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Futuristic The Singularity (Closed)

Aeda shook her head a little too quickly at his counter, she didn't have the will to say it outright, but there's wasn't any chance were she ever attempted to smuggle him into Omoro lands. She'd rather die than spit on her faith in such a way, yet she could hardly fault his attempt; desperate times call for desperate measures, which made her ponder momentarily--why the urgency?--aside from the nearby encampment, he seemed quick to trust, and quicker still to insist.

That is, until, her eyes caught sight of his hand clenched beneath his jacket. Small red droplets, like sparks from a forge, seemed to slither down his side. The entire situation became available in a new light, the truth became clear and she then realized his body had worked off of adrenaline for perhaps hours now. The loss of tension also seemed to make him relax, causing his wounds to catch up with his body. Cautiously, did the woman step forward, ever watchful, ever vigilant of the surrounding lands, from the tall trees, to the hidden shrubberies.

Considering the two metallic beasts were currently both on the same side, she felt comfortable enough lowering her guard in favour of examining the severity of his wounds. Whether or not she decided to help, she hadn't decided yet. "I took you for a survivor." Aeda started neutrally, her tone covered in hints of sarcasm, but overall serious. With a severe lack of gentleness, her hand wrapped out onto his arm, pulling it away from the grasping wound he'd done so well to hide.

"Ouch..." Aeda grimaced hesitantly, she was curious to inquire as to what manner of being caused such a vicious injury, but right now she had to save his life. Apparently. "Agh, you fool, this could be infected! It should have been bound at first opportunity..." She chastised, drawing her clockwork pistol. A whistle later, and Angel was in the air, out of range of the blast that followed. "Tell your guardian to move away, otherwise this," She started, gesturing to the gun. "Will shut him offline."

The weapon needed time to charge for the energy blast, it just so happened that the energy-beams that gathered at it's front were as hot as a hot-iron poker. In other words, she was going to cauterize his wound. "This is going to hurt..." Without further hesitation, she pressed the charging gun to his ribs, she wasn't used to apologizing, but after this ordeal maybe she owed it. He however, owed her his life.

ShiftingSoul666 ShiftingSoul666
Xenovia placed a shaky hand on the corner of his mouth and let out a loud whistle. His saber tooth backed up until it was 20ft away. Xenovia laughed lightly "if only you saw what happened that caused me to get this" he whispered. Then in a split second Xenovia's eyes shot open his ruby eyes as wide as the Mississippi river.

Xenovia wasn't gonna let a woman hear his crys of pain so he bit down on his lips so hard that blood flowed down his chin. It seemed like when one cut gets treated another appears. The cut on his lips was about as dangerous as a paper cut tho. His body trembled violently as the gun was held to his ribs. The feel of a thousand suns was all he could feel. This wasn't the worst pain he's felt but nobody can deadpan having a wound burned closed.
"Too prideful to yell, huh?" Aeda joked in a mildly-condescending manner, her hand reeling back as her work on his gnarled flesh came to a close. He'd live, thanks to her; now what was his life worth? "Say, what's to stop me from robbing you blind and using your bot for scrap?" Her tone was thick with deceit and feigned terror, the gun she'd used to heal his wounds now gripped expertly in her palm. He already knew it was capable of an EMP pulse--and now it was charged--fortunately for him, however, Aeda was much too devoted to Osmosis to dare raise a finger towards another guardian without reason. They're magnificent creatures, to be cherished, not used for scrap.

Through the tall trees, did a most horrid sound echo, a mighty roar, both vicious and powerful, Aeda turned her ears up and her head to the side, listening closely as the beast's bellows grew fiercer still. A thrall, one that was fighting--and losing--if the pained howls were anything to go by, the nearby tribe's hunters were certainly adept, if they could dispatch thrall's so handily as that. She needed to go, with haste the woman took to her feat, re-holstering the Clockwork pistol and turning her eyes to the sky, the sun glistened over the enchanted sky in a deep-orange hue, its warmth washing over the land in a grand display of splendour. Sunset was here, nightfall was soon approaching.

"Get on your guardian, we're going." She commanded to the pale-man, eyes stretching over every curve, every plate, his sabre-toothed beast held. It wasn't a kindly thing to admit, but the only reason she hadn't left him to die was because her fascination in his guardian was far from sated. Who else would tell her of all the knowledge, all the stories, such a divine walking-wonder held?

"Lower Angel, we're leaving." The woman spoke, earning to reply from the bird--it's robotic form stood motionless in the gentle breeze, eye fixed in the distant, vigilant and sentient. "...Angel?" Aeda asked concerned, slowly moving her hand to unsheathe the makeshift-sword hidden by the tattered, fur cloak which clung to her back. The air seemed to grow dense and thick, every ounce of nature died momentarily and moments became an eternity--until it sounded, from beyond the clearing a great bellow of deafening proportions, the fury of it's yell caused even the ground to shake and the tree's to flee.

In form they emerged, great looming figures, monstrous and terrible, not one but three, masked by shadow. Angel's eyes flared red, meeting their war-cry with a screeching metallic cry, great wings outstretched territorially, talons poised for strike; yet the figures were unstoppable in their advance. Only a hungry snarling, and a desire for blood. The thralls had arrived...

Aeda felt her stomach drop, instinctively her eyes shot over to her newly acquainted companion, he was in no condition for combat--but his sabretooth... She couldn't do this alone, she could maybe take a single one, but even Angel would be hard-pressed to combat two. Before another thought could form, hungry snarls turned into blood lusted war-cries, the Thralls dashed forward with a speed unnatural for beings of such size.

Angel was the first too pounce, crashing into the largest of the thralls with an ear-piercing bawk, metal-ripping-flesh, flesh-pounding-metal, a cascade of blood and wires as the titans clashed like a cascade of rival wave. A second thrall left Aeda's peripheral vision, it's eyes lustful for the injured male, she had no doubt such a creature would be savaged by the unyielding sabre-tooth.

The third and final thrall, spiralled towards her with deadly intent, butchery and feasting clouding any dregs of intelligence it yet possessed. Great fists, as large as boulders, swiped haplessly through the air as Aeda deftly dodged and weaved, wielding her weapon like a spear, cutting and dicing at the exposed beastly flesh, showering the ground--and herself--in putrid blood, the sensation worsened only as the thrall's pained spine-chilling screams rocked the forest to its core. Once rabid swings began to slow, great lumps of flesh dangled-helplessly, the thrall's entire stomach turned inside out by the rapid assault of slashes Aeda mustered. Weapon-aimed high, she let out a breathtakingly powerful yell, leaping with all her might for the beasts face, swordspear poised for strike; until it made contact with the looming mass of bloodied flesh, the weapon plunging through the thrall's skull in a sickening motion of impalement. The fight should be over, why wasn't it over?

...It was over...

The thrall remained standing, it's lips curved into a triumphant smile, as Aeda found herself both without a weapon and without escape, she yanked the swordspear fruitlessly, causing the demon to roar once more in pain, though this time an overwhelming crunching sensation swamped her body--like her bones were being turned to dust beneath her skin--with hazy vision, and rejected breath, consciousness seemed to fade, she felt light; like a butterfly, fluttering gently in the wind' embrace. Until a nasty crack snapped her back into reality, she couldn't move, her arm was definitely broken and shoulder dislocated, but that didn't matter. In a moment, she'd be filling the contents of a thrall's belly, even now the looming footfalls of a giant came closer, even if she couldn't see her doom approaching, she could certainly hear it.
Slumped over a large shoulder, Pastel wokeup in a bit of a daze after using up so much energy fighting the creature. Noticing that the shoulder she was on belonged to her friend Drasis, she wokeup more and began to ramble in his ear. "Drasis! How's it going? What in the hell is that sound? Can we pickup some lunch soon?" Before he could respond to her, her eyes widened before rambling more. "Wait.. Its sundown already?! Ughhhh, guess that means dinner... Can we pickup some dinner soon? My stomach is kiiiillllling me." Just ahead of them, she heard a series of roars, screams, and unfamiliar sounds of some machines. She un-slung the lance from her back and gripped it in both hands. Her mood suddenly changed from rambling about food and into her strange smiling state. Pastel spun around and launched herself up onto Drasis's shoulder by bouncing on the arm that was holding her. Now standing tall on him, she viewed the carnage in front of her. "Lets see here. We have that metal chicken brutally murdering a thrall, one just ran after some guy, one is about to eat some lady, and the giant one is still whining." Her guts told her to take out the giant one for the sake of "killing a boss and leveling up" but whatever bit of sanity is left in this personality told her to do her job as a Ranger and save the lady's life. She looked down to Drasis and noticed he was holding that green haired fellow in his other arm. He looks like he is either sleeping or he is just in extreme pain after just losing his friend. "Drasis, chuck me at the noob over there. Hurry, hurry, hurry!~" A large smile grew on her face and she pointed the lance at the soon to be feasting thrall.
Drasis readied his throw grabbing Pastel's middle like you would a football. They had done this technique only once before. He looked over and saw that she was holding her lance aimed at one of the thralls. He cocked back his titanium arm and hurled her with all his force sending her straight into the head of the thrall over the women. She was thrown with so much power that she tore off the thrall's arms on impact. Drasis then ran to them after placing the green haired boy safely on the ground. He took out his dual swords and ran a full sprint to the oversized thrall. Drasis slid along the ground as he got so close and took a slice at its feet so it slowed its pace. The massive thrall stopped moving towards the little town ahead and looked down at Drasis. He choked out, "You are a tall piece of work." He rubbed his throat and winced under his mask before readying his swords.

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Another one. Goodness, if only Xero had some common sense to not run up randomly and ignore someone like him. Whatever, the spite can wait as he gathered his things, putting the goggles back on to mask his scar and bright eyes. He grabbed his "Travel aid kit" and rolled it up, all with haste, shoving it into his bag, where it met his quiver. The man also grabbed and arrow and his bow, putting it on the string as he ran after the third stranger of this day.

Many things were racing across Xero's mind at one time, almost enough to collapse him under the weight, but luckily thoughts aren't a physical thing he has to carry. Instead, he decided, again, against his nature that he would help this man drag these people to safety then take his leave to live his secluded life again. It was better this way. Either way, he dared not fight it as there were much bigger things he may need to fight following this man. As he set down the green haired guy and did God knows what with cotton candy there, he went towards green, standing over him with his bow, watching fo anything that may and perhaps kill him from this whatever. A thrall. Xero has dealt with a few in his life, but as he is now with many of people? He felt like they were ants to him. But he became a sentry tower over Green, just waiting for now.

There better be something for him at the end of this. . .

PastelFaerie PastelFaerie Prankster Pi Prankster Pi Gingi98726 Gingi98726
After Pastel hit the ground and slid to a stop, she spun her lance around and pointed it towards the horribly injured thrall. She raised her free hand and used it's implant to make whatever was left of the thrall's head just pop like a balloon. In doing so, she consumed her last bit of energy and slumped down onto the dirt. Either from finishing combat or from just pure exhaustion, her personality changed back to its normal self. Only being a few feet from the dead thrall and the injured lady with the broken arm, she started up conversation. "Hey, hows it going? Im Pastel! You wouldn't happen to have any food on you, do you?" Her stomach audibly growled while she sat on the hard ground. She looked down to her most recently used implant and found that it was a harsh red and that the skin around it was being burned off. Squeaking in pain, she shoved her wrist into the dirt and when that didn't cool it off, she rolled around a bit in panic, getting herself all dusty. With her unused implant, she healed the other one's skin just enough so the heat wouldn't hurt her anymore and no scars would appear. Now that she was better, she looked up with a tired expression and waved with a sad attempt of a smile at the lady. "Aha... I am seriously so sleepy. Forget about the food thing! How are you? You look really cool! Is that your guardian? Those are pretty rare, you must be really important if you have one with you. That kitty looks pretty cool too! There is nooo way that it is yours too?" Feeling her muscles tense up from the recent activity, she just laid herself flat on the ground. While paying attention to what the lady was about to say back to her, she unclipped her PSPX from her belt and began to play some game on it as if there wasn't just a fight that just had happened. Perhaps delusional from the exhaustion, she still laid there playing her game despite the large thrall still stomping about. She was just too worn out to do much else but enjoy her games for a bit.

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