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Fantasy The spectrum RP (open)(detailed/casual)

"Your saying you were never apart of a faction in the badlands? A group whose primary goal was capturing slaz?" Byrne spoke, burning a glare through his darkened shades at Bryant as they walked closer to the barracks.
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Flowiest said:
"That's a councillor there" dart pointed to a man in red robes walking with a young man dart knew,
"So say I can find some disguise for you, your gonna what? Sneak poison into everyone's food in the kitchen?" Dart asked more quiet.
"While that there is a nice option, the colateral damage might not be all that good. If I am unable to identify which plate will be going to him, that might just as well become the only option." Arushin nodded before quietly speaking, "I would prefer to not kill needlessly however. The possible amount of collateral damage."
"Well I'll level with you" dart said, he seemed to hold his tounge a moment before continuing

"I'm going to try and cut my losses and go, the orders are just getting more ridiculous and impossible"

Assainate the council, steal the spectrums artefacts..

No sign of a artefact on the Entire property..

and more security every day..

Dart looked to the top floor of the academy. A moment of silence past before he asked

"Would you do the same line of work if you started with everything you wanted?"
"Yes, they are becoming needlessly, harder. If I didn't think they were just barely doable, I'd guess someone is actually trying to kill us." Arushin sighed before saying, "I was just made for this kind of work. No, literally, there is little more I know, and sincerely, my mentality helps." He pauses for a moment, as if thinking of something, "Besides, there isn't anything I want specially. Life like this has enough emotion. Better than living like clockwork."
Dart looked toward the barracks Byrne and Bryant were walking towards.

"Well if you want to look around I'm going to try and get what you need.. if you want to mix something deadly they actually have the equipment near the brownhouse? Hall? The brown talents down near the garden there and building next to them" dart pointed out what he was speaking of before heading towards the barracks behind the councillor and his 'guest'
Flowiest said:
"Your saying you were never apart of a faction in the badlands? A group whose primary goal was capturing slaz?" Byrne spoke, burning a glare through his darkened shades at Bryant as they walked closer to the barracks.
Bryant shot an acoustic leer right back through his blindfold and squared his shoulders. "That's right. I can see you mean business, Councilor, and I'm not one to dance around an issue. I'll tell you what I know, pure and simple. If you want, you can get your best Pink to check if I'm lying. I've got nothing to hide and I'm not interested in wasting both our time with deceit."

"About two years after I left the Academy, I joined a mercenary company named the Dawn Riders. I was a kid at the time, so I didn't know much about the kinds of jobs we took. Once I started to show promise with my Talent, I got moved up to working on more serious injuries- and it didn't take a genius to figure out that all the melted skin and missing limbs were Slaz handiwork. Once I began to show promise with a blade I got moved up into a squad, and that's when I learned more about my employer."

"Apparently, we were getting hired by a guy named Cross to capture Slaz and send 'em back to headquarters in Century. We'd track 'em down, set a trap, and pen the nasty suckers in layered cages made of Hue. Lots of the injuries I dealt with were from that part." Bryant continued to meet Byrne's gaze with composure. "Never did find out from the source what they wanted with them, but the talk among the crew was that they were either being studied for a cure, or used as weapons."

"Eventually Commander Garrison kicked the bucket and he got replaced with a new guy from Century, an incompetent city slicker named Puckett. Most of us mercs had been working for the company for years and didn't care for the new leadership; some decided to get out of the business while they still had their lives, others became wanderers, tradespeople, escorts, you name it. I drifted for a few years, hunted relics here and there. A few months ago I got caught up in the skirmishes against the Federation's expeditionary forces, started fighting alongside the Dust Devils. Not too far back I came home from the battle in Concord Valley, lost my senses in the celebrations, and woke up on a ship headed to Kawlii the next morning."

"As for the Slaz we hunted... well, you name it. We caught just about every Hue in the spectrum at one time or another, bonus money for the multihued ones. A lot of the time they'd wander towards the big ruins that stick out of the Jalap, so that's where we usually set up."

Bryant shrugged. "Don't know what else there is to say."

Hmm... Dart's nearby.
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Byrne stopped walking to take byrants short story in.

"You hunted for relics you said? Any found?" His voice had lost some of its aggression,

Dart walked past rather close to them, hearing some of byrants words he turned to see a curious smirk on Byrnes face. His eyes covered in shades dart always felt Byrnes presence. Like it envelopes the area with frustration and angry determination

Walking into the barracks he started heading to his cot.

How to grab a uniform specific to rush...
Flowiest said:
Byrne stopped walking to take byrants short story in.
"You hunted for relics you said? Any found?" His voice had lost some of its aggression,
"Sure. Lots of old hardware, carved gems, Runestones. I mostly looked for things I could carry. Sometimes I'd find these strange masks, but nobody would buy them off me so I stopped taking them. Some stuff was too big for me to take, like statues or furniture. And every now and again, a ruin would be full of bandits, monsters, or Slaz and I'd just turn back before I lost my life."

I'd love to ask questions... but I think I'll keep my trap shut for now. If I continue to be a good little accomplice Byrne'll either let me go, hire me, or kill me for knowing too much.

Heh. Two out of three ain't bad.

Wonder where Lucy is?
Dentedhelm said:
"Sure. Lots of old hardware, carved gems, Runestones. I mostly looked for things I could carry. Sometimes I'd find these strange masks, but nobody would buy them off me so I stopped taking them. Some stuff was too big for me to take, like statues or furniture. And every now and again, a ruin would be full of bandits, monsters, or Slaz and I'd just turn back before I lost my life."
I'd love to ask questions... but I think I'll keep my trap shut for now. If I continue to be a good little accomplice Byrne'll either let me go, hire me, or kill me for knowing too much.

Heh. Two out of three ain't bad.

Wonder where Lucy is?
"How familiar Are you with the badlands?

Would you have a general idea which locations had slaz?" Byrne was now leading Bryant into the barracks, dart saw them enter a room he himself hadn't entered before.

Curiosity got the better of him and he tailed them carefully hiding behind a black banner he heard Byrnes voice.

"This here as you might have guessed is a map of the badlands" Byrne directed Bryant toward the table

Only four or five towns are 'safe' and that's because the federation protects their citizens,

And the slave trade is just a occupation out there.. Fed soldiers often fight with pirates to steal freshly caught slaves, the rest of the locations marked on this map were ruins or bandit camps,

A few bandit camps/ruins were circled

Byrne started again,

"I know your not much for frahlidor, you would rather be dying on the sands or drinking brown hue.. But if you help me find these 'relics' I'm looking for"

Dart kept his ears open, 'relics' almost the same as 'artefacts' and Byrne is trying to hire orange.. This could work out well...

"I'm sure we can come to a agreeable sum, money, freedom, by the spectrums sake I'll give you a platoon you can 'liberate' where the federation has set up"

Byrne smirked as he imagined sending talents to take over Fort darkepoint
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Flowiest said:
"How familiar Are you with the badlands?
Would you have a general idea which locations had slaz?" Byrne was now leading Bryant into the barracks, dart saw them enter a room he himself hadn't entered before.

Curiosity got the better of him and he tailed them carefully hiding behind a black banner he heard Byrnes voice.

"This here as you might have guessed is a map of the badlands" Byrne directed Bryant toward the table

Only four or five towns are 'safe' and that's because the federation protects their citizens,

And the slave trade is just a occupation out there.. Fed soldiers often fight with pirates to steal freshly caught slaves, the rest of the locations marked on this map were ruins or bandit camps,

A few bandit camps/ruins were circled

Byrne started again,

"I know your not much for frahlidor, you would rather be dying on the sands or drinking brown hue.. But if you help me find these 'relics' I'm looking for"

Dart kept his ears open, 'relics' almost the same as 'artefacts' and Byrne is trying to hire orange.. This could work out well...

"I'm sure we can come to a agreeable sum, money, freedom, by the spectrums sake I'll give you a platoon you can 'liberate' where the federation has set up"

Byrne smirked as he imagined sending talents to take over Fort darkepoint
"That's... almost everything I could want." Bryant leaned on the table. "But it's an offer that could affect a lot of people." Bryant jabbed his chin at the map. "I want to be sure that whatever happens, the city-states of the Badlands will stay sovereign. Make no mistake, Councilor... I know firsthand how powerful the things buried in the Jalap can be. The nomads tell tales about how the desert sand was brought up from the sea just to bury that stuff."

"Respectfully," Bryant nodded toward Byrne, "I understand that plans can sometimes change when working for men such as yourself. Promises are tools, after all." He tapped the table. "In fact, I suspect this conversation is sealing my fate one way or another... So you'll understand my apprehension." He met Byrne's gaze steadily. "My ultimate goal is freedom for myself and for my home. Men and women die every day for much less. Trust is paramount- hence my honesty with you."

His eyes- or at least, his blindfold- shifted back to the map. "As I'm sure you're aware, Talents who think they're about to Shatter like to head for the Badlands and spend their last weeks of sanity on self-contemplation, hookers, whatever strikes their fancy. They eventually Shatter, stumble out of town, and start roaming the wilds as Slaz. Sometimes- but not always- they migrate along Ley Lines based on their color. Blues like to go northwest to the Hinterland, Reds to the Burning Steppes, that sort of thing. Basically, Slaz have their own roads- and like any good bandit, you lay in wait along them for your target. Good luck hunting them in their home turf though- they blend in too well and tend to have the environment on their side."

Man, I'm gambling a lot on Byrne being assassinated. Best case scenario he lets me out with a bag of coin and a boat charter, then gets poisoned before I have to meet any of his ridiculous demands. What if he's the one ordering the hits? But if he's trying to be the next Spectrum, he's not being very secretive about it. Or he's just insane. The Federation has a lot to gain from an incompetent madman on the throne.

Wait. Insane... sunglasses...

The plot thickens..!
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As a red talent, dart could sense it, Byrnes... Anger? Determination? He couldn't describe it

But it was growing more apparent,

"We don't recognise the 'slang' you've named these ruins and paths" Byrne spoke

"But we know items of importance are close to wenstad" he pointed to the bottom of the badlands where the pirate haven was located.

"A informant gave us a decent idea of what they believe is hiding out there"

Byrne spoke subtly about what the pirate said, 'island of monsters'

'A sword that could slice the moon from the sky'

'Pirate kings searching for powerful weapons'

Dart kept a steady rhythm of breathing as he evasdropped,

This is what they wanted... And he thinks it's at Anmarr... Monster island...

Would it be worth a team effort?

He kept his Ears open and everything else silent as Byrne continued

"So your happy with the choice to leave kawlii and by extension frahlidor for your assistance" Byrne demanded more then ask a question
Flowiest said:
As a red talent, dart could sense it, Byrnes... Anger? Determination? He couldn't describe it
But it was growing more apparent,

"We don't recognise the 'slang' you've named these ruins and paths" Byrne spoke

"But we know items of importance are close to wenstad" he pointed to the bottom of the badlands where the pirate haven was located.

"A informant gave us a decent idea of what they believe is hiding out there"

Byrne spoke subtly about what the pirate said, 'island of monsters'

'A sword that could slice the moon from the sky'

'Pirate kings searching for powerful weapons'

Dart kept a steady rhythm of breathing as he evasdropped,

This is what they wanted... And he thinks it's at Anmarr... Monster island...

Would it be worth a team effort?

He kept his Ears open and everything else silent as Byrne continued

"So your happy with the choice to leave kawlii and by extension frahlidor for your assistance" Byrne demanded more then ask a question
Dart's pretty nearby... wonder what his stake in all this is?

Also, who's "We"? Byrne doesn't seem like the type to work with a partner... maybe he's already using the royal We? Maybe he's just nuts..?

"Councilor, I'm not sure what constitutes 'assistance'. What exactly do you want from me? Sure I know the lay of the land and how to hold a blade, but racing against a Pirate Lord to steal a legendary sword that might not exist from an island full of monsters? You're asking a lot. I'd need a ship, a crew... supplies, money, the works. An expedition doesn't pay for itself." Bryant cocked an eyebrow. "Assuming, of course, that's what you're hiring me for."

Hah. If that thing even does exist, I'm throwing it into the ocean first chance I get. Power like that doesn't belong in the hands of men and women that would use it for themselves.

Besides, I like the moon.
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"oh really? cause you know I've never planned a voyage across the seas"Byrnes sarcasm was so strong dart almost laughed

"you jackass you think I would bother sending for you and going through this shit to not have you doing my bidding by tomorrow morning?"

Byrne stood up straight

"Do not think your untouchable dear boy I have fifty more men twice as more experienced in the badlands and with slaz, the reason I'm speaking with you is a completely different reason.."

He walked over to desk and gathered some illustrations, they were of dragons

"Have you ever worked with these before?"

Not native to badlands or frahlidor, talented dragons fly in from the east.. More regular in the last twenty years then ever before
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Flowiest said:
"oh really? cause you know I've never planned a voyage across the seas"Byrnes sarcasm was so strong dart almost laughed
"you jackass you think I would bother sending for you and going through this shit to not have you doing my bidding by tomorrow morning?"

Byrne stood up straight

"Do not think your untouchable dear boy I have fifty more men twice as more experienced in the badlands and with slaz, the reason I'm speaking with you is a completely different reason.."

He walked over to desk and gathered some illustrations, they were of dragons

"Have you ever worked with these before?"

Not native to badlands or frahlidor, talented dragons fly from in from the east.. More regular in the last twenty years then ever before
Geez, what an asshole. I choose my clients, not the other way around.

"Can't say I have."
Byrne was about to say something until he started moving about the edge of the room, almost as if inspecting,

Dart heard footsteps and no words so he started gathering black hue from behind the banner.

Invisible the black hue almost like a silent liquid dripping from his fingers and overtaking his whole body dart was just off visible, he made his way toward the doorway,

Byrne took a step toward Bryant

"The ship I have prepared leaves tomorrow morning, in case I haven't made it clear you have been conscripted... be on the ship"
Flowiest said:
Byrne took a step toward Bryant
"The ship I have prepared leaves tomorrow morning, in case I haven't made it clear you have been conscripted... be on the ship"
"Aye aye, sir."
They stood there for a moment "oh your free to go" Byrne said shooing him away once before heading toward the map.

Dart took his chance and slipped out the door the second Byrne turned.

He took it all in.. A team looking for the artefacts.. If I can join it I just need to sit pretty til they find it,

He kept the black hue over him as he skulked about,

These guys must be terrible, or I must be good.. Dart reasoned as he ghosted a spectrum guard across the hallway and downstairs. Uniform is white and blue dart made a rash decision, involving the back of this mans neck and the strongest downward chop dart has performed left a man collapsing down the stairs, dart caught him and dragged him down, taking the cloth part of the uniform he reasoned carrying the armour to noisy. Throw this over the blackguard armour and it's basically the same..

Dart left a dead naked body in a cell further downstairs, and then he just started exploring

Turns out a few tunnels are under kawlii academy.
Flowiest said:
They stood there for a moment "oh your free to go" Byrne said shooing him away once before heading toward the map.
So, does he really expect me to be there tomorrow? Just like that?

Well... I guess it's better than having assassins on my tail. I'll play along... for now.

At least I'll be back on the road. Kawliian accents might be sexy but I can't say the same for all the political bullshit.

Guess I need to buy some clothes, too. And visit Yvette's grave. And catch up with Lucy. Could she come on the expedition? Would she? And what about Yvette's daughter? I didn't even catch her name. And then there's Dart, of course. But I don't owe him anything. Good thing I knew when to hold 'em.

Guess I should head on over to the docks, meet the crew, see what supplies I have and which ones I need to buy.

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