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Fantasy The singular room of nightmares and halluciations, true and untrue

Soul Stealer

The Active Inactive


Goes by:









Goes By:



Tactics to Terrify:




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Name: Natalia Williams

Goes by: Nat

Age: 15



Personality: shy, quiet, skittish, sensitive, introverted and curious

Strengths: she really...doesn't have any

Weaknesses: she scared of just about everything thunder, lightning, men, spiders, fire, dying, closed spaces, getting sick, etc. ...and she is also blind

Name: Pulchra Nox

Goes By: Pulchra

Age: 13,635 years (lives so long from feeding off of so many people's fear and terror)

Weapons: None

Tactics to Terrify: Often lures people in with her beauty and then turns into the nightmare she truly is to feed of the victim's fear.

Appearance: As shown below

Strengths: Her beauty enraptures all, and mercy falls to none. If the tables are turned against her, she will use her beauty and charm to convince otherwise.

Weaknesses: Doesn't have any effect of blind people (what a coincidence @wolfborn4 )

Other: Here's the appearances

Beauty Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/92257-bigthumbnail.jpg.722b9b0ef2ae3346f4d5d008ae6abfcc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/92257-bigthumbnail.jpg.722b9b0ef2ae3346f4d5d008ae6abfcc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nightmare Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/creepy_blood_girl.jpg.9e6943d581d151f862ee3c4e76e4d4e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/creepy_blood_girl.jpg.9e6943d581d151f862ee3c4e76e4d4e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'll be a Nightmare

Name: Negarun

Goes By: Negarun

Species: Nightmare Mutation (Fox/wolf/nightmare)

Weapons: None

Tactics to Terrify: Tends to lure you to a corner of a room with comforting voices of someone you know and love and pop out of the wall screaming bloody murder.

Appearance: (Artist's interpretation)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/NegaRen.jpg.23099fb34f9c80208cf29861533bdef8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/NegaRen.jpg.23099fb34f9c80208cf29861533bdef8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths: He can convince almost anyone to do almost anything.

Weaknesses: He is immune to outcasts and anyone who doesn't believe that he's real.

Other: He likes to taunt his victims before torturing them with hallucinations of their loved ones dieing accompanied by excruciating pain in the legs, so that you can't run.



  • NegaRen.jpg
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wolfborn4 said:
Name: Natalia Williams
Goes by: Nat

Age: 15



Personality: shy, quiet, skittish, sensitive, introverted and curious

Strengths: she really...doesn't have any

Weaknesses: she scared of just about everything thunder, lightning, men, spiders, fire, dying, closed spaces, getting sick, etc. ...and she is also blind
Accepted. Can't believe you managed to sidestep the danger of my character's appearance, since you can't see her therefore can't be charmed into entering a hallucination where my character could alter the hallucination so you can see.
wolfborn4 said:
Name: Natalia Williams
Goes by: Nat

Age: 15



Personality: shy, quiet, skittish, sensitive, introverted and curious

Strengths: she really...doesn't have any

Weaknesses: she scared of just about everything thunder, lightning, men, spiders, fire, dying, closed spaces, getting sick, etc. ...and she is also blind
omg @The Arrival , you notice she used the same pic that you used in that long level you made xD . Also @wolfborn4 , did you mean to do that? xD

Also gg on the exploit xD
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Neglection said:
I'll be a Nightmare
Name: Negarun

Goes By: Negarun

Species: Nightmare Mutation (Fox/wolf/nightmare)

Weapons: None

Tactics to Terrify: Tends to lure you to a corner of a room with comforting voices of someone you know and love and pop out of the wall screaming bloody murder.

Appearance: (Artist's interpretation)

View attachment 193584

Strengths: He can convince almost anyone to do almost anything.

Weaknesses: He is immune to outcasts and anyone who doesn't believe that he's real.

Other: He likes to taunt his victims before torturing them with hallucinations of their loved ones dieing accompanied by excruciating pain in the legs, so that you can't run.
Accepted. Our nightmares would make a good team ^^
I don't think she meant to do that, It was quite the coincidence though. AND YES I KNOW ABOUT HER PICTURE THAT I USED >.<
[QUOTE="The Arrival]Accepted. Our nightmares would make a good team ^^

omg they would xD

Name:Victoria Davis

Goes by:Vicky Vic.


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/cowgirl.jpg.1296c156823bf7df481ac4244bc4ca5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/cowgirl.jpg.1296c156823bf7df481ac4244bc4ca5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Happy-go-lucky, peppy and sarcastic at times she always look for fun.

Strengths:Strong will, protective of friends and family

Weaknesses:easily tricked, believes almost everything she hears.




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WhyNot said:
Name:Victoria Davis

Goes by:Vicky Vic.


Appearance:View attachment 193665

Personality: Happy-go-lucky, peppy and sarcastic at times she always look for fun.

Strengths:Strong will, protective of friends and family

Weaknesses:easily tricked, believes almost everything she hears.

Accepted. Maybe I'll wait for one more victim and we'll start?
[QUOTE="The Arrival]Accepted. Maybe I'll wait for one more victim and we'll start?

sure cool what is the rp even about? also guess your oc is my nightmare :P cause the other person oc is immune
The rp is just about people who wake in a room, captured to serve immortally prey to the nightmares

It's not a very descript plot or whatever but it'll be fun (curse my demented brain) if people actually post instead of stopping suddenly and randomly like all my other rps lol
It would be cool if there was a "Creator" nightmare that disguises as a "God" and goes to their true "Demon" form when they are about to attack a victim. There should also be a set amount of victims and a set amount of nightmares. I can attract people if you want! :D
Please do so on the attracting part. Also I WOULD have the set amount of people posted but I can't since nobody's joining, as in like 4 people for each role.

Name: Arthur Morgan

Goes by: Cutter

Age: 32



Personality: Silent and normally has some plan in his mind. VERY sarcastic and never relies on others

Strengths: Years of prison (ever sense he was 4 for murdering his parents and various inmates) has made him used to hearing voices. This means that the voices of nightmares aren't as scary and that the voices in his head can be unpredictable. He never felt pain ever since he was born.

Weaknesses: Though he doesn't think anything is scary about hearing voices or ghosts, it is not hard to convince him to do stuff by such simple measures. He angers easily and can be used like a tool to scare other victims. He is afraid, not of death, but of ETERNAL punishment and torture.

Name: Arthur Morgan

Goes by: Cutter

Age: 32



Personality: Silent and normally has some plan in his mind. VERY sarcastic and never relies on others

Strengths: Years of prison (ever sense he was 4 for murdering his parents and various inmates) has made him used to hearing voices. This means that the voices of nightmares aren't as scary and that the voices in his head can be unpredictable. He never felt pain ever since he was born.

Weaknesses: Though he doesn't think anything is scary about hearing voices or ghosts, it is not hard to convince him to do stuff by such simple measures. He angers easily and can be used like a tool to scare other victims. He is afraid, not of death, but of ETERNAL punishment and torture.


Accepted. I think I'll start soon since we have a good amount of victims and nightmares... but not yet..

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