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Realistic or Modern The Strays [Still Accepting]



night of the living punk
Long Live the Reckless and the Brave

What would you do if the moment you turned 18, you were sent off the army, and never allowed to look back?

War has become an epidemic across the globe. Countries have now adapted to using heavy artillery, bombs, and modern warfare to deal with any sort of political argument. This is most prominent in the eastern part of the world, where wars in the modern day were a normal thing. All other continents have prepared themselves with their own up-to-date, strict army. Countries that are currently not at war have maintained their soldier population by creating a law that states anyone who is mentally and physically able, and coming of age, is to be emitted to the armed forces. The parents will receive a hefty cheque from the government for their brave sacrifices. They'll get an even bigger compensation if you are shipped out across the sea to fight and end up dying. Parents nowadays are literally selling their children to the government, need be financially or if their kid isn't growing up to be a neurosurgeon.

Once your parents have signed the legal papers, there is no backing out -- the government now owns you. You are now another number slapped onto a camouflage-coloured uniformed and whisked away from any personality or uniqueness. Army training camps and residence are stationed in the biggest cities across the nation: Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Albuquerque, and Chicago. These camps are massive army bunkers where fresh 18-year-olds are trained day in and day out until they're ready to either train others or work out in the field and fight. War has become a part of society and culture.

Of course, there's always going to be someone who says no.

There's a band of teens who have run away from home, from the government, and from the wars. They live on their own, but together - hiding away in abandoned warehouses and the back of vans, stealing from grocery stores in the middle of the night and wasting the days away. They live by their own rules, on their own time, completely free of the government's anarchist law -- at least, for the most part.

This band of rogues have deemed themselves The Strays. Housewives gossip about this infamous group over drinks, hard-working fathers scolding their kids if they ever think about ending up like 'one of them'. The Strays are known as a myth more than a fact -- because no one has actually ever found them. They may be teens, but they're smart at staying out of sight.

Too bad the government is smarter.

The government has released a troop of dogs - dedicated, hardass officers - to find and stop the Strays with absolutely no mercy. They've gained enough jail sentencings from avoiding "legal obligations" and using propaganda to wrap other teens into this mess to obtain the death sentence. If the Strays are found out, they won't be sent to a bootcamp -- they'll be sent to the grave.

Do the Strays create a rebellion against the government to overthrow their unfair law and free all the teens trapped in camps? Or risk being found out by the government and lead themselves to their death?
I absolutely loved this! I’m not a huge fan of groups would you consider writing 1x1 if so please message me. (:

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