The Social Experiment; closed


Teifling Rogue
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey guys, so in recent light we've had a couple of our players drop their extra female characters, so that leaves only two girls in a house of 5 guys! Signups are currently open for female characters.

You can either post your skelly here, or here. The character skellies are below. Thanks in advance!




Where are they from:

Skills/Passions (Like are they into music, building things, math, literature. Something of the like. Be creative!):

Dislikes (Don't be afraid to have your character seem like a bigot, the point of this is to help people become better and put contradicting beliefs together under one roof):


Sexual Orientation:



Other (This is optional):
Name: Marceline Oswald

Age: 17

Background: Marceline's mother died in a car accident when she was 4. Ever since then, Marceline was raised by her father, a powerful business executive who gave her everything she wanted, except for a parental figure to spend time with and show intimacy towards. She was raised in a large ranch-like mansion by nannies that came in went, mostly because the Canadian Province of Yukon was small and desolate, with hardly any other residents to keep each other company. Marceline attended a nice private school, but never obtained a single close friend to spend her time with.

Where are they from: Yukon, Canada

Skills/Passions: speaks French; has a beautiful singing voice; is gifted in different forms of art such as sketching; is a brilliant writer

Dislikes: Arrogance, immaturity, unsensible jokes, crowded rooms/conversations, people conceited with their appearance

Likes: Music, art, literature, adventures, men who are gentle but take control when needed

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Personality: Marceline is very bold yet reserved. She tends to be awkward around others, but comes out of her shell once she gets to know people further. She has a sharp and witty tongue when she speaks, and has a longing for romance and adventure despite her usually shy personality.
She can come in as a late participant, saying her car broke down or something along those likes if you want.
I may join, let me read over all the forms quick :)  

Mai Fushimi




Mai was brought up in a traditional household in where her parents decided everything for her, she did not mind her life all that much and as long as they didn't cross certain lines she was happy to let them. Her parents were not often home and her father was often away on business with her mother in tow which left her to do as she pleased. She always did as she was told and never complained, hardly even talked in fact so in a way she made the ideal daughter to their family. Her older brother and her shared a close bond as children but when he left to study they began to grow apart. Her parents where persuaded to let her go on this new research program and she did as told with no fuss.

Where are they from:



Mai is incredibly smart when it comes to technology, she can hack into a government top security files within a day with no problem. She spent most of her free time alone in her room with her computers, even forgetting to eat on many occasions. She is an internet famous digital artist but cannot paint or draw traditionally. She can defend herself well in hand to hand combat but only for defense. She is a incredibly skilled piano player and would make the perfect house wife but that is where her skills end.


More than 2 people with her at one time, goldfish, unhygienic people and people who are self centered or complain at random times.


Tradition, technology, music, some forms of art, dogs, order, dark rooms and peaceful quietness.

Sexual Orientation:





Mai is a quiet girl who is often described at unnerving because she stares at people and only speaks when absolutely necessary. She never lies and speaks in a factual tone with no emotions linked in. She is completely obsessive over some things and is rather OCD. She cannot stand mess or unhygienic people or situations. She will cut you off mid-sentence by walking away if she finds you boring or rude and never uses violence or verbal violence in order to show anger.


Speaks fluent Japanese and English

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