The Shaking of the Mountain - Rules


The Dwarven Brewmaster
  • Please, if you're thinking about joining, try to be active! Do not join if you cannot post consistently (once per week). Also, regarding this matter, if you're already accepted but are going to be absent for a considerable amount of time, please inform me via PM.

    This roleplay is a Teen roleplay (13+). If you must swear, restrict it to character dialogue rather than normal descriptions. You guys should know what's too much - just don't go overboard.

    All usual rules of roleplaying: no godmodding (without permission), absolutely no metagaming (knowing things OOCly that your characters shouldn't know ICly, but still having your characters use such information to influence their actions), and no auto-hitting/auto-killing of PCs and some major NPCs. Regarding the latter, combat will include writing prowess, real knowledge in combative techniques, and may include a seldom roll of the dice if you wish to attempt a feat that is highly unlikely to occur with your specific character.

    Act wisely with your characters. If your character gets into a situation where it will be unrealistic for them to survive, they will most likely die. If your character dies, though, you're always free to make another! (^.^)

    Two paragraph minimum in writing. It isn't difficult.

    Romance is fine, but keep it PG-13. Fade to black if necessary, though I don't see anyone doing romantic scenes with dwarves. ( :P )

    Keep inappropriate chat out of the OOC thread. Also, if there's an argument, take it to the PMs and NEVER post OOC chat in the IC thread. Thank you.

    All RpN rules and regulations apply.
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