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Futuristic The Society

Yiska Singer

Sunday, June 20th, 2054


As usual, Yiska had found himself awake at a little after 5 am. His body had him automatically waking at that time in preparation for work, though today was different. This was the last day he'd stay with his parents, and he wasn't sure how many more times he'd even get to see them following today. It was the day of the matching ceremony, and the more he thought about it the more his stomach twisted into knots, leaving him with an uneasy feeling. The government did the matching for the society's benefit, and he knew it did good in the long term, but leaving what he knew and being paired with someone he didn't certainly didn't help his nerves.

What if they're radicals? What if they're weird? If they break they break the laws, Yiska wasn't sure what that meant for him. Sure he'd try his best to fall in love, or at the very least, do what was intended. He had to stop his thoughts as he sat up quickly to the alarm, signalling 5:30 am. Had he really sat in his own thoughts that long? With a sigh he rummaged through his already packed belongings, taking out a bottle filled with the green pills and popping one in his mouth. That was another thing he'd have to be careful of. Without his pills he knew he was a nervous wreak.

He sat in the dark of his room for another half hour, taking some of that time to dress in loose black trousers and a gray long-sleeve shirt, before eventually slipping out of his room with his pack. Like usual his mother and father were still resting, they didn't leave for work until 8am, and by then he'd be gone. His sister was also asleep, being only twelve years old, meant she'd have quite a few more years ahead before he'd have to worry about who she was paired with. He supposed he was more concerned that his parents over it, but she was his favorite and only sibling.

Before departing the house he left a folded note on the counter of the kitchen. He'd written it weeks prior, saving it as a last goodbye for his family, he knew he couldn't do so in person with a straight face. With that he stepped out, heading for the train station. He'd arrive early and just use the quite morning moments to steel himself for what was to come.


Sunday, June 20th, 2054


Jayden had finally arrived at the train station. She was early, but only by a few minutes, as the train tot the capital would arrive at nine to take her and the others there for the big ceremony. Jayden has made her way over to a solid metal bench and sat down. Her heart was racing as she forced herself to sit as though she was just like everyone else, when inside she wanted to move, walk around, fidget, just something that would keep her rising anxiety levels down rather than taking the green pill. She wanted to feel. She wanted to know what it was like to be..alive? She supposed that might be the right word for it. At least for today. Today was going to be like no other day, really, and even though she probably should take her pill..she didn't want to. Not just yet. 


As Jayden sat on her bench, alone, her eyes wandered the crowd..curious to see if perhaps her match was already here? Not that she knew who he would be, but rather so she might could recognize him later. Her anxious fiery eyes scanned the station, wandering from person to person. There were so many young people here..and adults alike, but that didn't stop her mind from curiously thinking about each one, though..the one that did sort of stand out to her was a man who seemed to be standing alone near a wall. His hair was overgrown, but not to the point he was unattractive, but rather it suited his facial structure well. He seemed to look rather..discontent with where he was. Which..Jayden couldn't blame him..the station was starting to get more crowded as more and more people filed in. 


As for the man's body structure..she seemed to be..lanky? Maybe it was the way he was standing, or perhaps his clothes? Either way he was interesting the more she stared. ...Stared. She was staring..at a stranger... how impolite. Jayden shook herself slightly, making a bit of her crimson hair fall over her right eye, hiding it as she darted her glance away from him. It was rude to stare..hopefully he didn't catch her looking.. 


The longer Jayden sat, the more antsy she became, to the point where she had to resort to something. Something to stop her mental tyrant of bullying that was caused from her awkwardness and staring at the man who probably caught her gawking glance. She opted for playing with her hair, the strand that had fallen over her eye was now something to quell her mind. She twisted, braided, and played with the small strand, hoping the train would get here sooner so she could disappear into the crowd and continue to try and calm herself with out the pill. The only rebellious thing she would do for today, or ever.
After Rüdiger was done explaining, he stared at the man for a while. His paranoia was still setting off alarms in his head, still suspecting the man was here to illicit a kidnapping or some other power struggle, rather than a police officer like he'd stated he was. He shook himself, breaking away from his gaze and stepped away to snatch his suit jacket from the back of a chair. It was smoothed, all he would need to appear as smart as possible. The ink stains on his hands were less than appealing, but Rüdiger was one of those men who preferred to keep his hands in his pockets. If anything, it stopped him from compulsively rubbing them together, or touching things. He could hide them, and he would. Even if anyone did see the state of his fingers, he would know it was from working an honest living. There was nothing to be ashamed of in that. Just like a decorator might get paint on his jeans, or a labourer spreading brick dust over his sleeves, Rüdiger would smudge his hands with ink and graphite. Over and over again, every single day.

He turned again, tucking the jacket under his arm, "I can't be bothered to deal with you anymore," he said, his voice giving away how fatigued he already was. "All I wanted to do, all I wanted to do, was to get one illustration completed before I had to leave to go to this ceremony, but you couldn't even let me do that. I'm probably late as well. I'm done talking about this pill schieße with you, completely and utterly done."

He hissed again as he headed for the door, fully ready to kick this man out of his house as he left. ALthough... the man looked quite young. Rüdiger wasn't about to question it but he was curious if the man should be heading to the station too. Either way, it was none of his business. He opened the door, stared the man in the eyes and pointed.

"Out. I'm not having you in here anymore. Feel free to come back and berate me when I return tonight, I won't resist. But any evidence you've been in my appartment without my consent I will treat as tresspassing and I will take it further. So, leave. Please."

Aiden's thoughts of his upcoming birthday had brought him to the whim of the green pill not once, not twice, but three times in the past week. His father had joked with him about how things had been the same when he'd been on the edge of his selection. Aiden had laughed along with his father, but he didn't believe that for a second. His father had, by all means, been the favorite of his class, and easily could have gotten a much better job than the Peace Officer position that'd he'd been given, but he was content, just as everyone else was.

Now, Aiden was the one with his head approaching the block, he was the one that was going to be sorted into a job, possibly one that he didn't even think he could do, and then he would be paired up with a partner. Kids, partners, jobs, selection, those four words swirled in Aiden's head like a hurricane even as he jogged down the street, trying to do something other than ingesting the green pill to calm his nerves. Don't need the pill, he told himself over and over again, just need to work it out.
Zach took his Green Pill early in the morning, around 5 AM, had breakfast and went to the station. He was careful to keep an eye on the clock so he wouldn't be late. As the time of the Matching drew closer he grabbed a pack he had made a month ago. The entire way there his mind was a battleground of emotions, even with the Green Pill. Maybe he was gaining an immunity to it?! He was scared about the whole thing. What if he ends up like his father? What if I just repeat the same mistakes as my father? Along with these terrifying thoughts came the polar opposite. What if she is beautiful? What if she is absolutely perfect? The fact that many of these people are feeling just the same way, with a few variations no doubt. 

Even so he arrived at the Train Station, not ready for this in the slightest. 
Sam looked at him narrowing his eyes in disgust "so what? you think your the only illustrator? they all must take the green pill and you don't see them complaining do you?" he listened to the man rant the tell him to leave "I haven't change my mind and in fact your going to make me late for the ceremony too" he then walked over to the man nightstick still drawn "your a piece of crap traitor,you pig." He then raised the club and smashed the mans face with it as the man was writhing in pain on the ground he grabbed the radio out of his pocket and called it in "base this is officer Smith i'm at Rüdiger's house,i'm bringing him in he's refusing to take the green pill." he raised the club again and said "get up know or i'll destroy you.We'll have to meet back up at the station" 

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Rüdiger got to his feet as fast as he could and grabbed the man's collar. He couldn't believe what he was feeling. Intense anger was boiling in him, borne of the pain in his jaw and the shock that his valid explanation wasn't being tolerated. But this was hardly new, was it? This government was a cracked-up mess of tyranny. He resisted the urge to spit the blood pooling in his mouth at the man and instead swallowed it down. Thankfully, the nightstick had struck his cheekbone. It hurt like hell, a huge spasm of pain shooting through his cheek every second, but at least he hadn't lost a tooth. He let go of the man's collar but grabbed his wrist as he went to raise the radio.

He growled, "Fine. Fine. You win. I can't afford the time or the mental stress of your ficken police station. And neither can you! You just said you have to get to the station. So let's get this schieße over with, shall we?!"

Rüdiger stepped away before the man could make any further move and hurried to his bathroom. On the shelf were three compartments neatly placed together - one almost full of green pills, one with blue and one with red. On the compartments were written the effects and instructions, penned in Rüdiger's own scrawl - Green: Mood Duller, ingest when experiencing extreme emotions - Blue: Sustenance, ingest to receive a weeks' worth of nutrients - Red: Unknown, do not take without immediate instruction.

He grabbed a small handful of green pills, drew a small cup of water from the bathroom tap and proceeded back into the main room.

"Look. Look. I'll take one in front of you. I'll take some with me. Will that work? Will that make you leave me alone? Will that mean I can actually be where I'm supposed be by now?" he said, trying not to let the desperation seep into his voice. His anxiety and adrenaline levels were so high he felt lightheaded, and the pain in his cheek was becoming more and more dulled.

"fine,fine" sam said "take your pill and let's go but you ever touch me again and I swear i'll kill you" he grabbed the man by the shirt after he finished eating the pill "let's go and don't try and run or you will seriously regret it." Sam opened the door and marched him out.Sam grabbed his radio "Bravo team we need a ride to the station i've apprehended the subject and we need to get to the station" there was no reply "Bravo team.copy" Sam sighed "let's get walking then shall we?" Sam shoved him forward and began walking behind him

"Lech mich am arsch," Rüdiger remarked as he was pushed. He eyed the man as he locked front door, anger still boiling. But at least he was feeling something. He'd often go through periods of absolute flattened affect. He felt nothing. No anger, no remorse, no happiness. Of course, happiness was so alien to him he doubt he'd recognise it at all. But...

Rüdiger blinked as he lost his train of thought. The world looked so much more... grey. Dull blues and browns, the grey exteriors of buildings, unattractive yellows and blacks, all passed lazily past as they walked. Through the fug of his brain he realised this was the affect of the green pill - he vaguely recognised it. And perhaps some people would feel more comfortable like this, a tranquil subdued state. Sort of like anaesthesia. If the man hit him again he doubt he'd react as strongly.

Lord he detested the feeling.

But detesting was becoming tricky. As the drug worked its way around his brain, dulling the once-sharp senses, he slowly came to realise he didn't... care. What was taking the green pill or not talking the green pill? Both were states of being, and what exactly mattered there? To be anxious and sharp all at once until his death or to be anaesthetised the whole time? Doesn't matter.

Nothing matters.

His neck felt stiff, but he managed to look at the man.

He knew he had to say something, "When we get to the station," he said, his voice much quieter than he was expecting it to be, "will you... leave me? I'm not going to be a further problem. I don't... I... realise there's no point fighting you. And I don't want to get arrested. I just want to be. I swear to you."

He hoped the man would. He must be 18 too, if he was going to the station. For the Matching Ceremony. Not that that mattered to Rüdiger either.

As they walked he realised he'd arranged to meet someone at the station before he left. Tuesday, Rüdiger's 23-year-old second cousin, was there to provide a reassurance. A "don't worry, you'll be alright. Remember your breathing" kind of reassurance. Tuesday had gone through the matching ceremony already, so he, obviously, couldn't accompany Rüdiger. But even so, he'd arranged to meet Tuesday there. He only hoped the man would let him talk to Tuesday.

Not that Rüdiger would have anything to say. This pill was vicious. Rüdiger's avoidance of them had meant one dose would affect him quite badly - he had no immunity to them, like someone such as the man beside him would have. Even though he'd taken a green pill right outside Rüdiger's front door, he'd still been able to show dreadful emotion.

Sam could barely hold in a laugh as they were walking "the green pill must be kicking in" he thought "gosh the effects are hitting him hard he really doesn't use them often." Sam's thoughts then wondered to the ceremony "will I get a match? I know sometimes matchs come later because of delays in the system" shaking his head to those thoughts he responded to the man "how about this,if my captain agrees I will do regular checks on you until we believe your taking the pills on a regular bases? that way you don't get arrested and I make sure there is order.Deal?" he said calmly. he then saw something in the distance Sam saw someone jogging lightly as they approached he called out "watch out behind you,sir prisoner in custody behind you"

@0stinato  @BlueOctober
Rüdiger mumbled an agreement to the policeman's plan, "Fine. Check up on me. I don't care. I'll do what you say."

His own voice sounded and felt like there was water in his mouth. Or foam. Or some sort of insulating agent. From what he knew, the pill would kick the user into the chill zone for a few minutes, before settling down. That way, the user would be able to continue with basic everyday tasks, just a little slower. And slower was good. You were less likely to make mistakes.

However, the man's next words made his eyebrow twitch, "I'm not a prisoner," he said. "You just want to call me that to make yourself sound important."

He looked over to the jogging man, and, even in his subdued state, recognised the way the guy was holding his hands - balled up, tendons almost showing through the skin. Rüdiger was familiar with this of course, though had no inclination to say anything. This guy was nothing to do with him, though he did seem to be heading to exactly the same location as Rüdiger was; the station, just up ahead, a collection of nervous-looking pre-adults standing waiting for the train to take them to the next stage of their lives.

Rüdiger didn't think he was being matched today. He'd had no warning of it. But, then again, he'd had no warning this man was going to show up and actually physically assault him for making a simple life choice. So, in reality, anything was possible and nothing was surprising.

He sighed heavily, putting a hand to the small of his back, forcing himself to stand up straighter.

@johndoe @BlueOctober
Aiden slowed up, glanced at the man that had been referred to as a prisoner. His mind was still racing, but the jogging had managed to easy his worry somewhat. He actually stepped back so that he stood even with the man. 

"You heading to the station?" Aiden asked, wiping away the light sheen of sweat that had formed on his brow. He looked the man over, observed that he certainly didn't look like a prisoner, as much as the other man had sounded sure when referring to him as one.


It was almost... incredible, the amount of people gathering at the large train station. Until that moment in time, he wasn't aware of just how many people there truly were in his age group. Almost too many people, he could only wonder what the train stations looked like in more crowded cities, did they have to make multiple trips? Or were sections of people given separate times in which to show up  for a specific train? Either way, sounded like a massive headache he did not envy anyone having. What would that job be called anyhow? Rowan was sure it had some sort of fancy title as he doubted, 'Breeders-To-Be Train Planner,' was really 'state approved'. 


Rowan resisted the urge to scratch his neck as he got a strange sensation that he was being watched, normally, one wouldn't pay much mind, but Rowan wasn't just anyone and it was a very, very unpleasant feeling. It took every ounce of his willpower and what meager amount of self-control he had to not turn his head or started to look for... well, whomever might be looking his way, what in the world were they looking for? He was a fairly average guy, at least, he felt so. Lanky, long hair... honestly, there wasn't much to set him out and that was how he liked it.


As the seconds, which felt like eons to Rowan, ticked by, he ventured small, quick looks around him, masking them as simple curious examinations of his surroundings or of new comers, but he didn't see anyone watching him directly, at least, not anymore.. 'Well, nothing like starting off a lifetime of breeding whilst being paranoid. Yippee.'

Yiska Singer

Sunday, June 20th, 2054


Yiska had sat at the station for a couple hours now, he'd claimed a bench near the platform, sitting as still as he could. The place quickly filled up with what he guessed where others his age, all heading off to the matching ceremony, some looking rather nervous. They probably hadn't taken the green pill this morning, and Yiska was as glad as he could possibly be that he'd always taken it like clockwork. At least it kept his emotions subdued, and now he just spent his time observing the others around him and trying to not think about who he would be paired with. If anything he'd get to start his job and have something to eventually take his mind off the social aspect of life. He found himself absently chewing his lip as the minutes passed by, sighing as he sat up straighter on the bench. Hopefully the train would arrive soon and this whole mess could be over with. The longer he sat the more his legs started to tingle, slowly loosing sensation and forcing him to stand and stretch, he would have likely been better off getting to the station closer to the actual departure time, but he couldn't stand having to say goodbye to his parents and sister face to face. This was for the better, at least he hoped so. The government had everything worked out for years now, so those like him wouldn't have a thing to worry about.

Shaking that thought away he turned back to people watching. Someone around him would be the one he'd spend the rest of his life with. He didn't know how the government decided that either, maybe it was a random draw, or perhaps they tried to match personalities, genetics, or something similar to make compatible matches. After all he'd not hear of any breaking their match to elope elsewhere or run off. Maybe they all just accepted it, or they really were paired for their compatibility. That was it. Maybe. He hoped so, and while under the influence of the green pill, he just found the thought to be interesting, keeping his usual anxious and insecure mind at bay. If he wasn't on the pill, he'd probably be sweating and shaking like the rest. Maybe he'd even pass out, but he wasn't about to test his fortitude under stress without the green.
Aiden slowed up, glanced at the man that had been referred to as a prisoner. His mind was still racing, but the jogging had managed to easy his worry somewhat. He actually stepped back so that he stood even with the man. 

"You heading to the station?" Aiden asked, wiping away the light sheen of sweat that had formed on his brow. He looked the man over, observed that he certainly didn't look like a prisoner, as much as the other man had sounded sure when referring to him as one.

"yes we are as i'm sure you are too" Sam said "you may walk with us if you wish i'm Sam" with a smile on his face sam extended a hand "nice to meet you sir"
"yes we are as i'm sure you are too" Sam said "you may walk with us if you wish i'm Sam" with a smile on his face sam extended a hand "nice to meet you sir"

Aiden shook the other man's hand, though took note that they both appeared the same age. "Aiden, pleasure to meet you as well." He offered up a hint of a smile, the lack of a green pill in his system not helping with his nerves, which were so on edge that he could barely contain the shaking of his hands.
Sam got a sour look on his face "you seem a little on edge Aiden,maybe you should take a green pill?" he said slyly. he then began walking "so aiden tell me about yourself how old are you?where are you from? that kinda thing" he glanced over at Rüdiger and saw that he was trailing behind "move it pig or you'll catch the end of my club" he snarled 

@0stinato  @BlueOctober
Perhaps it was the brisk walk, but Rüdiger was beginning to feel more awake. The initial knocking-flat affect of the pill was gradually leaving him, and he was once again noticing things with the same vigour he used to have. The dull, man-made flavour of calm was still flooding his brain, so he tried to look at things, respect their colour, trace their outline and shape, just trying to get his head back to normal.

He looked at the guy, the new one, the jogging one. Closely. The light-brown hair, light eyebrows and darkish eyelashes. The crease of those eyebrows, the not-so-subtle stress markings on his face. The forced smile of those delicate lips. His name. Aiden.

He held back a remark - the officer, Sam, had never told Rüdiger his name. Just busted into his house, smashed him round the face and possibly made him miss his meeting with Tuesday. Ah well. The green pill Sam had made him take was taking him over now. It was hard to care about it. At least he knew now.

He looked at the officer, Sam, "Sure, because you've not assaulted me already today. I go at my own pace. I'm drugged, too, by the way. In case you forgot," he felt no anger towards Sam, but holding back the biting remark wasn't in his nature.

Rüdiger switched his gaze to Aiden, "Watch out. You don't neck those pills like smarties and he'll be on you. Look at this bruise," he brushed his hair out of the way as they walked. "I've got to show up to the ceremony like this."

@johndoe @BlueOctober
Sam growled "that's to bad does little princess want to be treated special? I take the green pills and I can move just fine look." Sam then smashed his nightstick into Rüdiger's side "deals off your going to jail,sorry" he said as Rüdiger kneeled on the ground Sam smashed him again in the back forcing him to lay flate "get up come on fight back,give me a reason to hit you again you scumsucker" 

@0stinato @BlueOctober
Rüdiger got up again.

"Please," he said, not looking at Sam. "Stop. I've done nothing. I've done nothing wrong and you're abusing me like a hunter to his quarry. I don't want to be treated special. I want to be treated like a human being because that's what I am. I have to go to the ceremony. I have to go there and handle myself, hallucinations, anxiety and all. And you're hitting me. Constantly. I did nothing. So stop. Please. Please."

Sam's inner morality made him crumble "your right,oh god your right i'm so sorry in-in the police academy they told us if anyone resisted that being more aggressive was better than being not aggressive enough" he bent down and extended his hand to help him up fully "i'm so sorry can you ever forgive me?" Sam was near tears "what have I down to this man? oh god" he thought to himself 

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Rüdiger locked eyes with him, "Forgive you?" he said.

He didn't say anything for a while, just kept staring at Sam

Eventually, instead of saying all the things he wanted to say, he looked away from Sam, put his chin up, ignoring dull throbbing in his face and body. He felt nothing. He felt nothing at all. No anger, no revengeful thoughts. But neither did he feel happy. But then again, he so rarely felt happy anyway. He walked up to the station, noting that Tuesday was nowhere to be seen, alone, leaving Sam and Aiden behind.

He sat. People were around him. He didn't care. Didn't look at them. He was where he was supposed to be. All he wanted to do now was get this over with. The train ride. The ceremony. The people. The experience. The heat. The stress. He wanted it over with.

He waited.
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Sunday, June 20th, 2054


Fifteen minutes of playing with that one piece of hair had certainly done the trick in calming Jayden, it had also caused that singular chunk to get wavy from all the different braids she had done. It wasn't really an ugly wavy, but was quite different from her naturally straight hair. It was when she looked away from the strand that she noticed the train. It was sleek, clean, and almost eerie. It had a giant two painted in black near the head of the train while the rest of it had a straight black line down the middle of each little car. The rest of the train was a bright white, making hard to look at against the bright ultraviolet lights of the station. AS the train began to slow, there was no sound, something Jayden enjoyed a lot but also pondered. There was no sound of the breaks, nothing to tell you that the train was stopping other than the fact that it's momentum was slowing. Perhaps it was how the train was built, though..it still made her wander. 


Shaking these nonsense pondering thoughts from her head, Jayden worked her way through the growing crowd of people who lined up to board. Once the train was at a complete stop, the giant metal doors made a hissing sound before opening up to the crowd of anxious adults. It took a moment or two before Jayden was able to board, but once she was inside, she took a long look around the inside. It had been so long since she last rode a train, so the sight before she was almost..astonishing. 


Her fiery eyes danced from white leather seat to white leather seat, taking in the sights of the windows, standing polls with little blunt metal hooks hanging down for anyone who wanted to stand to hold onto, should the train make an immediate stop. The shiny metals floor beneath her looked..clean. Actually everything looked clean and perfect. Perhaps they had recent cleaned this train? Jayden was unsure as she made her way back, sitting near the rear of the first car and scooting closest to the window, wondering if anyone was going to sit next to her or around her, as each set of set was in fours with a table in the middle that had a small tablet stuck in it, used for ordering drinks and food should the passengers require it.


After everyone boarded, the doors hissed closed and the train started up again. A voice came over speakers that were somewhere within the train, "Welcome. You are all here to be transported to the capital, please sit back, chat with one another, and enjoy the ride." A man's voice. He had a gentle and calm tone, and mixed with his deep voice..it was almost relaxing. Jayden, on the other hand, wasn't relaxed whatsoever. She was growing more anxious, as she knew they would be in the capital within only thirty minutes. 
Zach saw the train enter the station and was perplexed by its silence. Normally something like that makes some noise right? It also didn't help his feeling of anxiety when all the people, all around his age, lined up to gain passage. When they were all spread out it was better, but when they all piled up in one space you could see the massive amount more clearly. He entered the sleek train and looked around. It was better looking than he expected if you could see past all the people. "First class. Fancy." Still, the amount of people in the train was astounding. Feeling nervous, even with the pill, he calmed down a bit when he realized these other kids most likely felt the same. Looking for a place to sit he saw an open seat and sat down. Across him sat a pretty red-haired girl who seemed anxious. "Well this is a fancy vehicle. What do you think? Are you excited?" Zach figured talking to people will help his nerves. 

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Ry Hendrix


Ry stepped into the train with a sense of relief. She could finally be carried away with her thoughts and sit alone, maybe even next to a window. Wouldn't that be superb? She couldn't help but notice that the train was super clean and well taken care of, already looking elegant and not even in the ceremony hall. Ry started to get even more excited about the entire ordeal as she found a seat away from everyone else, next to a window. She first let her hair down as she fixed the obviously rushed ponytail, only double wrapping the band, for she now had her thoughts on what dress she should get.

I wonder if they'll allow purple and white, maybe even with a little fade into lavender from the royalty of the color, She began playing with her hair as she looked out the window at all the anxious faces boarding, How elegant would that look, eh Ry? Maybe you'll make some of those suckers take the green pill because of it.

This little pep talk she was giving herself started to reveal her wide grin as she bit her tongue to contain it, it was very hard.

I'll bet he would be impressed. And maybe even coincidentally he'll pick some purple on his suit. That would be sweet, wouldn't it Ry? It'll be like your paintings. Soft and warm to look at, brings out what the government doesn't want from you. Just once, 'K guys? All I want is just today...

Her gaze started to shift from the faces of the young adults to the sky that was above them. The clear light blue with a few clouds splotched here and there. Just a filler to the nature that might lay beyond this place. Who knows?

"Just today... please? Let me dream a bit more..." She whispered to herself, making her grin turn into her own little warm smile. So many thoughts and she was over dramatizing them to escape reality, it's who she is, "I've followed you for eighteen long years... I want one day, one scary, heartfelt, adventurous day..."

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