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Fantasy The Silver Serpent - Mechanics


The Infinite Being

  • The races not only define what your avatar looks like, but also have their own set of skills and abilities. Many of these skills seem to overlap with other classes or races, but are indeed different. Most skills races learn are heavily based off of where the race originates from. Each race is also only capable of learning 6 of the 9 classes. To activate a skill you must picture a certain symbol in your head and that symbol will then dully glow a certain color on the back of your hand for just a moment. Each skill has its own unique, but still relatively simple, symbol. All pictures used are available for use for any character. The notable features section lists the features that each member of the race has.


  • Classes are a set of skills unique to each other. Some skills damage opponents, heal yourself, aid allies, misdirect your opponents, and so much more. Not each race is compatible with some classes, so chose wisely.


  • A sub-class is a specific skill chosen when making your character. A sub-class is non-combat based and is designed to give you a helping hand. The sub-classes are also designed to promote cooperation by making each skill better when used in correlation with other sub-classes. Everyone can learn the skills of any sub-class up to level 5, but you can learn your sub-class up to level 20. Sub-classes are often used as jobs or other means of income.

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The right part of the picture is more or less what the HUD looks like. To activate it, think about pulling up the menu and swipe down in front of you. It has several options such as communication, stats, and equipment. You can only use weapons and armor you have equipped. Unequipped items are very heave (though not so much that you cannot pick them up with some effort) and deal no damage or offer no protection.


Dead bodies can be looted. To loot a dead body, walk up to it, think about pulling up the loot menu, and swipe from left to right in front of it. A similar set up to your own equipment menu will pop up and you can take anything that fits in your inventory until the body disappears. Charms can be bought and applied to an item that prevents it from being looted from your body, but these cost money and are not the cheapest things in the game (though often cheaper than buying new weapons and/or armor).

Limbo is the place you go to when you die. You spend a minimum of 5 minutes there before you can find a "rift" back to the real world. After 10 minutes in Limbo you are automatically teleported out. You will revive in a place called an "Oasis" in the last safe zone you were in, or your room if you have one and saved there last.

This is more or less what the oasis looks like, but with a few more trees and surrounded by stone steps instead of sand. You walk out of the water once revived.


This is roughly what Limbo looks like (but in three dimensions).
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  • This is a list of all terms used in the above post.


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