[The Smoke-Darkened Hills] Jackson Amin


Two Thousand Club
Jackson always was an inquisitive person, even as a child. His favorite question was “Why?”, and he used to drive his parents – and any other adults who may have had the opportunity to spend any time with him – crazy with his constant questioning. This constant querying was channeled into journalism. From an early age, Jackson knew he wanted to be a reporter. All through high school and then college, the young man pursued the story, at first in print and, later, on film.

After he graduated college, Jackson got a job with the Associated Press – who then sent him to Afghanistan. His natural aptitude with Arabic made him a natural for the region. He spent four years in the area, reporting on the war and trying to portray the plight of the common soldier as they made their way in a war not of their choosing. Until that day. The day where the squad he was traveling with was ambushed. Was wounded. Was captured. Amin was captured by terrorists. He was missing for five days, after which he was rescued. The other soldiers who were taken with him were not so lucky.

The war changed Jackson. He came back and his interest in standard journalism had waned. He no longer wanted to chase down the criminals. He no longer wanted to uncover the graft in government. That’s not to say he didn’t didn’t try. Employment wasn’t an issue when he returned to the States. It’s just that his heart was no longer in it. His experiences in Afghanistan, Jackson was soon to discover, awakened something in him that heretofore slumbered.

For now, Jackson could sense ghosts. It was a frightening experience at first. He was unaware of what was going on, and he didn’t understand the feelings he was having. Strange feelings would come over him in spooky places; his hairs would stand on end in suddenly freezing locations; shivers raced up and down his spine in supposedly haunted locations. For a while, he thought he was going crazy. It was on an outing to a local carnival that his life was changed. A gypsy fortune teller told him what it was he was feeling. The discovery that there were ghosts in the world gave Jackson a new look on life. It also gave him a new direction.

His ability to sense the presence of ghosts garnered him immediate respect on a number of ghost hunting shows. He served as a support character at first, but his on air skills soon had him in front of the camera. The politics involved in many of the shows caused Jackson to strike out on his own. Through diligent research, Jackson discovered that Caswell is renowned for spectral activity. He has moved here to begin his own ghost hunting show, Spooktacular Encounters. Now he simply has to find his spooks.
Jackson Amin – supernatural investigator – “Ghost Hunter”

Virtue: Ambitious

Vice: Curious


Int 2

Wits 2

Resolve 3


Str 2

Dex 2

Stam 2


Pre 3

Man 2

Com 3




Craft 1 (Paranormal Devices)

Investigation 3 (Paranormal Phenomena, Haunted Locations) Professional, [9 Again]


Occult 3 (Ghosts) Professional, [9 Again]



Athletics 1

Brawl 1


Firearms 2





Animal Ken

Empathy 2

Expression 3 (Creepy Show Production) Professional, [9 Again]


Persuasion 2

Socialize 1

Streetwise 2

Subterfuge 1

Defense: 2


Initiative: 5

Morality: OOOOOOO

Speed: 9

Willpower: OOOOOO


Unseen Sense: Ghosts 2

Language: Arabic 1

Professional (Ghost Hunter/Parapsychologist) 3

Trained observer 1


Bring elements together to create my show

Find a location to shoot my first show

Create a hit show

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