The Shadowed Voyagers


daissy doop

*Age: Note if your character is something like a vampire, (eternally) or a werewolf, (ten times the lifespan of an average human).


*Species: Please be specific and make sure that your character is one that can speak.


*Skills: If there is anything that your character is good at/with in particular please list it here. Please be reasonable. If you wish to be an animal you can give it the power to speak.

*Personality: At least 3-5 sentences.

*Physical Description: At least 3-5 sentences. Please be descriptive. You can include a picture if you want.

*biography: At least 3-5 sentences.

*Companion/Domesticated creature that you call yours: Optional... But if you have one or two or three... please list them here with this outline




-Power: (optional)


- Size: You don't have to be to descriptive but if you have a Cat, it could be below your knee or above your head.

- Brief physical description: Color, markings, blah blah blah.. You may include a picture if you want.
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Name: Rae Praxis

Age: She is currently 56, but due to her long life span of 200 years, she appears as if she looks 19.

Height: 7'1"

Species: Rae is a centaur, meaning she has the torso and head of a human attached to the torso and legs of a horse.

Gender: Female

Skills: Some of Rae's abilities include archery, which she has been practicing since she was a young girl. She also is very agile and speedy in comparison to her other centaur friends, due to her smaller size and long legs.

Personality: Rae is loud-mouth centaur with an attitude and fierceness comparable to a dragon. She is not afraid to give people attitude when she doesn't agree. Despite this, she is very caring about her friends, giving them advice whenever they need and telling them, quite loudly, when they need to do something different. She can be very chill when she isn't annoyed or angry. Rae chooses her friends carefully, judging someone's character and deciding wether she should like or hate them right away. There is no in-between either - she either likes or hates, and she is quick to decide.

Another thing you should know about Rae is that she is good at telling others off when she needs to. She is clever as well - figuring out puzzles and challenges in an instant, and outsmarting her enemies within seconds. This gives her a great advantage in challenges of the mind.

Finally, despite her strengths, she has weaknesses like everyone else. Because of Rae's loud mouth others may think she is annoying or insulting; this can lead to bad situations between her and people who don't know her well. To people who are her friends though, many of her antics can be amusing to them. Lastly, her other weakness is that she can be too confident - to the point where she has poor judgement and will step into dangerous situations without a second thought.

Physical Description: Because Rae is a centaur, she is part horse. The part of her that is equestrian is a grey oldenberg horse, with speckles spotting along her back, forelegs, hind legs, chest, and rear. The center of her body is mostly white, and the bottoms of her legs fade into a deep grey. Both her hair and tail are a chalky black.

On the part of Rae that is human, she is a thin, pale and freckled young girl. Because of her lankiness, her bones stick out in various places, such as her hipbones. Her long eyelashes and large lips stand out amongst the soft features of her face, giving her an exaggerated look. Her large hazel eyes also give her this effect.

An all the parts of her body, she wears jewelry. This is one of her hobbies, making necklaces, bracelets, headpieces, and more. However, this is hard to do during the war. All the metal is going towards weaponry, and less and less is being sold at the market for Rae to buy. Being quite upset by this, she only has the chance to wear her most favorite older jewelry; both ones that she has bought and others she has made herself. Her favorite jewelry pieces uh a chain headpiece adorned by dangling gem pendants, three rings which she bought at the market (two metal and one wooden), four bracelets with one leather decorated with metal pointy studs, and a chest and rear piece made of string and beautiful polished stones.

Biography: Rae has had a difficult life; her mother currently unresponsive and depressed from her husband (Rae's dad) dying in the war. Her mother doesn't do much anymore; just lays in bed all day and doesn't do anything for Rae. Before this, she was a good mother and always was incredibly attentive towards her, serving her meals every day and teaching her about the wilderness from a young age. When Rae was 14, this all changed when her father died.

Despite these troubles, she has still managed to stay positive and upbeat due to her independence and support from her friends. She is still the sassy, loud, and ranting person she has always been, just with a little sadness on the inside that is rarely shown when she's around friends.

Name: Blythe

Species: Raven

Gender: Male

Power: Blythe can send messages to Rae with his mind.

Age: 1 1/2

Size: Blythe is slightly larger than the average raven, reaching up to about mid-calf height on an average human.

Brief Physical Description:

Blythe is a sleek, young black raven with two metal attachments on his right wing. These are here due to an injury shortly after his birth, leaving his wing damaged and broken.

Name: Basil Alona

Age: 24, note that a werecat has a lifespan not limited to 500 years.

Height: 5' 4"

Species: Basil is a type of werecat. She is closely associated with the tiger family. In her general form, Basil has many features that closely resemble a tiger. As a werecat, Basil has three forms. The first stage is the most basic stage where she remains in a human-like form, but this is a close to human she will get.

The second stage occurs when she may feel threatened. In this stage she becomes stronger, her stripes become more prominent, her teeth extend, her eyes dilate, and she becomes very observant and diligent.

In the last stage, she manifests into her final form. Her final form is a complete, and pure bengal tiger. In her final form, she becomes very large; over 7 feet tall, and very strong and fast. Below i will provide a picture that closely resembles the visual i have in mind.


: Female

Skills: Basil is very fast, her sight, smell, and hearing is that of a cats, and she can see in the dark very well.

Personality: Basil is a very high spirited girl. She always has a lot of energy and is determined to do what needs to be done. If you aren't motivated, she will do her best to lift your spirits and get you back on track. Basil is generally nice, but she does have quite the temper. If do something to purposely bother her, she gets angry pretty quickly, and it does take a lot of convincing to calm her down. Despite her inability to control herself, Basil makes a very good friend and is always there for those around her.

Physical Description: As said before, Basil in many ways resemble a tiger... as she is one. Her hair is black, and stops just at the shoulder. In general, her hair is very jagged and messy and rarely looks nice. Her skin is tan and stripes of black and gold cover her body. Her eyes are abnormally large and resemble a cats.

Basils eyes tend to sparkle and glow, as does the rest of her face. Her pupils dilate depending on her mood, but in general, they are large, and open showing off the beautiful blue color they hold. It may come across as odd, but her ears are on top of her head, and are that of a cats.

Her facially features are soft, and her lips are full making her look gentle. Basils collar bones are very defined, and her shoulders are far from broad. It would be expected for Basil to be tall and heavily built, yet in fact, she is very small and light making it easy for her to travel quickly on foot.


Biography: Basil has had a fairly simple life... at least before the war. She was raised by her mother in the valley along side her 3 brothers and sister. Her father abandoned their mother before they were even born, but her mother raised her and her siblings to know that they didn't need him. After becoming fully mature, she moved away from her mother and brothers and her and her sister went to live on their own. At 15 she and her sister went their separate ways. 48 days after her 16th birthday, the war began and the world she knew came to an end.


Name: Mim

Species: Winchester Dragon. Known for speed and agility


Power: Mim has the ability to track down Basil no matter where she is. He can also sense how Basil is feeling.

Age: Mim is 5 years old, so he's very young.

Size: Mim stands 10 feet tall, and weighs 2.4 tons.

Brief Physical Description: Mim is a blueish-gray color with red covering his snout, wing bases, and feet. He has gray eyes and an extra toe on his two back feet. Mim is covered in scales that are more rough and bland than smooth and shiny.

On his back between his shoulder bones sits a saddle that is reserved for Basil. The girth wraps around the base of his chest and rests just behind the armpits of his front legs. On the side of the brown leather saddle, is a medium sized pack to hold anything extra that Basil may be carrying. His rope bridle wraps intricately around his snout and the reigns rest on the back of his neck.
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Name: Mu

Age: Unknown

Height: 8'6

Species: Shadow Person

Gender: Male

Skills: Stealthy, expert swordsman, dual-wields katanas, can harness dark magic, katana blades may be used as conduits for said magic, almost invisible except to Rae, Blythe, Basil, and Mim.

Personality: Mu is very quiet and subtle, not speaking unless necessary. He tends to stick to the shadows as that's what he's used to. He hates excessive amounts of light and loves chocolate. Mu does not give up easily and is very hard to defeat.

Phys. Desc.: Shadowy body-length cloak, piercing red lights where his eyes would be located, wears a black shadowy 1930's gangster fedora.

Bio: Mu (Japanese for nothing) has lots of mystery shrouded around him. Other than his shadows, not much is known about Mu or his past.

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