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Fandom The Stange day when Peter Pan came to Dr Aya’s Clinc

David : It was dark, and cold two weeks now two weeks since I was ship wrecked two weeks I have been waking trying to find some one any one . I haven’t eaten much a few berries that I know are safe to eat for drink rain water I hear rattling from behind me . It’s a coach and sitting in the coach is a middle aged woman in nurses grab with the last of my strength I say “help”....

Through the darkness of the deep. A shadowy silhouette of a woman in dress slowly walks over towards the poor boy. Her body launguage was blank for she only walked without much of an expression of anything. The female silhouette got closer and closer towards the boy but her appearance did not shone in any light source as she remained in the dark. The woman slowly placed her right hand over her face with the sound of a hushing tone of voice that shushed the boy softly.

"Ssshhhhhh..." The woman shushed him, gently. Before the boy could react. His vision went dark and before he realized it. He was fast asleep.

Time passes later...

If the boy happens to wake up at the time. They could notice the first thing they were in is that he is in a comfy bed. A healthy good breakfast of porridge, hot chocolate and and various fruits are set beside him on a small table. He could notice that there are also other beds with him, with the same design as his bed are also in the same room. This is indeed no doubt a clinic. The quite atmosphere and displays of medicine were also obvious clues too. The night was still young outside. The moonlight peeks through the clinic's shut windows. The only source of good light were the warm calming candles, placed in various spots around the clinic. The closest one being on the boy's table with his food.


"Oh, you are awake. How are you feeling?" A calm woman's voice broke the silence of the clinic. Looking around, a woman with brown twin braids and shiny emerald green eyes wearing a white and green dress can be found sitting on a wooden chair close to the boy's bed. Her face was slightly covered by the darkness around her. Could this be the same woman he encountered before?

David David
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David :The first thing I notice when I come to is the sheets , there good clean sheets I smell the aroma of food coming from somewhere I open my eyes to see a woman in a pink nurse’s uniform with beautiful green eyes “oh , your awake . How are you felling “ I groan my head hurts I have had this feeling a couple of times in my life and all of them resulted from being put under for surgery , i’ve been drugged I think but why ? I take a look around my surroundings a very chrisp clean long room with around 6 beds on each side . A clinic kind of reminds me of the sick bay back aboard my ship . “Where am I “ I say and then my eyes are drawn to food . “ Is this for me ?” I know the answer is probably yes but i don’t want to be rude i’m starving the last time I saw myself in the mirror I was a skeleton and you could see my ribs

The woman leaned forward towards the boy, revealing her face fully from the dark. The woman took a good glance around her surroundings before answering him. Her expressions were calm yet eerie. He eyes hardly blinks and locked on to him. The way she sits makes her unpredictable when she'll move at any moment. The woman remained seated as she answered.

"This is Drevis Clinic, owned by Doctor Aya Drevis herself." She said in her well adjusted voice. She also answered the boy's second question regarding the meal that was set on the table was his by simply nodding her her head. Indicating a "yes" answer. She sat in silence for a brief moment, giving the boy enough time react to certain things. The woman was suspiciously emotionless but she was kind all the same. It could have been better if she had some kind of super sweet personality which could really give that tender care for a patient.

"Please wait a little while longer. The Doctor will be here at any minute now." The woman said to the boy. One could assume that she could be the nurse but she is not the one who will be taking care of the boy. Again her quiet nature was quite strange to say the least.

Moments later a bright ray of light came shining through the room's darkness. It came from one direction. A hallway on the left which had a very bright white light shining through the clinic's walls of the main area of the clinic. Small quiet and gentle footsteps are heard tapping against the clinic's hardwood floor. A very quiet humming melody is heard getting a bit clearer and clearer in every second. The light grew brighter and brighter in each passing second until finally a blaring lamp entered the main area of the clinic, being held in some hand of a woman. This woman appeared with the lamp. She was wearing a blue dress with a white apron, a very blinding lamp on her left hand and a surgical face mask on her face. The masked woman looked down to the boy with a blank stare before proceeding to go to the center of the room.

"Oh! You must be the new patient, Maria was talking about! Hello! How are you feeling?" Despite having a mask on her face. She seems to be nice enough to make a good first impression with her newfound patient. Her jolly attitude was nothing out of the ordinary. She proceeds to hang the lamp over by a ceiling hook in the ceiling. With the light provided by the lamp, the whole room was enlightened by it's bright light. It made the whole room look like it's daytime. She then goes straight ahead towards a wooden desk close by. She opened a drawer, looking for a specific item.

David David
“This is the Drevis Clinc , owned by owned by Doctor Aya Drevis herself.” Doctor Aya , David thinks that’s strange that’s a female name , females a in his experience weren’t typically doctors but then again 11 year olds from his experience weren’t captains of pirate hunters , and although he had rarely seen many female doctors their had been a few notable expections . His ships doctor Lindsay was one of them and probably his best friend and his experience females were better doctors anyway they had better bedside manner they we’re gentler . When Maria nods he begins to dig into his food . Porrige with a lot of butter and honey , fruit , and hot chocolate topped with whipped cream it’s all very good food but something’s off with that nurse shes too sterile , cold and curt “ Please wait a little while longer. The Doctor will be here at any minute now”. “why did they take me in “ David thinks “ I have no money on me all of that was lost with my ship and my crew” David pauses for a moment .” My crew survived they had to they can’t be dead they just can’t I won’t believe they’re dead as soon as i’m better i’ll Go search for them .” As David is thinking this a young woman walks into the room carrying a lantern and for a second David is blinded by the light when he opens his eyes he sees a young woman she wears a blue dress and has a surgeons mask.” Oh you must be the new patient , Maria was taking about! Hello ! How are you feeling?” “She is the opposite of the nurse” David thinks” bouncy and jovial.” He decides then that he likes her “ A little better thanks for taking me in “ he says . He then wants to ask her why is she wearing a mask but she turns around to a desk and brings to search it’s drawers David has a sicking feeling that he’s not going to like what she pulls out especially with that mask on . “What are you looking for ?” He says and when he says it it’s not the measured vocie of a pirate hunter it’s the vocie of a small boy terrified of getting a shot .
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

The atmosphere of the Clinic was quiet. There were no other other patients present around the clinic except for the pirate hunter himself. The boy's bed was more prioritized than the others. As he ate his meal with a doubt on the nurse. The woman in blue must be Aya herself, assuming that she is the one with the professional belongings and items. The nurse remained seated while she stares off to a random spot, specifically a corner without anything out of the ordinary. The boy focused on the Woman with the surgical mask. Who was trying to find something inside the drawer. This raised a suspicion upon the boy's thoughts. He felt uneasy but he did not show it physically. The woman seems to have ignored the boy's question. Which is twice more suspicious from now. It is either she did not heard him or she intentionally ignored the boy's question.

As the boy's curiosity grows. Their whole body felt weak and drowsy as if he wanted to go to sleep. How did he get so weak? Why is he feeling weak? Is it even possible for someone to become this weak and sleepy at the same time after eating? Whatever it is, the results were almost instantaneous. It was kicking in fast. What happened? There was only one thing he did as soon as he woke up... Eat. Could it be? That the food was the reason for this viscous side effect? If the boy reviews the meal. They could tell no suspicious flavors were present in the meal but this meal was indeed flawlessly suspicious. With the last of his remaining strength. If he still tries to look around with his eyes. He could see the Nurse staring at him right in his sleepy eyes. If he looks at the doctor, she is done looking for the item she needs and this item was shiny as it glints through the lantern's light. It was impossible to make out what this item is from his distance, the fact that his eyes are forcing itself shut and no longer having enough strength to stand up and leave the bed. The boy will later again fall asleep. For he was indeed drugged this time.

Moments later...

Time passes, if the boy decides to wake up at this time skip. He'll get up to realize that he is now in a room he is no longer familiar with. He was imprisoned in a dark cell. Iron bars holding him in. It was like an actual prison dungeon. It was dark and cold, the smell off corroding metal fills the air. Most areas of the cell were pitch black, in fact it was so dark. There is hardly any light source. If the boy tries to move, he can only see his own body and everything super close to him. There wasn't anything new around him but a toilet and a dirty bed. Again, a few minutes later. A voice will call out for the boy through the dark.

"So, she got you too huh?" The voice was cold, monotone and young. A voice of a young man can be the conclusion of most people. The voice was calm despite the situation. If the boy looks at a direction source of the voice. It came from a very dark corner of his huge cell. There were green eyes glinting in the dark, staring straight into his soul. The sound of a what could probably be a lighter was heard clicking with them in the dark. Small sparks were emitting through the dark. The sparks revealed a bit of his details. Whoever this boy is he is quite a fancy guy for he was wearing finger less black gloves revealed between sparks and a black suit sleeve. Footsteps are heard closing into the boy, followed by the clicking of a steel lighter and the eyes moving closer and closer to the boy.

"Tell me, how did you get here? How did you find this place?" Just as right before the boy asked his rather strange question. His lighter lit up both of their faces before he asked with a quiet tone. It seems like he is trying to keep his voice low as possible.

David awakes in a much different place the he did the first time a dark and dank dungeon! “I can’t see a thing , that bloody doctor and that creepy nurse I knew there was something going on I just knew it .” He began to use all the swear words he knew and being a pirate hunter and therefore a sailor was at least 13 different cures . Then all of a sudden a vocie came from the darkness. “So she got you too huh?” The voice belonged to a boy roughly the same age as David . “Who’s there ?” David said he was scared what if that doctor locked him in with some type of demon dog and he was to be his supper . A lighter flicked on and the cell was illuminated and the speakers face was reveled he was a young boy with pirecing green eyes he wore a black dress suit and had thick curly black hair “Tell me, how did you get here ? How did you find this place ?” David visibly relaxed , happy he was in the company of a boy instead of some horrible monster. “ I was shipwrecked and wanderd inland then someone picked me up and brought me here, why are we down here ?” David then added hastily . “ Can I see your lighter , I think I can find a way out if I can find some way to pick the lock .” David looked anxious afraid that the lighter would go out leaving them alone in the dark at the mercy of their captors .
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

The boy was silently observing the boy's movements and way of talking. He could tell that this one was different from the rest. The boy's expressions remained blank and cold despite the horrible situation they are in. The kid was a foreigner. Not a local child that can be picked up anywhere. She's catching foreigners now too? He asked himself as the boy was shipwrecked. He could be a local too but there is something about his appearance that makes him different from the locals. He left the kid's question unanswered for some reason. The small lighter illuminated only their childlike faces with it's dim little flame of light. Remembering what the boy had said before he even showed himself to him. The boy stood up, invaded his personal space by closing into his face and grabbing the collar his shirt aggressively to raise him up. He then bashes his forehead against their's without mercy. The boy seems to have not flinched against the damage he caused to the boy, he didn't seem to care if it hurts them badly too.

"Dummkompf! You already predicted your own fate yet you did not wish take any action to your own hands and escaped! You should have left while the opportunity calls for you! Now, you are here trapped with me." The boy cried softly. His upset and frustrated tone of voice was again, kept at a low volume despite the feeling of anger radiating him. Should the boy start doing the same? The boy sighed and dropped the boy off his hand. He maybe strict and at some point, cold but it seems that he still a person with a heart.

"No point getting upset over something that already happened..." The boy said to himself softly. The boy tried to calm himself down and successfully did. He looks back to the kid who wanted his lighter for escape purposes. Instead of giving it to the boy like he should. He quickly closes the lighter with it's lid. Leaving them both stranded in the dark. The boy is later again found at the edge of the cell room. Where the iron bars both hold them still.

"How bold of you to assume that there is even a lock on this rotten forsaken cell. Don't think of this place as your typical prison, kid. This place is crawling with all kinds of evil. I've seen them with my own two eyes." The boy showed them the iron bars by illuminating them as he walked from left to right, proving the fact that there is indeed no lock on the cell. It's all just bars. The boy stretched arm up high, adjusting his attire's sleeve. As he raises the arm with the lighter. He seems to have revealed a unlit wall torch above his head, next to the cell's bars. He didn't seem to notice though. If the boy was observant earlier. He could have noticed the small detail of another wall torch on the other side. There are two wall torches next to the bars. Impossible to reach by a child but possible to reach by an adult.

"Here, i'll let you borrow my lighter at this moment. But if you plan to do anything stupid with it. You wouldn't like what i'll do next." The boy warned before kicking his own lighter towards them, letting it slide on the floor. The boy could feel the lighter touching them gently.

"Also if you plan to search what's behind you, don't bother. There's nothing there, my friend. You would regret searching there. Do as i say, and we might get out this nightmarish place, alive."
A strange message and a warning from the well dressed boy. A statement out of nowhere. Whatever he is asking might be best followed and obeyed because he looked really serious towards the boy when he mentioned it.

David David
The boy in the business suit eyes David’s eyeing him up from his bare feet up to his faded and tattered purple captains coat to his scruffy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes then without warning picks him up by the scruff of his collar and butts heads with him hard . All David can here his the boy calling him a “dummkompf!” as he rubs his head losing the rest of what he says . David is about to retaliate when he hears him say the cell has no locks . When he says “ This place is crawling with evil .” David tenses up .” If this boy and the doctor is just the tip of the iceberg here then I want to be out of here as quick as possible .” He thinks then the boy offers him his lighter. David doesn’t know what to make of this boy . “ Is he mad ? Did that doctor do this to him ? Is he even here against his will ? What if he’s working for her and ... “ The boy holds the lighter out to him David takes it with much hesitation . “Also if you plan to search what’s behind you don’t bother . There’s nothing there, my friend. You won’t forget searching there. Do as I say and we might get out of this nightmareish place alive .” David takes the lighter and turns it on . David considers the boys warning he tries the door and it opens with out much fuss David is amazed he then decides that he’s worth trusting “You comming ?” David asks observing as the boy still sitting crosses legged

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