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[div class=bg] [div class=wind][/div] [div class=title]the spring breeze that blew past winter.[/div] [div class=title1]weldherwings x grim[/div] [/div] [class=bg]width:100%; height:500px; background-color:#f6d258; position:relative; margin:auto[/class] [class=wind] height:400px; width:400px; background:url(https://i.imgur.com/olqU26x.png); background-size:cover; margin:auto;[/class] [class=title]height:50px; width:550px; color:white; margin:auto; text-align:center; margin-top:-110px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #9e9c9c; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=title1]height:20px; width:150px; color:white; margin:auto; margin-top:20px; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:1px; font-family:Karla;[/class]
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singer + actor
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[div class=whiteblock]Wyatt Im
[div class=blackblock]Im Woo-Seok[/div]
[div class=blackblock]twenty-seven[/div] [div class=whiteblock]cis male[/div] [div class=whiteblock]demisexual[/div] [div class=blackblock]first of january[/div]
[div class=blackblock]Korean, mandarin + english[/div] [div class=whiteblock]fc: Kim jongdae[/div] [/div][/div] [class=whiteblock]width:300px; height:25px; border-radius:10px; background-color:white; margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px; padding:10px; padding-top:15px;display:inline-block; font-family:Poppins; font-size:14px;text-transform: lowercase; text-align:center;[/class] [class=blackblock]width:300px; height:25px; border-radius:10px; background-color:#DDDDDD; margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px; padding:10px; padding-top:15px; display:inline-block;font-family:Poppins; font-size:14px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align:center;[/class] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"][class=tabmain]height:460px; padding:10px; width:530px; overflow:hidden; [/class] [div class="tabmain tabmain01"]
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naturally black hair. enjoys a medium cut so he can style it and will often dye it for what ever roles he's applying for. his favourite hair color is chestnut/caramel brown.
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dark hazel eyes. monolidded with aegyo sal presence.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
1.73 m + 65 kg.
slim, mesomorph.
he exercises everyday, knowing how important it is for the human body and how it can affect the casting process. in the past, he was rejected from entertainment companies for not being their ideal type.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
wyatt has had two girlfriends, both which latest over a year. the thing that broke their relationship was how eagar he was to get married and to have children while his girlfriends have thought they were way too young to settle down yet.
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for every day wear, he tends to wear jeans (most likely ripped) and basic t-shirts. if its for an audition or rehearsals, he tries to dress more appropiately with dress pants and button up shirts (after all, it is a job)
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like his body, he pays particular attention to his skin to ensure it's healthy. he's one of those guys who has a twelve step skin routine to ensure his light olive skin remains in tip top condition.
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]likes.
singing, acting, dancing, playing video games, being an older brother/father figure to the much younger cast members (the children or teenagers – heck, even the babies too), eating doritos, having monthly mcdonalds binge nights, watching dr. who.
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]dislikes.
people with zero emotions, gossiping, spiders, being stuck with someone who makes little to zero effort
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[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]positive traits.

Bold and original – He doesn’t hold anything back! Wyatt wants to experience everything there is to experience and will step out of his comfort zone when no one else is willing too. He also loves to experiment with new styles, and constantly finds new ways to stick out in a crowd.

Practical – To Wyatt, the world is meant to be felt and experienced. Truth is stranger than fiction, and he prefers to see and do than to wax philosophical about β€œwhat-ifs”.

Excellent people skills – He loves to pay attention to people. He can be very talkative, witty, and can almost never run out of things to discuss. Happiness and satisfaction stems from the time he spends with people he enjoys being with.

[div class=h1]negative traits.[/div]
Sensitive – Wyatt is strongly emotional and very vulnerable to criticism which is a difficult trait to manage when going through auditions. He feels like he’s getting backed into a corner and sometimes, on a rare occasion, will react badly to it. This is one of his greatest weaknesses because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light.

Conflict-Averse – He tries to ignore and avoid conflict entirely. Wyatt tends to say and do what’s needed to get out of such situations, then move on to something more fun.

Easily bored – Without constant excitement, Wyatt finds ways to create it himself. Risky behaviour, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things he gets into a little too often.
[/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"][div class="tabmain tabmain02"][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]history.[/div] Moving to America – Im Woo-seok was born on New Years Day in Busan, South Korea. His parents were thankful that they were finally able to have a child after many years of IVF treatment. He was a healthy, bubbly baby with a big set of lungs on him. By the age of five, he was performing for his parents every night before he went to bed. At the age of seven, his parents announced that they were moving to China due to his father’s new job promotion. They had only been in Xian for two years when his father, once again, was given another promotion. This time, it meant that they were flying over to America.

Life in America was challenging to transition. Primarily because Woo-Seok – who was given the English name Wyatt after they arrived – barely spoke any English. He struggled with the language and it didn’t help him with school. In fact, he kept down a year at school because of his poor English skills. To help improve Wyatt to get over this language barrier, his parents would encourage him to sing English songs. Eventually, Wyatt became very focused on musical and ballad songs. He was a huge fan of Celine Deon and was in awe when Titanic and it’s soundtrack came out. Thanks to his parents thinking, Wyatt was able to become more fluent in English and his love for musical theatre continued to grow.

Broken hearts – He met his first girlfriend when he was college, studying his Bachelors of Arts and Theatre. Her name was Mandy and she was taking the same courses. The pair of them became study buddies and well before they knew it, they were head over heels in love with each other. Wyatt lost his virginity to Mandy and he thought that they were going to be together forever. After a year and a half of being together, Wyatt got down on one knee and proposed to her. To which… she rejected.

At the age of twenty-one, she thought that they were way too young to even consider getting married. He thought he could recover from it, but as time went by, Mandy began to push him further and further away. Eventually, she broke up with him stating that he was too fascinated with this whole concept of getting married when she wanted to do more soul searching.

His second girlfriend, Ashley, he met on the first days of rehearsals for a Chicago production when he was twenty-five. She was another one of the extras, like he was, and they would often go out after rehearsals for drinks with the extras cast. One night, one drink led to another and they ended up hooking up. She told him it was a one-time thing. And he would’ve believed her too had it only happened once; instead, it ended up happening fifteen times. When he began to talk to her about potentially becoming official, she was very hesitant. However, she eventually said yes and they became official.

Then it became that classic yo-yo relationship. They were together, and then she’d break things off, then they’d be back together again, and she would complain about being β€˜exclusive’ and then they were back together again. The whole thing would make Wyatt crazy. So, one night when she said that she wanted to get back together, he laid it on the table; he asked her if she could see them getting married in the future with children. She said no. Therefore, he said no to them getting back together. It was his dream to be a father and a husband – and if this wasn’t going to lead him to his dream, then he was going to cut off the ties.

Youtube career – After being rejected numerous times for different productions, one of his university friends asked him if he had ever thought about opening a youtube channel and placing original and covered songs on it. With help from his friend, he managed to get the page up and running within a week. By the end of the month, he had just over a hundred subscribers. By the end of the year, he had just reached five hundred subscribers. And now, to this current date, he has over thirty thousand subscribers.

Thankfully, due to his rising popularity, he had been able to catch the eyes of different producers who would put in a good word for him. Not to mention the amount of money he was making from ad revenue was just crazy. He never thought he could make money by just putting up videos of him singing or vlogging his everyday life. [/div] [/div]
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coded by weldherwings
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Naomi Joyce

"It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely."​


Name: Naomi Joyce
Age: Twenty-Nine
Birthday: August 23rd
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Faceclaim: Tes Linnenkoper


Thin but strikingly tall Naomi stands at five-ten and three-quarters. Her rosy skin looks fresh with a few blemishes except for the crow's feet that become more noticeable when she smiles widely. While she doesn't exactly like working out she sticks to it due to her manager's constant pestering, resulting in her maintaining her figure through the years. Even with daily exercise and a naturally lean figure, she's always had a babyface.

Naomi is a natural blond, but from the moment she got her manager they made it a point that blondes are boring. She's dyed her hair a soft ginger for so long she even forgets the natural color until it starts to poke through at her roots. She hates her hair being short as she feels it makes her look even more like a toddler than her baby face already does.

On an average day, she tries to keep in simple, but simple usually resides in a brand name couture outfit. Naomi often forgoes dress unless it's she has to attend and event.


Hopeless Romantic | Sweet sweet romance. The stories a movies you watched as a kid, with prince charming coming to rescue the dangered princess, are simply a fairy tale to most. But to Naomi, it's what she sees as true romance. She falls in love to easily and often will excuse red flags, resulting in her staying in bad relationships. She doesn't want expensive gifts or dates, she simply wants someone that cherishes her as much as she cherishes them.

Family Oriented | Nothing is more important to her than her family. Her parents supported her unconditionally when she was just starting out, and she will forever be grateful for them. When he son was born she realized she could never love anyone more than him. She hates having to be away from him even though her job often demands it, but when she gets back she often tries to shower him with love, even if it's simply a trip to the closest amusement park.

Easy Going |
She tries not to take herself seriously, but this is mostly due to the fact that she is prone to get overstressed a lot with work. In her free time, she just wants to relax and spend time with Xander, and decline all her manager's calls. Naomi would much rather order take out and have a movie night than go out to fancy restaurants.

Passive | She is rather meek in the sense that she allows others to walk all over her. It's a given in her field of work that everyone knows what's best for you except for you, so she often leaves her career decisions up to her manager. Even in buying her house with her husband she often just agreed with him even if it differed from her own opinion. This is partly due to the fact that she doesn't wish to upset anyone and because most people around her don't like to be told no.

Insecure |Growing up she was never insecure about herself, but at her first audition for a small bit in a commercial, she couldn't help but look around and see everything she wasn't. It started with a skipped meal here and there, to a full-blown eating disorder. It took a while for her to get out of the idea that she needed to do that to be pretty, but when her worth is questioned she find the old thoughts slowly drifting back in.

Disorganized | She didn't hire a maid because she was above cleaning, but simply because no matter what she did she felt there was a bigger mess. She often misplaces things and swears she put them "right there" even though they definitely not!


Growing Up
Richard and Vanessa Joyce didn't plan for there two-month relationship to turn into a long-lasting marriage, not until Vanessa found out she was pregnant. Both being in their mid-thirties childless they couldn't help but feel that Naomi was a sign that they were meant to be. The two were so ecstatic that even when both of their parents showed their hesitation towards the situation being joyous, they simply brushed it off. Quickly moving in with each other and getting married at a courthouse not even a month later. The made it a point to have every little item picked out and ready for their precious child's entrance into the world.

When baby Naomi finally did arrive, it didn't take long for both of the families to fall in love with her. With a plump red face and pretty soft green eyes, it was hard not to want to squeeze her out of cuteness overload. From a young age, she was rather charismatic always able to capture a room in an instant, be it with being silly or putting on shows. Her parents always joked that she'd be on TV one day, and they were right. At ten years old Naomi begged and begged her parents to take her to acting classes, and she instantly fell in love with it, even doing a few musical camps as well. When one of the casting directors for a commercial told Naomi's parents that she knew someone in high up in the industry that would love Naomi, they were unsure a first. Naomi was only thirteen and they feared she was too young for such a thing. But with persistent pestering from Naomi herself, they finally agreed, and the next thing she knew she had a starring role on a sitcom.

For the first time, she had a manager that wasn't her mom and was acting in a show as main character. Little Bethany Monte the charming little sister in her TV family. She grew up with the show and even started dating her TV boyfriend in real life. Todd was every sixteen-year-old actor, charming, charismatic, and a prick. But Naomi didn't see that, she was too in love with the idea of being in love. So in love that she neglected to use birth control of any sort. Resulting in an unexpected teen pregnancy.
At first, it was a major scandal, but her fans supported her and started a petition to assure she wouldn't lose her role in the show. The director fearing the loss of numerous fans kept her on, making sure to drown her character in oversized clothes and perfectly placed pillows. Her parents were accepting and happy for her, stating that "the best things that happen are often surprises." When her son was born she was never seen without a smile. Every photo she remained bright-eyed and cheerful, as the best thing to happen, had just happened to her and his name was Xander.

Motherhood & Marriage
It was rare to ever see Naomi without Xander especially within his first few years in life. When Xander was five Todd proposed to her and they had an expensive and posh wedding. They raised little Xander together as happily as they could. Fights and arguments were a nightly occurrence as if it were some bedtime ritual. They only seemed to get worse throughout the years, but to the public, they made sure to maintain their happy image. It wasn't until Todd had been caught cheating that tabloids began to speak of their rocky marriage, but still they made it work.

The two of them both became rather popular while Todd continued in the path of sitcoms, Naomi branched into movies, even doing a musical. But her favorite thing was the small commercials she could do with Xander. Anything to be closer to him.

Naomi's life turns colder the older she gets, the only ray of sun being that of Xander. She's lost the spark that made her enjoy being famous, maybe it was the paparazzi ever-present wherever she went, or the constant rumors about her husband's latest affair. With Xander in school, she feels she rarely sees him, but with summer coming up she hopes that will change. Until she gets a call from her manager that she got her a role in the newest show coming to broadway. Naomi simply hummed along, it was too late to say no after all.
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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Xander Joyce

"I notice more than you think.”​


Name: Xander Joyce
Age: Thirteen
Birthday: May 3rd
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Faceclaim: Lucas Jade Zumann

Like his mother he is rather tall for his age at 5'4', but he stands awkwardly as he is self-conscious about standing out. His father often remarks that he is too skinny and that it makes him look weird and lanky. His eyes are a mix between his parents in a muted hazel. Xander inherited his father's hair as it is dark brown and curly. His face is littered with freckles and the occasional pimple pops up with the ever-growing threat that puberty is right around the corner.
He prefers to just wear basic graphic tees and jeans, as he doesn't want people to think he's weird.


Inquisitive | Xander has a love for learning. He especially loves spaces, he loves everything about it from the way planets form to the idea of a place where everything is just peacefully existing.

Helpful | He is rather forward when it comes to helping people, often doing it before they even ask. Even if someone doesn't want help he will try to often resulting in him coming across as nosy or annoying.

Short Tempered | He gets frustrated easily and doesn't know how to handle it resulting in him losing his temper. If something doesn't work the first time he's quick to just push it aside because in his mind it will never work.

Stubborn |
It takes a lot for Xander to admit he's wrong, or to even try to see things from other peoples point of view. If he has his mind set on something it's often hard to change it.


Xander isn't dumb, as much as his parents try to pretend they love each other he knows otherwise. Screaming match after screaming match he tries to muffle the sounds of their ever-growing arguments with his pillow, but it never seems to work. He fears his parents hate him, and that if he wasn't around they would be better off. He once stressed this to Naomi who was quick to explain that was simply untrue. He loves both of his parents, but he hates them together. Every family outing is ruined somehow resulting in another argument when they arrive home. He's somewhat closer to his dad feeling his mother smoother him too much, but he still enjoys spending time with her.

At school, he has a small group of friends, all of whom know not to bring up his parents. But a few kids that dislike Xander make a point to mock him whenever one of them comes up unceremoniously in a tabloid column. He refused to tell his mother this knowing she would probably overreact.
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll

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