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Realistic or Modern The Silver Lion Chronicles

@Jacob Berry I forgot i hadn't added something to the post that sort of completes the class i'll add it now and you tell wherever i can keep them or not.

Number 73 Anti-Tank Grenades

Mark 1 Mills Hand Grenade
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[QUOTE="Lord Shaxx]@Jacob Berry I forgot i hadn't added something to the post that sort of completes the class i'll add it now and you tell wherever i can keep them or not.
Number 73 Anti-Tank Grenades

Mark 1 Mills Hand Grenade

Yeah, you can keep those. As long as they are historically accurate I don't mind. Now, i don't want you going around with Mini Nukes or Plasma Grenades :P
Would you accept female characters? (they would most likely be from Yugoslavia, Romania, Soviet Union, ect).

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