, and loyal woman was how she was always described. Once she lost her lover and baby sister everything seemed to change. She became a protector of Auden not wanting anyone to harm her she becomes violent anytime someone tries to hurt or touch Auden. She’s also lost the will to find love again afraid if she does that they will meet the same fate as her previous lover. Now that doesn’t mean she’s not a flirt it’s in her nature to be one wanting to attract in prey. So most the time her flirting isn’t genuine more like a natural reaction. She’s also extremely standoffish and blunt not one to sugar her words or actions. If she needs to she will put you in your place faster then a blink of an eye. A bit of a dominating woman and it’s clear that how she is now is just a mask hiding her true self .

Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate



Name \\ Clyde , Sirius, Ryder
Nickname \\ Mutt, Dufus, Hot head
Gender \\ All male
Age \\ appears 26 but is much older
Job \\ None
Sexuality \\ Pansexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Dark brown
Eye Color \\ Grey with red, light blue, orange
Body Modifications \\ Each one has a different piercing
Faceclaim \\ Vincent Von Thein
Species \\ Cerberus
Time at the Facility \\ Unknown but probably 10 years
Danger Level \\ Depends cause these idiots each cause different problems.
Diet \\ Honestly anything they don’t really like chocolate though and prefer meat.

History \\
Personality \\​
Clyde(Middle head) -
Abilities - Fire breath - Grey and red eyes
Clyde is the level headed and big brother type out of the three. He’s the one that keeps them all leveled out and keeps their body in the best condition. When the other two act up he has to put them both in their place before they cause damage to the surrounding area or their own body. He’s usually out more as he doesn’t want them getting in trouble with the guards and such not one to deal with being locked up. He’s probably the most compassionate out of the three as well always willing to help others and defend those in need.

Sirius(Left head) -
Abilities - Ice breath - Light blue eyes
Sirius the more mischievous and worst of them all. He likes being a pain in the ass and just causing problems for everyone mainly for themselves through. Almost childlike he loves having a good time and just being a little brat. He’s probably the most annoying out of the three as he never knows when to shut up or settle down. Often getting into fights with Ryder he causes trouble for Clyde who has to deal with their messes he doesn’t really mean to be a pain (he does but also doesn’t at the same time). He gets easily hurt and often is a bit sadder then the others but he covers it up with jokes despite being the well slightly dumber one of the three. (He’s actually really smart and loved by the other two he just doesn’t realize it.)

Ryder(Right head) -
Abilities - Lightning breath/bite - Orange eyes
The hot head of the group he’s the mouthy one who starts fights and is often in brawls. A short tempered asshole he doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything. He usually fights most with Sirius finding him annoying he also challenges Clyde the most often cause he’s tired of Clyde being the golden boy. Though despite being an ass he’s been known to help others or step in to violent situations to protect others. He would never admit it but he’s a bit softer then he seems.

Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate​
The boys likes and dislikes:
+History of things
+Being cuddled
+Having his fur brushed
-Seeing a book damaged
-His brothers fighting
-Those who judge them or try to hurt his brothers

+Being read to
+Playing games
+Having his ears scratched while in Cerberus form
-Loud sounds
-Small spaces
-Large amounts of water
-Being called dumb in a mean way

+Scary stories
+Having his nose kissed
+Fluffy things
-Super bright lights
-Someone messing with Sirius
-Being bothered while looking at something



Ino Sakura

Name \\ Ino Sakura
Nickname \\ Dog noodle
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ appears 25
Job \\ Gardener
Sexuality \\ Pansexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Brown
Eye Color \\ She has heterochromia. One pure light blue eye while the other is split completely in half one side blue the other brown.
Body Modifications \\
Faceclaim \\ Pauline Schmitz
Species \\ Inugami
Time at the Facility \\ 1 year
Danger Level \\ Mild
Diet \\ Can eat anything

History \\
Personality \\
Ino the inugami will be very playful, outgoing, a little derpy, and kind of shy. She likes playing some pranks then kinda hides she basically just a long doggo with the personality of a dog. A people pleaser and always ready to be helpful. She really wants to be useful but she feels like she’s not very pretty or helpful as when she was a pup some old elder of her village said her eyes were a symbol of misfortune. Ino is a very playful individual it’s mainly to cover up her insecurities that she has about herself. She actually is full of self hatred most the time feeling like she’s just in the way or causes people problems. Though just because she’s usually playful and a trickster that doesn’t mean she can’t handle herself. Despite her cute appearance Inugami’s can be very deadly they have the ability of possession to cause their victims to go insane to the point they kill others or themselves. She’s done this plenty of times growing up and has spread disease and sickness to many villages that insulted her. A very vindictive and vengeful spirit she’s not always the sweet dog she appears to be. Now since being captured her spirit and fire to fight had dwindled down due to her believing her eyes really are curse that the elders of her village were correct about her. When push comes to shove she will protect herself and others making it a bloody mess if needed. However she mainly just wants a bit of comfort in her life and to feel like she’s wanted despite being a ‘curse’.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate



Name \\ Azrael King
Nickname \\ King
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ Appears about 35
Job \\ Some what of a guard
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Brown
Eye Color \\ Light green with flecks of blue
Body Modifications \\ He’s covered in tattoos
Faceclaim \\
Species \\ Nemean Lion/Tiger
Time at the Facility \\ 4 years
Danger Level \\ He could be very dangerous but he’s rather docile
Diet \\ Meat prefers it raw and vegetables

History \\
Personality \\
Azrael King - Big ole man with a fiery personality. He’s just like the creature he is a fierce and angry man. Though he’s also extremely clever able to keep his temper and true self in check to make the guards believe he’s docile. He is anything but that a very aggressive and dominate man he doesn’t take kindly to being messed with or seeing weaker creatures bothered. Oh an never ever mess with his soulmate if you even look at them wrong he might just remove your throat. A bit of a softer male once you actually know him but usually he’s always stern and gruff.
Azrael acts tame for the guards but it’s mainly because any signs of acting up leads you to a shitty cell or being beaten. When he was first brought in he was extremely aggressive to the point he maimed many guards, scientists, and staff. This lead him to being locked up and unfed for many days which lead to weeks then months. Since he would never settle down in the earlier years. He’s still highly aggressive towards other creatures and anyone who bothers him. The man will protect others though when needed as not all the creatures are able to handle themselves.
He likes coffee and it’s one of the only tokens to get in his good graces. Other then that don’t bother him in the morning or when he’s working on something. Not one to deal with dumbass jokes he doesn’t have time for it not when they are all trapped in this hell hole of a place.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate
Mainly someone who can handle a grumpy ass man, knows he’s gonna protect them with his life, will probably get super jealous easily. Also gender doesn’t matter to him.
Last edited:

  • Melaina Alaric
    • i
      full name
      Melaina Roisin Alaric
      Mel, Al
      date of birth
      April 6th
      Asexual, biromantic
      Doesn't remember, but probably wouldn't do it anyways
    coded by natasha.

Last edited:

  • miracle lebedeva
    the angel
    • i
      full name
      Miracle Inessa Lebedeva
      Mira, Ines
      Twenty-two years old
      romantic orientation
    coded by natasha.
Last edited:

Gavriel Rene

Name \\ Gavriel Rene
Nickname \\ Gavy
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ appears 21 but is much older
Job \\ None
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Platinum Blonde
Eye Color \\ Jade
Body Modifications \\ several tattoos on her hands, three scars down the side of her face
Faceclaim \\ Dove Cameron
Species \\ Vampire
Time at the Facility \\ 2 years
Danger Level \\ pretty low, she doesn't really have a desire to hurt people
Diet \\ blood and meat

History \\ When Gavriel was still alive, before becoming a vampire, she lived in a small town and worked at a local hospital as a nurse. She loved her job because she knew that her care and support really meant something to the patients she was treating, especially when they were in great pain. She did everything she could to help them heal and feel better, always wanting to make sure that they knew someone was there to stand by them even at the darkest of times. It wasn't always the happiest of jobs, sometimes the people she cared about didn't make it, but still, she loved what she did because she knew she left them with some measure of comfort before passing. When she was on her way home from a long shift one night she swore she was being followed but every time she turned around there was no one there. Suddenly as she reached her front door she felt something dripping on her head, wiping the liquid away she looked at her hand and saw red. Looking up she screamed at the sight of a fox's mutilated body hanging above her front door. The incident was reported to the police but they believed it to be some sick prank and did nothing about it. Gavriel was shaken and tried her best to keep from showing it, hoping it was a one-time thing. It wasn't. Over the next several weeks more mutilated animal corpses appeared around her yard, in her house, even in her locker at work. The walls of her house were painted red with blood as someone spelled out "pretty" and "mine" on her house and drew a heart made out of blood on her bed. It was terrifying and she prayed it would stop but the harassment only got worse. Soon human bodies began to show up but by the time help came they were gone and Gavriel was made to look like a madwoman. She began to wonder if she was going mad, if she was just seeing things, if at some point she had lost it without ever even realizing it. Eventually, the word of her going crazy had spread to the point that her reputation in town was ruined. Soon after she was framed for the murder of one of the town doctors and sentenced to spend the rest of her life in an asylum. At this point, she wasn't sure if she had killed the doctor or not but it became clear to her that she hadn't when the doctor came to her in her padded cell, seemingly alive but with a fanged smile. He informed her that he had been so enthralled by her kind heart that he knew he needed to own it. He had made her look crazy to the rest of the town so that she would only be able to rely on him and he could be her world. When Gavy rejected him he felt scorned and decided to truly drive her mad. He spend months breaking her mind through mental and physical torture so that she would be his, driving her to true insanity in the process. Eventually, when he felt he had broken her down completely he changed her into a vampire so she could be his forever. This backfired on him however when with her newly acquired strength Gavy ripped him to pieces, killing him, before going on an uncontrollable blood lust-fueled killing spree through the asylum. Gavy feasted on patients and staff alike, slaughtering all within the asylum before she even realized what she had done. She fled the building and the town altogether, the terrified young vampire attempting to decern reality from make-believe as she did all she could to keep herself from killing again. It didn't always work but over the years she got better at containing her blood lust though her mind never healed from the trauma it endured. About 2 years ago she was captured by the sanctuary and has been trapped inside ever since.
Personality \\ So Gavy is a very sweet and shy young girl. She is terrified, mostly of herself and her blood lust, which she still can’t control sometimes. She is probably one of the softest of the group and never wants to hurt others because she just doesn’t have the heart to which puts her in a dangerous position since not everyone shares the same feelings. When she is scared she tends to do her best to hide or shrink into a small ball and sometimes will go as far as digging her fingernails into her head. Due to the events leading up to her transformation into a vampire her brain became seriously messed up which causes her to see things that aren’t really there and sometimes she mutters things that don’t make sense. The fear of things she sees sometimes causes her to have episodes where she freaks out and cries and tries to get away from things that aren’t really there. She has even tried to fight off something she thought was stuck to her face once and ended up with three scars down the side of her face from it that she tries to hide with her hair. She is a genuinely very sweet person and believes in the goodness of others even if they don’t see it. She is very forgiving and despite only being unable to properly communicate sometimes she does her best to spread her kindness to those around her for no reason other than to see it help them in this gloomy situation. She is very sad because she will never be able to be a nurse again or sing to her patients and sometimes hums to herself when she thinks she is alone to rekindle even a fraction of the inner peace that singing to those she cared for once brought her. If someone needed it she would give them the shirt off her back or the food from her plate to help them. The messed up part of her head can also show her beautiful things which leads to her sometimes dancing around and looking at “the stars”.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
Gavriel is a lovely young lady with a slim and athletic build. Just because she is slim doesn't mean she isn't without the perfect curves here and there, especially in the chest and rear regions. She is also very naturally muscular from a life of never being able to sit still and always needing to be on the move. Her skin is soft with a slightly tanned color to it but still overall on the pale side. She has platinum blond hair that reaches to her mid to lower back and is overall straight with a slight gentle wave to it. Her eyes are different colors, one a vibrant mint green and the other icy blue, both with dark, almost black, coloring around the outer ring of her iris. She has three scars down the side of her face.
-What you are looking for in their soulmate
Gavy is probably looking for someone who can see her and love her despite her madness. Someone who will hold her when she is afraid and love her when she is at her worst. She also wants someone who sees the beauty in the world around them and someone who makes her feel whole.
Stars, snow, singing, helping others, resting her head against a loved one
Being made fun of for her episodes, causing pain, the nightmares


Brandish Rose

Name \\ Brandish Rose
Nickname \\ Randi
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ 24
Job \\ none
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Ebony
Eye Color \\ Ice blue
Body Modifications \\ she can turn her human legs into a black, silver, and icy blue mermaid tail, MANY scars
Faceclaim \\ Jessica Green
Species \\ Hybrid - Mermaid (Siren)/Witch (Evocation)
Time at the Facility \\ 6 months
Danger Level \\ Extremely high
Diet \\ meat and veggies and whatever chunks she can tear out of the staff

History \\ Brandish once was someone who believed she could be the change she wanted to see in the world. While pretending to be human she was a member of the FBI, she put bad guys away, she saved people, there was nothing more she could want to do with her life. She used her magic and abilities for good, never exposing herself or her kind but making sure to use the advantage she had over humans to keep the worst of them off the street. She was a famous agent who was well known for taking down serial killers, arsonists, and worse. The case that changed her life came when bodies began showing up all across the city, tortured and murdered in unspeakable ways. To her partner and her bosses, it seemed like the kills were random but Brandish recognized the killer was going after beings of non-human origin. One night a suspect she had interrogated but was forced to let loose got the drop on her and abducted her while she was on her way to her car. She was taken right under the FBI's nose and no one could figure out how. For almost a month this man tortured her in some of the most painful and unspeakable ways imaginable. He humiliated her, mocked her, took everything from her, and left her broken, beaten, and on the brink of death. Still, even after weeks of torture, Brandish managed to have some fight within her. She managed to break the man's glasses when he came at her one night. In the struggle he missed her slip a broken piece of the glasses into her mouth and once he believed he had subdued her she managed to sneak it into her hand and stab him. The metal piece went straight into his jugular and he bled out in moments. After some struggling and frustrated screams Brandish managed to break herself loose from her magic restricting bindings, breaking her hand in the process. Once she was free the critically injured agent managed to escape her captor's home in the middle of nowhere and stumbled through the woods for what seemed like hours before reaching a road. Once there she managed to flag down a passing van right before she passed out. Little did she know that this van was one belonging to the Balam Sanctuary and that she had been declared MIA and presumed dead by the FBI. She disappeared once again that night and was tortured and remade into the brutal and nearly heartless woman she is today. In many ways Brandish Rose is dead, but in many others, she is more alive and pissed off than ever before.
Personality \\ Brandish is a fiercely protective woman who has experienced great pain in her life and uses that pain to keep herself going. She feeds on her own anger and fear and funnels the energy she gets from it into her hot temper and aggression towards those she deems to be a threat. Mostly her rage is angled towards the scientists but if they get in her way she isn't afraid to snap her teeth at the other experiments. Despite her rough outer shell Brandish is actually a passionate woman who would dedicate herself to making her soulmate feel loved and happy. She would protect them if they needed it or simply have their back and sit back and watch them shine. She knows not everyone needs her protection and honestly she likes to wait until she feels she is really needed to involve herself in any true conflict because most of the time it isn't her business and therefore she doesn't give a damn. She can hold a grudge better than most and isn't afraid to let you know when you are annoying her or pissing her off. Sometimes the woman she was back when she was a part of the FBI shines through but mostly she is bitter and cold. She has lost her faith in the world and in people and it has made her unkind. Few people are likely to worm their way into her heart, most others she will just tolerate, but her soulmate and the few who do manage to break past her walls she will treat with uncommon and unexpected kindness. She is also known for lashing out and trying to kill members of the Balam Sanctuary and will attempt to use her seduction magic whenever able in order to tear their throats out or her evocation magic to burn them alive.


Optional Ideas \\
-Physical Appearance Description
Mercy is a lovely young woman with strikingly beautiful features. She has high cheekbones, lush lips, a perfectly sculpted jawline, and pointed chin. Her skin is fair and smooth and complements the naturally rosy coloring of her lips. She has long ebony hair that has a natural gentle wave but can easily be straightened. Her eyes are almond-shaped sky blue eyes with long dark eyelashes. Her build is slim but she is rather busty as well as has long and very nice legs. She is very fit and clearly takes good care of herself. When she is in her mermaid form her tail is black, silver, and icy blue; she also has a hidden row of shark-like teeth that can come out of her gums at will.
-What you are looking for in their soulmate
Though she wouldn't admit it she is probably looking for someone who would protect her as fiercely as she would protect them. She also wants someone who can see her at her most vulnerable and still love her and think she is strong. Someone softer than she is would also do well.
Getting into fights, causing the staff pain, the idea of revenge, swimming, reading, cinnamon rolls
The staff, her PTSD, remembering what happened to her before becoming an experiment here, being restrained


Ronan Drax

Name \\ Ronan Drax
Nickname \\ Ro
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ 26
Job \\ Chef?
Sexuality \\ Heterosexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Heteromantic

Hair Color\\ Brown with natural blonde highlights
Eye Color \\ Green most of the time but when he gets fired up they turn reddish-orange
Body Modifications \\ Several tattoos, scars
Faceclaim \\ Jason Momoa
Species \\ Infernal Dragon
Time at the Facility \\ 5 years
Danger Level \\ Could definitely be more dangerous but his need to take care of others makes him a rather tame experiment, just don't piss him off
Diet \\ Meat

History \\ When Ronan was an egg he was found deep in the lava fissures of a volcano on one of the Polynesian islands. His egg was taken by the trader who found it and sold on the black market to a dragon collector who had made it his goal to acquire as many dragons as he could in order to create an elite force of draconic gladiators. From the moment Ronan was hatched he was trained in the art of combat and taught to show no mercy and feel no regret for the lives he takes. As he grew Ronan became one of the best killers, known throughout the mystic fighting world as Hell Fire the Dragon Prince. He was famous for his killing and fighting but most important he was famous for never speaking a word when he was in the ring. He never made a sound aside from the occasional grunt and heavy breath. Not even when his wings were forcibly clipped to set an example for all those like him, not even then did he whisper a word. Ronan never made a sound because that is what the audience and the masters craved, they wanted to hear the freaks scream in pain and put on a good show, they wanted to hear them cry and gloat and choke on the hand of death. He didn't want to give them that satisfaction. This was something that his owner both enjoyed and hated, he enjoyed it because it meant people would keep paying to see the fights in hopes of witnessing the day Ronan's voice would break out, but he hated it because of the fact that this was Ronan's rebellion and that could not be tolerated. Despite Ronan being his prized fighter the master would treat Ronan worst than the rest as punishment for his silence while also making threats towards the others if Ronan were to break it. Eventually, the gladiator fights were discovered by the Balam Sanctuary and they raided the pits. Many of the fighters were executed before the staff of Balam could get their hands on them but Ronan who was fighting to protect his brothers was successfully subdued by a powerful spell and taken to the Balam Sanctuary. He has lived there for several years now and in order to keep him tame and subdued, they play to his paternal instincts and make sure he knows that his actions will lead to the pain of others rather than himself.
Personality \\ Despite what he has been through Ronan is still a very loving and caring man. He loves the members of his chosen family, such as some of the other experiments, as though they were his own blood and would die to protect any of them. He is a very wise young man who has seen his fair share of how terrible this world can be but still somehow manages to push on and find something worth fighting for, usually others. He is truly a father figure to many of the younger experiments and puts all he has into making sure they are as happy as he can possibly make them in this terrible situation. He tells bad dad jokes, cooks as best he can, gives them hugs, and carries them around. He is very gentle with them, perhaps more gentle than he has ever been with anyone before. He is rather level-headed when it comes to dealing with the more aggressive experiments and will usually try to avoid conflict until it involves protecting his family. If you are his enemy it is unwise to stand in his way because he will show you no mercy if you have any ill will towards him or the people he has promised to protect. Without hesitation, he will always be there to pick up those who have fallen and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He knows when to be serious and when to relax but he also knows how to appear relaxed in a very serious moment in order to mess with his enemy's head. He can be very kind, supportive, and loving, but he can also be tough and is known for having a no mercy policy when it comes to those who betray him. People are often confused when they first meet him because he looks so intimidating, which they would expect from a reclused blacksmith and former elite soldier, but he acts so relaxedly and casual with just about everyone.


Optional Ideas \\
-Physical Appearance Description
Ronan is a hulking man who stands at 7'1" and looks to be made almost purely of muscle but not in a gross and veiny sort of way. He has long hair which he has grown out, but tends to keep at least somewhat tied behind his head. His hair is about shoulder length and dark brown with lighter tips that appear more blonde. He has a thick beard that hides his perfectly sculpted jawline. Ronan has several tattoos to represent his heritage as well as his time as a gladiator. As to be expected of someone who has lived the life he has lived, he is also covered in scars, the most obvious of which is the one running through his eyebrow and ending just above his eye.
-What you are looking for in their soulmate
Someone who is gentle and kind, he has seen enough rough and brutal people in his life. He also would probably do well with someone who he can feel needs him but also can stand on their own two feet so he doesn't have to worry about them too much when he isn't around.
Cooking, carrying around and playing with the younger experiments, instrumental music, lifting
Being forced to fight, seeing the people he cares about in pain, being treated like an animal


Dorian Holloway

Name \\ Dorian Holloway
Nickname \\ OH SHIT! HE GOT OUT! RED ALERT!, also Snek Boi
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ 22
Job \\ Official menace of the Balam Sanctuary
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Dark Brown
Eye Color \\ Ocean Blue
Body Modifications \\ Not really modifications but just weird things about his body. Unhingable jaw, hidden fangs that can become more pronounced at will, slight scale texture along his spine, snake-like eyes sometimes
Faceclaim \\ Thomas Doherty
Species \\ Basilisk
Time at the Facility \\ 3 years
Danger Level \\ EXTREME
Diet \\ Almost anything or anyone he can fit in his mouth

History \\ No one is really certain about how he ended up here, just that he came willingly and seems to have fun. Many inmates have theorized his history and none of it has been good.
Personality \\ Dorian is a very twisted young man. He is basically the embodiment of chaos and has been since long before the lab. His mental stability is likely best viewed as non-existent which is easy to see when one spends even less than a minute with him. He is very different from most others in the sanctuary due to the fact that he chose to be there and to be experimented upon. He finds great joy in the suffering and pain of others and figuring out just how much pain someone can handle before they die. He is certainly not mentally stable and is a danger to many around him with how much he craves violence and finds joy in pain (his own as well as others). He will create chaotic and harmful situations then bask in the glory of the hell that rises from them. In his mind, everything in this world is meant to be destroyed and torn apart and he is just helping to speed up the process. He might come off as funny or even charming but his smile should never be trusted as he finds great joy in seeing the terror in others and often when he smiles it is because he has come up with some new horrible idea. With his soulmate though he will likely be incredibly loyal and view them as a god-like being that he would do anything to please. He will be soft and caring, wanting to make them happy in any way her can and holding them close to them. He would protect them with his life because in his sea of insanity they are the single lighthouse that calls him home.


Optional Ideas \\
-Physical Appearance Description
Dorian is a very handsome young man with a smile that could charm just about anyone until they realize the twisted intentions behind it. He has a beautifully sculpted face and his jaw and cheekbones are some of his most striking features. He has short brown hair that is longer on top and more trimmed along the sides. He is well built, muscular, flexible, and moves like a predator. His eyes are bright blue and very enchanting, always having a mischievous glimmer within them.
-What you are looking for in their soulmate
Pain, torture, blood, explosions, fighting, cotton candy, his goddess
Being bored, having to play nice, dropping his cotton candy into water


Kenna Morvo

Name \\ Kenna Morvo
Nickname \\ Just Kenna (unless anyone can think of something cuter)
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ Unknown
Job \\ None currently
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Dark brown almost black
Eye Color \\ Honey gold
Body Modifications \\ She has white and gold angel wings and a slight shimmering gold dusting to her skin
Faceclaim \\ Jurnee Smollett
Species \\ Angel
Time at the Facility \\ 1 year
Danger Level \\ Minimal because she doesn't want to risk getting anyone hurt
Diet \\ A regular human diet when she needs to eat which isn't often

History \\ Past Life:
In life, Kenna was a humble nobody, a servant in the in the castle of King Henry VIII. She was a hard-working member of the kitchen staff, always on time, always alert, and ready to jump in. She had to work hard in order to provide for her younger siblings since their parents had died of illness. Any opportunity, within reason, she took in order to move up in the ranks of the palace. She made sure to never compromise who she was as a person, to always stay true to herself and put in the work for what she earned. Her goal was to provide enough for her siblings to have a better life but also to remain unseen and unnoticed as most servants do. This, apparently, was too much to hope for. When she began to be promoted through the ranks of servants she believed it was because she had earned her rise in ranks, she never would have guessed that it was because she had caught the king's eye. When she was assigned as a ladies maid to Queen Anne of Cleves she took it as a great honor and did whatever she could to please the queen. It was Anne who kindly filled her in on the fact that King Henry had been bolstering her through the ranks in order to see her more at court so that he may attempt to seduce her. Queen Anne helped her to avoid the Kings advances for months but eventually, Anne was removed from her position as queen and thus leaving Kenna without a true guardian. Henry then began to attempt courting her and Kenna attempted to politely decline the king, not wanting to sell herself to him and end up disgraced and on the streets once he tired of her, or worse. She thanked him for all he had done for her and told him that she would forever be grateful but that she did not feel she could indulge his offers, that it wouldn’t be the right thing for her to do. He seemed to take her decline well, appearing calm and understanding much to Kenna’s relief since he had a notorious temper. Believing he was not as bad as they say and had respected her wishes she went on with her work until suddenly guards appeared at her home in the middle of the night and arrested her for treason. Evidence has been planted in her home that tied her to plots against the king, thus sentencing her to death. Kenna pleaded with the guards and told them she was not a traitor, that she was innocent, and begged for mercy because her siblings would not survive without her. One of the guards, a personal guard of King Henry, whispered to her that the king did not take rejection well and that she would pay for embarrassing him. It was her words against all those King Henry had paid off and with the planted evidence poor innocent Kenna had no hope of a fair trial. Two days later she was brought before the executioner and beheaded, the executioner having been paid to use a dull ax.

After Life:
After her death, Kenna wasn't sure how long she spent in the paradise that was heaven but eventually she chose to take on the duty of being a guardian angel. She regretted not being able to protect and look after her siblings as she had promised to do and so she made it her duty to look after others and be there for them in their times of need. She looked after those assigned to her through thick and thin, keeping them safe when she was able and being there to comfort them when she was needed. She watched their lives go by and did all she could to bring them happiness and comfort. Some lives were easier than others but in the end, she was there for each and every single one of them. At some point however she was captured in an angel entrapping snare and brought to the Balam Sanctuary as an experiment. She is greatly saddened that she isn't able to remain out in the world looking after the life she swore to protect and it eats at her every day. She hates that once again she is failing those who need her most.
Personality \\ Kenna is what she has always been, she is someone who cares and works hard for all the right reasons. She takes her duties very seriously and will follow her heart because she trusts it will guide her to do the right thing. Protecting others, guarding them against sorrow and pain, that is what she strives to do with all her heart. Even when she doesn't succeed she does not abandon those in her care, she stays with them, she holds them and helps them through the toughest of times then rejoices with them when they finally find a way to smile and be happy again. She would never leave someone she cares about behind, she would fight with all she has in order to keep them safe and with her. That is why she is so devastated to have been captured and brought to the Sanctuary, not for her own fate, but for the fate of the people she was supposed to be protecting. She is very motherly and compassionate and will take time out of her day to listen to those who need an open ear and a shoulder to lean on. Despite being a very sweet and passive woman Kenna still has a hidden fire to her that comes out when the guardian in her is triggered. She often won't worry about protecting or defending herself but she will dive into hell to protect another. She has the patience of a saint and the capability to forgive most transgressions made against her. Even if you are her sworn enemy she will still try to help you if she finds you hurt or in despair. Guilt can be a crippling thing for her and feeling as though she failed can cause her to shut down for long periods of time. She is a sweet marshmallow most of the time but she does have a past and sometimes it starts to eat at her and leave her in a not-so-great state of mind.


Optional Ideas \\
-Physical Appearance Description
Kenna is a lovely young woman with soft nearly flawless skin that has a beautiful light gold dusting to it. The one major scar that shows regularly is one that circles her neck and is filled in with a beautiful pearly white tattoo-like line, a reminder of how she died in her past life. Her eyes are a lovely honey gold color that seems to glow when hit with light. She has long dark brown hair that can have loose curls some days and super bouncy, tight curls other days. Her wings are large and soft with white with gold feathers that give off a great sense of comfort to any who touch them.
-What you are looking for in their soulmate
Someone who can get her to focus on taking care of herself as much as she cares for others.


Asami Wong

Name \\ Asami Wong
Nickname \\ Foxy
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ Looks 23
Job \\ None
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Brown with light brown ombre
Eye Color \\ Purple
Body Modifications \\ She has a cherry blossom tree tattoo going up her back
Faceclaim \\ Jamie Chung
Species \\ Kitsune
Time at the Facility \\ New
Danger Level \\ Mild
Diet \\ Human diet or when she is feeling frisky the life or spirit of human beings

History \\ Asami has lived the majority of her life on an island temple off the coast of Japan with many others of her kind. She has studied the ancient ways and scripts that her people have protected for centuries and was one of the best and brightest students of the temple. Unfortunately, she desired more than just a life on the island and went against the ways and wishes of her people when she decided to venture out into the world of man. She knew the dangers of leaving but her curiosity to see the world, the literature, and the arts was far too tempting to risk wasting any more of her life cowering on the island. When she left she went with the hope to learn and bring her knowledge of other places and cultures back to her home. She began attending colleges and spent several decades bouncing around the world learning all she could. Eventually, though it seemed that the Balam Sanctuary caught on to her, and on her way home from a museum one night they managed to trap her and kidnap her to bring her back to the Sanctuary.
Personality \\ Asami is a very clever girl who can be sweet but also ready to use her brain to stay alive. She loves to learn and will even go as far as to study what the others can do just to expand her mental library. Her mind is her palace and she keeps it in amazing shape as well as sharp as a knife. She can be very kind and supportive but if you wrong her she will not hesitate to mess with you, make you see things that aren’t there, make you miserable until she feels justice is served. Despite her great capability for spite, she is also a great friend. She always has her friend's backs, is there to support them, is affectionate, and always has a shoulder for others to lean on. She will go out of her way to make her friends laugh and make sure they are taken care of. She has a great capability for love but doesn’t want to be judged for her beauty alone but for who she is as well. She is very flirty but doesn’t mean to be. As stated above she has a great passion for art and literature.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate



Name \\ Zerin
Nickname \\ Rin or Gorgeous
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ Unknown
Job \\ None
Sexuality \\ Chaotic Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Chaotic Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Sandy Blonde
Eye Color \\ Red
Body Modifications \\ He can summon horns, a tail, and wings
Faceclaim \\ Matthew Noszka
Species \\ Incubus (Demon)
Time at the Facility \\ New
Danger Level \\ Yet to be determined
Diet \\ Feeds on the lust of others, also meat and wine

History \\ Zerin may look young but he has been around for many, many years. Many of the great lust-filled scandals and tragedies known and unknown in history were caused by this devilish scamp and his friends. It honestly became a competition over time between them and Zerin loved it. When not out destroying reputations and causing trouble Zerin tends to find ways to position himself in the lap of luxury wherever he goes. He has spent time prancing around the palaces of the Roman Empire, charming his way through French court, even kicking back in the White House for a few parties. He is a demon who loves the lap of luxury and is very used to getting his way no matter where he is because he is so charming and gorgeous that few could ever refuse him. Recently while on his way home from some large celebrity party he was trapped in a demon circle and taken prisoner by the Balam Sanctuary.
Personality \\ Zerin is 10000% always all about Zerin. He is incredibly vain and self-absorbed, believing he is truly the best and all others think it too even if they won't admit it to themselves. He loves flirting and fooling around with others and is quite skilled at seducing people by putting on charades or simply winning them over with his looks. He can be quite charming when he wants to be and has a silver tongue that almost always wins him whatever he has his sights set on. Being an Incubus one of the things Zerin fears most is being bound to one person for all of eternity. He survives off of lust and knows that love can die but so long as he is free to go from person to person he can get his fill of lust. He is a well-tempered guy who usually is smiling and laughing, trying to get others to do the same. If you try to shame him it won't work because he truly feels no shame for his self-obsession and his life choices. He is a demon after all and likes to have a fun time as most demons do. Just because he is a lover doesn't mean he isn't a fighter though, he can be a brutal and deadly killing machine when the need arises and he will purr and stroke your face as he guts you alive. That of course only happens when he is truly pissed off or feeling threatened, for the most part, he is the kind of guy to feed you and himself complements and try to make sure everyone is having a great time because life is one big party in his mind.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate


Jasper Novak

Name \\ Doctor Jasper Novak
Nickname \\ Doc or just Jasper
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ 26
Job \\ Doctor
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Black
Eye Color \\ Warm Brown
Body Modifications \\ Not really a modification but he does have a limp and requires a cane after an accident that happened several years ago. He also has a chip in the back of his head that will cause him great pain if he doesn't do as ordered by the Balam Sanctuary.
Faceclaim \\ Anand Desai-Barochia

History \\ Jasper was a scientific prodigy and was someone to watch in the science world from a young age. He graduated High School at age 11 and had his Ph.D. in several sciences before he was even 20 years old. He was often made fun of by others for being such a nerd and because he was so much younger than his classmates he had no real way of defending himself. Because of this he always felt it was best to try and be as invisible as possible, a real struggle when he was clearly the youngest one in every classroom and operation. He buried himself in his work and studies because having a social life always seemed to backfire on him. He had the respect of many in the science world and worked at many institutes and hospitals, blazing his way through medical mysteries and the like. One night however he was a victim of a hit and run and while he lay bleeding out on the street he realized that he had spent so much of his life not really living and now he might not get the chance to. By some miracle, a stranger found him and called for help which allowed his life to be saved. His leg and hip had been shattered in the accident and Jasper knew he would never walk right again and would have to use a cane for the rest of his life. As soon as he was able to be released from the hospital he left and turned in his resignation to the hospital he had been working at. With that, the cowardly young man did his best to try and start to live life. It was terrifying and he wasn't all that good at it but he kept forcing himself to go to new places, try new things, and he found he rather enjoyed it. When offered the chance to explore an island off the coast of Australia and be allowed to join a research party there Jasper took the opportunity in hopes that it would be the sort of exciting adventure he had been seeking since dropping out of the science world. Little did he know that he would be arriving at the Balam Sanctuary and would be forced to work there as a doctor despite his protests. When he refused to do as he was told the young man was forcibly operated on while still awake and had a chip implanted deep in the back of his neck that causes him great pain at the push of a button. Now Jasper is as much a prisoner on the island as the subjects he studies for those in charge. He does what he can to bring them comfort and help them when they are hurt but he is also terrified for his life and knows many of them would kill him the first chance they got.
Personality \\ Jasper is a very timid young man. He has been a target of abuse throughout most of his life and because of it, he tends to carry himself with as little confidence as possible. He has no faith in his strength of fighting skills because he knows he has none, but he does have faith in his mind which is his greatest weapon. He is clearly a very sweet and caring young man who regrets being a part of the horrors that take place on the island but knows that if he refuses to work not only will he be punished but so will those he is trying to protect. He tends to stutter and stumble over his words a lot and speaks very quickly like he is afraid if he doesn't answer quickly enough that something bad will happen. He has a good heart and does what he can to bring comfort to those trapped on the island, taking care of their wounds, sneaking them comfort items, perhaps even managing a kind word. He knows it doesn't mean much to them because in their minds he is a part of the problem rather than a victim himself. He genuinely feels deep remorse for being a member of the staff and wished he were able to fight back but is too afraid of what will happen to himself and others if he does.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate


Auden Krest

Name \\ Auden Krest
Nickname \\ Audi
Gender \\ Female
Age \\ A few years younger than Seraphina
Job \\ None yet
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Blonde
Eye Color \\ Sky blue
Body Modifications \\ She is mute and has half a soul
Faceclaim \\ Katerina Rozmajzl

Species \\ Jorogumo
Time at the Facility \\ New
Danger Level \\ pretty low, she doesn't really have a desire to hurt people
Diet \\ blood and meat (preferably human men), but can eat some regular foods and insects

History \\ Auden's history is mostly the same as her big sisters. She was born into a very loving and close family with her big sister always looking out for her and both of them doing their best to look out for their youngest sister. She was so happy that finally after all these years Seraphina had finally found someone she loved and could spend the rest of her life with and was looking forward to their trip with the three of them plus Sera's vampire boyfriend. Everything was going so well, everyone was having fun and Auden was laughing along with them as she drove down the highway late at night. Out of nowhere, a semi-truck smashed into the passenger side of the car and sent them rolling down a steep incline into a ravine off the side of the road. Every instance of that night and the seconds leading up to the crash is burned into Auden's memory and she has no idea where the semi came from. They had been alone on the road, she had been alert, she had been obeying the rules of the road, and still, the accident happened. Auden never truly lost consciousness during the crash, even as she was thrown from the car, her side impaled on a branch of a nearby fallen tree. As she registered her surroundings she cried out in horror at the lifeless bodies of Vlad and Mika, both clearly already dead upon impact seeing as they were on the side of the car that was hit by the truck. Seeing Sera sprawled halfway out of the car with a cloaked figure looking over her sent the younger sister into a state of panic. She knew this figure, knew that he could only be the one and only grim reaper. Instantly Auden struggled and cried out in pain as she ripped herself off of the branch she had been impaled on and scrambled across the glass-covered grass to Sera's side. Seeing her sister still slightly breathing she knew Death was here, waiting to collect her soul. Looking up at the hooded figure Auden begged him not to take her sister, pleading with him that she would go with him if he would just leave her alive. He informed her that it was not her time and he was doing Sera a favor by collecting her now, a mercy he couldn't grant Auden. Not sure what he meant Auden continued to plead, her begging getting her nowhere until she offered the reaper whatever he wanted in exchange for her sister's soul. He told her that this once he would make a deal with her, that he would take a part of her as a placeholder for her sister. Auden eagerly agreed and told him to take whatever he wanted so long as he let Sera live. The reaper agreed and took half of Auden's soul and her voice as well, calling it interest for giving Sera the strength to survive her wounds. Not long after the reaper left Auden and Sera were found at the crash site by employees of the Balam Sanctuary and taken prisoner. It was then that Auden realized what the reaper had meant when he said he was doing Sera a favor by letting her die. Being a prisoner and an experiment was a fate Auden never would have knowingly chosen to share with her sister, not when she could have been with those they loved and lost.
Personality \\ Auden is far more of a fighter than she may appear. She walks through life with only half a soul, never feeling whole, weaker than she once was, one foot already in the grave. Though her sister doesn't know it yet she is already on her way to an early death seeing as half of her soul is already on the other side while she still walks among the living. Yet, Auden doesn't let this hold her down. She doesn't have much time left, certainly not the hundreds of years Seraphina does, but she still wants to make every moment count. She wants to make people smile, she wants to see them laugh, she wants to leave those around her with happy memories of her rather than sorrow. Despite not having a voice she is still quite the goofball and always finds a way to bring humor or light into a bleak situation. She handles the pain of the experiments like a trooper because she doesn't want her sister to worry about her, though she knows Sera already does. She is very artistic and loves to spend time weaving and crafting, making gifts for others, and decorations for the common spaces around the lab. She would do anything for her sister and would take on whatever pain or burden she could to ensure Sera's future happiness. She feels terrible for getting Sera into this situation in the first place. If she had not interfered her sister would never have had to be a prisoner like she is now, she wouldn't go through the emotional agony she currently is, she would be with Vlad and Mika, she would be happy. Auden of course does not wish her sister died but she does wish she had known what she was getting Sera into when she fought to keep her alive, that she was bringing her into a waking nightmare because then she could have done what was truly right for Sera. Still, she plans to cherish every moment she has left with Sera and leave her sister with as many good memories and happy moments as she possibly can in this prison.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate


Soren Aldul

Name \\ Soren Aldul
Nickname \\ Ren
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ Unknown but at least a few hundred years old
Job \\ None currently
Sexuality \\ Bisexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Biromantic

Hair Color\\ Dark Brown
Eye Color \\ Black
Body Modifications \\ His body is covered in swirling dark lines that look like tattoos but move
Faceclaim \\ Ben Barnes

Species \\ Wraith
Time at the Facility \\ A decade at least
Danger Level \\ pretty low since he is a level tempered and well mannered creature most of the time
Diet \\ he doesn't really eat

History \\ Long ago there was a time when the world believed in magic, witchcraft, and the supernatural. A time when most folks would build shrines, pray, and make sacrifices to appease the ancient gods who reigned long before the Christian God ever reached Europe. Over time however the ideals of Catholics began to overcome Europe and those who worshiped the natural gods were called heretics and paid the price for their beliefs in blood. The shrines became smaller and far more secret, the prays became whispers in the night, the sacrifices hidden away in the woods. This was the life and way of worship Soren grew up with, his family and entire village all worshiping the pagan gods in secret. Their worship never hurt anyone for that was not their way nor was it what their gods would have wanted. They were a peaceful people who paid their taxes, kept their religion out of the public eye, and most importantly they looked after one another. Soren worshiped and lived happily alongside his mother, father, twin sisters, and over time he even became sweet on a girl in the village named Mila. Everything was wonderful until the day the village heard word that the royal guard was on their way to burn the village and all within it. Their religious practices had been found out and even though they never hurt anyone they were sentenced to death for not following the Catholic faith. Soren knew that there was no way the entire village would be able to flee, not with the infants and elders who would slow them down. Knowing that his people needed time to get away Soren said goodbye to his loved ones and took his horse and his weapons and rode off, aiming to give them as much time as he could. As he rode towards the guards and what he knew would be his death he prayed to the gods he and his people loved that they would give him the strength to defend his home and give his people the time they needed to flee. Taking up a post in the middle of the road Soren held a one man line against the group of royal guards that approached. He fought with all he had and managed to hold off the guards but eventually he was overwhelmed. They tied him to the back of his horse and raced towards the town, Soren being dragged across the road behind them as they galloped. By the time they reached the town there was no one to be found, all members having fled into the woods with the time given to them by Soren's distraction. Soren who was still alive had the full rage of the soldiers turned on him when they realized they would have to return to the king as failures. Despite his skin and clothes being ripped to ribbons by the road, his arms blue and black from being yanked and pulled by the horses, Soren managed a smile as he saw his people were free. Being cut from the horse Soren was brutally beaten by the guards, some even going as far as to stomp his body with their horses before his mangled body was tied to a pyre and set ablaze. His scream filled the night sky as his broken body was consumed by the flames and the soldiers laughed and prepared to hunt down the rest of the villagers. They had no clue that Soren's prayers had in fact been heard by the gods and he was granted the power even in death to protect his people. From the ashes and smoke Soren arose, no longer a man but a wraith born of pain and darkness. The soldiers attempted to flee into the forest once they recognized the monster before them but Soren used his new found powers to slaughter the men before him. At the time he couldn't remember much of his former life but he knew that these men deserved to die and that killing them would save others. With their deaths Soren departed the village he had called home in his past life. He traveled the world unsure of where to go, what to do, or who he was. By the time he remembered it all centuries had past and all those he loved had passed away.
Personality \\ Soren may be a creature of darkness but that does not make him evil, in fact Soren is a rather gentle man who takes great care to avoid harming others as best he can. He would never intentionally betray anyone which is why when you tell him something in confidence you can be sure it will go no further than him. He is an excellent secret keeper and a very trustworthy character who quite literally will take secrets with him to the grave. Harsh words and threats do not often phase him and you will find that it is much the same with threats, he has a thick skin and does not easily react or lose control which can make him hard to read as well as hard to get a rise out of. Despite being one of the quiet types he is not all that shy but instead holds himself with great confidence and when he sees the need to interact with others he will do so with matching confidence that will often still come across as humble but firm. He is very much one for respect going both ways, if you respect him he will respect you, if you show yourself no longer worthy of his respect he will treat you as such since he will not give freely what is not earned. Undeserved acts of violence or cruelty towards others is one way to lose his respect as well as provoke him to attack, something he does not often do since he works hard to keep a cool head. He believes in being well mannered along with respectful and though he is rather reserved and standoffish he will still always remember his manners and act politely towards others. He is also a very sentimental man who will often find great meaning and memory in the smallest of things which is why he keeps a small leather necklace with a stags head on him at all times. The item reminds him of home and those he loves and may never see again. He will therefor see meaning in simple things and when showing affection tends to give gifts as a way to express himself. Lastly, Soren is a very disciplined man who makes sure he looks after his mind a well as his body since he doesn't want either to wither away into nothing and risk losing himself. He does his best to use his self discipline to keep himself from acting rashly but when with his soulmate he becomes a very passionate man who would do any and everything in his power to give them the world and keep them safe from harm.


Optional Ideas \\
-Plot Ideas
-Physical Appearance Description
-What you are looking for in their soulmate

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  • 04
    full name
    Eva Nicole Dallas
    date of birth
    She was told December 24th
    Changeling (a type of fae)
    Changeling - Human stealing fae
    time spent at facility.


    danger level.
    Rowdy, potential to be a hazard but not dangerous

    Grew up eating all kinds of human food so has no preference.

  • 04
    full name
    Who really knows. he doesn't
    date of birth
    A long ass time ago
    Hellbound (Creature of hell)
    Servant of Hell
    time spent at facility.
    Roughly five years

    Guard dog, quite literally. Giving him a job helps to lower his outbursts

    danger level.
    Exteremly dangerous, this creature will ruin you

    Jaeseong technically does not need to eat, but when he does he prefers raw meat

  • 04
    full name
    Morgan Bryne
    date of birth
    August 28th
    Pooka, a shapeshifter from Ireland
    Both of good and bad fortune
    time spent at facility.


    danger level.
    Rowdy but somewhat manageable.

    Morgan eats like a normal human.

  • 04
    full name
    Liam Daniels Ebner
    date of birth
    March 20th
    Read the stories know the myth
    time spent at facility.
    Ten years

    Reasearcher, he studies the legends and tales. While also making sure none one dies.

    known languages.
    Liam knows a few languages will his best being English, German, Russian, and Celtic.

    Underpaid babysitter who will tase you

  • 04
    full name
    Meilan Zhu
    date of birth
    November 28th
    Oriental Dragon
    Guardian of the Heavens and People
    time spent at facility.

    Meilan works as a translator because she can understand any language.

    danger level.
    Favorite, but as the potential to be dangerous

    Meilan can eat like any human but does not like anything artificial.

  • 04
    full name
    Yume Miyazaki
    date of birth
    Apirl 3rd
    Nekomata, a twin-tailed cat demon
    bringing gloom and malevolence wherever they travel
    time spent at facility.
    Three years


    danger level.
    Rowdy, a total troublemaker

    Human flesh, just kidding. Yume's diet mostly consists of fish, fruits, and vegetables. Though his kind have been know to consume humans to change their shape.
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The Half-Light Angel
  • i
    full name
    Aleksander Ivanovich Drozdov (Eugene Grey is an alias)
    Alex, Angel, Angelo
    date of birth
    May 30th
    Demon/Angel Hybrid
coded by natasha.

Both of these are massive WIPS

the fallen one
  • i
    full name
    Sondor "Sonny" Auriferous True name is Sol
    Kaidan, Eugene Gray, The Magpie Lord, Nostefaru Zomokari Dragos Kilgenesh
    Claims to be in his mid-twenties. Guaranteed to be be older than you
    date of birth
    Have fun with this one
    Technically genderfluid, but has most recently been taking to a male identity
coded by natasha.


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  • 07


♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡

Name \\ Merrit
Nickname \\ You are welcome to come up with some!
Gender \\ Male
Age \\ 22
Job \\ Food Preperation
Sexuality \\ Demi/Pansexual
Romantic Orientation \\ Panromantic

Hair Color\\ Reddish-Black
Eye Color \\ Blue as a human
Body Modifications \\ Has a tattoo of the philosopher's stone alchemy symbol on his ring finger, the chemical structure of Dopamine + Serotonin on his right wrist. He has a simplistic angry face tattooed on the outer side of his right middle finger, a happy face on the innerside of the base of his right thumb , and a sad face on the inner based of his left wrist. 1636928050204.png
Faceclaim \\ Gaspard Uriel
Species \\
Time at the Facility \\ Three months
Danger Level \\ Moderate [Temperment is low-risk, species/abilities is high-risk]
Diet \\ Normal, but prefers meat to be seared. Mineral Supplements recommended.

History \\
Merrit was born in Toronto, but he’s lived most of his life being shuffled from one place to another. At the time of his kidnapping, he was living in a university town where he was going to school in order to study agriculture; not exactly the kind of career where one expects to be dragged off into a rusty van and wake up as a weapon of mass destruction.

Merrit’s not entirely sure what’s going on, but he knows he wants out. Like right now thank you very much. He’s tried to escape twice so far, but since the last attempt failed he’s been acting the part of a model test subject. He figures that if he acts cooperative for long enough, there’s a better chance they’ll let their guard down eventually.
Personality \\


Merrit is a fairly relaxed guy. He’s open-minded and enjoys learning about new subjects. Moving around a lot left him with few friends, but a lot of time to read books and research the topics that interested him. Behind the relaxed, carefree attitude is an introspective and intelligent student of science with a love for fiction and philosophy. He’s got some experience working in a lab, along with an excellent understanding of advanced chemistry and basic biology.

Merrit got along with most of his family really well, but that’s not to say they didn’t have their share of issues. Merrit tried to ignore most of it, but there’s an underlying pattern of substance abuse within his family. Having grown up lacking stability, he’s usually really good at maintaining his cool and putting his emotions on the back burner while he figures out what to do. He’s also really good at reading other people; a trait that comes from living with his family and volunteering with a lot of different organizations.

Merrit is less good at actually expressing his emotions and allowing himself to trust others. While he has a genuine love for his friends, he often struggles to ask for help when he needs it and feels guilty for burdening them with personal issues. Merrit tends to have a philosophical approach to dealing with stress, but tries to be more practical when helping others. If you ask a question he can’t immediately answer, he’ll keep looking for it long after you’ve probably forgotten.


Merrit is open-minded and accepts that people are generally flawed, with a mixture of positive and negative traits and that expecting perfection is a recipe for disappointment. He tries to be understanding and patient regarding other people's problems. In addition, he’s supportive of people's hobbies even if it’s not something he particularly enjoys.In a relationship, Merrit is the kind of person to want to help his partner pursue their own goals. He doesn’t like verbal arguments and is usually able to talk things out in a reasonable manner.

Merrit expects people to be flawed, but he sometimes forgets that it can be better to expect the good. He is a very loyal person, but he has difficulties forming close attachments. He has a deep rooted fear of abandonment and tends to expect people to leave at the slightest mistake on his part. As a result, he sometimes gets so caught up in trying to be helpful that he forgets to focus on his own goals. At the same time, he can become so fixated on solving a problem that he forgets to actually listen to his partner when he probably should.

He also gets confused about what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, which means that he’ll tolerate being hurt more often than he probably should. Sometimes it’s easier to try and wait out the anger than it is to fight back or try and talk things out. If he feels unhappy about how a conflict is going, he’s likely to retreat within himself or go off on his own until he feels like returning. He has a tendency to surpress his anger until it turns into resentment.

Dragon Physiology
: Merrit can transform partially or fully into a massive, fire breathing dragon. It should be noted that energy is only consumed while actively transforming. So for example, while it takes energy to turn his fingers into claws, once transformed they can remain like that indefinitely. If he loses consciousness his body will remain unchanged, for better or worse.

Elemental Manipulation: As a dragon, Merrit is connected to fire and metal. He’s able to manipulate fire or create it at the cost of using more energy. Physical contact with fire or very high temperatures has a healing effect, causing him to regenerate faster so long as he maintains contact with the source. Eating metal has the same effect. He can also see heat signatures as well as precious metals in his proximity.

Animal Speak: Merrit can speak to some animals, but most of them don’t stick around for long having sensed the dragon beneath his skin. Almost all animals tend to take an instant disliking to his presence. The few exceptions are usually creatures like birds and reptiles, which seem to feel some sort of kinship instead.


Physical Restraints: It's not too difficult to restrain Merrit if you manage to catch him in human form. When he transforms, his body grows in size, so something as simple as a thick pair of manacles around his limbs would work to prevent him from changing. Transforming would be too dangerous since he's risking losing his limbs if the material doesn't break. However the caveat is that the material should be fire-proof or he can still melt them. Placing him underground where he cannot possibly break through also works.

Size: Fully transformed, it is difficult for Merrit to maneuver in confined spaces without causing unintentional damage. Combined with his desire to avoid causing as much destruction or unwitting injuries to other people as possible, this lack of maneuverability on land makes him vulnerable to groups of smaller enemies.

Skill: Merrit was completely unaware of his draconic heritage until recently, therefor he doesn't really understand how to use his powers. It's going to take him a while to gain the experience he needs to really understand his powers and how to best use them. As his powers grow, Merrit will find himself gaining more draconic personality traits. He’s less able to resist the temptation of shiny objects, is distracted by flattery, and feels an uncharacteristic possessiveness over physical items.

Temps: While Merrit is mostly unaffected by the cold thanks to his affinity to fire, if he’s already injured then it will slow down the healing process.

Fauna: The vast majority of animals DO NOT like him. Depending on the species, they may feel threatened enough by his mere presence to sound the alarm or attack him on sight. On the other hand, the remaining animals like him a little too much. It seems like every bird, snake, and lizard is under the impression that he’s somehow responsible for solving all their problems.
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Verity Meer
Unknown Variable
  • i
    full name
    Verity Meer
    V, Experiment S.S04F, Number 4
    23 (supposedly)
    date of birth
    Sept 2nd
    Eldritch (Polyp Phase)
coded by natasha.

Still Hoping for the Best
  • i
    full name
    Quinn (Last name Pending)
    Little Bird(please let me know if you've got suggestions!)
    date of birth
    July 3rd
    Time in Facility
    16 Years (was 'born' there)
coded by natasha.


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    CODE NAME...
    Angel - Caladrius mutation
    Since the beginning
    Cage an eagle and it will bite at the wires, be they of
    iron or of gold..
    5'5" (165cm)
    hair color:
    eye color:

    To say she's beautiful would be an understatement. Odette has an ethereal beauty about her that can't exactly be pin-pointed. Is it her white hair and glassy-blue eyes? Perhaps it's the shape of her face with the fullness of her lips or the paleness of her skin. She exuberates elegance; resembling a swan almost. Her weight doesn't match her height; a little on the skinny side but that's due to mistreatment and starvation. Some days her lovely skin is dotted in bruises and others...It's not. What never changes is the obvious scarring at her back; two long scars that don't seem to ever heal. One of the most notable differences about her is the small layer of frost that dots her shoulders and limbs--Easy to wipe away but her coldness usually brings it back just as quick.
    ⬩ ⬥ ❖ ⬥ ⬩
    I know why the caged bird sings.
    Odette has always been friendly- She's never known any different. Despite being quite shy and scared, she does her best to always come across as friendly--Mostly out of fear of being beaten within an inch of her life. Forced to grow up rather quickly in the environment that became her cage-- Odette had a very miniscule childhood. She never played with dolls or made friends; rather, her friend was the echo of her own voice as she sung in the confinements of her room.

    Odette has a very noticeable tick around unfamiliar surroundings and people; she trembles. It starts off as a twitch of the hands and steadily increases until she clasps her hands together, out of sight. She can be very imaginative; often losing herself in the reverie of her dreams and hopes. She wishes to be free, to see the unknown world behind these walls. Will it be as beautiful as she hopes?

    She's not terribly bright; Brought up in the facility since she was a babe has rendered her mathematical and scientific intelligence severely impacted. She was taught as best as she could be but it always fell short compared to that of someone taught by professionals. What she did excel in though was music. She had been introduced to musical instruments to gauge her understanding of commands and co-ordination. Her true talent was singing; something that was probably influenced by the avian within her. A songbird she was called; a hypnotizing voice for an equally hypnotizing girl. Soon, her music lessons stopped and the instruments removed. They could take away her toys but they couldn't render her quiet-- She'd make her own entertainment as long as she still drew breath.

    Odette is the least confrontational and aggressive person you could possibly meet. She fears aggression in others, often cowering due to repressed memories. She wishes to overcome this and, hopefully, with the help of others she can say goodbye to these feeble moments of hers that render her immobilized. However; There is a predatory sense that lies within her blood; Be it from the avian side of her mother, or the boldness of her father but the angel isn't so angelic if backed into a corner, without a way out. Too often she has mauled those who have poked and prodded at her; It's now become a habit that she's to be immobilized via stunning before beatings are given out. While she doesn't judge books by their covers, she treats everyone as equals as much as she can. She knows that there are others inside the facility, others like her--But they don't frighten her. It's the guards that do.

    She can be quite upfront, not understanding the boundaries and social queues of the normal, outside, world. This adds to her charm; You never have to worry about a lie crossing her lips as all she has ever known is a truthful story-- This also extends to others. She believes everyone is incapable of lying. Finally, Odette will attempt to help anyone with almost anything. She's already used as a tool by the guards so if she can help someone out of her own free will--She will.

    Satō, Souta
    CODE NAME...
    Centuries old
    Pureblood Vampire
    Not assigned
    A year after it was up and running
    Danger LEVEL...
    Extremely high; Volatile.
    Carnivore; Blood, meat, flesh, bones.
    6'0 (182cm)
    hair color:
    eye color:

    Souta was, and still is, a dashing devil. He knows his charms, his handsome face and all the perks of his body too. He never needed to be the tallest guy in the room as his appearance made him stand out more often than not. Since being kept in captivity, he has grown his hair out bathes his naked body in the blood of his food as much as he can; a ritual to keeping his body clean. ( Or so he believes. )
    ⬩ ⬥ ❖ ⬥ ⬩
    While a youngling, he had the world in his hands. His parents taught him everything he needed to know about life as it was and, innocently enough, he wanted to become a doctor and do good in the world; Something he figured he'd achieve quite easily with his advanced skillset. Definitely an over-achiever, Souta would spend long hours with his nose perpetually stuck in a research book in an attempt to cram as much information as possible into his brain-- Something that he found he could do with ease.

    Working as a surgeon didn't work out to say the least; Souta couldn't control his vampiristic urges and ended up devouring a lot of patients on his table. Escaping from his country to a fresh start, Souta took up the idea of becoming a serial killer; Something he found himself adapting to quite well. While he did feel emotions, they didn't bother him that much for him to see the wrongs and rights of situations. He put his victim-picking down to chance and if he slaughtered or let go of his prey? That was pure coincidence. He was smart though; a very, very, intelligent vampire. He never left a trail.

    A mystery in himself, Souta used his certain charms to flirt and dazzle men and women; How else was he going to lead unsuspecting victims to their demise if he couldn't at least get them to like him? Everything always went according to plan.

    Once at the facility; Souta became a volcano. You never knew when he was going to erupt but when he did? It was bad. Sinister in his talking, creepy in his actions and down-right scary and threatening. Nobody could venture into his room unsupervised and when he was allowed to stretch his legs? Chains, padlocks, collars and a muzzle were all equipped so he couldn't harm anyone. A cute sight, really.

    Recently he has portrayed signs of a diminishing mind; His patterns are erratic, memory less quite frequent and his speech has become very garbled and incomprehensible. He sits in the darkness of his room; rocking back and forth or scratching against the wall. Manical laughter is often heard but, and a huge but; Is it all a plot just for guards to be lowered and defenses taken away? Only time will tell. Has this intelligent, centuries old, creature become nothing but a blubbering buffoon?
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  • 04
    full name
    Aarden Lloyd
    Thousands of years
    Exploring bisexuality
    date of birth
    May 20th
    Witch (Specalizes Pyromancy)
    "I'm back bitches."
    time spent at facility.
    About a year or two


    danger level.
    Uuh slightly hazardess

    A normal human diet.

Finn Bevan

# Wolfwalkers

# zach mcgowan

♡coded by uxie♡

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