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Fantasy The Silverbell Few: IC

@MrSquid123 @JRPG @Hokori @yonmita rae @Ceros 

Musical Selection: 1.) The Glasslae Fast-Step.

"Before they called it the City of Silverbell, they called it the Town of Glasslae, so named for the many shards of stained glass that lined the main avenue, the wonderful colors of which were often accented by the light that filtered in through the equally colorful pieces of festival paper that floated through the breeze during the celebration months. Nestled rather nicely on a hill in-between two taller hills, Silverbell, or Glasslae, as it was known at the start of our story, was known for rising upward on all sides towards the middle, while still simultaneously appearing to be in a valley. It wasn't uncommon, therefore, for newcomers to become somewhat lost, just as it is said Olomo the Very Small did on his first visit to the city. Were it not for the kindness of strangers, it is entirely possible that the Silverbell Few would not have been formed at all.

Speaking of the Silverbell Few, they were, of course, named after the silver-clad bell in the Glasslae Belltower. The current name of our fair city, however, is indeed derived from the party itself. Somewhat confusing, is it not?"

  -- Historian Melomel, Long of Ears, writing in the Sextet Historia, IVth Edition, in the year 1159.

"Dearest Folimee Quick-ink,

Finally, I have found myself in Glasslae; you will be overjoyed to know that my delay was not caused by the inaccuracy of your map, but by my own momentary ineptitude when it came to its understanding.

The people here are quite lively, far more so than you and father initially communicated to me. Already, I have been asked to partake in seven celebratory group dances, despite having only been in the town for a little under two days; mayhaps I made something of a mistake, coming here during the height of the festival season.

Even so, considering the great number of people within the town's limits, I have a good amount of faith that a handful of people are due to answer my call for aid. I have posted parchments indicating pay for guiding and protection services all throughout the town. Have any decided to read them, then they are bound to meet me at midday, in the Falling Feather, the aptly-named inn near the center of town.

How fares mother, father, Aunt Mippilee, and the rest? I miss them all quite terribly. Do send my regards.

                                       Signed, as always,

                                       Olomo the Quite Small,

                                       Your second-youngest cousin.

                                             Brightray Harvest Season, 989."

Slipping the letter away into the hands of a midkin carrier, Olomo the Quite Small sighed; were the noise not enough on the outside of the inn, the noise on the inside was all the more taxing. Removing his pointed hat, Olomo pressed his ears down to the side of his head, hoping that the motion would do something, anything, to slightly deafen the music and dancing within. And to think that not only was he bound to wait an entire hour, but he had also forgotten until that very moment to send his cousin the usual letter. Strange, it was, to think that by the time it reached its recipient, whether or not Olomo was successful in his bid would already be set in stone.

Sitting down in the table he had claimed for himself near the edge of the room, somewhat away from the inn's celebrations, he pulled out one of his many rolls of paper, scribbling a simple note on it, should any potential job-seekers run the risk of passing him by.


It would do, and the writing was as big as he could make it in order for it all to fit on the page. He slid the parchment out in front of him, turning it around so that it would be properly legible at first pass, then folded his arms and waited.

Over the course of the hour he found himself sitting at the table, the little Usofii consumed two rounds of tea, a loaf of bread, half a wedge of cheese, and a small slice of fish, far more than he had ever eaten during his time on the open road; he couldn't quite pin down whether or not he was truly happy about that fact.

Then, he jumped, as the tolling of the large silver bell above the square just outside ripped through the air. The revelers went on unabated, of course, but Olomo himself found his mind quite disturbed by the sudden sound. It made sense, in a way; if Glasslae was a town of song and dance, then a nice loud bell that one could hear over all sorts of drums and fiddles and whatever else was the only way to gain anyone's attention, really.

Unfolding his ears ever so slightly, Olomo flicked his eyes over toward the door. The following minutes would be a moment of truth; a shame it could not be a more quiet one.
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Kauri entered the inn and looked around for whoever it was who was looking for guidance and protection. He wouldn't be the best guide as he only had a limited knowledge of the city himself but he could offer protection and quite frankly he needed money. Kauri continued past those celebrating near the entrance. It was incredibly loud in here, didn't seem ideal for a meeting but he was sure he had got the right place. Finally Kauri spotted the usofii sitting at the edge of the room and walked over to the table. "Hello," he said "I'm here about your request for guidance and protection."
The Glasslae festival. Many people from around the surrounding area would come to Glasslae just to attend such an extravagant event. It was sure to be quite the party, if partying was your thing.

For Aspen, coming to the festival was for a highly different reason. She didn't want to party, and in fact found the noise of the city a little... off-putting. Her reason for coming was simply for representation purposes. Another lesson that her father taught her is that society could not forget the importance of nature, and a druid's presence at the festival would remind them of such things. She saw a bird flying above the crowd and held out her arm. It flew down to meet her and perched on her arm without hesitation. If people had seen, they would know that she was there representing the forest's inhabitants. She let the bird fly off again, as she laid her eyes on a flyer for a guiding and protecting service. Maybe helping this person would have more of an impact than what I'm doing now... She thought.

She followed the signs and asked around until she found herself standing before a building. The sign hanging above the doorway made it obvious that this was the building she was seeking; The Falling Feather Inn. The sound of the bell ringing filled the air and she winced, hesitating for a moment. Why must the city be so loud... She went in after she waited for someone in front of her to enter. 

Inside, the Inn was filled with the sounds of conversation, laughter, and music. She glanced around the room, hoping to find the person who had posted the advertisement. A table with four men rolling dice... Nope. Ah! Is that- no, that person is just unconscious. Then, as she was about to finish scanning the inn, she spotted a solitary Usofii in the back of a room. She could barely make out the letters on the piece of paper in front of the Usofii, but knew that it was the same Usofii who posted the fliers. She began her walk over to the Usofii, and saw that the person that came in before her was asking about the guiding and protecting service. She gulped and then spoke, "Hello... I'm here for that as well."
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[SIZE=11pt]Soft winds buffeted the draping fabrics of crimson threads as the being bundled underneath stood unwavering. The only sign of life was from thin streams of smoke wafting with each timid tug of wind, a gauntleted hand cradling a wisely crafted pipe pulled from a plum of smoke. Long wires of pastel soaked papers waved in overlapping patterns while chips of confetti seemed to glitter the air, crowds bumped and mingled all of it was too boisterous but the streams of smoke weaved through the thick sea with ease until it stalled at a particular region housing a thicket of stalls and booths, each one pinned to the other almost as if vying for an unseen superiority.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The cloaked figure walked up to lone stall, it too was enamored with gaudy trim and a sense of festivity that was blinding, the cloaked figure, in one move took the pack from her shoulder and dropped it on the stall’s counter. THe shopkeep flung up and stared the person down, “..Now, what is it you think you’re doing there!?” The figure made a head roll in such a way as to be annoyed, a gauntleted hand rose and pushed back the hood, as as if taming something, a bounce of emerald and crimson were released from the marron hold, her face was revealed with an irritated brow, “..Oh, hello to you [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Euco[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]….been a summer and half since last you came?” The green haired woman was silent as she unlaced her bag and pulled out worn bags and sterling pieces, once she had finished her arrangement she took a silent pull from her pipe and let the smoke roll from her lips. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As the shopkeep, a middle aged woman, looking almost similar to the young woman at her stall counter, she too was marked with ivory ink, but hers were worn and faded almost to the color of her skin. The woman shifted through the pieces before looking to her smoking patron with disdain. “...This [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]all[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] you have for me?” The emerald haired woman finally broke her silence and spoke through the billowing smoke, “And that means?” The elderly woman crossed her arms, “This here is a summer’s worth of work...you been gone a year past that...You been doin’ to much of that wandering and not enough smelting.” Her words were blunt and fixed but the green haired woman simply shook her head, “..I’ve been preoccupied…” the woman broke her speech, “...Too preoccupied to feed yourself?” A puzzled look came up, “You should pay attention to your work, you know how to do both and yet you let it slip for your venturing and explorations…Eucolid…” The young woman stopped the shopkeep, “ Ukorik...I know what I do, but we are nomadic...I'm not going to be stationary like my people chose to be…” The older woman shook her head, “Girl, your head is out there when it needs to be focused on keeping you alive and well off…” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Eucolid scoffed, “...I know what I'm doing…” The old woman sighed, “ ...For five seasons you've come to me and for three of them you did well...and then you broke off to those ruins and went off path...I worry for your well being, child…” The green haired woman paused before walking over to take up a seat, but before she did a parchment was pushed at her. “Here…” Eucolid looked to it and took it up while taking a seat, her eyes narrowed as she read but then a smile broke the pensive stare, “ ...And what is this?...” she asked with a slight levity and disagreement, “ Work.” Ukorik stated simply, he eyes slit toward the girl, “ ...Your blacksmith work is sporadic...you make it when you wish….you can't live off that...this here will give you coin and...whatever you want out there….” Eucolid stayed silent, she pushed off the stall with one leg as the other stayed grounded, although she did have a point, the green haired woman wasn't used to going for hire. After sometime she dropped her foot and planted them both in front of her, an exhale escaped, “...There's your adventure…” the older woman scoffed, “..That's not what I seek….” Eucolid stayed before rising, she left the older woman with a wizened smile and made for the address scribbled on the paper.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The town was closely nestled, it made for a simple way to the place she was looking for, Eucolid had been venturing to this town so often as she traveled so she was able to define the different allies and nooks that would make her way easier and the headache of the crowds minimal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]An exhale escaped as she neared the inn’s entrance she took out her pipe again and lit the flame, a few puffs later had her enter the establishment. The merriment inside was obnoxiously loud, she furrowed her brow and shoved her way through the thick pack. The woman was able to get to a barstool and take up a seat, taking out a coin she tapped loudly on the counter, a man walked over. “ Ye’ah miss, what’ll it be?” she slid the coin over, “ Mead mixed ale...tall..” the man nodded and she turned on the stool, a sigh escaped before she took a long inhale from the pipe, just as quickly the smoke was blown out in a huff.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The bar was almost shaking from the people's merry cheering and dancing, the bar keep had set her drink down and she took it up before sipping. The young woman was silent, looking as though she was trying to tune out the noise but her eyes were busy, they flickered from place to place trying to spot her quarry, and finally she laid her sights on a drawn up sign draped over a table in front of two...Usofi’s? A puzzled look marked her eyes, but she sipped at her drink slowly, she was going to watch for a moment….or at least until this foolishness subsided. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Thanks Ukorik….this'll be fun...[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Her thoughts were licked with an almost sarcastic tone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]    [/SIZE]
@MrSquid123 @Ceros @yonmita rae

The first entered, and Olomo was somewhat puzzled to see that it was a figure not too unlike himself.

He pushed himself to his feet, standing atop his chair with furrowed brow as he stared down at the taker, sniffling slightly as he sized up the other Usofii. He had, in truth, been hoping for figures far more imposing, but considering that he was not guaranteed anything at all, it seemed that it would be wisest for him to take whatever he could.

Before he could open his mouth to speak, a second entered, this time a midkin. Two, and barely past the bell; a happy thing, of course, but unexpected indeed.

Olomo cleared his throat, looking back and forth between the two figures as they announced themselves, before sitting back down in his chair. "...Oh. Well! I, ah, I suppose I wasn't expecting company so immediately," he said, an apologetic slant to his otherwise cheery tone. Quickly, he stacked the various platters and cups that contained his former lunch, shifting them to the side so that he could glance at his supposed new fellows a little more clearly. "I'd hope that you're here about the posted advertisement; it would be a shame if you had waited all this time only to be late for...Something else."

Though there was a third figure looking on, far larger than the rest, their form was lost in the swarm of people moving and dancing throughout the inn, and so their glance went unnoticed by the Usofii who attempted, to his very best, to bring the meeting to some sort of beginning.

"Ah, hm, well!" he began, clearing his throat a second time, "thank you for coming, I suppose I should say, and I would hope that the idea of a journey isn't entirely out of the question, considering that my request for guidance most certainly extends beyond the boundaries of the city." Pausing for a time, Olomo rubbed his nose, letting that fact settle in for a time before he went on. "Verily, I'm unsure as to whether or not geographical studies are of any great import in this region, but are any of you at all familiar with the unmapped regions that stretch to the north?" Olomo reached for the pack on the floor by his chair as he spoke, pulling forth a series of rolled parchments by the end of his words. Smoothing them out on the table, and aligning them more or less into a state of completion, detailing various points of interest the world over, he reached forward as far as he could, tapping at a piece of parchment towards the top which, as far as anyone could tell, had not a single spot of ink anywhere save for a small amount of detailing near the corner.

"That's the, ah, representation of it, or...Lack thereof," he stated, twisting his lips to the side lightly as he thought of the best way to go on with his proposition. Finding no great ideas rather than the straightforward approach, Olomo took a deep breath in, and finished his thought. "And, assuming that none of you are overly opposed to the idea, I would very much like to go there."
"I wouldn't mind leaving the city," Kauri responded, "I wasn't planning on spending a large amount of time here anyway, especially with the celebrations making it so damn loud." Kauri glanced back and the celebrations near the entrance. Kauri could barely hear himself think over the noise. "However I can't leave immediately as I must visit the post office and deliver a letter," he added. He had forgotten to send a letter to his parents as he had promised to do whenever in town when he first got to the city and had the letter in his pocket.  

Kauri had noted the other usofii furrow his brow when he had looked and Kauri. Kauri realised that the usofii was probably looking for someone more physically imposing than he was and was worried that the other usofii was not interested in what was likely a second mage. He hoped the usofii wouldn't mind and would give him the job. 
Qon Map brought into Grasslae, an assortment of minerals and rocks, that she procured from bartering and trade in a prior city. Hopefully, individuals could garner an interest onto her wares, as only a few coins weighed her pockets. She walked around the inner-workings of the festival, since the center provided an ample population to commence her commerce. Her spiel entered the ears of some of the crowd, "Fresh rock, come get your fresh, juicy minerals. All the way down from a famous mining city! You can't leave home without one. It's a great souvenir for kids, no wait babies, oh- uh about everyone. Fun for the whole family. After all, do it for the kids." Her words left her mouth, as she traveled the area in search of a comfortable place of rest and vendor. When she reached a solid lot, she promptly put down her goods, and readied a stall for some venturing, and commerce. Who would browse her wares?
"I would be willing to trek to the unexplored regions to the north. If nothing else, being out of the city at least will be good for me."

"But before we delve too far into the nature of our mission, do you not think introductions are in order?" Aspen glanced at the Usofii sitting at the bar. "After all, if it's a journey we are to go on, we should at least know the names of those we shall be journeying with." She said. Aspen winked at the two Usofii in front of her. "My name is Aspen Westwood. I hail from the forest to the northeast. My home is about half a day's travel from here. I came to Glasslae to remind the city of the Druidic people, and the forest that we protect." She explained. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance." She held her hand out to the sitting Usofii.
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Indeed, the Usofii, in his eagerness, seemed to skip quite an important step indeed. He gave a quick pat to the top of his head, as if reminding himself of such, before reaching a hand forward in order to meet that of the midkin.

"A-Ah, yes, right, yes, my mistake," said he, blinking a time or two as he brought his thoughts back into focus, "I am Olomo the Very Small. My apologies for, ah, neglecting to ask for names, and so on."
Rowin couldn't help but smile as her horse slowly trotted through Glasslae. During her adventures, she rarely had time to listen to music or watch performances of such a caliber. She would have loved to stay for a while and enjoy the sights, but those could wait. She had read a number of papers from someone requesting protection and guiding. Rowin didn't care much for coin, but the paper was vague enough to spike her interest. Clearly whoever posted this ad didn't want to give too many details in fear of scaring anyone off.

Before long Rowin stopped her horse in front of The Falling Feather and walked inside. She wasn't too surprised to see that inside everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. She couldn't make out a single person without a drink in their hand... aside from a few unconscious gentleman of course. She was kind of happy that the majority of people were far too inebriated to notice her. Drunk people tended to be rather... irritating to deal with. As she wandered around the inn looking for who posted the ad she soon found a group of people surrounding a small usofii. She managed to overhear the majority of their conversation and knew they were the people she needed to talk to. Hmm... traveling to a place in the world that cartographers don't even care to map? Now that's definitely something worth my time.

Rowin gave them a smile as she made her way towards them. She offered her hand to the Usofii "Greetings, my name is Rowin Sanate from the knights of tolemac. I'll gladly offer you my sword and shield in this endeavor of yours". She eagerly looked down at the small fuzzy creature awaiting his response. While she knew it was a little rude to just butt into a conversation like that, she honestly didn't care much. There was no way she was just going let an opportunity like this slip past her fingers.
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Having spent practically all his life living in close proximity to the second largest mostly human populated city of Firshire, Camlen was no stranger to overly crowded streets; and overly competitive street vendors, trinketeers and tallymen trying to outdo each other in a shouting match. There was an exceptional amount of merriment and festive vibe that did not seem like it would abate anytime soon. It was just his second day in the town of Glasslae and already the former guardsman felt like it was time to leave. Having left his hometown almost a month prior, he had hitched a ride with various merchant caravans in exchange for protection. He did not have any set destination, but he did meet a few poignant individuals whom assured the young warrior that you could literally find anything in the city with the Silverbell, even if you weren't looking for anything.

The sudden tolling of the large bell reverberated against the back of his skull, as Camlen used his formidable size to push his way through the crowded streets, a worn out notice parchment in his gauntleted hand. Not a moment too soon, Camlen found himself outside the Falling Feather inn, and quickly barrelled his way through the front doors eager to get the ringing out of his ears. The roar of drunken laughter and shouted conversations washed over the warrior as he let his eyes take a moment to adjust the the artificial lighting. If he were honest to himself, Camlen was growing sick of the directionless wandering and when he chanced upon the request for help he knew it was an offer difficult to refuse, no matter fine print. Afterall, how complicated can such protection requests be? Of course, he'd have to try to find the person in the sea of inebriated people first.

After what seemed like an eternity of tripping over passed out drunks and knocking over bar stools, Camlen spotted a gathering of individuals that seemed to be much less influenced by the intoxicating effects of alcohol. (Now don't get me wrong, our fine young warrior had his fair share of drunken revelry back in the day. However, the recent changes in life usually found him in a more sober state than otherwise). Making his way closer, he spotted the etched note on the table infront of two human ladies. One bedecked in armor, and another in much less elaborate garments. Tromping up to the table, he realized that there were yet another two smaller figures, Usofii in fact. Stopping behind the one standing proudly on his chair, he tapped the halfing on the shoulder to attract attention.

"EXCUSE? Are you the one who requested an assist?" The warrior's voice boomed over the din, causing even the neighboring drunks to stare at him darkly. If there was one thing Camlen often forgot, it was how loud he could be.
@Hokori @Lekiel

Before the round of introductions could truly begin, it seemed that two more arrivals made their presence known, one clad in armor which, even despite the slightly dimmer indoor lighting, nonetheless shone with enough reflected light to cause the woman to stand out, and another, in similar garb, who appeared nearly directly afterward. The poor Usofii was granted no time to respond to the freshly-appeared woman, for the voice of the midkin just behind her very nearly caused him to topple out of his chair.

Holding on for the sake of not wanting to make an utter fool of himself just yet, Olomo managed to right his posture after a few seconds spent grabbing onto the back of his chair in order to stop his fall. Letting out a bit of a cough, the smallkin moved to address those that had just arrived, pursing his lips together lightly as he thought of the best way to address the two. Certainly, they both seemed rather important, and if their armor wasn't enough to tell, their respective personalities surely seemed to be a proper indicator. Not entirely one for the intricacies of formalities, at least at that stage of his life, Olomo scratched the back of his head, finally moving to speak after several more seconds of silence.

"Ah, yes! You're, ah, you're more or less on time, it would seem," he stated with a small amount of caution, cycling his gaze between those that had assembled just before the arrival of the newest pair, "we were, if my recollection is at all correct, about to begin a round of introductions." Clearing his throat, the smallkin went ahead and began from the beginning. "My name is Olomo the Very Small, the one that put up the advertisement." He paired his words with a bow, stopping his head just before it was due to hit the top of the table, before pushing himself back up to an upright position. "I'm sure, from there, we are all capable of introducing ourselves in turn, yes?"
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Rowin physically recoiled as she heard a man's voice roar from behind her. She was at the time too focused on Olomo's reaction to not get a little shooked up by the sudden presence.

While Rowin's introduction may have been poorly timed, it was nothing compared to the man who now stood beside her. She would have loved to tell him off, but judging by his appearance there was a chance that they were both of similar job description. That armor... He might also follow a god. Although that's probably just wishful thinking.

Rowin simply withdrew her hand before saying "sure, that sounds like a good idea Olomo".
The golden ale was sipped away bit by bit, it's rich body leaving only suds caked inside the glass surrounding it. The green haired woman peered on through the thick masses toward the small collective that seemed to be growing at each tick of the clocks hand, she had soon finished her drink and left the emptied glass on the counter though she still didn't budge, soon after the glass left her, smoke soon flowed free again, her pipe sat gently on her lips as she pulled out the paper and looked over it again, glancing to the small group every now and again. 

A simple aroma seemed to be nagging at her though while she was trying to concentrate, her brow bounced as the scent grew more tantalizing. Eucolid glanced over to see a man gnawing away at a hunk of bone,her gaze was puzzled but the smell coming off that plate was too much to ignore, her jaw tightened holding back a gulp, she turned and beckoned the bar keep back, this time with two silver coins. As she spoke she looked over to the group but then noticed a table a bit closer, it was occupied but she had an idea for that. The woman rose and made her way over to the table, she sat down and now the noise had been dimmed a bit, looking over to the burly gent at the table she had seen from afar that he gripped a glass tight enough to crack the pint, his head was plastered to the table but she spoke simply, "..You there...the keep yonder has ale a plenty for you at the bar..." The green strands in her pulled back mane were blotted out by a plum of smoke, her eyes went narrow to the man as he rose his flushed face, " Aye..." He seemed deafened as his gaze drunk and sloven turned to the woman,  she tapped on the table and pointed to the barkeep who in turn rose a pint, as if a hound with a supper bell the man awoke and meandered over to the stool and greedily took up the drink. 

Eucolid was alone now, just one table back from the group it seemed, she was able to hear them clearly now, it was a small crowd, its kin had morphed from just the two Usofi to three midkin, two being armor clad, Eucolid simply took slow sips from her pipe as she listened. It looked as though they were just starting to get to know one another, she took out the parchment again. As soon as she laid it on the table a bar maid came over and sat down a still sizzling plate, the rush of steam billowed up to soak into the young woman's nostrils with a succulent scent that almost melted her tongue. The aroma's mixed together so sweetly as the roasted vegetables on the side still scorched and caramelized so tenderly that color still flushed forward, and the flank of meat dripping juices was to much to bear, the rippling cracked skin tore so easily and unleashed a flood of savory scents up and about, the flesh was like corn silk the way it tore off so softly. The woman couldn't resist biting into the piece, the succulent flavors flowed and almost as quickly as she had taken her teeth to the meat it broke off and the sweet juices flowed freely. She had forgotten just how good fresh food was, her travels rarely brought them, and she was so used to crusted bread and dried meats that she almost lost her way with this meal. 

As the woman enjoyed her food the talks from the small group still caught her attentions, she happened to catch the smallkin's name that had the sign in front of him, and then the woman not clad in armor. Eucolid slowed her pace as she had unconsciously finished off the meat and started toward the sides. 
Kauri jumped as a hulking midkin with a booming voice entered the collection around the table and introduced himself. Having spent much of his life in a library and around other usofii kauri was not taking the noises of the city well and he certainly didn't enjoy the loud introduction from the tall figure. After everyone was quiet again he spoke up, "Yes introductions, my name is Kauri the light footed it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said in a voice just loud enough to be heard. He sensed at least one of the members of the group would not care about his manners but they were second nature at this point.
Aspen stared at the two newcomers for a moment. They were bold, in both personality, armor, and the way that their voices could rip through the noise of the room.

"Wow. Your fliers have already assembled a team of five." Aspen said, slightly surprised at the number of people that had been interested in the very vague advertisements for the guiding and protecting service. "When I first read your flier, I expected maybe a couple of others would show up. Huh. I suppose I must have underestimated the kindness of some of those that live in the city..." 

Looking around at the group, Aspen knew now that she had to come along. After all, they would be passing through the forest. She felt her presence would be useful there, and at the same time she would also be able to keep an eye on the others, making sure that they would bring the forest no harm.
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"Camlen Ironheil! Pleasure to meet!" Camlen thumped his fist diagonally across his chest as he introduced himself to the little gathering. Somewhat aware that he might've joined a little late, he nodded in the direction of Olomo and spoke, his tone of voice no less booming though perhaps just a little lower in volune, "If its protection you're seeking, then I care not so much for the finer details. My skills... and blade shall be of service!" Unbeknownst to the others, the barely perceptible pause in his offer for service was the result of a sudden distinct ache in the warrior's heart. In another time, he might've added that his shield was his will to give as well. But some wounds do take much longer to heal.
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@yonmita rae @Lekiel @Ceros @MrSquid123 @Hokori

Olomo paused with his mouth open, his brows furrowed in something of an apologetic state as he considered the best way to approach such eagerness.

"Right, um. Yes! Well!" he stated, clapping his hands together quickly in order to signal his desire to move forward, "I suppose all of you, or at the very least, most of you, are primarily concerned about, ah...Payment..." The smallkin trailed away; as is the case with most employers, this was, in all honesty, the most unfavorable part of the conversation. Not to say that he did not have what he could promise, merely that the idea of having to give some of his coin away, when he might need it later, was always something of an anxious thought to the small fellow.

Clearing his throat, he returned to his bag, digging through it for the satchel of coin that he carried with him, which he carefully sat on the table. One hand remained on the sack as he looked betwixt those before him, as if immediately wary that one of them would merely snatch the item and run. As much as he wanted to seem like bargaining was one of his strong suits, it certainly wasn't. He took a deep breath in, and then, likely unbeknownst to him, he offered a starting price which, for all intents and purposes, was a rather high beginning.

"I can promise you all two-hundred and fifty gold coins to start, with a similar payment when we've completed our journey." Again, his eyes darted back and forth between those present, as if he immediately expected them to negotiate higher, even if there wasn't much need.
Aspen was in the process of ordering a simple herbal tea when Camlen had introduced himself. The server told her it was on the house since it was such an easy-to-make and simple drink, "In the spirit of the festivities, I'll let you have this one free." She watched the different groups of people drunkenly dancing and singing on the other side of the room, and giggled when one of them fell over and spilled his ale all over the lady sitting next to him.

Aspen chuckled when Olomo mentioned payment. "Two hundred and fifty gold at the beginning and end of our journey? You're thinking of giving us each five hundred gold in total, then." Truthfully, she didn't even expect to be paid. "You might as well just keep the coin you were going to give me. Where I'm from, we use no such things as gold or other forms of coin. So of course, I would likely not be able to find much use for it." She stared down at the cup of tea in her hand, watching her reflection in the liquid for a moment. "Besides, just being able to see more of the wonderful places that nature has to offer... 'Tis payment enough." She smiled at Olomo.

@_Line 213
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The plate was nudged forward from her fingertips as she leaned back in the chair, the woman's brow was slim and preoccupied, the pipe's rim was burnt to a dark charcoal but she went on scraping at the chips and cleaning off the self made soot. While pursing her lips to the piece and excavating some of the charred chips from the spout the small kin's voice came up. As he mentioned coin her thoughts went back to the wizened woman with the furrowed brow and worn stall, Eucolid's eyes shut with a silent smile before her clad fingers dipped into one of the packs on her belt and slipped out a woven circle of fuchsia grass. 

The woman cupped her fingers around the mouth of the carved piece before soft billows began to slip through her iron fingers, her lips simply pulled back every now and again to summon a mellow rose colored smoke from the pipe, its strands tided together before disappearing into the darkened oak above her. Eucolid heard the the freckled maiden chime in, the green haired woman's gaze stayed, though her words traveled, "...Is that all you offer small kin?..." Her eyes then shifted to the preaching Usofi, "...If one needn't glory nor grandeur and seeks something humble and shaded...Can your voyage offer such?" She wanted to come in more comfortably but it looked to be the best time with money on the table, if he sought only that then she could be on her way. The smoking mid-kin just wanted truth, a world opened through more then scribed pages and hymned lore, to walk the earth the gods and strong ones did...through unveiled light, or to uncover what lie buried by them.  
Rowin visibly smiled as Camlen introduced himself. He reminded her of some of her peers back home. Confident, loud, and ready to face anything those were great traits for a warrior and she was sure the two of them would make for excellent partners in the journey to come.

Money, a few scholars would say it's the root of all evil and while Rowin would beg to differ it was clear the effect it had on people. It didn't matter if you were friends, family, or allies none of them were safe from what a little greed could change. Because of that Rowin wasn't very surprised by the Usofi's panicked expression as he began to reveal what their pay would be. Being surrounded by people much bigger and stronger than him, it only made sense that he was paranoid that people might demand more money or even forcefully take what he had. While she would have loved to reject the coin as Aspen did, she simply couldn't. She could use this gold to help so many people, and turning down such an opportunity would be foolish.

To try and help calm Olomo down she gave him a nod before saying in a soothing tone "500 gold seems like more than enough to me, although with you giving us such a high reward I'm guessing our journey will be exceptionally treacherous. While I haven't a problem with that, I'd like to know what dangers we might face if possible".
@yonmita rae @Lekiel @Ceros @MrSquid123 @Hokori

For better or for worse, the growing party continued to surprise Olomo. Not only were they saying that the offer was enough, some of them were saying that they didn't want to be paid at all.

Mayhaps coming to this particular city at this particular time was not an exceedingly bad idea at all.

Blinking, Olomo rubbed his eyes a little, as if ensuring that he was awake, before moving to answer some of the inquiries that he was given, a little bit of surprise managing to creep its way into his voice. "Well, I...I can't really say for certain what it is we might find, considering that we'd be going to a place where few have ever really gone, let alone mapped, but..." The smallkin stopped to think, moving his hands up to pull at his ears in consideration. Perhaps this was the question that would make or break the beginning of his quest. It was rather hard to tell.

"...Ah. Well, I suppose, if I were to try to answer your question in a way that you might find favorable, I would say that we could, possibly, come across nearly anything, seeing as we don't know what we'd be coming across in the first place. So, in a way, I suppose there's a fair chance that all of those things that you wish for that cannot be given by normal means may be found. That said, I cannot promise that such encounters will be definite, considering how little I myself know about where we're going, but...There's only one way to find out at the end of the day, yes?"
Gold wasn't the biggest issue for Camlen and he pretty much nodded in agreement with the rest. A man of practical wants had no real need for the things a lot of gold can buy. It was just a convenience, nothing more. His ears perked up when he heard Rowin ask about what dangers they would be facing; a basic question but an essential one nonetheless. The true hallmark of an adept warrior would be to prepare oneself for what was to come. Olomo's answer however, took Camlen somewhat by surprise by the sheer irony of it and he could not help but let out a roar of laughter. Reaching out to pat Olomo on the back good-naturedly, he replied, "That makes the two of us, Olomo small-one! HAHAH! We're both headed to a place which we do not know about! At least you have a purpose for such, whilst mine is to find purpose itself!"

"I think I shall enjoy this very much!" The warrior finished, still chuckling.
Kauri thought about the proposition. It seemed like a lot of gold for people with unknown levels of skill and unknown trustworthiness. "Two hundred and fifty gold seems a lot to give up front considering you do not know our skill nor wether you can trust us. Perhaps you wager the reward at the end will make sure we stay but I'm sure there are some who if the going got tough would be perfectly happy to leave with the two hundred and fifty and perhaps. And for all you know we could be as much use on this journey as a dead butterfly and you'd have given us far more than we'd deserve. So either there's some kind of catch or you don't know how much your gold is worth," He replied.

This seemed suspicious to kauri who would have accepted have the proposed amount for the whole journey. It seemed to him that it was too good to be true.

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