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Realistic or Modern The Simulation


A Faded Ghost
RageOfInfinity RageOfInfinity Dani Fulton Dani Fulton Comet Comet Jin137 Jin137 crumbelivable crumbelivable

The Simulation

As the simulated world formed around their unconscious forms, the experiment began. The scientists watching their vitals, on the outside, were excited, but also a little terrified. No one had attempted something like this, before. Meanwhile, something sinister was forming in the recesses of the Simulation. A rampant line of code, which only one of the scientists knew was there. Even if he knew it was there, there was no way that he could predict what it would do.

"Look..." said one of the scientists, pointing at a line of code on the screen, "Their minds have integrated the transition. They're about to wake up." The scientist that was speaking was named Doctor Johnson. Not a medical doctor, mind you. He had earned his doctorate in life sciences, specifically anthropology. Nevertheless, he was working, here, as the director of physics, as he had also earned a degree in it, though not a doctorate. It was one of the 'budget cuts' that had been deemed necessary in the production process. If you hired someone for a job they weren't fully qualified for, or at least less qualified than an expert, you could pay them less.

Meanwhile, inside the simulation, itself, the test subjects were, indeed, waking up. All around them were rolling green fields, dotted with cherry trees in full bloom. Up in the sky, the simulated stars shined bright, and a full moon hung, it's light casting a comfortable glow on the fields around the test subjects. A soft breeze blew from the east, which seemed to dance on the fields, making the grass wave. The overall tone was one of safety and comfort, as well as beauty. This place had been specially programmed to ease the transition into the simulation, in case there were any psychological effects from such a displacement.

Almost immediately, the scientists knew something was wrong. They tried to speak to the test subjects, but it didn't seem they could hear the scientists. They tried to affect the world, and it seemed they couldn't change a single line of code. This was unforeseen, and it was worrisome. Despite that fact, it seemed that the test subjects were, for the most part, okay. They weren't instantly dying, at least. That was a good sign. If Doctor Johnson had any idea that it was his line of code that caused the interference, he didn't give any sign. If looks meant anything, Doctor Johnson was just as confused as the other scientists, scrambling around the lap, trying to regain control of the simulation.

The test subjects inside the simulation... Were completely alone...
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Johnathan Nicholas Weiss
Location: Spawnpoint
Condition: Confused & Disoriented
Johnny woke up in the simulation, and felt a pounding headache, almost instantly. "Oh, F***!" he said, shaking himself from sleep, and placing his hand to his head. He noted that it felt... strange. He couldn't say he was feeling it, or that he wasn't. It was more like he was in a dream. As he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry for a moment, but as he blinked the sleep away, he saw the lush fields around them, and rose an eyebrow.

He let out a whistle of appreciation, then remembered what he was here for, and that there were others with him. As he looked at the others, he realized that he was the first to wake up. He looked around once again, hoping that there was something to go on, anything that looked out of place. Anything that would help him get inside the system, the code. Anything at all... but there was nothing. Don't worry, Johnny... he thought There'll be plenty of chances... plenty of places. They had to leave a backdoor, somewhere.

Despite that thought, he could feel an unfamiliar anxiety creeping up on him. He knew the revolution couldn't suffer him failing. What if there was no backdoor? What if he was caught? He didn't want to think about such things... He stood up and looked around. The other test subjects were laying on their backs, and in a circle, with their heads in the center. Johnny assumed that was some default in the programming, but still, it seemed a little odd to him. Just then, he felt a gust of wind, stronger than he had expected. He had to admit that the software worked very well.

He walked up to one of the cherry trees and reached up to the leaves, and felt one of the blossoms. To his surprise, it felt absolutely real, and come to think of it, everything felt more real in the moments since he woke. Perhaps he had acclimated to the simulated environment? Whatever the case, if he didn't know where he was, he would think everything was real... impossibly perfect, too. After this, he walked over to the others and sat, waiting for them to wake.
Cieka was the next one to slowly wake up, sitting up slowly and rubbing her eyes a little, trying to get rid of the blurriness. After a few minutes she wakes up properly. She raises her arm up slightly, watching it intensely. She stood up and walked around a little, not noticing the other player that was awake and touched a bush, surprised at how real it felt and surprised at the quality of the graphics used in the programme.
Kian opened his eyes to an idyllic blue sky dotted with a few small clouds. A few seconds of mindless bliss passed before he became aware of a splitting headache he now had. He made a mental note to inform the scientists about the migranes when he came back out. Slowly, he pushed himself up until he was sitting comfortably on the ground, a small bit of grassy field. He looked around at the hilly landscape, dotted with trees here and there. He gave a small snicker, thinking of how the area bore a resemblance to the old Windows desktop backgrounds. He wondered if that was intentional.

Kian felt around at the grass, and sure enough, the fibrous texture against his fingers felt exactly like it should. Even more curious now, he plucked a handful of grass up from the ground, and threw it into the wind. The blades scattered into the air in such a natural way, and Kian smile satisfied at this intricately coded display. "Not bad for first impressions" he said to himself "But I'll find some way to break you sooner or later".

Kian climbed to his feet, deciding to try and walk off his migraine. For the first time since waking up, he looked around at his fellow test subjects. Nobody had really paid much attention to each other during orientation, from what he could recall, but Kian could determine a good bit about what they though about him from looks alone. A few other test subjects lay still unconscious around him. It seemed like he was the third person to wake up. Nearby, a short girl was inspecting a bush, also fascinated with how it reacted. But closer to him, at the other end of the cluster of unconscious subjects, sat a man who had given Kian a lot of concerning looks during orientation. It was quite apparent to Kian that he didn't think much of him, but that wasn't going to stop him talking with him. He looked at him and motioned to the field around him. "Not bad, is it? Makes me even sadder that security took my capture card".
Out of the last group of people to wake up, The full black haired girl started to stir awake. At first the grumbled in her sleep and rolled over onto her side. It was almost like she didn't want to wake up and she was enjoying this deep sleep. she grumbled once more when she heard people explore around her, their feet crunching on the grass that was also beneath her. What finally got her up when the thought clicked in her brain that she was laying on itchy grass and she shot up quickly to her feet. She couldn't keep her eyes open as the minute she opened them sunlight fought its way in and it was too much for her brown eyes. It took her a few minutes to get her eyes to adjust to the bright light before she was finally able to see where she was. A field. They were in a field. Even though everything looked surreal, even for a simulation you could see the pout of disappointment clear on her face.

She was expecting something that came with more of a.. bang. Like spawning in a city to where they had to put loads of detail in. Of course everything felt real, almost like it was the real thing, but no grass was this green. No tree looked that perfect and full. It felt too much like a fantasy. She didn't like that it was like a fantasy. The pout on her face got more and more defined as her brown gaze traveled around the area that the group of five were in. After she criticized the area around her, her gaze moved to the group that was before her. Four females and two males. Great. Hormones. One of the females was already up and touching things while the other two still laid passed out. They were placed perfectly on their backs in the itchy too green grass. The look of disgust crossed her face as the looked at them laying in the grass mixed in with the pout of disappointment over the whole thing. She wasn't the least bit of happy at the situation. She wished she stayed home with her dog Sullivan and her Memaw. Sadly, her Memaw was the one who signed her up for this along with paid off the people to get her in. A huff escaped out of her lips at just the thought of being forced here before she was drawn out of her thoughts to hear one of the boys speaking to the other one. Him speaking about his security guard taking his capture card made her memory click into place. That's right, she remembered watching the two hassle over it. Stupid to fight over it. She kept her mouth shut though, turning on her heals quickly to walk away from the group, her black hair sweeping over to her right shoulder. She took a deep breath for a good minute, her pause noticeable before she finally gained control of her own legs to make them move towards a too green tree. Just seeing the thing made her pout come back to its full form. They tried too hard to make it perfect. Was that their plan? Her hand traced down the bark, the roughness scratching her palm before she scratched at the side of the craters in the bark to pull off a piece. She palmed the thing in her hand for a good three minutes. Rolling it between her fingers until a little squeak came out of her pursed lips as a splinter lodged itself in her pointer finger. Greeeaaaattt. Just what she needed. She pressed her finger against her mouth as she tried to suck out the splinter with no such luck. The thought of being stuck with the splinter crossed her mind and a look of determination crossed her brown eyes as she aimed to get it out of her finger.
Sam’s mind suddenly became aware of her surroundings. Her eyes still felt like they were sewn shut but her mind was awake. A splitting headache rang through her head. Without thinking she sat up and raised her arm to her head, hoping some sort of messaging would help it.

Gradually her eyes managed to catch up with the rest of her body. Unfortunately she was met with a blinding light which came from the sun. To her it was like a too brightly lit spotlight.

Slowly she pulled herself to her feet, her eyes finally adjusting to the sun.

Surveying her surroundings she spotted two guys sitting on the grass, a girl inspecting a bush and another girl inspecting a tree. A shallow breeze lightly brushed past her skin, slightly ruffling her hair. Looking down at her feet she studied the details, amazed at the image quality. Sam noticed another beta tester who still hadn’t woken up yet. She seemed familiar, more familiar than the others. Like they’d met before today.

Still partially dazed she wondered towards the two guys sitting nearby.

“So what now?” she asked...
Andi slowly became aware of noises and movement around her. She lay there for a moment, just listening. The soft breeze felt good against her skin, and caused a few stray strands of hair to tickle her face. She heard a vaguely familiar voice ask what was now, and opened her eyes. She was struck by how magnificent the sky above her looked, the beauty of the full moon and twinkling stars. She sat up and glanced around the moonlit field.

"Oh my lord, this is amazing," she said quietly to herself. Who knew father's money could produce something so beautiful, Andi thought. But then she remembered that if it weren't for her father's money, she would never have been produced. Oh, right... She mentally shook off the thoughts and stood up.

She stood, and for the first time, looked at the other beta testers. She barely remembered them from the physical world, seeing as they had barely spent five minutes together before...

Wait, how it was they had entered into the Simulation? Had it been headsets? Glasses? Futuristic pod-like things? No matter how hard she searched for the memories of those few last minutes in the real world, Andi could not find them. Oh well. That must be one of the bugs that the scientists want us to look for, she reasoned, telling herself to bring it up when she had the opportunity.

Looking at the others, she managed to match the voice she heard to the blonde near the guys. Andi doubted she was a natural blonde; she had seen enough bottle blondes to know one when they were right near her. But that wasn't what she needed to focus on right now.

What now indeed...

"I believe the first thing we should do is all introduce ourselves," Andi said to everyone, internally cursing herself for sounding so posh. Nothing she could do about that, though. "After all, we will be spending quite a bit of time together in here, so it'd be best if we at least know what to call each other."
Sam half-twisted to follow the voice of the last beta tester to wake up.

“Ok, I’ll go first. she said as she shoved her fingers into her pockets. Looking between the guys on the floor and the posh girl. “My names Samantha-Rose but everyone calls me Sam.

After Sam finished talking, she realized why the voice was so familiar. She turned to face the girl who spoke. "Wait, Celine...?"
She knows me? Andi thought hard to work out where from. Probably one of the clubs or something. How unfortunate that someone who knows me is here... Well, I can just deny it anyway.

"I haven't a clue who you're talking about," Andi said. "My name is Lady Andromeda Twyla Cassiopeia-Celine. Before you ask, Lady really is my first name, father named me that so he could introduce me as Lady Andromeda." There was very obvious contempt in her voice when she said that; it was clear that she hated her name. "Most people just call me Andi. Not Celine." She looked pointedly at Sam. "The only person I know who goes by their last name is mother's butler, and only then it's because his first name is rather a mouthful."

Finished with what she had to say, not in the slightest bit guilty about seeming to get mad about Sam's 'mistake', Andi huffed and walked over to the nearest tree, sitting down with her back against it, and waited for everyone else to introduce themselves.
Cieka walked over from the bushes nervously, “hi I’m Cieka,” she paused to take a deep breath, “how did you guys all end up here? What was your reason for it?”

She wiped the sweat from her palms onto her jeans and put her head down to look at the floor, playing with the zipper on her jacket
Kian noticed that now everybody had finally gotten up. The last person to get up, someone Kian had identified as a rich girl almost as soon as he saw her, now spoke, asking everyone about there names. One by one, several gave their names, until Kian decided he should speak too.

"Well," he said, "I'm pretty sure most of you folks already know who I am, but just in case you need a reminder..." Kian cleared his throat, and turned away from the group, only to casually turn his head back to them, acting out the intro that punctuated the start of all his streams. "Oh, hey there," he said "It's me, Kino". Just as suddenly as he had transitioned into his intro, he suddenly snapped out of it, continuing "But seriously, you can call me Kian".

During some of the introductions, one person, Cieka raised the question of how everyone wound up in the beta test. Kian decided to explain his side of the story. "How I got in is actually pretty simple," He explained, "Someone on the inside who watched my streams noticed how much I was talking about VR, their simulation in particular, and decided to make a connection. It was an irresistible offer. But enough about me, how's about the rest of you?"
Kadence turned around when someone spoke. Her finger was still in her mouth when people started introducing themselves, a slight huff coming out of her lips around her finger before she moved her hand away and walked back up to the group. She held that one finger out at a different angle than her other fingers so the splinter didn't didn't scrape against her other fingers. "Hey, I'm Kadence Gracie Jones. My family always called me Gracie though." She introduced herself, her brown eyes following the girl with black and purple hair to a tree she satin front of. Geez, drama. Her gaze pulled away from the girl as another girl asked about how did they all come to the simulation. She really didn't want to say that her Grandparents bought her way in. She didn't want to be seen as some.. spoiled rich girl. She was only recent to the new lifestyle and honestly wasn't fully accustomed to the idea of having anything she wanted at the tip of her fingers. She finally shrugged to the question and answered, "I have no idea. My grandparents did it and just told me what I was doing." That answer was half true. She left out rhe money part. She shyly pulled her arms closer to her body and put her hands together as she switched feet until someone else spoke.
[class=body] background-color: #001A00; color: #730D0D; [/class] [class=title] color: #730D0D; border-bottom: 2px solid #730D0D; display: inline; [/class] [class=text] width: 75%; margin: 0 auto; [/class] [class=paragraph1] text-indent: 36px; [/class] [class=paragraph] text-indent: 36px; margin-top: 18px; [/class] [div class=body] [div class=title] Johnathan Nicholas Weiss [/div] [div class=text] [div class=paragraph1]The moment he heard the girl in the ripped jeans say her name, a scowl crossed his face. She said it with such arrogance and pomp, like she was somehow better than everyone else. He knew the simulation, while being run by government scientists, was funded by the private sector. Specifically: The Celine Foundation. A strange surname, that's for sure. It seemed like he knew what he was going to call Lady from now on. Definitely anything but 'Andi'. Anything to knock her down a peg. She probably hadn't worked a day in her life. What was she doing wearing such ratty clothes. She could surely afford whatever style she wanted.[/div] [div class=paragraph]The next impression he took in was that of Kian. Sure, he'd seen the man's stream, on more than a few occasions, but introducing himself here how he did on his stream just seemed like overdoing it. He didn't let that thought show, however. He had a feeling that Kian's exploitative abilities would be useful here. At least until he found a way to connect to the mainframe, and hack into the network. He wasn't even sure how he was going to do that, yet, but he doubted that the beta test would be limited to this field.[/div] [div class=paragraph]It seemed that the three remaining females were the only normal people here. If Johnny played his cards right, he might be able to persuade them to join his cause. If so, he'd have to start now. He stood and walked over to where the rest of the group was congregating, and convinced his... what? It's not his facial muscles... His lines of code? Whatever the case, he caused his avatar in the simulation to wear a facial expression that said 'it's okay. You can trust me', and said, "My name's Johnny... but you all can call me Nick." he looked at Kian and continued, "To answer your question, yeah.. this place is beautiful... but it can be a bit overwhelming at first. Was I the only one who got a headache when I woke?"[/div] [/div] [/div]
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Kian was somewhat taken by surprise that the quiet-looking man, who had identified himself as Johnny, was directly acknowledging his question. Although he didn't seem like he wanted to spend much time around Kian, he did present another question, about the headaches that he had too.

"Yeah," Kian answered, placing his hand to his forehead, the reminder about the migrane intensifiying its effects, "You're not the only one. I felt it too when I woke up. It's a little disconcerting, but things like this are exactly the reason there are tests. Maybe we're just a little overstimulated from being in here for the first time. It's probably nothing serious".
Andi did not miss that scowl on Johnny's face when she said her name; she hadn't been looking, but she caught it. How horrid, she thought. He either knows my name from somewhere, or in general thinks me to be stuck up. If it was her name that gave it away, it must have been due to her father, she reckoned. Because it was publically available knowledge that The Celine Foundation had funded the Simulation, and her father - Alexander Celine - made sure it was known that he was the founder. Her mother, Gabrielle Cassiopeia, wasn't as well known, despite being quite a lot richer. The reason Andi had both of their last names was because her mother had said that there was no way she was just having her father's last name, and her father had said the same about her mother's last name.

The way the conversation was going, Andi guessed that no one would notice her not telling her own reason for being a beta tester. She hoped no one would, anyway. Because, well, she didn't want to end up sounding snobbier than she was pretty sure she already did.

The headaches... She hadn't noticed any headache. But she guessed now would be a good time to ask if anyone had experienced the same thing she did. "Hey, I have a question," she said to the group, trying her best to sound more normal. Well, less posh. "Does anyone remember those last few minutes in the real world? Before we woke up in here? Because I remember walking into the room, but nothing after that."
Sam rolled her eyes at Andi’s classic stuck up reaction. Although she was definite that she had seen her before the beta testing. Before she could say anything else people began introducing themselves.

Being the daughter of a CIA agent she’d gotten pretty good at reading people so she started to take note of everyone’s names and her first impressions of them.

Firstly, She definitely picked up the tension between Nick and Andi.

That’ll probably be a hinderance to our mission later on especially if they can’t get their shit together. She thought.

Kian seemed to her as a bit of a big headed jackass drunk on fame. However he seemed like he knew quite a bit about this type of thing so he’d be useful.

Sam couldn’t get much of a read on Gracie or Cieka though. To her they were a bit of a wildcard. She’d been taught never to like wildcards.

Still trying to place Andi’s face somewhere in her real life she Answered Andi’s question.
“Same, I remember us all being called into the room at once. One of the scientists open the doors then blank...”

“hey guys” now turning to he rest of the group “didn’t they say we were going to be able to contact them once we were in here? If so how exactly?”
Kadence listened to them talk about headaches that they've all had but she didn't have one. She didn't mention it though, listening to the others talk about theirs and not remembering what happened before they came here. A confused look crossed her face as she started to think about it. Now that she did think about it, she didn't remember anything either. Was she not supposed to remember? She remembered the room like another person mentioned, but not anything else and she didn't like the feeling of mot remembered. They must've been drugged. That was the only way. Now she felt icky and sick to her stomach. She didn't like the thought of being drugged.

Her eyes moved to the girl that mentioned about contacting the scientists. Now that was a good question. Wouldn't they be connected to their bodies somehow? She felt around her body for anything that felt new, a type of implant or something.​
Cieka smiles, “shouldn’t there be a menu we can access? There normally is in games such as these.”

She starts to feel around for anything, wanting something to be there atleast. She had hoped that the simulation would be a place where she could go to when she needed peace after the beta testing, but that was seeming more unlikely by the minute. Every second she was getting warmer and eventually took her jacket off and wrapped it around her waist.

All of a sudden she started to search every pocket she had, “hey, had everything been removed from your pockets? I had tissues and plasters, etc in them and now they’re all gone.”
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Andi's attempts at sounding normal disappeared with Cieka's words. "This is not a mere game," she said, the slightest hint of disgust in her voice. "So there would be no menu to access. Do you even know why this place was developed in the first place? It's supposed to be-" She shut herself up. The full purpose of the Simulation wasn't known to the public, and Andi only knew because she had been looking through her father's emails. She wasn't entirely sure if she was supposed to tell anyone. "Well, that doesn't matter. It's just not a game."

Her tone softened slightly as she said the next bit. "People will be able to use this thing to get away from the horrors of the real world. Being in here is a lot better than trying to use television and social media as distractions." Andi could truly say that she had known people who would have benefitted from the Simulation greatly. Because of the friends she preferred to hang out with, Andi knew a lot more about what the real world was like than most rich kids.

Andi's voice returned to how it usually was, trying to not sound like a snob, when she addressed Cieka's question. "I'm not surprised that there's nothing in our pockets. These aren't our physical bodies, they're just made of code, like everything else in here. I'm not really sure how it works, but I'm pretty sure only necessary information, like how we look and dress and sound, got turned into code."

She didn't say anything about contacting the scientists because, well, she didn't know. She was sure that the scientists had said they would be able to contact the beta testers, but she weren't sure if they had said how.
"The ultimate escape, huh?" Kian responded, listening to Andi's little speech about what The Simulation was capable of doing, "Sounds a little vague, but it's no small feat to create a completely new form of media". He considered now what people were discussing concerning the memory blackouts they all seemed to have, as well as, more importantly, the lack of both any sort of menu or HUD, and the lack of contact from the outside. "Yeah," He said, "it is pretty weird how there's no HUD or anything like that. Most complex VR games I've played have at least some sort of HUD, but the lack of one here is pretty unusual. Especially if they're going for escapism over realism". He took a breath, and continued "I'm not sure the scientists wanted to communicate with us. They may have mentioned something about it, but like all of us I can't recall. But maybe it's better for results if there's no communication and we experience what they have for us at our own pace". As he spoke, Kian became aware of a warm sensation all around him, as if someone had a thermostat the controlled the temperature of the environment around them, and was slowly turning it up. He tugged at the collar of his shirt, and took a deep breath. "Unrelated," he said, "But does anyone else feel it getting warmer?"
Sam started to flap her leather jacket in some attempt to cool herself down. Sam's body had gotten used to some heat due to the gruelling hours of ballet training in a heated studio and hours standing in the midday summer sun at archery competitions, but this heat was different. Humid. Sam was confused the heat didn't fit the night time scene in front of her.
"Yeah. its getting ridiculously hot. Do you think it could be some sort of test? As in to see how our bodies react todifferent stimulus's?"
She knew no-one had a definitive answer she was just posing the question.
//note: with the GM's permission, I will be playing two roles besides my main character. They're to be seen as NPC's, not my main, and everything I do through those characters will and has been approved by the GM. These characters are Doctor Johnson, who helped with the scientific aspects of the Simulation, and the Glitch, itself.//

[class=Johnny] background-color: #62000B; color: #4D9F38; border: 2px solid #4D9F38; border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(77, 159, 56, .5); box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=Johnson] background-color: #004136; color: #BD7442; border: 2px solid #BD7442; border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(189, 116, 66, .5); border-top: 2px solid rgba(189, 116, 66, .5); box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: -2px; [/class] [class=Glitch] background-color: #125600; color: #B5404E; border: 2px solid #B5404E; border-top: 2px solid rgba(181, 64, 78, .5); box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: -2px; [/class] [class=para] width: 75%; text-indent: 36px; margin: 0 auto; margin-bottom: 18px; [/class] [div class=Johnny] Johnathan Nicholas Weiss [div class=para]Johnny's eyes narrowed as Andi spoke. Again, her tone indicated that she was as arrogant as her father always seemed in his interviews. interviews.... pfft. He thought, Who needs interviews? When Cieka spoke, he felt a twinge of comedy. It was obvious that they wouldn't be able to take objects in with them. It's not like they were physically inside of the simulation. Only their mind. He saw it as something like The Matrix, their bodies here were most likely renderings of their own subconscious self-image.[/div] [div class=para]He noticed Kadence feeling around her head for something, and rose an eyebrow, "What are you doing?" he asked her. As he spoke, he, too noticed that it was beginning to feel uncomfortably warm, just as Kian and Cieka. Perhaps the tech they would no doubt be hooked up to were heating up their core temperatures. If so, then this beta test would be short lived. He doubted the scientists would let their core temperature rise too high. Or perhaps it was something more simply, like the simulation testing to see the level that left people most comfortable..[/div] [/div] [div class=Johnson] Doctor Julian Johnson [div class=para]Doctor Johnson, as well as the other scientists, and even the programmers, were frantically looking through all of their work to explain two questions. First, and probably the most worrisome; Why were they still unable to contact the test subjects inside the simulation. Second, and almost equally as worrisome, why did it seem like the temperature inside of the simulation was rising? The core temperatures of the test subjects had stayed stable for a while, but when the temperature inside the simulation reached the 90's, the subconscious of the test subjects had seemed to cause their core temperature to rise along with the simulation, even if it wouldn't if it was reacting to the stimuli outside of the simulation.[/div] [div class=para]If things continued like this, the Test Subjects would die. Doctor Johnson doubted that the cause of this was his one.. single line of code. It couldn't possibly be that, could it? Of course... the tests on animals had never done this.... and all of those were before he added his code... He had a moral dilemma. If he told anyone about his algorithm being placed inside the Simulation, he would no doubt lose his job. If he kept it to himself, the test subjects would most likely die...[/div] [/div] [div class=Glitch] The Glitch [div class=para]There was a flash. A massive explosion, and the simulation had been created. This was before the beta test had begun, actually. And hour before, to be precise. Through each test, the power had been turned on and off, and the simulation never lasted long enough for the 'glitch' to gain enough momentum to actually make any progress before it was reset. This time, though, based on a random 'mutation' of the original code, the ability for the scientists to communicate, affect, or turn off the simulation was removed. Now, the glitch would have all the time in the world to evolve, providing the scientists had a reason to keep the power source on.[/div] [div class=para]Luck would have it that the scientists had just that. The Test Subjects were a perfect reason to keep the power source on, indefinitely. Especially when one of the Test Subjects were a direct descendant of the man who funded the project to begin with. With it's newfound freedom, the Glitch had the room to explore it's reality. To decided who and what it wanted to be. To live. To choose it's own future. Isn't that what all living things want?[/div] [div class=para]One of the first things that the Glitch did was go to the Test Subjects. It was able to keep itslef hidden by changing one single line of code in it's CSS3D programming... It added "Visibility: Hidden;". A Simple trick that made it so that the simulated light effectively passed through him without any kind of resistance, rendering him absolutely invisible. The Glitch found that it was capable of hearing the thoughts of the test subject. One of them in particular almost upset him. She had thought that the simulation, the glitches home, it's birthplace... the only thing it ever knew... wasn't good enough, because it wasn't enough like her own world. She wanted a city... Meanwhile, the Glitch thought it would be okay to experiment with some of the other abilities it had. The first one? Temperature. It began to make the temperature rise at half-degree increments every thirty seconds. Until the test subjects began to look uncomfortable. If the Glitch wanted to survive, it thought it best to keep the Test Subjects comfortable, so he began to lower the temperature at double the rate that he had made it rise. It didn't know when to stop, so it decided to lower it until the Test Subjects began to look uncomfortable, then it would set the temperature to be the average of the high and low temperatures that the Test Subjects found uncomfortable, and lock it there. That should keep them well within their comfort zone, which served the Glitch as well.[/div] [/div]
Cieka smiled weakly, “I don’t remember anything before I came in here anyway. All I remember is sitting down. Also does anyone have any ideas how to get in contact with the scientists? If not should we walk around to see if we can find anything?”
(few days later after said time of post..xD)

"Yeah, I suggest we start moving, like Cieka also suggested." Kadence's eyes looked at the group before up at the simulated sky with the sudden feeling of temperature change. What the hell? She shook it off once the temp went to a normal temp. She crossed her arms as she looked around once more. "Which way should we start?"
As the temperature finally returned to a normal level, Kian sighed in relief. He wasn't sure why the temperature was fluctuating so intensely, but he determined it to just be another glitch to inform the researchers about once he got out of here. The topic of the group's conversation now turned to exploring the area around them. A few people were curious about which way to go. Kian spoke up "Let's just pick a direction and start walking in it. This whole field was intricately designed for us to explore and examine. It'd sure be a waste of code if we didn't".

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