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Fandom The squirrel and the hunter


My Oc Sansaint go to USA with her father who is a old friend of Dixon family ; he was the friend of Merl and Daryl Father, Will Dixon. Avril's father leave his daughter alone with the Dixon family he hope she will become strong... Because she was agoraphobic and other weakness like that made her she lived all day of the years on her appartment without job etc. So She was forced to will live with them before the apocalypse start.

Sansaint and Daryl will become slowly friend then she discovers a terrible secret Daryl was hit for many years by his father who is a violent drunk and Daryl has never had the strength to struggle against his father toxic even now it still has power over his son. Sansaint decides to help Daryl who is a man destroyed by the past. Will Dixon never liked Sansaint even if she is the daughter of one of his friends... because it is not American and she become too close with his last son the worst for him is that Sansaint are not blonde with blue eyes yeah Will is racist ... the worst is when he discovered one day Daryl and Sansaint in the barn together. This RP are based on the game survival instinct and not the show. ( Humor Romance and drama. I need someone who want play Daryl Dixon for my OC.)

• I just want someone who play Daryl Dixon for my Oc. It's a closed RP for two person.

• I'm french and I'm not so good with english don't be rude

• Only active and motivated partner
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