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Realistic or Modern The Silver Lion Chronicles


Doujin Expert
Feel free to add anything you'd like. BBcode is optional, since I am not entirely good at it.




Specialty(I.E. Demolitions or Sniper):

Weapon Load-out:



Military History/Experience:


Lastly, I will be playing Captain Jonathan Chestnut, the CO of the Unit.
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Name: Jonathan Chestnut.

Rank: Captain.

Age: 31.

Specialty(I.E. Demolitions or Sniper): Commanding Officer.

Weapon Load-out:

M1 Thompson.

Colt M1911

Nationality: American.

Personality: Jonathan, better known as John, is a very calm man, stoic and quiet most of the time. Around his men, he is seen as a light hearted man, willing to joke around and be more open with them. A man with an unwavering sense of loyalty and honor, he is a strong willed. On the battlefield he is quick witted man, willing to make the tough decisions that most couldn't make in a snap second. He is extremely intelligent, and a master tactician, the perfect man to lead the Silver Lions.

Military History/Experience: Jonathan comes from a Military Family, his father serving and surviving the Great War. At the age of 16, he graduated from high school and got admitted to West-point. He graduated in the 1930's class from West-point, third in his class at the rank of Second Lieutenant. Never seeing Military action as there were no major wars the U.S. was in until World War Two. He served at various bases, until reaching the rank of First Lieutenant for his efficiency and leading prowess. Gaining the attention of General Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1936, he served as his aide from 1936 to 1940 before being allowed to secretly set up the foundations of the Silver Lions. In 1941, he was made CO of the secret unit by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, gaining the rank of Captain. Now, he leads his unit of men, to help the Allies win the war with the disastrous Scum that is the Axis.


He enjoys cigars, and can usually be found with them outside of battle.

Is Half German, Half Italian.



(THIS IS A WIP and Example. Feel free to judge though.)
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Name: Lord Nigel Montgomery Quentin, Esq.

Rank: Lieutenant

Age: 31

Specialty(I.E. Demolitions or Sniper): Demolition

Weapon Load-out:

  • Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I
  • Webley Mk. IV Revolver

Nationality: British

Personality: Friendly, a proper champ and able fellow. He has the habit of speaking, in the usual british-like way, that sounds rather funny. His attitude or friendly mood, doesn't however prevent him from - blowing-up Germn lorries or supply trains.

Military History/Experience: Joined the Royal Marines around one year after, the end of World War One. With the decline in living, and tales of his uncle, having died while fighting for King and Country. He spend eleven years serving the Royal Marines - being the highest-ranked demolition' expert in the British Army; while most of them were spend in drills, the advent of World War Two - he elevated that status, to best demolitions expert - after several destroyed German supply lines and roads. Later recalled to Great Britain - for reassingment, to a more proper station of his skills.





Wallcroft is essentially a common man, though born to a rich family he's acts and behaves like an everyday soldier since he's spent years around them, doesn't come across as uptight or boastful and has a what's mine is yours way of thinking, he doesn't ask people to do things he himself wouldn't do either, he feels the lives of his men matter more than his own though he understands when and how to make the hard choices.
Military History
Colour Sergeant Gary Wallcroft was born into a long military family line of officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted men alike, born in 1908, as part of a family of fighters he was taught swordsmanship and the ways of firearm wielding, though he found himself participating in bare knuckle brawls as well as the odd pub brawl as a young lad, he enlisted into the Army at 18 in 1926, for years he was just a boarder soldier, constantly on drills and receiving irregular promotions for his length of service however when the war broke out in 1939 he swiftly found himself swept into the fight, after thick fighting he was promoted to Colour Sergeant, in 1940 he was called to volunteer for the British Commandos, accepting it he moved into it, training hard and heavily to be one of the elite special operations soldiers for the trials, participating in numerous covert operations as well as direct fights, in 1941 he was recruited by an american officer and after some time Headquarters allowed it and he was reassigned to Silver Lions conducting combined operations.
  • Nationality: British

    Forename: Gary

    Middlename: Richard

    Surname: Wallcroft

    Nickname: To be given

    Age: 35 Years Old

    Gender: Male

    Eye Colour: Brown

    Hair Colour: Black

    Hair Style: Combed

    Height: 5 Foot 11

    Weight: 192 Pounds

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Name: Robert | Rox | Miller

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Rank: Corporal

Speciality: Medic

Primary Weapon: M1 Garand | Bayonet

Sidearm: M1911

Nationality: American

Personality: Robert, or Rox as he prefers to be called is a very energetic and hyperactive man. He’s known for being a humorous person with lots of fun in his bags. He's usually the guy taking care of the humor on the field, he believes that you need to be able to have fun out there otherwise you'll go crazy. Robert’s main skill is that he’s able to focus and stay calm even though those god damn krauts are raining bullets on them. Since he’s a medic staying calm and being focused is very effective as you may have to work under extreme circumstances.

Military History/Experience: Robert was born in Houston, Texas where he lived with his mother and father until he ran away from home. When he was 18 years old he ran away and lived with his friend in Boston. At the age of 25 Robert enlisted for the U.S Army where he fought hard to become a paratrooper. He has been to battle one time with the fellow paratroopers but after being hit by grenade-schrapnel he had to go back to America where he was treated for a couple of months. As he was ready to go back out he was called in for a meeting where he was thrown in to a special-unit called The

Silver Lions.

Appearance: Rox
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Name: Frederick Telschow

Rank: Corporal


Age: 31

Specialty: Heavy Weapons.

Weapon Load-out:

-Browning M2 (HMG)


-FP-45 Liberator (Handgun)


Nationality: German-American (family line is extremely German but lived in America since the 1800s)



-Risk taker


Military History/Experience: Was a Private for the British in the early war.


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