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Fantasy The Six Warriors CS


Gaius Danius Griinia

Apparently Infamous
Major Element:


Minor Elements:
Contracted Familiars:

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Ciana Dawn Est
Warrior of the Light | Second Princess
  • Name: Princess Ciana Dawn Oralee Est
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Role: Light Warrior & Second Princess
    Race: Human / Demigod (?)
    Home: Estia Empire/ Palace

    Major Element: Light
    Minor Element: All
    Excalibur is a golden sword and it is believed that only the Light Warrior can wield it.
    Dawnbreaker, a golden bow which can be collapsible and often worn on Ciana's left forearm like a gauntlet when inactivated. It can use a real quiver; however Ciana only uses her light magic as quivers. Both weapons are relics used by Est, herself.

    Contracted Familiar:

    Previous Light Warrior's Familiar

    Master of Puppy-dog eyes
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Name: Inigo Kozuki
Gender: Male
1/2 Demon
1/4 Human
1/4 Western Dragon
Age: 17
Inigo Kozuki.png
Major Element: Darkness

Personality: Inigo is a nice enough guy. He helps little old ladies with their heavy groceries, volunteers to run important messages and always dedicates himself to his work. People generally like Inigo, enough that some have offered their daughters to him. Of course, Inigo has no interest in starting a relationship at this point in his life. Inigo is focusing all of his energy on is becoming a Freelancer. Inigo may be a bit straight laced sometimes, but he DOES know how to have fun. He'll make jokes, poke fun at others and act like the goofiest goof around if he has nothing too serious to do. Of course, when he doesn't have to act like a proper adult, he cuts loose. When faced with a particularly tough opponent, Inigo likes to poke fun and tease them. Inigo dislikes it when people compare him to his older sister, Sayaka. Yes, she is a genius who graduated at sixteen, though you shouldn't expect her brother to be exactly the same. Underneath all his duty and fun-loving is a great rage. Inigo can be a very wrathful person if pushed too far. He holds contempt towards corruption in all forms and doesn't tolerate abuse of power. All in all, Inigo is a dedicated person who likes to act like a goofball sometimes.

Biography: Inigo Kozuki was born to a Demon named Camilla and a Human/Dragon Hybrid named Sojiro Kozuki. They met and fell in love when Sojiro was escorting Nagara's Feudal Lord to a peace summit with the Witch Council in Hexapolis. Leaving with him to Nagara, they married and had two children, Inigo and Sayaka. Sayaka quickly proved herself a natual genius, entering the Nagara Academy, Izanagi at just twelve years of age. When she was sixteen she graduated with top honors and became an instructor at Izanagi the next year. As a result, people started expecting Inigo to be just as good as his older sister. While he had talent, the pressure of Sayaka's achievements caused him to fail the entry exam for Izanagi. It was after this that Sojiro was killed by his co-workers out of jealousy. They had all paid off any witnesses and almost got away with his murder until the Feudal Lord found out. Executing them all, the Feudal Lord himself begged Camilla for forgiveness. While Camilla forgave him, she didn't want her children in Nagara any more. Sayaka stayed behind so she could change the corrupt system of Nagara from within as an instructor. Camilla took a fourteen year old Inigo back to Hexapolis with her. There he took the exam for Hexapolis Academy, Mistras and passed with flying colors. With the death of his father pushing him to succeed and his sister not around to demotivate him, Inigo became one of the top Cadets at Mistras. Now seventeen and with one year to go until he becomes a Freelancer, Inigo receives a mysterious summons.

Edge: A gunblade forged by the Dwarven Blacksmith Eitri. It is Inigo's personal weapon that he almost always carries with him. It can act as both a close range and a long range weapon. The story of this sword is a short one but a good one. Eitri had just moved to Hexapolis and was almost immediately set upon by rich snobs from Mistras. They would tag his shop with graffiti, harass his customers and even tried to get him arrested by the guard. They were in the process of trying to set fire to his shop when Inigo stopped them. Knocking them out and informing the school, the group was swiftly expelled. As thanks for his deed, Eitri made Edge for Inigo. Whenever it needs upgrades or repairs, Inigo will head over to Eitri's so he can fix it.

Black Rose: A handgun made for Inigo by Eitri. Inigo loads it with a variety of special bullets that each do a different kind of damage and have a different effect. While Edge has a gun form, Black Rose is for the situations where using Edge is inconvenient. Though it may be a sidearm, Black Rose is a solid method of protection.

Minor Elements: All
Contracted Familiar:
SATANAEL (Familiar of the last Warrior of Darkness)

.Likes to eat nice food
.Always has something to say
.Wonders why more people don't have gunblades
.Uses a precision weapon so he isn't overcome by the sheer force of Darkness
.Darkness is the element of overwhelming force... Inigo focuses on precise control to prevent himself from becoming corrupted by its power
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Name: Petra Leore
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 18
Appearance: 5’11” // Tan skin // Chestnut hair // Hazel eyes
Major Element: Earth

Personality: Like the stone that is her major element, Petra is stoic, stubborn, rough, and dry, yet she is also layered with unnoticed complexity and beauty. While her bluntness and generally dark sense of humor can lead strangers to believe she is a rude, frigid bitch, Petra is actually much more free-spirited and thoughtful than most people would believe. If you separate Petra from her words, her truly fun-loving and adventurous core will shine; like in her chosen craft, Petra is an artist, bending her harsh medium of stone to express the power of design and concept rather than the mindlessness of brute force. In essence, Petra is an acquired taste, both the diamond and the rough.

Biography: Petra’s upbringing can best be described as an unauthorized journey of self-finding. Though Petra was born in Fendal - where her extended family continues live - her parents decided to take her with them on their own nomadic journey, beginning before Petra was even a year old. From this infant age, Petra constantly moved across Estia: Nagara, Hexapolis, Estial; experiencing many different cultures and seeing the many different styles of magic from all around the land. On this journey, Petra was able to explore her abilities further than the average sorcerer, learning techniques from teachers of all the different elements. Through her travels with her family, Petra was introduced to the magnificent city of Troia, a freely city in a constant state of change, a place where Petra could further develop her artistry, the place where Petra decided to cease her journey and move on from her parents as they moved on to the next location. For two years now, Petra has worked as an artisan in Troia, creating and selling pieces of art in her personal shop, along with being commissioned to design buildings and structures. Petra’s creations have birthed much praise in her community, and word of her talents is slowly spreading throughout her city. Perhaps this artisan with the alleged ability to combine earth with all other elements is one spoken of in legend?

Tools: WIP
Minor Elements: All
Contracted Familiars: WIP

Extra: Petra has never been inside a Freelancer Academy
Name: Raika
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 19

Major Element: Fire

Personality: Raika is a very passionate person about everything she does. Be it martial arts, magic, freelancing, drawing, calligraphy, philosophy, or especially spiritualism. She feels that anyone who does not give their one hundred percent is not living to their fullest potential and cheating themselves. Hard work, willpower, honor, and dedication top natural talent and power any day. She believes to maximize your potential as a warrior you must practice other things. Everything is a skill that can be honed. Raika considers herself a very spiritual person and this plays a role in her fighting style. She practices physical combat using the elements to enhance her impressive physical skill, as well as learning sacred techniques such as jutsu and spells. She sees magic as a science that can be researched and applied.

Biography: Raika was the baby of two mercenaries who, upon starting a family, decided to turn their lives around. Both had done things they weren't proud of, and wanted better for their baby. They raised their daughter with every ounce of love they possessed, training her to be smart as well as defend herself. To make her parents proud that little girl decided she wanted to be a freelancer and fight for justice. They found this incredibly ironic.

Raika excelled in freelancing school, and is considered one of the pride students of Nagara's academy Izanagi. She has trained for a year at the western academy Ignatius during an exchange program and found plenty of new information she could use to become a better freelancer. She was used to the jutsu kind of magic of Nagara, and found the spells of the western men incredibly interesting. She began to study both styles of using magic with vigor. She has recently shown signs of graduating the academy early with how many classes she manages and excels in.

Tools: Charcoal pencil, sketchbook, monkey pendent, hand/foot wraps
Minor Elements: wind, water, earth, light, darkness, (Do I need to list things like lightning, steam, etc?)
Contracted Familiars:

During one of Raika's field trips to the jungles around Nagara (sponsored by the school) she encountered a fire spirit named Kasai Wukong. He claimed to be a prince in the court of the current Monkey King, however had disrespected his lord and was banished. As such he was wandering the country of Nagara looking for a new purpose. Raika invited the lively spirit to accompany her on her quest of justice, and Kasai liked the fire inside her. He decided to make a friend of this funny human and the rest is history.
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Gender: Female
Race: 1/2 Light Elf, 1/2 Western Dragon
Age: 20
Major Element: Water

Personality: A warrior at heart, fierce and determined in most everything she does. She is protective of her allies, and would sooner die than admit defeat. She is stoic in her views on most things and will not budge in arguments.
Biography: She was born in Alfheim to an Elvish mother and a Draconic father. Outcast wasn't the half of what people called her. She was always ridiculed, as while she still had the sharpness an elf ought to have have, her hands and arms were like scaly gauntlets. That didn't stop her from learning to fight. But after she did, she bolted as far away from Alfheim as she could. She first tried Hexapolis, but met them said fate. She then found herself I the technological wonder of Estia, where she was actually somewhat accepted. She joined the Academy at 14, and had been there roughly since, with no where else to really go.

Ice breaker: A simple enough longsword, on contact sends shards of ice into the defender's weapon or body, wherever it strikes. Used alone or in tandem with the sheath as a blocking tool.
Ace: A hand crossbow mounted on her wrist, that is hidden in her sleeve. Used as a last resort.
She can generally create weapons of ice, but they don't last long.
She is trained in the use of longbows as well, but does not carry one

Minor Elements: All, specializes in Mist, Ice,
Contracted Familiars:
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Name: Aldon Vuur Cogethion

Gender: Male

Race: Full Elf (1/2 light, and dark)

Age: 17

Appearance: Although only half dark elf, at first glance one would think Aldon was a full breed. His jet black messy hair, too dark eyes, and way too pale skin; a far cry from the much softer, more colorful light elves. He has a lean frame, and still looks like he is growing into his rather tall body standing at 6’3” and still growing.

Major Element: Darkness,

Minor Element: Wind

Personality: Aldon keeps to himself. He has a reserved, realistic outlook on life, and is mostly very serious. Rarely seen cracking a smile.

Biography: Born an Orphan in the slums of Mupellheim, Aldons life was terrible from the start. Luckily, he was born naturally smart. He picked up early on from the common thieves, and stole his way out of the streets. After saving up a modest amount of money, he left the dark elf capital and made his way to Alfheim. Alfheim although a much nicer place the Mupellheim had a high cost of living, and without a job Aldon couldn’t stay there.

So, he moved again, this time to Nagara, where he signed up to the academy

Tools: None

Contracted Familiars: None

Name: Chiron Willow

Gender: Male

Race: 100% Western Dragon

Age: 32

Appearance: 3DFE410A-6105-48C7-AD31-45DCBF0C2794.jpeg
Major Element: Wind

Personality: In public, Chiron prefers to give off a sort of quirky and obnoxious demeanor. He is awkward around new faces, and even those he is close to, so attempting to be humorous and mildly annoying is what he’s best at. When it comes down to it though, Chiron can be the most serious person one could be paired up with. If something is threatening the world you know he’ll be onto stopping it. He has a strong moral compass and will willingly fight until his dying breath if such a situation requires it.

Biography: Chiron was born to a rather rich family that lived in the upper districts of Alkosh. He was an only child, brought up by a couple who believed strongly in the idea that pure blooded Dragons were far superior to any other being in all of Estia.

They rose him on this belief and taught him how to fight in order to get what he wanted. For many years Chiron believed that his parents knew what was best for him, and so he ate up everything they told him. But as he matured, his views began to change.

The more of the world Chiron saw, the more he realized just how wrong his mother and father were.

He left at the age of sixteen out of spite for the horrible things his family believed in. He left without notice. He didn’t need his parents holding him back any longer. And so, he made his way over to the considerably warmer city of Fendal. The first few years spent here were a rough patch in his life. He mostly spent his time assisting a weapons smith. But eventually his hard work payed off and he was able to purchase property.

From that point on his time was spent either helping out around the city or otherwise heading out to explore and learn new things. He wouldn’t lead the life his parents had wanted him to.

Aside from a few trinkets here and there, the only thing Chiron tends to carry on him is a stash of deadly knives shaped as bird feathers. He created them himself, taking extra care to make them as sharp as possible. He specializes in throwing them, and has excellent aim.

Minor Elements: Any be can work with.

Contracted Familiars: Quenzal (Often appears in his dreams though he has never met it in person)
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Name: Adam Adamsson

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 17

Appearance: 5010E53C-6DEA-4779-8182-0F0A0B841710.jpeg

Major Element: Fire (Apart from being able to light a cigarette, Adam cannot use magic at all.)

Personality: Quirky, eccentric, goofy fellow, Adam is a happy-go-getting, hot girl loving, teen.

Biography: Born to a very large (I’m talking 8 kids here), lower middle class family, as the second youngest is not easy. Often overlooked, Adam was left to his own devices. At school, he was very average, and was teased for being born with little to no magic. He kept his head up however, and is training to become a master swordsman.

Tools: Wooden Sword

Minor Elements:

Contracted Familiars: A hamster called Dewy


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