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Fantasy The Seven

Seraph Darkfire

King of the Underworld
What is the soul? It doesn't simply pop into existence, it has to come from somewhere. The truth is, a soul is created like a quilt, each memory becoming another piece in the puzzle.

In the beginning, a new soul is created upon the birth of a new body. Two of the smallest pieces of the parent's soul break off and combine to form the basis of the new soul. Over the course of their life, the new soul is added on by new memories.

This process continues until their death.

When a person dies, their soul is separated from their body. Without a body, the soul's memories are laid bare. Even the slightest amount of damage can cause the loss of memories.

These memories are valuable, a piece of an immortal soul.

There are two ways for the dead to return to the living. Either through reincarnation in Paradise, or through the manipulation of the memories of a million souls.

Doing it this way would tear a hole through the Underworld. As such, the King of the Underworld tasked the Seven Deadly Sins to gather many favors, knowing they would retrieve memories to do so. By doing this, he didn't have to do anything and the Underworld, as well as other universes, would be safe.

He was powerful, yet lazy. Though he always kept his promises. If they gathered enough favors, he'd remove their curses and allow them to enter Paradise.

"Wonder how they are doing?" he thought and turned his sight toward the Seventh Gate. He could see that their tavern was as rowdy as ever.

@Geek with Me @Kenji Jensai @Decay @too much idea
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"So, you say that you died quite a while ago? How curious. So did I."

Ray liked his life (would life even be the correct term? Perhaps not, but what word would he use in its place? Unlife wouldn't work? After-life, perhaps?) here. It could be said that he enjoyed it even. Sure, it would never be the life that he had been used to- he could remember very little of it but was sure that it had been grander than this- but he had been here long enough that he had grown to enjoy this place and the people here.

He especially liked the people here, most of all. The rest of the Seven were intriguing enough but it was the other souls here that he liked more. He liked to talk to them- he had always considered himself to be good with people- and enjoyed listenjng to them talk. Even if they were... Somewhat reluctant to speak to him, he found that he could be quite convincing. He supposed that it was either his natural charm or his good looks that drew people to him- but it could have been the way that he glared if anybody turned him away. He didn't like to be ignored. People seemed to recognise this.

"So, tell me a little more about yourself. I've got time on my hands. An awful lot of it, in fact, and I do like to fill it with attractive strangers such as yourself."

Anyway, currently, he was rather busy. As usual, the Seventh Gate was crowded with people and he had caught somebody off-guard, bothering them until they would talk with him. He had always loved to learn about other people, regardless of how boring their lives were or if they could remember scarcely anything. He supposed that it was the intimacy of conversations he liked, more than the actual topics of discussion. He leaned in closer to the person- who, albeit, looked rather uncomfortable with this closeness- and smiled a rare sort of smile. It bordered on being a little sly.

"Really? Is that so? Oh, do go on, I am simply fascinated."

He honestly had taken in scarcely a word of what they were saying, listening instead to the nervous rise and fall of their voice. But he had suddenly gotten the feeling that he was being observed and took the oppurtunity to play the part of the socialite. If he was being watched, he wanted to appear... He supposed the word that he was looking for was "appealing". He wanted to look good. After the person stammered a few words in response, he backed off and let them go.

"You take care now. Don't cross paths with any dangerous strangers."

He called after the hurriedly departing person. After all, he was nothing if not polite. That thought made him chuckle in amusement, as he moved through the crowded room with expertise. He really did like his (after)life here, even if he was stuck here for what seemed like forever.
Mokal enjoyed the peacefulness of being on the first floor; none of the noise from the ground floor reached up here, it made making contracts significantly easier. They weren't actually contracts, so much as favours and memories, but Mokal preferred the term contract nonetheless; it sounded more official and what was a business if not official.

There wasn't much in terms of 'traffic' today, and Mokal was bored; there was nothing to do in his office, only a desk, a cabinet and a couple of chairs. He sighed, the underworld got boring so often, he was surprised he hadn't died and been sent to an even deeper underworld. Opening one of the drawers on his desk, Mokal pulled out a large plate with, what he thought would be, a black forest gateau on it. He placed it on the table, his eyes hungry for a moment before they filled with despair; only a crumb remained.

After a moment, Mokal stood, walking out of his office, labelled 'Gluttony' and out onto the landing, walking down the first stair into a wall of noise that disorientated him for a second. He had never got use to that, even after hundreds of years in the Underworld and it made him almost glare at people as he was met with this bombardment of sound. He shrugged it off before continuing down into the bustling hall and looking for an empty table. There were none.

He allowed himself a slight grin as he passed by some of the souls, remembering them fondly. A figure caught his eye, moving through the crowd: another Sin, Lust. He started making his way over, Lust always seemed up for a conversation.

Gently, he placed a hand on the other Sin's shoulder and smiled slightly, "Hey! Business is good isn't it?"

Mokal didn't normally start conversations, but with the other six of the seven sins he was pretty open.

@Leo The Sagittarius
Alae moved through the people and set a couple of drinks down on a table, startling the patrons there. He moved with such grace and stealth that people tended to not notice him. The drink he was serving was a common drink, one easily made in the Underworld. It was ironically coined 'Spirits' though it wasn't actually made from spirits. It was created by condensing the ambient energy around them. They had special devices that did such a thing in the kitchen.

Generally, the ambient energy slowly returned after being condensed, so it wasn't a problem of supply. The true value in this drink was that it acted like the alcohol from the living worlds. It over charged the soul and gave a strange, light feeling, a lot like being drunk. The best thing was that no one got hangovers.

Eating was strange. The food came from all over, though Alae wasn't completely sure how it came to be. Nothing really grew in the Underworld. Sure, there were plants and stuff, but they ever grew any bigger. New plants and trees sprung up when they died in another world. He supposed that the food arrived the same way.

He picked up some empty plates and headed back to the kitchen. They had employees, though none of them were allowed upstairs. That was specifically just for the Seven. Usually jobs were written down as letters and filed away, with the more important jobs taking priority. The filed ones were then separated into seven distinct groups.

The jobs were sent to the one who was best suited to do them. Alae generally got the stealth jobs.

As he came out of the kitchen, he looked around at the patrons. New faces popped up every day and some old ones never returned. He felt good about those who didn't return. That usually meant that they'd finished paying off their sins.

He could see the Sins of Lust and Gluttony speaking to each other. Ray and Mokal were alright. When he'd met the other six, Alae had been surprised to find out that there were so many different versions of his world. Worlds that he didn't even exist in. It was a fascinating thought.
Vi always prefer to stay in the second floor. It's peaceful, quiet, and no one's usually up here during daytime so she can work in peace. In front of her, ontop of her working table, papers. A lot of them. All of these are the sales report for the Seventh Gate, a report written by whoever diligent enough to do the work everytime they close the Seventh Gate.

Some of the writings are pretty awful and looked like a drawing of grass, Vi always suspected that Sloth is the writer just because he is the Sloth. As in, too lazy to write even if he have the motivation to actually write in the data.

Oh wells.

Vi started working on it, calculating the income and the expense. She checked it before continue with calculating the revenue. The result is a thousand gold coins for last month. They got the same number every single month.

Vi sighed and took the paperworks downstair, she's looking for Alae, and found him in the middle of the crowd. He's hard to miss, with all his get up.

"Alae," Vi called out as she approached him to hand over the paperworks. "Tell whoever write the sales report to properly write letter and number, it gave me headache trying to figure out what the grassess mean."
He shouldn't have been surprised to be approached by the other sin but he was, almost jolting in surprise when Gluttony's- no, Mokal, the other man's name was Mokal- hand touched his shoulder. He almost threw him off on instinct, just to teach him a lesson. People weren't allowed to touch without his say so, not there, not so close to his-

It had been a long time since anybody had been allowed to touch anywhere shoulders and below. Though he hid it considerably well, a brief flash of fear crossed his face. He wondered how to subtly go about removing Mokal's hand without punching him in the face. He considered pulling away or moving his hand or asking him to move it himself.

Instead, Ray positively melted into his touch and smiled.

"As always, as always." He replied, making sure not to take his eyes off him for a single second, "Well, a lot of people die and all those dead people have to go somewhere for a good time. Even if it is somewhere as..." He gestured widely with his left hand to the room and pulled a face as if to say I was going to insult this place but realised that would probably be a bad idea, "Dull as this."

The place itself wasn't too dull, he was just full-of-himself.

Meanwhile, still staring at him- though his stare grew colder for a second- Ray got to work removing the other's hand, carefully peeling his fingers off and inspecting his hand for a long moment- he had no problem with touching, just not in certain places- before dropping it.

"Don't touch there." He said, pointedly, bluntly, "I don't want to be touched there. Touch elsewhere." And he paused for a moment before smirking at him, "Just not there." And he adjusted the collar of his shirt and brushed a hand through his hair, hiding imperfections whilst trying not to look as if he were doing so.

"Pleasantries aside, did you want something?"

The Waitress
Harper flicked her beautiful long locks as she jumped over the bar then sighed. Most of them weren't watching her but she honestly didn't care that much anymore. She sauntered over to the over friends, using her quick reflexes she stole a full shot glass of the sweet liquid called alcohol and batted her long eyelashes at the drink stole off the man. She drank half of it then gave it back, leaving a lipstick mark on the edge of the glass. She had a sly smirk stuck on her lips as walked towards the group of sins.

She sat on the chair next to Lust and watch him become aggressive. She blink a few times then watched unfold in front of her

"Someone's moody today" She said sarcastically then rolled her eyes

She looked around the Tavern and sighed. Things have been kinda dull lately and it bored Harper to death. She stretched her arms widely as she yawned then began to play with her ring

Harped decided to stand up and go upstairs to change into her uniform since she didn't decide to wear it last shift. She tied her hair into a high ponytail then went behind the counter again.

She noticed Alae and Vi talking about paperwork as always, Vi had some sort of paperwork in her hands. She huffed then began to serve drunk souls Spirits

(@Leo The Sagittarius @too much idea @Baconhands @Seraph Darkfire)
Sir Ivan was on the first floor he thoroughly enjoyed it up there mainlay because their was no noise from the maggots down stairs. But alas he was thirsty and wanted a drink.Ivan walked down the first floor stairs quickly his cape flickering behind him and he instantly regretted walking down, the great mass of People Made him disgusted. He saw the other sins and scowled. His eyes where set on a table in the corner occupied by a young couple. He wanted that seat , and he was Going to have it. He pushed through the crowd, he insulted each sin while walking.

"Lust, nobody will want to talk to you if you carry on being that rash you brainless shortsighted moron. ".

He continued.

"Gluttony why don't you go Upstairs and turn into that disgusting dog again. That thing is surprisingly more attractive than yourself"

He was halfway to the table. And started enjoying throwing out these insults.

"Oh look! Pride is here As well. Wow it is rare to see that arrogant fool out of her office."

He continued walking now smirking, he knew they hated it when he called them by their sin.

"Greed. Its a surprise that your not the sin of lust with that laughable dress you have on."

He was at the table and swiveled around 180° to finish of his final insult.

"And last and definitely the Least we have Sloth, the bumbling Baboon of this awful group of misfits. How stupid could you have been to get hit by a 20ft bus "

he turned around to the table and threw his thumb backwards over his shoulder and growled "out " to the couple.

(@Seraph Darkfire @Geek with Me \]\)
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Vali quietly lied upon the roof of the seventh gate. It was his favorite spot to hide away from the other sins as he watched the hustle and bustle in underworld. He watched the different species of ... well undead life as they continued about his past. It had taken him about a 1000 years to come to terms that he was dead.

He always alienated himself from the other sins as he felt that he was to different to modern when he tried to talk to Alae about an awesome anime known as shingeki No Narwhal the guy he had no idea about what he was talking about he didn't even understand what anime was he.

He had no one to share his love of online gaming with which frustrated him.

As he stared into the light blue space that was considered the underworld's sky. As he was enjoying himself on the roof he fell through the tough wooden roof and landed right in front of Ivan's pointed finger.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear" he said with a giant smile as he looked into the faces of his fellow peers. "Well what are you waiting for you idiots get back to work!" which was ironic as he was the one slacking off.


@Seraph Darkfire

@Leo The Sagittarius
"Greed. Its a surprise that your not the sin of lust with that laughable dress you have on." Sir Ivan insulted Harper. She placed her hand on her hip and the other free hand on the bar table to lean on

"Well, Isn't he a little envious bitch today?" She said to Greed and the other Sins then smirked "At least I'm not envious of a seat!" She yelled to Greed then continued serving

Harper de Vil sat on top of the bar table and began to wash some shot glasses. She was greedy for things so she left the bar then began to start serving people food, she kept their focus busy while she stole their valuable items like a golden Rolex watch

"Be right back with your order" She smirked at now the watch-less man and headed back to the counter. She looked at the

watch then tried on but alas it was too big for her wrist. She groaned then threw it her fellow Sins "Have it!" She yelled then went into the kitchen "We need two burger stat!" She yelled then left the kitchen to sit with Lust but someone yelled at them

"Well what are you waiting for you idiots get back to work!" Harper jumped up "Say's the one who's slacking" She yelled back at Vali and continued to work

(@Decay @Kenji Jensai )
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Mokal glanced at Ivan and grinned, "Please, a mouldy man like you could not possibly have anything on my beautiful body."

Mokal had never taken Envy's insults to heart, it was all part of his personality and he thought most of his insults were jokes. He grinned, "Plus, he's not a dog, he's a hell-hound, and I think you'd like to fight him instead of that dragon."

Mokal often joked about his sin forms; he knew there was nothing he could do about them for now, and quite honestly he enjoyed the aura he had because of them; if anyone angered him, he became a great beast and ruined them, and most of the souls around them. It was not so long ago that the dragon had reared its horned head and threatened to destroy the Seventh Gate, but the King of The Underworld had stopped him by making him fall into a deep sleep.

All the sins had gathered now, and quite honestly that worried him; fights sometimes broke out when they were all here, and fights involving him often featured him turning into a ravenous beast of some kind. He smiled to himself; this would have made such a great play. Sighing, he pushed through the crowd, forgetting about the fact he had tried to start a conversation Ray, nodding to a few of the souls as he made his way to the exit.
"Shut it, Ivan." Vi sighed. Finishing the paperwork exhausted her already, she don't want to snap right in the middle of the crowded Seventh Gate just because some teasing and mocking. It'll be embarrassing. Plus, Vi's already used to Greed. She ignores him and let the other Sins handle him, he's not worth her time. She got impatient on waiting for Alae to finish checking the paperwork, so Vi made her way into the bar and take a large bottle of wine. King's Wine, is her favourite, maybe because it is a wine that comes from her kingdom. What left of it. But here, in the Underworld, there seemed to be like an endless supply of the wine. Maybe the King od Underworld lied to her and there is indeed a group of people that are put inside the Underworld together with her, and while waiting for their time to go to Paradise they decided to make the wine and sell it here.

Vi shook her head. No, that's impossible. Not even her father is here, according to the King of the Underworld. She lifted the bottle for the Sins to see and waved at them as she make her way back upstairs. "Well, i'm going upstairs and continue reading the Grand Grimoire now." Vi smirked. "Such an interesting book."
It seems that there were no pleasant conversations to be had, since the rest of the group appeared to chastise him. He listened silently as each sin took their turn and tried not to pout, eventually managing a small chuckle before he turned and went back to work.

"Oh, dear, dear Ivan. It's a wonder you're not the sin of pride, acting like such a child. I understand that you must be very jealous, as you are so plain and boring, but please keep your childish attitude to yourself."

And with that, he turned and swept- he didn't walk, he swept- as far as he could from the other Sins. They could be a real bother at times, especially when they were in a group. He liked to think that they clashed merely because they were so similar but that wasn't true. It was surely their attitudes that caused them to argue like this. Luckily, he'd restrained himself. He'd had a lot more that he'd wanted to say but he held back, knowing that he'd only make the situation worse.

"Ivan's not worth it." He'd had to remind himself, "Don't lose your temper over him, he's not worth it."

And so, quietly fuming, he went back to work.

Well, "work" may or may not have been a very loose term to use but everybody else seemed to handle most of the heavy work. That left him free to do as he wished most of the time- which meant moving away from the rest of the sins and pouring a few drinks before declaring himself exhausted and sitting back down at one of the tables. He was much too delicate for this line of work, he decided, much too beautiful.

He needed a break from this.
Taure was reluctant to even pass nearby the tavern, its racket was disturbing, and he could barely hear his own thoughts when crossing the street to avoid the place. Instead the elf was headed to the same place he spent his days, the Library. In all his time in the Underworld, Taure still had more to learn. It was ever changing, adapting, much like the Overworld. Taure had departed the land of the living in the 'Ancient days' as they are now referred, a time so long forgotten that he himself could barely remember it. Fragments remained, and Taure could only fill the gaps with his books. Many were written by himself, back when he yet retained his memories of the Overworld, others by those that had long since passed into Paradise. The elf had remained for so long, because so long as there was more to learn, he would not be satisfied. Taure refused to allow his passing until he was content with knowing as much as he did. Over time, little pieces returned, small memories; like the taste of honey or the smell of grass. Taure found himself forgetting things, important things, unimportant things. He could never understand why, they simply drifted away. Some came back, some did not. This is why he had his books.

In his long afterlife, Taure had taken to study the many wonders of the Underworld, and it intrigued him to no end. The elf pushed open the doors to the Library, as he had done many times, and cheerfully greeted the desk clerk. "Ah, Master Tavari, your early today."

Taure looked over at the clerk, "Yes." They were used to his nonchalance by now, never expecting more than a word in response, sometimes only a gesture. The elf had lived, or not lived, so long that he no longer felt the need to exert himself so. He headed straight for the same section of the Library as every other day - History. He spent all his time outside of the Library discovering new things, learning about the changing world. Here was where he could reminisce his past in peace.

The Library had changed, as had the entire Underworld, while Taure had resided there. It has had many names, The Archive, The Atheneum, among so many others. It seemed that there was never to be a timeless era, and until there was, Taure would remain here; ever learning. Admittedly, the only thing that had ever driven him to consider passing onto Paradise, was his conflict with others. Many had often tried to ask a favour, or make Taure promise to something. The greatest debt one can ever have to repay. Shamefully, Pride and Wrath had gotten so very close to claiming Taure, almost forcing the elf to leave the Underworld, purely to remain free of such a burden. For all the time he had remained in the Underworld, Taure had been free of any debt, but the Sins were yet again searching for favours. Taure could already feel the cold fear creeping up his back. He could only hope he might not encounter the Sins. So long as he followed his rules, the most important being to avoid the Seventh Gate; their most common gathering place.

The elf plucked a book from the shelf, "An ar ellenien dirth." He could not even remember writing it, nor what the title had once meant. Perhaps its contents would reveal its nature.
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Ivy had grown very fond of the rowdy tavern that occupied most of her evenings for the past week. Whether it was the gorgeous waitresses or the impromptu drunken singing contests, the elf didn’t know.

However as normally confident as Ivy seemed she had been rather awkwardly drifting around the bar only exchanging pleasantries with those drunk enough to attempt conversation. She had to be careful in situations like this, Ivy had to keep her goal in mind.

She had come over here for one reason and that was to see The Seven.

The elf had heard many stories and rumours about the well known group and of course got curious but was rather disappointed. She had been observing them for a few days and all they seemed to do was argue and complain it was quite disappointing actually.

Gazing around the room she spotted one of the sins sitting in solitude.

‘ That must be lust’ Ivy thought as she had not found out any of their names yet. The short man looked very deep in thought and the blonde found it very funny she had to stifle a chuckle. After a while Ivy decided to make up her mind and introduce herself.

“Hey” She said simply grinning a lopsided grin. “Mind if I join you?”

@Leo The Sagittarius
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Alae generally ignored the other Sins when they became rowdy with each other. It was easier to let them work out their own problems. Of course, if they ever actually asked him for his help, he'd always be willing to offer his opinions and, if the request was severe enough, even his skills. He looked around and wondered why some of the Sins would go after physical attachments. There was only one woman he loved and unfortunately, she wasn't here.

He headed upstairs and, after going through a couple files, took a seat, looking over the now silent tavern. The spell that separated the upper floor's sound from the bottom was certainly fascinating. During his life, the only magic he'd ever known was that of charlatans. He lifted up the file in his hand and read through it. This particular job had already been completed, though a few more things needed to be written down before it could be filed away with the other completed jobs.
"Mind if I join you?"

Ray was a little surprised to find himself drawn out of his thoughts and by a stranger nonetheless. Looking up, he found himself staring at a tall (he noted that she was probably taller than him, even if he was standing, and tried not to huff in annoyance) blonde young woman. She was fairly good looking but he'd seen elves before and this one didn't stand out significantly in any way.

Except... She had approached him. That made her significant, he guessed. Not to mention that she was grinning at him in a way that made him sit up and take notice. His lip quirked upwards.

"Of course... Miss."

He stood and politely drew up a chair for the lady, before sitting back down. It was rare... To be joined by somebody like that. Normally, he had to go chasing other people. He was quite surprised to have some (rather attractive) company approach him- it was a pleasant change. However, he regained composure quickly and replaced any trace of a smile with a smug expression.

"Now, may I trouble you for a name to call you by?" He paused, "Actually, it would be better to introduce myself first, apologies. My name is Raymond Areillaz. But since we're such good friends, Ray will suffice."

(@Right okay then)
Vali felt disappointed that no one had bothered to include him into the conversation except well Vi but you couldn't count on her seeing as she is the sin of greed after all. He felt his safest bet would be to follow Ray after all just like him the man also did all he could to avoid the chores of working at the seventh gate. He noticed that the sin of lust had attracted some rather beautiful female companionship.

Getting an idea he quickly acted picking up a nearby stone. He aimed it at Ray's face but even with his concentration he was still off target and hit the girl directly in her face. As soon as the rock hit its undesired mark and immediately turned around and pretended to be looking at his imaginary watch.

'God dammit why the hell did I throw that rock for' he thought coming to a realization of what he had just done. He just had to hope that Ray or the girl didn't pick him out as the culprit.
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Ivy raised an eyebrow “Friends huh?...Fun” She mumbled to herself, content.

“My names Ivy...Ivy Low-OW!” Just as she was about to sit down the blonde was painfully interrupted by the sudden impact of some random inanimate object. “Arh! What the hell?!” She said her hands on her hips scanning the bar anger obvious in her striking grey eyes.

The only person near her was Raymond or ‘Ray’ and some other guy who was awkwardly checking his watch looked rather ashamed.

"Aha! Bingo". As they pain though resided Ivy began to se the more humorous side of the situation and let out a devilish chuckle.

“Well what a way to introduce yourself!” The elf paused to try and get a better look at the young man before continuing.

“You know to normally to get someone’s attention, you use words instead of rocks but then again you humans are always coming up with new ideas that’s why I like you all so much”

Ivy grinned her surprisingly attractive lopsided grin and plonked herself on her seat happy with all the excitement.

@Kenji Jensai @Leo The Sagittarius
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A man, tall and handsome, stood telling stories of his adventures to a hurriedly assembled group, one arm leaning casually on one of the inn tables. His hair was neat and his eyes a chocolate brown, his smile confident. A wooden tankard, heavy and uninteresting, made itself known by smacking loudly into the side of the man's head, jerking it sideways and taking out his smile at the same time. The bewildered man was quickly on his feet, scanning unsuccessfully for the source. Of course, the man that threw it was slightly different. Well, rather different. Fine, the man who threw it was practically the polar opposite of his victim: a shorter pudgy man, in lopsided, stained 19th century fancy clothes, with an equally mauled red velvet robe thrown haphazardly across himself, as if he played dress up at his factory job just before falling into a garbage disposal unit. His head was bald save a few stragglers and he was struggling to put down a chuckle in his throat. He was sidled up to an odd man in green, in order to lean in close and stage whisper, accosting his victim with sentence after sentence without interruption. "Nod all by yurselfs now, eh?" He seized a piece of green fabric and put it beside his own cloak.

"Look! Lak Christmas! Red 'n' Green! Shoun't throw rooks at laddys though." The man let loose a bellow of laughter, his two chins seemingly trying to escape his face. "Oops! Lil' slip ah the tongue! Ah meant ladies, see. Oh 'an careful o' this tall guy," the chubby man, a wide devilish grin plastered across his large face, began speaking loudly to address the room, especially the table which was still pondering the offending tankard: "Yeh shoun't throw things at people lak 'im! An' now ah need a new tankard!"

Edgar Pocket, renowned as a drunken asshat in life, jumped back, presumably waiting for his prank to work out or for the green man to react.
Sir Ivan was leaning on his chair watching all the events unfold. their was that elf girl, she made it plainly obvious that she was scouting out the seven; but he didn't care about that sort of rif raf, however he did give a chuckle when she was hit with a rock thrown by gluttony. He also noticed a royal looking elf outside, envy loathed that pompous elf. All dressed in fancy attire , he wished he had them sort of clothes , after a short time of envy scheming about killing that elf and taking his clothes , the elf faded from Ivan's mind. After a few moments of Ivan looking at the ceiling He heard a whoosh and a thud he looked down from the ceiling to confirm where the source of the noise came from. Ivan became disgusted as he saw a rather damp slimy looking fat man and his chins wobbling about. "Oh god, not Edgar Pocket again" Ivan thought to himself. And in a flash Ivan got up from his chair and briskly walked over to the man.

"You are an abominably nonintuitive delinquent and a rank disease-ridden menace to, not only society, but all living creatures. YOU disgusting scum, You're not worthy to luck the cud of my boots"

Ivan growled. And in an instant the hazy thought of punching this man and starting a bar brawl crossed Ivan's mind. He came back to reality and realized his body put the thought into action. his arm was stretched out and locked so was his fist and he was inches away from the portly mans face. He struck the man with much ferocity that he thought that he broke his wrist. He had never done anything like this before he never went out in search of a fight. As a result of this Ivan did what he did best. Run away. He ran into the crowd and blended into the mass of people, about a half a second later Ivan realized the whole time from when he got up from the chair to him punching the man and fleeing into into the crowd he was lust. He must of accidentally shape shifted into lust. He quickly turned back into himself, and waited for what was about to happen.

@Leo The Sagittarius @too much idea @Baconhands @Seraph Darkfire @Yimik @Right okay then @Kenji Jensai @lostviolence
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Pocket watched the confused man intensely, as that angry adventurer locked eyes with him. This was going to be quite amus- a fist connected with the side of Pocket's jaw, tearing him out of his plotting. Pocket had been in a lot of fights if one counts running away or getting the living daylights beat out of them as a 'fight'. If not, Pocket had been in very few, he was no fighter and he was inglorious as he hit the floor like a sack of bricks. His vision was blurred. He sputtered from the floor: "Wha'n the hell?" His own joke was lost on him. "Ahm sober now. Don' 'it meh." He pushed himself up to see the dumbstruck faces, and the back of a boy's white haired head disappearing into the throng of people. Never mind that anyone six months younger than Pocket classified as a 'boy'. The mighty Edgar Pocket fell back to his back and began awkwardly rummaging through his robes and pockets until, with a great deal of struggle, he freed the single most puny, absurd looking firearm from his person, nearly flinging it from his grasp in the process. He began waving it weakly above his head, while issuing his subdued threats between gasps. "You come... come back 'ere 'en try tha'. I go' a fancy new gun. Look a' that boy run." That boy had a good punch. Why on all o' God's green Earth did 'e hit me? What the hell was that kid tryna start. Again, never mind that Pocket was trying to kick off a fight himself at the time- that boy was a bloody criminal. The audience kept staring at the miffed man on the floor, unimpressed and expressionless.
"Excuse me?" Taure was interrupted by a soft voice, "Mister Tavari, there's someone at the front desk asking for you." The elf sighed, looking up from his book at the Clerk. "I knew you wouldn't want to be disturbed, so I thought I should tell you myself."

"Give me a moment." The clerk bowed slightly, hurrying back to the front desk. Taure closed the book, deciding to put it back on the shelf, and continue reading another time; before heading toward the front desk himself. He noticed the clerk attempting to seem busy, whilst often glancing up at a rather impatient looking woman.

"Ah, Mister Tavari," She spoke, sounding somewhat irritated, "I've been looking for you for a rather long while."

"Then you didn't search very well, I'm here everyday." The woman shot him a glare, "What is it you wanted me for?"

She sighed, before turning and walking away, "Please, follow me Mister Tavari, I would rather we speak and walk at the same time." Taure decided to follow, curious as to whom this person was, and what it is they wanted. "I require your assistance with a most peculiar matter, and I hear that you are somewhat of an expert on the peculiar."

Taure chuckled dryly, "'Somewhat', I either am or I am not. There is always more to learn, and I don't know everything, but I am curious. Please, elaborate on your situation." Taure gave a curious look to the woman.

"First, I am Evangeline Duteris, and the matter mostly concerns my sister, Veira. You see, she has a unique condition, one I would rather show you than tell you of. I assure you, it is in you interest to see; I think you will be quite enamoured."

"So, what is it you would like for me to do?" Taure quizzed. He intended to see what this 'condition' was either way. Despite knowing nothing still, it had piqued his curiosity.

"We want to know if it is dangerous, if it might cause her harm. And if it can be cured." Taure was slightly less intrigued by this information.

"And you are taking me to her now?" Evangeline gave him a slight glance.

"Yes, she is waiting at the Seventh Gate. It's a popular meeting place, and I didn't want to leave her alone. She's friends with some of the regulars there." Taure grimaced, he wasn't keen on going to the tavern, and the thought made him shudder. However, this intrigued him too much to pass over, just to avoid the Sins. "She will be pleased to meet you. I think the two of you are quite alike."

Taure almost smiled, but he doubted that. He wasn't even sure if he would get along with someone like him, they'd be too competitive.


The two had reached the tavern, and Evangeline entered without hesitation. Taure stayed behind for a few moments, staring at the door, before sighing in defeat and heading through himself. Evangeline had walked ahead, not noticing Taure's trepidation, and was already conversing joyfully with a young woman. She had striking features, and a long brunette ponytail hanging low down her back. Taure was surprised, he had not even spoken to this 'Veira', and already she gave a good impression. The way she sat told him plenty. Her arms weren't quite crossed, but her hands were clasped together, resting on her lap. Of course, Taure paused for a moment when the woman looked over at him, noticing Evangeline pointing his way. The elf decided to walk over to them, it seemed his cue.

"Mister Tavari? I'm glad you came." Taure shook the hand Veira presented, "I am-"

"Veira," Taure glanced at Evangeline, "Yes, I know. Perhaps we should go somewhere more private." The elf was already getting uncomfortable, having been in the tavern for so long.

"No. There is no need," Taure was disappointed by Veira's response, to say the least. "However, I agree, that we should begin." Taure's eyes widened, as he noticed Veira's skin slowly begin to crystallize. Soon her entire body was shimmering in the dim light of the tavern, and had certainly caught the gaze of many patrons. It seemed she was made of pure diamond, and the sight - as Evangeline had said - utterly enamoured Taure.

"This is... unlike anything I've seen. You are a most exotic creature, Veira."

"Hey!" Evangeline interrupted, "She's not-"

"It wasn't a insult Ev," Veira assured her sister, "It was quite the opposite." The shimmering woman smiled at Taure, as her skin quickly returned to normal.

"Well, I am most intrigued, Miss Duteris. I will offer you whatever help I can give, so long as you allow me first to study your... condition." The elf gave Veira a hopeful look, he'd never been quite as interested in someone.

"Thank you, Mister Tavari. Thank you. I hope it is worth your time, and mine. Perhaps, now that we know you are keen to continue, you might meet me at our home tomorrow. We could conduct further investigations in private."

"Of course," Taure bowed slightly, "I cannot guarantee I will be there, for you can imagine my reluctance to make a promise in the Underworld. However, I will do my utmost to ensure I am. Is noon suitable? It provides ample time for prior preparations."

"I think that would be perfect. Thank you again, Mister Tavari. Perhaps you might stay a little longer? I am keen to know you outside of your profession as well." Taure's gaze shifted a little. Indeed he too enjoyed Veira's presence, and was professionally interested in her; but to remain in the tavern for much longer could prove unfortunate.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure." Bah. What a fool, never had he been so weak a character.
After returning back to her room, Vi locked the door behind her and poured the wine into a glass. She carefully opened the Grand Grimoire, reading it from the last page she read. Page 456, Vi always wondered just how many pages are in the Grimoire. She read about the history of dark elves, a new chapter in the grimoire, and suddenly remember about her mother. Vi never saw her face, and she's pretty sure that she will never will since her mother is in the Paradise with her father. Vi sighed and started drinking a lot, skipping the part about the dark elves straight to the part about the dwarfs. It tells the story about their origin, their biology, what they can do and about their cities and culture. Truly interesting, Vi meets several of them who are frequent visitor of the tavern.

Vi lifted her wine bottle and poured the last of the wine into the glass. She frowned, but stood up and head downstair to return the bottle and grab another one. She entered the bar and put the empty bottle in the rack, taking the last of the King's Wine with her. Tomorrow they will be magically filled in again, so no worries. She was heading upstair when a certain familiar face sat in one of the tables with two womans. Vi smirked. What a wonderful day.

"Hello, Taure." Vi greeted, as she approached the table. "Never thought of seeing you here."
Taure turned to look at the newcomer, and his face grew slightly grim, "Ah, Vi'a. No, usually I'm quite reluctant; today posed some unique circumstances." The elf glanced back at Veira and Evangeline, who nodded in Vi's direction. "I'm unsurprised to see one of the Sins lurking about the Seventh Gate though, it seems you all frequent this place; and thus why I avoid it." Taure muttered the last part, unsure if the Sin had heard him, hoping not. Perhaps they were aware he avoided them, or maybe they were oblivious, either way; he didn't want to risk aggravating them.

"Anyway," Taure tried to break the tention, "I think our business is now concluded," The elf looked at Veira, who nodded to him understandingly. Evangeline frowned, giving him a funny look.

"But, you said that-"

"It's fine Ev, I think Mister Tavari has something to attend to." Veira interrupted her sister yet again, to Taure's relief. He turned back to the Sin, smiling at her slightly, and no doubt going to regret his next words,

"Well, I suppose I really should go." His mind was nagging him not to be so rude, even to a Sin. Taure sighed in defeat after his internal battle of wills, "But," His face betrayed his emotions, he didn't even sound sure of his own words, "Seeming as I'm already here... Is there anything I can do for you Vi'a?" Oh dear. Twice in one day. His brain is turning to jelly.

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