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Fandom The seven deadly Sins 2nd generation [Nanatsu no Taizai] [Characters]



~*~ Lost In A world Ill never understand ~*~
Cs sheet

Why they got their Sin:
Sacred treasure:
Personality description:
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"I'm not cute! Sh-shut up!"

Cs sheet

Name: Oliver Harlow

Age: 2250 years aproximately but appears roughly 18-21

Gender: Female

Sin: Sloth

Why they got their Sin: she always was lazy but her laziness nearly costed her the fairy population due to failing to protect the forest.
Sexuality: Pansexual

Sacred treasure: she inherited Chastifol Chastiefol

Species: fairy

Personality description: Oliver is a sweet girl when she wants to be, often chooses to use dark, perverted, or sarcastic humor when with the selected sins she consders 'aquaintences' but when in other settings she is cold, calculated, stotic, and silent. She can often be found in the air perched on Chastifol or hovering rather than walking.

Other: she has diagnosed Narcolepsy and often is tired and snippy. She has a secret love for anything cheesy, she honestly needs a hug but is too tsundere to admit it, she can't actually do hand-to-hand combat and fights with Chastifol. She also is a germaphobe

Appearance image and description:

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"what? Never seen anything like me? Why don't you grab a taste?"

Cs sheet

Name: Meredith Andrews
Age: 34
Gender: female

Sin: Lust

Why they got their Sin: well it's simple but a touchy subject. She was going to be sent away to prison for fooling around with a palace guard and her last desire was to take her husbands virginity. And she did

Sexuality: Bisexual

Sacred treasure: an amulet with powers i'm too lazy to go into detail on.


Personality description: Meredith is a very boisterous woman who isn't afraid to use her body to get her way. She is often the 'mother' of the group, making it her mission to care for the others. She also can come off as distant and calculated.

Other: she secretly has commitment issues

Appearance image and description:
Name: Mellisa
Age: 16
Gender Female
Sin: Envy
Why they got their Sin: she got super jealous and she well she almost got someone ran over by a car
Sexuality: Bi
Sacred treasure: a dagger from her ex-lover
Species: Human
Personality description: she is a very jealous person, she is shy tends to keep to herself, but she really close to Oliver since she thinks she's so cool she don't really talk unless she has to when she opens up she can be hyper and very annoying to the older grown ups
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"Me? No I'm Greed, Lust is over there trying to seduce someone"
Cs sheet

Name: Jaquiline
Age: 18
Sin: Greed
Why they got their Sin: Before joining the Seven Deadly Sins, Jaquiline pretended to be a doctor and stole both royaltys money and their daughters virginity.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Sacred treasure: Long Sword Agatha. Agatha is a long sword that can float, come to her at her command and other things she has yet to show off
Species: Human
Personality description: Jaquiline is a perfect of a woman, she uses her speed to quickly grope look up other girls skirts and the such without getting caught and without anyone realising that she is doing it, even doing so to other girls of the Sins. Despite this Jaquiline is a very happy go lucky woman, taking only the other sins and fighters who have actually proving that they can either keep up with her or can actually hit her as serious threats, although this is still hidden by her constantly quipping at her opponents or making jokes with the others
Other: The mask she wears she never takes off, simply because the eyes also help her see. When she isn't in a fight she is often seen calmly and slowly walking just to randomly appear behind someone talking with her speed. She has a massive love of sweet things, both the edible kind and food.
Appearance image and description:
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Name: Gion
Age: ????
Gender: used to be male
Sin: gluttony
Why they got their Sin: When you're too absorbed in your self-indulgent activity that it brought doom to your kingdom...
Sexuality: bonesexual??
Sacred treasure: Wicked Skull Legion. It was supposed to be the evil version of crystal ball and hold by necromancer character or something like that, but the skull decided to leave and have his own adventure.
Species: undead
Personality description: Because his lack of normal senses, he's ironically thick-skinned and need stronger stimulus in order to evoke the same level of emotions compared to normal human. He tries to compensate this by becoming hyper passionate at anything he do, such as laughing at unfunny jokes or going overboard when helping with trivial matters.
Name: Blaise
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sin: Wrath
Why they got their Sin: Blaise got the sin of wrath from almost killing a person that betrayed him.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Sacred treasure: An unbreakable bamboo sword that destroys anything it touches if Blaise puts his full power into a swing.
Species: Human
Personality description: When Blaise isn't angry, he will be monotone and won't usually talk a lot. He minds his own business and gives off an impression that he doesn't care about anything. However when angry, his who character changes and he will take his anger out on the person closest to him. He becomes loud and destructive and doesn't care about the consequences or what will happen to those around him. Putting him to sleep is the best way to stop his anger.
Princess Rhoda





Personality description:
Rhoda is a bubbly and eccentric girl who almost always has a smile on her face. Always looking to have fun, she is often the one to come up with strange activities and ideas that entertain herself and the others. Rhoda is mostly oblivious the atmosphere of the room. Because of her lax attitude and childish antics, many people seem to view her as simple-minded. Ironically, Rhoda is actually quite talented in a variety of areas. She can also be quite devious and underhanded. Rhoda is obsessed with anything that has to with love gives relationship advice to others despite having never had a boyfriend before.

King Desmond

Late Queen Heidi
Died when Rhoda was 10

Crown Prince Henry
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight

Princess Marian
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bi
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