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Fandom The Seven Deadly Sins A/U Roleplay

King: I was floting around when I'd spotted diane out side talking to Elizabeth and headed out to investigate *cough* spy *cough*

Sapphire/ Arthur: Arthur was walking along side a red hat that only look to be a few years younger than himself as far as she cared he was simply rattling on about some sin or something along the lines of that and she was just about done with the young king and ready to throw him against the wall
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Lunabella:she's sitting on the porch of the tavern watching the sky as they travel to the next location.

Celeste:she pops her head outside looking around "anyone seen hawk? I got some scraps" she mentions
Hawk after hearing the word scraps he came runing top speed

Sapphire: she stopped when she saw a large green pig in the distance. and I thought Merlin was odd
Celeste:"there you are!" she says holding the giant bowl of scraps and setting it down in front of Hawk

Lunabella:"between you and Ban Hawk's gonna gain weight I swear" she mutters
Cody: A quiet slim cloaked man stands behind trees of the forest, watching from outside of the bar. "What the heck is that..."
Lunabella:she sees the cloaked man in the forest and Sapphire and Arthur in the distance. "Hey!" she exlaims at them.
Sapphire: sinks back be hind Arthur " it's bad enough that you make me live in a town full of humans now you've brought me out in the middle of basically nowhere just to meet a bunch of humans" sapphire hisses

Arthur come on sapphire there not that bad
Lunabella:her head snaps over to where he appeared near her "well....hello there" she says standing from her spot hovering above the ground a bit
Sapphire: stops and gives her a look be for trying to walk bak to town only to have arthur drag her to the bore hat dispite her discomfort
Celeste:"I think we're stopping here for a while" she says as the tavern touches ground again.

Lunabella:she looks to the stranger in the hood "what's your name?" she asks
Sapphire: " please Arthur just let me go back home" she mutted as she was drug up to the taven

Meliodas: He jumps be hind sapphire and with out warning grops her quickly out of no were he's thrown across the clearing by a blanket
Lunabella:"I'm Lunabella and this is my sister Celeste" she says.


Lunabella:"oh sure but when he gropes you it's fine" she says to Celeste "then again you can't make up your mind, Meliodis or King"

Celeste:then turns bright red "SHUT UP" she screams suddenly 10 feet in the air
Sapphire: the blanket vanishes this is seemingly as quickly as it appears with no sign of where it had gone or come from. "don't touch me meli-" Sapphire has to stop herself from finishing his name she knows very well he probably believe she's dead.

Meliodas: he gets up and walks back over to the front of the board had a bit confused as to what just happened one moment he was grabbing the cute girl on the other side of the clearing
but she's hot!...

Sapphire starts to mutter under her breath

Arthur: sapphire was...... Abused! and dosen't like to be touched unless she knows you
Celeste:she floats over towards where Meliodis is grabs him by the ear and drags him back towards the tavern "be nice to the poor girl"

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