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Realistic or Modern The Strays


Keeper of the Goblin City
Hubcaps and ashtrays, i was born but I wasn't raised. I tried my best but I wasn't praised. Hell is so close to heaven. Hold on don't look back, you know we're better than that.
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The days where finally beginning to grow colder, Kalex loved it while Kathrine shivered all night, fall was cresting over from summer. The group had grown to be a plentiful group, each had their own talents and all panhandled for money until they found their own place to stay. They all found themselves friends in to group, they grew together bonding with their faults. They stayed wherever they could, on the streets, in hotel rooms when they could afford to, at camp grounds, whatever they found. Tonight they where staying at a hotel, they had just arrived to their new home for the next few months and Kalex had already landed a contracting job for the hotel. Of course he didn't tell them all the details but they knew his friends where actually the workers and accounting, surprisingly they had bought it. They wouldn't have to worry over housing for the next month as they remodeled the hotel, and painting each room, floor by floor.

"I don't know how you do this! You never meet a stranger, huh?" Kat had exclaimed to Kal when they got settled into their room. She had been his friend for quite sometime now but still couldn't decode how he worked with people so well. Its almost like he knew before they did that they needed his help in so way or another. She had showered and was now resting on the back board of the bed, running a brush through her hair. She was constantly reminding herself to breath, strange thing that she forgets but shes past out multiple times. Thankfully, Katherine knew now that Kalex never wanted to hurt her, and never will. She had been able to relax and open up a bit to him, not everything but he knew more than anyone else ever would.

The two of them had asked for a radio instead of a tv, neither of them being big on television, they preferred to listen to music as a source of entertainment. It had been a calm acceptance for both of them, neither of them wanted television, they just clicked from day one. Kalex had been surfing through the channels, waiting until something jumped out and spoke to him.

Kalex had yet to fail on finding a job, She was right, he never met a stranger. He was preparing to shower and rest for the night, work began tomorrow. It was nice for him to let the hot water soothe him. The others couldn't see, and he didn't want them too, but being Emphatic, he took those feelings of doubt, hate, fear, whatever concerned others and weighed them on himself. The hot water helped to release those feelings and literally wash them down the drain. The group didn't seem to notice that he always knew when someone was having a difficult day, or they just accepted it for what it was, either way suited him. He meditated in the shower for a while, until he heard Kat calling for him; "Kallie! Are you going to check on the others, or stay in the shower all night?" She spoke softly through the door, giggling a little with tiredness. Neither of them had been to sleep in over twenty-four hours, and it was clear it was getting to her, " Yes, love. Ill be out in a minute." He called through the door. Their relationship wasn't like others, and it wasn't even like most. Neither of them ever spoke as a couple, however they both know that they would never be the same with out the other.

Once he was dress, Kalex set down the winding hall, checking in on everyone, and being sure that they didn't need anything before he was off to bed. He calmly waited at each door, for everyone response.
Mitchy, who was as tired as one could get, curled up on her bed as soon as the sun went down. She was glad that she had her own room, but at the same time she was scared of the monsters under her bed. With no one else in the room with her, the monsters could jump up and grab her whenever they liked. That's why Mitchy is still awake. If it weren't for the scary monsters, she would be asleep. Mitchy grabbed her doll Lexi and ran her hand through the doll's hair, shaking a little.

Mitchy heard a knock on her door and jumped nearly a foot. She slowly stood, still running her hand through her doll's hair, and put her ear to the door. "Ka-Kalex?" She whispered uncertainly. "Is that you?" Mitchy opened the door a crack and peaked out. "Kalex!" Mitchy opened the door fully and hugged him. "THere are monsters under my bed! Can you make them go away?"
"How are you feeling, Kaia?" Deacon asked from outside the bathroom. He had agreed to let her have the first shower, as he usually did when they ended up sharing a room. He was very protective of her. She was one of the few people who really saw his true colors. Sure, the whole group saw them partially, but none like Kaia.

The two had been together for almost two years now. He had found her two weeks after she first ran away. Saved her from getting into trouble for loitering. Who knew sitting outside a grocery store was illegal?

"Tired. Did you get me one of the secret good pillows?" She called out over the running water. He always charmed maids for her. She hoarded pillows in his van. Which was good, they needed them sometimes.

"Of course." He laughed, pushing himself off the wall and walking over to his bed, falling onto it dramatically. No one, not even the two, knew what was going on in their relationship. It was something past friendship but it wasn't a relationship, either.

Lil' Gay Thug Pug

Lilith hummed to her favorite song, rubbing in some dry conditioner while her music was softly playing in the back on her phone. She looked at herself in the mirror, thinking long and hard on random thoughts coming into her head. "If only I was prettier.." She said to herself, sighing softly and grabbing her dark red lipstick, marking an ex over the mirror, trying to hold back small tears. Lilith stood to her feet and turned her music up two volumes and pulled a chair up from the table in the hotel room, placing it in front of the window. Lilith watched as the cars drove below, city lights flickering. The setting was a bit too beautiful to go into deep thought, but it occupied her mind from the voice in her head.

You're worthless, you're horrifying, you're an emotional freak.

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Kurt laid on a sofa, staring at the ceiling in a daze. He was drifting, not in his hotel room but in his mind. He wondered how his parents are without him. How his schoolmates reacted about his disappearance. Did they miss him? Or did they just get on with their lives as if nothing happened? We're his parents putting up signs with a picture on him texted "MISSING BOY-CALL THE WELLINGTONS IF FOUND." or if his parents were glad he was gone? He thought the latter was more likely, because of the way he was treated. But sometimes he ponders if his parents might really miss him and they just wanted what was best for Kurt. His thoughts raced until he heard Lilith's music turn up two volumes. He stood with a start and strolled to Lilith. "Please put your music down Lilith, that's quite rude to turn up music without asking the people's permission first." Kurt nagged.

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Lil' Gay Thug Pug

Lilith looked up at Kurt with a blank expression, taking a glance back at her phone, then back at the boy. She never really talked to Kurt much, but when she did.. she just never really talked to him ever, until now. Lilith didn't say anything, but just kept looking up at Kurt and hoping he would take it she didn't want to talk to him. She was tempted to turn it up one, but decided two was efficient. She smiled softly and turned towards the window, looking back out it again and disregarding Kurt.


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Kurt grimaced, then stared with his eyes widened at Lilith, as if trying to comprehend what the girl just did. After roughly 6 seconds, his face transformed to that expression parents made when they were about to showcase a long, boring lecture. "Lilith, you need to learn your manners! Didn't your parents teach you any?," he paused. "When someone talks to you, look them in the eye and reply nicely! Would you want someone to disrespect you like what you just did to me? I'm not that sensetive, but you have to consider the sensetivity of that person! And I told you to turn down the volume, not turn it up!" he nagged so loudly the other rooms could probably hear him.

Lil' Gay Thug Pug

Lilith sat there and listened to Kurt's complaints, not really reacting to them but enjoying because it was funny. He sounded just like her calculus teacher, when she was back in school. She played with her polished fingernails, chipping some of the paint off, was gonna have to reapply it anyway. Lilith looked back up at Kurt and shrugged, tugging her cardigan back over her shoulders. "Sorry." She spoke softly, getting up from her chair and grabbing her phone, turning her music off before placing it on the window pane. She figured that was enough irritation for Kurt, so she kissed his cheek lightly and hugged him, before sitting back down.


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Despite being right next to Lilith's room, Nathaniel didn't hear any of the drama going on in the next room; he was too busy listening to classical music through headphones looking for any plays looking for tech or actors. It had become a thing for him, he guessed, combing through online sites and newspapers for any jobs that would get him involved in theatre again. He had been practicing, reading from various plays available online, keeping up with the exercises he had been taught in high school, and of course reverently reviewing his copy of Hamlet.He had truthfully yet to try out for any play, partially out of fear of rejection and partially out of not knowing how to bring it up.

However, it was a habit, and a calming one, too, so he figured it was worth keeping it up. Besides, he knew logically that he'd have to return to his art eventually.

He simply continued to read through different productions and roles needed, lulling himself into a calm.
The Strays had been in town a week now, all the town's folk started recognizing them. Kalex and the others worked hard on the motel and the girls always made sure they all had at least snacks before bed. Katherine continued keeping tabs on everyone as aNY good mother would do.

It was saturday. Everyone was looking forward to going out to the local club and relieving some stress, they never failed to have a good time when they all went dancing. It was almost nine and they where all set to meet down in the main lobby.

Kale and Katherine where of course the first to arrive, and as normal painted in black. Kalex had purchase a sleek pair of black pants and he adorned it with a plain white tee. Katherine work a black matte dress and a pair of pumps, she learned how to be thrifty since they never knew when they would have to leave clothing behind. She added a small chain necklace and her class ring to give little pops of color. They both sat in a chair waiting for the others to arrive.
Mitchy looked in her bag for fancy clothes, and came up with a pair of bubblegum pink shorts and a white tee-shirt with a rainbow printed on it. It wasn't fancy, but it was cute. Mitchy put her long hair up in pigtails, laced up her white vans, and nearly skipped down the stairs. She saw Kalex first, then Kathrine. A grin formed on the teen's face as she skipped up to them.

"Hi!" She greeted them both, sitting on the floor in front of them. Her pigtails settled after a moment of swaying. "How late are we going to be out? I don't want teddy being taken by the monsters under my bed." Mitchy said this seriously. This is serious to her. "Or should I just bring him with me to be safe?"


Lilith picked up her longboard, wiping a smudge of mud off her purple galaxy vans and took a look at the public club. Not such a bad place at all. Her eyes flickered to the three sitting and decided just to leave them alone, maybe get a drink if her few dollars could afford one. She made her way inside, looking around as her shorts rode up her thighs a bit, making her pull them down a bit.

Lilith was wearing a pair of ripped, blue jean, high-waisted shorts and Jack Daniels crop top, her hair tied back into a ponytail. Casual. She never wore anything too dressy to places the Strays would go. Either sweatpants and a band t-shirt, shorts and some form of a shirt, or a little romper if she didn't leave her favorite one anywhere. Her hair, never really did anything too much but tie it up or leave it down to do whatever. She was pretty care-free about her clothing appearance.

Lilith sat down at one of the tables near the bar, placing her longboard under the table and looking around more, taking in the scene. Was quite dim, but you'd expect that in a club. Mainstream hip-hop and pop music played, some people dancing, only things you'd expect in a club as well. Well, this is exciting, isn't it?


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Eventually, Nate's phone beeped, and an alarm alerted him it was time to get ready for a night out, and though he wasn't much for dancing, getting out with friends would be nice. Nate grinned, turning off his music before rifling through his bags for a simple outfit. For the club, Nate chose a simple black v-neck that stopped right below his clavicle, and a pair of skinny black jeans, both worn and second hand. He stretched as he stood up, hurrying downstairs, brushing his hair out of his eyes as he went to meet the others.

He slowed down when he hit the ground floor, and was down to a regular pace when he was within view of the others.

"Hey guys," he said, raising his hand in a short, brisk wave. "What's up?"

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