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Fandom The Slayer - The Lore


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A species of soulless, undead demons that could only exist on Earth by leaving their own dimension and possessing human corpses. Though undead, they require mammalian blood to maintain their health. The first vampires were made when an Ancient One mixed his demon blood with a human's, thus creating the first kind: the Turok-Han. The Old one was responsible for creating vampires, but extradimensional demons were responsible for the essence that would enter their bodies and animate them. Later down the line, the appearance of later vampires would be toned down to that of their human host, while being able to switch to a more ferocious visage while feasting on their prey.

A vampire's demon core has no personality of its own; ordinary vampires gain the qualities of the people they were in life, including memories, fears, and desires. Mentally, the root of any vampire's evil nature is their lack of a human soul, which allows them to act without conscience or remorse. While all vampires are essentially corrupt, soulless versions of their prior selves, they still represent an expression of the potential they had in life.

To create a new vampire, blood exchange is needed. Victims of vampire attacks do not turn into new vampires unless they consume the sire's blood when near death after being fed on by said vampire. If the vampire drained all of the victim's blood, the victim would simply die. A human who imbibed vampire blood when not at the point of death would not change.

There is a link between sire and progeny, a psychic bond that can stand time and distance.

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