• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Siege of Greece


Kangaroo Paladin of Space
First things first:

1.If you look down below, there is a CS there. It has no bb code because I'm not to good at it. Add however much you like to it bu don't change any of the questions. Make it colorful!

2.RPN And my rules apply etc etc


4. If you've read the tab, you'll notice that many powers can mind control or generally do things considered rude to fellow RPers. While those are there for a reason, Expect a Pm from me if you choose them with a few extra guidelines just for you! Also those count as rules. Follow them please.

5. Please do not god mond or make your character invincible or I will be forced to drop a bridge(s) on them and let you make a significantly weaker character

6. Have fun with this! I welcome creativiy so if you want me to bend a rule or want to do something not mentioned anywhere in the cs or mechanics, Pm me and We'll figure something out.


NAME: Name of your charachter (Natch)

Appearance: Picture or two paragraph description. No realistic pictures, but everything else is fine.

House: See mechanics ALSO only one person from each house will be accepted.

Stats: Again see mechanics

Biography: 2-3+ paragraphs here.

Personality:Again 2-3+ paragraphs here. Please include flaws.

Likes: 3.

Dislikes: 3 again

Inventory: Whats on your char at any given time.

Theme song: Please. Set the mood for your character.
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