The Shaking of the Mountain - Lore


The Dwarven Brewmaster
  • The dwarves of Shallomhand, being secluded in their underground metropolises, are an ambiguous and myth-shadowed race. With the existence of the twelve magical realms and their respective Godans, none know how the dwarven culture came to believe in their creation.

    Dwarven mythology tells of two ultimately powerful beings of an ancient age named Durite and Liam who came together to create a race that could survive beneath the ground for millennia. Durite, the High Being of stone, made the dwarves hardy and brave. Liam, the High Being of fire and creation, gave the dwarves the ability to manipulate fire to their will, which became amplified in a specific species of dwarf. While some still ponder and debate the reason as to why dwarves were gifted with the ability to control fire, most assume it was to allow them to become the most renowned smiths throughout the underworld and surface world of Shallomhand.

    Back to the first recordings of history, when dwarves were said to be first created, the race was accustomed to the darkness of the underground, which granted them the ability to see through the impenetrable blackness. Slowly, the dwarves advanced and found Goldglow through mining and exploration of the underworld. It was a life-changing find, as it was a stone that could glow in the dark at a high intensity. They used it to illuminate their subterranean world, and they inserted it into the mining helmets of their prospectors.

    The dwarves began as four large families: the Elderminds, the Earthgrazers, the Firethrones, and the Battleragers. Each seemed to be a different species entirely, and each had their own talents and weaknesses, but they focused on their contrary characteristics and tore their society apart. Wars ensued between the four, resulting in heavy casualties for the dwarven race. About one thousand years ago, the Grand Four Treaty was signed between the families, resulting in the creation of the Goldstone Guard that was a unified force of the four royal families and has been ever since.

    While being assaulted by the ogre clans of the surface hundreds of years ago, no conflicts have wracked the dwarven race as of late. At least, not until the dwarves of Khalgrim opened into a new underground passage that would cause the next great calamity for the race as a whole.
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