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Realistic or Modern The Shadow Force

Lance thought for a moment and desided it couldn't hurt to visit a beach, 'ok' she wrote on his palm to acknowledh she hurd then pulled out her phone and tried to find the closest one. She smiled and turnd to Max ' your in luck's she wrote because we are at Hilo and not Honolulu we are only 4 miles from the beach' she grabbed both of there things and then wrote 'let's go' offering her arm.
Once out side the airport she hald a taxi and told the driver the name of the beach. While that where in the cab driving Lance couldn't pull her eyes from the scenery. Once thay had parked at the beach she asked the driver if she could schedule a pick up with him in an hour. The driver agreed, gave her his number, and told them to have fun before driving off.
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Max got into the car. While he could see Anna be happy, he didn’t know why. The girl just looked out the window he assumed. It wasn’t before long until they were at the beach. He took in a breath of the salty air and took off his shoes.
“The sand feels lovely,” Max said wiggling his toes in it.
Lance laughed at Max, she realised she had been laughing more in the past day than she had in a while. She reached for his hand and missed because he was to far away in the sand. She took of her right pump, and used it for the extra reach to poke him and move his hand twords her while stadong on one foot. As soon as she got it close enough she grabbed it and wrote. 'I don't think this through, I'm in fights and heels, give me a few minutes to find a bathroom or something, if you want you can go and I'll find you.'. Putting her shoo back on she looked around and say one nearby. She grabbed his hand again and wrote 'there is one right there I will be right back' and she walked of twords it.
Coming back out a couple minutes later she straightened her skirt and made her way to Max barefoot having stows her things in her backpack. 'Me again, the sand it nice, to the water?' She wrote when she reached him smiling and enjoying the air. She too dug her feet into the sand as she stared at the ocean.
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Max nodded upon feeling her words. Down the beach he went. The sand sifting through his toes. A breeze blew by making him shiver, but it was a welcomed one. Then something cold. Something by his feet. A liquid. The ocean. Max felt the ocean lap onto the shore in a melodic style. He could feel the power within it and how calming it was. The sounds of the beach entered his ear. A seagull singing there. The water making its sound here. It was beautiful as he imagined it. Even without his eyes, max knew exactly where he was and it was breathtaking.
Lance stood next to Max and considered and took in the scenery, it was gorgeous. She took his hand and wrote 'I can try to get us a longer layover on the way home if you want. You can get surfing lessons. If pigs and goats can do it you can to'. As thay stood there for a while longer she considered pushing him in but she wasn't shure if he had packed extra cloths in his carry on like she had so she settled for lightly splashing him insted. She laughed at his face and tried to move away from him but she knew it was likely useless as her splashing feet could be heard.

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