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Fantasy The Seed of Life: Awakening


The whole situation before her was quite...interesting to say the least. With more people arriving, the Shae pointing at everyone with her weapon carrot of choice, this Sur apparently being special because she watched the Monestary fall and some dumbass joining them late enough to get a statement that would've been comical any other time...it was safe to say things were happening at random. Well, to Ekrah at least. Someone asked about about a restart and if that would affect everyone’s magic, she couldn't help it silently agree. Then the awkward human who kept tugging on a wool cap and asked if there were others more qualified...and she couldn't help but wonder that as well. Without the letter, the Vuaturi would still be back in the settlement, watching the number of deceased slickly tick higher and higher.

Then the female Orc, who had approached in a rude manner asked a few questions such as what it would look like and how much time they had. And Ekrah finally had to take relief in that the people who were here with her had some bit of intelligence. But as all these questions were asked, she was able to form some of her own. Yet before she could speak, Pippa responded again. Her speech was somewhat difficult to understand though if you thought it over, enough made sense to actually form a decent answer. What she gathered from her speech was that they were all necessary in getting the Seed, she only had an estimate of where it was, and she wasn’t all that sure what would happen once they used it. This wasn't concerning
at all…

Though the whole thing seemed to be quite genuine...well as much as it could be anyway. Enough to let her believe what she was saying...kind of. Yet seeing as there was a brief period of silence, she finally was able to speak. “
So...I understand why we’re here and what we are going to be doing, but how can you be sure this is how these visions are meant to be interpreted?

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"Her interpretation is accurate. I know, because it's what the Elssar were looking for, as well..." Wyn interjected, her voice quivering lightly, "We were a small team, dispatched from Rosenfall... our first stop was the monastery, where the Elssar were to give us their blessing, and reveal to us a prophecy about the Seeds. Except the Elssar lied. Their goal was not to reveal to us information about the Seed, but to find it's location through us."

Pulling her journal close, she looked down at the pages, flipped through until she found her drawings from the monastery... the faces of the Elssar, before their true natures had been revealed, staring up at her, "After dinner, I fell asleep. I imagine I was drugged... We all were. I woke in a room, warded from magic. There, I met three women... On my honor as a Sur, they were Dragon Wardens, and they were being held... for purposes which I dare not speak aloud in polite company."

Laying her hands flat across the page, she looked up again, "To our credit, we managed to escape the room without the use of magic. The four of us then made our way back into the monastery, to rescue the others. When we arrived the Elssar... they were..." Clenching her jaw tightly, her hands balling into fists, her gaze fell, "The others were too far gone to save. Upon our entrance, the Elssar attacked us as well, but I was forced from the room by the Wardens. I... I tried to go back, but I couldn't get in to the monastery. I tried... for hours, I tried, and I finally found a way in, but by the time I returned, there was nothing left. In the room, there was... only blackness, absolute blackness..." And the awful whispers, a sound she was not likely to ever forget, "Before they drove me out, Esa, one of the Wardens, she instructed me to come here... to wait. I had assumed it was for their arrival, but..."

Glancing up again, her eyes flickered to the Shae, her voice breaking as she spoke, a tear tracking the length of her pale cheek, "They aren't coming, are they? They're dead. Everyone is..."

@Effervescent, @StoneWolf18




When Charlie asked his question, the Shae grinned like it was funny. He stiffened, wondering if he'd asked something silly and silently cursing himself if he'd done so. But she answered him like normal, leaving him wondering what the grin was all about. So they'd all been seen in her World Tree vision, all had strengths to bring to the table. At the mention of his own Charlie found his cheeks getting hot. Apparently he was good in a pickle. Wyn knew what they were up against. A human was a moral compass, another knew the Shadow. Charlie made a mental note to be wary around that guy.

Another person entered and Charlie paid them no mind, until Shae Pippa called him out rather loudly, making him flinch. He retorted with something snarky and Pippa sneered back, before shouting at another Sur elf to go take a look at the man, since he was sick. Charlie rubbed his eyes. This was getting a bit rowdier then he expected.

The one who apparently knew how to deal with Shadow was asking what their next move was. Were they already going? Pippa nodded towards [yet another] human man, proclaiming he knew where the seed was. Charlie raised an eyebrow. How did he happen to come upon the location of such a thing?

Wynleth -- the only one who's name he actually knew -- started talking. Charlie listened to her story intently, her features wracked with fear. He could feel it and he could see it, how terrified she'd been. And then she looked back up at the Shae, voice breaking, a tear rolling down her cheek. "They aren't coming, are they? They're dead. Everyone is..."

"Hey," Charlie blurted, stepping up towards her. "Don't.. don't cry." He put a hand on her shoulder, tentatively, slowly. He'd comforted children all the time back at the foster home, but she was a stranger. He'd still try, though. It was almost a reflex to try to help someone in pain. He wasn't sure if he could tell her it was going to be okay, because even saying such a thing now felt like a lie. "We'll figure it out." He told her gently.

Location: Bales and Burrows Tavern

With: Everyone, @Elle Joyner

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An uncomfortable fixation surged through Inara as she took turns glancing at the table in front of her and Wynleth's tear-stained cheeks. She wanted to recoil but curiosity held her firmly in place. On my honor as a Sur, they were Dragon Wardens...

Was it just her, or had the bar gone silent once again? Inara looked around at the skeptical faces, but they wouldn't receive one from her. A fellow Sur's oath of honor was enough. If Wynleth said she had seen Dragon Wardens, then she had. But what did that mean for us? Inara thought fretfully, have the Shadows gained Dragon Warden power?

Her head was spinning with information and she didn't know where to begin. Her gaze sought the two most important men in her company; the one who knew where the Seed was... and her traveling companion... Who knew the Shadow's weaknesses. The former had scooted his chair to make room for Vane and all his sassy-ness. He had dark hair and green eyes and Inara wished their mind's eye could connect - she desperately wanted to know what the Seed of Life looked like, if it was as beautiful as she'd imagined. She stole a glance at Tryn, her traveling companion, and wondered how she could have underestimated him. His hooded cloak still concealed him, and a small smirk played on her lips as she turned away. That's probably how he wants it.

The smile that was appearing vanished suddenly as she repeated Pippa's last comment in her head. She turned toward the shae in angst, "Y-you mean to say the Seed of Life will guide us to the World Tree?" She tried to remember the last bit about magic, but it was evading her with the rest of the information running through her mind. "Can you repeat that last bit for me again, er, the bit about the magic and the Seed of Life - what has to be done to it?"
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Solana Petyra

The Shadow-man had asked very good questions. The answers seemed simple enough... if not a bit vague. This wasn't a comfort, as Solana wanted certain, clear-cut information and orders for something this important. The Vuaturi pinpointed her main concern about the interpretation potentially being... off. But then Wynleth... if what Wynleth had said was true, then that was a complete game changer. The Elssar were now enemies, and the Dragon Wardens were real. And of course, Pippa's interpretation was true.

Solana had moved aside a bit for the lad who stepped up to comfort Wynleth. Pippa had called him the wit, had she not? Solana still made sure to give Wynleth space to move, just in case she was too overwhelmed. She knelt down and took off her pack before taking out a small, thin kerchief. When she stood again she held it out to Wynleth so she could wipe off her tears. Moved by Wynleth's testament, for the first time, Solana spoke. "I am sorry you had to go through that. However," Solana glanced up at the human comforting Wynleth, then around the table, then back to Wynlth, "I believe he is correct. There is some of this that we will just have to figure out."
Azzara Omari

As things turned out, the events happening inside the tavern were not a dream. And even if it was, Azzara had never had one so...vivid. Before she knew it, the Shae was up and making a scene. Several individuals were called out at carrot-point, the Maldviri included. To anyone else it was probably a comical, if not strange, scene but for Azzara she could see the seriousness behind the eyes of the Shae. Her teacher always told her that the Shae had deep connections to the tree. Azzara had seen this displayed multiple times in her previous trip through the northern lands. The Shae were not to be trifled with, and the world was likely in grave danger...or the Shae had gone off the deep end.

In between the torrent of questions and answers and lively statements from Pippa came the emotional testimony of the Sur, Wynleth. The story was a handful, the Elssar possibly betraying the the rest of them to get the seed for themselves and doing who knows to those wardens. But what was done was done, the Elssar were likely all but gone now, and the forces of the Shadow were bold as ever now. That could not bode well for Thallas at all. One of the others comforted the Sur, while another seemed to be too overwhelmed to understand just what is was their group had to do. Azzara cleared her throat and exited her booth to get in on the conversation. With any luck she could help shed some light on the situation.

"If I may.." She interjected. "I think Shae Pippa has given us all the information provided to her as of now. The seed will continue the life of the world tree, which is tied to just about everything magic in the world. Should it die and the seed fails to take root or is destroyed, there will be great suffering for more than just the beings of magic." She nodded to Inara and then to Hal, the man Pippa said would lead them to the seed. "If you know where the seed is, then we should probably not waste much more time asking questions. I'd wager we aren't the only ones who will be searching for something so important to our world." She paused and looked around at their group. They were so varied, could they really all work together to complete the task at hand? Was this task even legitimate? The lack of hard information was discouraging, but the attack on the monastery had happened, and Azzara was going to trust her gut and have faith in the Shae. "If we're going to be travelling together, it would be wise we learn who who we'll be travelling with. My name is Azzara Omari, and I didn't travel the better part of two weeks windsick on an airship from Maldvir to not see this through." She turned to Pippa. "The Shae have always been close to the World Tree, if Pippa says this is what must be done to save, then I will believe her." She turned to Hal. It seemed he was going to be integral to this plan. "Will you?"

The orc bowed her head in respect as Wynleth told her tale. Aye, a sad fate, yes -- though personally the orc felt the Elssar must have had it coming. She
knew there was a reason she'd never trusted the uncannily predictive humans. At the mention of Dragon Wardens, her head raised slightly in interest. The last she'd heard of a Dragon Warden sighting, she was a little girl living in the capital and one was rumored to be executed for showing their face within the city's walls. But if they had been captured by the Shadow... Her face darkened with the possibility.

It was of the utmost importance they begin this journey at once, if this was so. The Shadow was close at hand, especially with the Elssar's monastery so close by. If they were, indeed, the heroes that needed to find the Seed (and she was going to look for them, shae or not, anyways!), the Shadow would be very likely to hone in on them. After all, they had one who had seen the Seed, and the other who had experience with the Shadow. Admittedly, in some capacity so had Tza'Hal, but she had been in the back of the army, never at the front lines where she could see them up close.

A Maldviri woman spoke up, giving her name and purpose in this endeavor. Tza'Hal had been much in the same mindset.

"Aye. My name is Tza'Hal, Journeyman monk of the Order of the Lynx. I know a good number of orc airship captains and if I send word, perhaps I help provide transport. We must move quickly, and that is the fastest way around," Tza'Hal offered, her head held high and her arms remaining crossed.
Trynten Lothorsen


"I would just as soon not." The man's voice cut in, full of trepidation. "Other may elect to travel in that manner, but I shall stay on the ground. Horses move quickly enough, and are besides not restricting in their escape routes. If a horse falls under you, you are far more likely to live through the event, after all."

Tryn chuckled grimly. No, air travel would certainly not be safe for him, but he would follow to whatever agreed upon point over land. Casually, he reached a hand up and pulled back his hood, revealing a weather worn darkened face: the face of a Thall who had spent most all his days out of doors.

"But I, too, will assist where I can. Call me Tryn. And fear not, Wynleth," he placed a hand on the she-elf's shoulder before him, giving further assurance beyond Charlie's. "If by my life or death I can save you or any here, or ensure this mission come to completion, I will."

@Elle Joyner @Doctor Jax
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Kaleb Cotterwick

More and more folk kept arriving, more and more folk dragged into this destiny milarky. Course, it softened the blow somewhat that destiny was wearing the body of a goat, and the Shae's sudden movements and barks provoked a mixture of unease and humour within him - her peculiar mannerisms were the last things he's expected from a life-changing bringer of the future.
Suppose I were thinking more on folklore than reality, he chuckled to himself. Her erraticness put him on edge, but he was comforted by the knowledge that it was likely the same for everybody else.

So many unfamiliar faces! Aside from market time, Kaleb had grown up amid a close-knit, familiar farming community, far off the beaten path and privy to missing most travelers. This was unnerving, made him perhaps even quieter than usual, but he was also excited. Now, the prospect of befriending those asimilar to him in calling was worthy of the smile that began to creep onto his face, peacefully, contemplatively, barely visible, and the farmboy, with his lack of presence, faded into the background of the gathering.

They were shepherded (the irony) over to a table where sat a pretty, fair-haired elfin lass. Wynlith, her name. Kaleb allowed the others the seats and perched nearby, listening in. And for all the Shae's crypticness, he found he had no urge to ask questions.
If this seed thing's what needs be found, seems to me the only thing is to go out and find it. After all, if the future was written in stone, like he so disliked to believe, it was reasonable to accept it would come to them in their own time - and besides, Kaleb didn't want to make himself the centre of attention, and other folk would likely ask any necessary that'd been so far missed. Most to speak up voiced worries which, understandably, mainly pertained to themselves - Kaleb had already gotten most've these out of the way on the journey to the inn, including the news about the monastery (though news of the fall of such a notable place was still disconcerting to hear and sent his pulse racing a little. Hadn't Old Maisie's son ended up in the monastery...?)

Then, in response to the lad from earlier, who was flustered in a way just self-effacing enough to irk Kaleb, the Shae did something unexpected - caught in the moment, Kaleb was surprised to suddenly have a carrot thrust in his face and hearing himself praised for his 'moral compass'. He wasn't sure quite what that terminology meant - Old Wright had a compass, he remembered - but could guess from the first word and suddenly felt several eyes intruding his space. He tried, and failed, not to blush.
Now they'll all be thinking of me as some kinda super-noble dogooder or something, he growled internally, trying not to catch anybody's eyes, but seems Ms Future's got something a bit wrong. He wasn't a hero, and he didn't like all this pep talking; and he especially didn't want people coming up to him asking for moral advice, or expecting perfection from him as now they would, when all the advise he'd be able to give is what month to sow the barley and what time to reap the oats.

Fortunately, attention was shifted off of him onto a new couple, who seemed a bit better attuned to the limelight. The more this goat-lady-weirdo-thing kept yapping, the more frustrated he found himself. Sure, he was satisfied with not knowing and finding out - after all, the future was an open field. But she knew, the magic in her horns had helped her cheat time's ties, and yet instead of politely telling upfront, she was poking a half-eaten carrot around and speaking in riddles.
We'll all end up victims of this prophesy, he told himself, though admittedly without it, he'd have had no direction.

Wynleth was next to speak up, and her tale hooked him.
Seems she's had ordeal enough already, he thought to himself with a compassionate smile. Her tale made everything that slight bit more real, brought things down from carrot-waving eccentricity to cold, hard reality. And the Elssar, how could they? Respected across the nations as they were, to betray the would be heroes of the world! That tear was the last straw, though hating public praise as he did, he thought best to allow her the respect of her suffering. Implication always trailed by personal connection for Kaleb, and he was primarily concerned with her story, somewhat in awe of it despite himself, the game-changing revelations passing him by almost entirely.

Then. of course, the who'd doubted his own part in things in spite of the bleeding obvious decide best to undermine her honour by trying to comfort her as a child.
This lad... Kaleb began to complain internally, but no - Best not allow things to get to you. We're far from home now. A young lady with the most remarkable dark skin made a sensible suggestion about introducing themselves, which then began a conversation where people were eager to pitch in their ideas of how they could help. Kaleb wasn't fussed either way - he was willing to compromise (to an extent). And, still reluctant to take the limelight, he hung back and waited for others to introduce themselves first.

@Effervescent @Elle Joyner @CloudyBlueDay @BookWyrm @Dragongal @Space Cowboy Ein
Hal Midigan

Twice now the Shae pointed towards him, and twice now she stated that he was the one who knew where the Seed of Life was located. Shae Pippa said this so confidently and matter-of-factly, as if she didn't have to consult with the source as to whether or not it were true. Hal’s brow furrowed somewhat, his gaze scanning through the gathered contemplatively as they all had expressed their stories or concerns. Why them? He had never even heard of this World Tree and had only been told stories of the Shae. Hal felt skeptical, to say the least, and it looked as though he wasn't the only one who shared his quiet sentiments.

Shae Pippa seemed erratic; constantly changing from calm to angered in a flash of a moment. To him, it felt like she was more crazy than anything, though his views were likely rooted in the folk tails of Baladur. The Seed of Life was the only thing that really sparked his interest to pursue the shae’s wild prophecy. He was a man of romanticism and loved a good adventure story, but it was really only the prospect of a magical seed that really felt real. That was due to Sothal’s endeavors around his home, and perhaps that was why he was suspected to know the location of this final fabled seed.

The clairvoyance of Shae was part of the folklore up North, though never believed to be absolutes and always meant to spook children into doing what they should. Hal was more accepting of the concept that maybe Shae Pippa had a good inkling, but there was always the part his mother instilled in him: Question everything. That very methodology was what helped him succeed in freedom raids, and it was what drove him to a plan.

But before Hal could put in his two copper, Shae Pippa rose from her seat in a fury, her hands slapping the tabletop as she sneered at the Vuaturi. The elf was unlike anything he had ever seen almost just as bizarre as the Shae, yet far more inviting in appearance. Her question was that of validity in Pippa’s visions being the one to voice the concerns many had likely kept hidden, including himself. The Shae did not seem to appreciate being scrutinized.

“Comesies the World Tree,” Shae Pippa explained in heated tone. “Visions ee dreams be samesies for Shae! Do not question my authoritay! Sees the future. Sees a path. A PATH. HUMPH!”

She sat back down in a huff, her head slightly nodding at Wyn’s words as the Sur validated her ability. Hal felt an unease settle within him as he heard her retelling of what transpired at the monastery. Local Thalls had been saying it was a Shadow attack likely to prevent them from foreseeing the enemy’s next move. But according to the woman named Wynleth, the Elssar were responsible for the conjuring of dark magics.

“They aren't coming,” Wynleth said, “are they? They're dead. Everyone is…”

Hal wanted to know the answer, too. He saw the pain in Wyn’s expression; the longing and chance of hope slipping from her grasp. Shae Pippa rested back in her seat, her mood now drastically changed from heated to solemn in a matter of seconds.

“I dunnie know,” Pippa admitted.

After a quiet moment among the group of strangers and a few consoling gestures, another Sur spoke up to continue the chain of questioning and clarification. The elf asked for Pippa to reiterate what she had said for them to do with the Seed.

“Takesies the Seed,” Pippa began, and then motioned with her hands as though she were conjuring magic, “and WOOSH! Magics insie Seed to starts it ee shows you where to do. How? Shae Pippa doesn't know. A feels? A points? A gets up and dancies?” She shrugs.

The dark-skinned Maldviri addressed the group, and Hal, her voice commanding yet also almost tranquil in Hal’s ears. She got right down to business, honing their focus to the task placed before them. His knowledge of the last Seed’s wherebouts, as proclaimed by the Shae, was once again brought forward. Azzara inspired introduction among the group. A few shared their names and their sentiment in the matter both in travel and in strategy.

“My name is Hal Midigan,” he finally said. “The fastest way to get to the Seed is by airship, but Baladur does not have any sky ports near by. We would have to port…um… I think the nearest one is at Ralder on the Northern Border. From there it's only a few day’s hike through the mountains.”

Looking over to Tryn, he gave the man a nod. “Not everyone has to come,” Hal continued. “At least not to find the Seed. Anyone who doesn't want to ride on an airship can go-“

“ALL OF YOUS GO!” Shae Pippa interjected. It seemed going against a mystical vision would take a little more tact, but Hal wasn't about to give up. He was still unsure and hesitant to bring everyone gathered all the way on a fool’s errand, but he believed in the cause behind the Shae’s concern and visions.

“Hear me out,” Hal pleaded to Shae Pippa. Her lips pursed as she sat back, her head giving a curt nod to allow the man to continue. “We need to make haste to retrieve the Seed of Life, yes? But not all of us here are willing to travel the fastest way. Either we waste precious time traveling by ground the whole way, or we split into two groups: one headed for the Seed of Life and the other headed to Lauderdine. There’s a woman there by the name of Theresia Ashenbury that knows all there is to know about anything going on in the world. She deals in information. We could have another group go there to figure out what we are up against. She knows everything. And we can meet up in Lauderdine once we've got the Seed of Life.”

@Elle Joyner @StoneWolf18 @Red Thunder @SkyGinge @Space Cowboy Ein @Doctor Jax @Dragongal @CloudyBlueDay @JDParadox @Rissa @BookWyrm
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Vane Braegland.

All of this seemed like some kind of fever dream to Vane, except for the fact that he was wide awake and fully conscious of his misery. In truth, though, despite Pippa's lack of tact, Vane was already on board for the quest. He had seen what the Shadow could do to people first hand. He and the other rangers had seen countless bodies, or what was left of them, after the Tainted or other denizens of the Shadow had their way with the populace. And then there was the ever present memory of Vane's twin brother in the back of his mind....

"I can get us to the skyport." Vane finally pushed his way into the debate. "I'm a Thall ranger. Now I might not be able to fly an airship, but I can cut our travel time to the skyport in half if I can get a map and a destination." That familiar pain shot through Vane's gut, causing him to clench his eyes shut and brace against the table as he turned paler than normal. "At least I can cut the travel time in half, as long as I get this travel sickness taken care of." Vane's eyes drifted to Solana. Pippa had pointed her out as a healer? "Anything you can do would be much appreciated."



These people were strangers. She had never met, never seen them before in her life, yet here they were with comforting words and gestures and it was both so heartwarming and disorienting that for several seconds, Wynleth could think of nothing to say and did not trust herself to speak, for fear of bursting into tears. Here were men and women willing to traipse into the unknown and for what? For a wild prophecy by a Shae and a sad story from a useless Sur. She wanted to tell them to forget it. To forget the Seed, the mission... to go home to their families, to find a loved one and cling to them, cherish them till the inevitable end. But that brought to mind thoughts of Arun and made her heart cinch painfully in her chest.

The others began to introduce themselves and Wynleth felt a twinge of discomfort. She wanted to tell them to stop - to warn them of what they were getting into, but she knew that was only a factor of her own pain. In her mind she knew the importance of continuing the mission. It was what had driven her to come to the tavern in the first place. Despite all that had happened, she couldn't lose site of why she had signed on for - of how crucial it was to survival of her people... of all people. The shadow had infected so much of world as it was. It had to be stopped, before it was too late.

The others spoke up and Wyn settled into her seat, listening to the exchange between Shae and Elf and Human and Orc. It was fascinating, and had her mood been anything but melancholy, she might have been perceptively more excited. As it was, when the airship was offered, Wyn straightened. Even in her current state of mind, the idea of traveling in one of those magnificent ships again was enticing. She had little hope the end result would be any more successful than the initial attempts had been, but even a little hope was better than none at all.

Her eyes flickering briefly through the varying faces, Wynleth nodded, "I can only assume, if no one else is coming, that I was instructed to wait here for this meeting. If that's the case, I serve no purpose continuing to wait. I will go with the airship to find the Seed."


Solana Petyra

Solana listened closely to everything exchanged. She'd never been on an airship, but if she were honest she really wanted to try. But the man, Hal, he brought up a point. They could separate, some to find the Seed, some to find the woman he mentioned. "But if the seed is to give us the information we need... would not visiting this woman be unwarranted danger to her own life?" She shrugged a bit. "I mean... if someone for the Shadows decides we need to be dealt with, they may try to track us. Likely they'll track those of us going for the seed, since we have someone who knows the location. I don't know. It would be nice to know what we're up against, though." Really Solana was just laying out the pros and cons of it all.

Everyone was introducing themselves and figuring out where they would fit best... she figured she should tag along in that. Solana knew where she would be needed most on this mission, if they did split up. "My name is Solana Petyra, and I'm a healer. I think, if we do split up, it would be best if I traveled with the group going for the seed, as that is where the most potential danger lies, and the most importance in transport. If we cannot keep our numbers up when gathering the seed, well... it would be a bit of a mess." She looked at Vane next. "Once this meeting is over, I will gladly help you. I will need a bit of time to prepare the correct medicines, but not long at all." And perhaps, would it not be a good idea for all of them to get a good night's sleep before leaving?
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Lysander Deguerin

Fork, Thallas

Destiny, fate and prophecies. Lysander Deguerin had grown up learning to trust only that which he could see and grasp and to consider all that which he couldn't to be hogwash and fairytales. The words of the Shae woman, only half of which he could barely understand, belonged firmly in the second category. Lysander should have turned upon his heels and headed for the door - he should never have come here in the first place - and yet he found himself rooted where he stood. Had he spent so long in the company of this Shae that he had gone daft as well? His curiosity was piqued, for better or worse.

So Lysander blended in, even as the others spoke up to introduce themselves, each offering their own condolences for the Sur woman. They seemed perfectly capable of answering all his questions without his having to ask them. Lysander kept his expression a mask but for the faintest outline of a doubtful smirk, eyebrows faintly raised in quiet scrutiny. These people, his soon-to-be companions, he supposed, seemed to be good sorts, or at least well-mannered. A good few of them also looked to know how to fight, judging from the conditions of their weapons.

Though, above all, Lysander was just glad to see he was not the only one to have been fooled into this little venture.

Lysander waited for the young Sur, a woman named Solana, to finish speaking before piping up himself. He coughed, drawing their attention and bowed deeply, as manners dictated. "If I may. I am Capt-" He started, quickly realizing his blunder. He wasn't a Captain no longer, nor were Fallenite officers known for their pristine moral fibers and unshakable sense of justice. A deserter could only be assumed to have even less.

"I am Lysander Deguerin, at your service." He corrected himself. His eyes wandered the crowd, searching for signs of anyone who might have noticed his mistake "Solana here speaks truth, it most certainly won't be an easy journey. I know my way around a blade, and considering our destination and the danger that you three most likely face, I shall offer to accompany you" Lysander seeked the gaze of Wynleth, Solana, and the ranger Vane - those that had expressed their destination of choice.

"Even if nothing else-" He added with the slightest tinge of cynicism and a lopsided smile, though clearly without intent of malice. "-I shall serve as a venerable meat shield, for those who happen to be carrying the seed."
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Inara Belanor

Absolutely not, Inara thought savagely, the day my feet leave this earth my soul will be making it's way back to the World Tree. She looked at Hal with distaste before remembering that she was in a group filled with Men, fellow Elves, and Orcs, all of whom shared different customs.

If we all make it out alive, we just might be able to change magic and non-magical relations. Inara thought wildly, wondering silently if this fool's chase would really save them all against the tryanny of the Shadows. It had to.

She planted her leather soled boots firmly against the earthen wood beneath her feet. It was comfort. It was salvation. In the air she'd only have her bow, and albeit she was a fine marksman, her magic would be next to useless. No, she wouldn't be making her way to the Seed of Life. She's just have to wait and see if it was as beautiful as she'd imagined.

Inara thought over what Shae Pippa had said once again - that magic was needed to activate the Seed. Out of the five who proclaimed they were going to find it, at least two of them had magic running through their veins. Should anything happen, Wynleth or Solana could conjure their magic, and Inara let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. All but a few gathered were speaking and introducing themselves, choosing which path they were to follow. When a man by the name of Lysander had finished, Inara figured she might as well get it over with.

She cleared her throat before speaking. "My name is Inara Belanor and my feet will not be leaving the earth... My aim is true and my magic fierce and I will be riding to Lauderdine with Trynten, to find Theresia Ashenbury." She nodded at Hal who had provided both location and name of the woman who dealt in information. "Any extra information on her and perhaps a map would be appreciated."
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Now that Wynleth had looked to be recovered slightly, Charlie stepped away from her as to give her space. He hoped he hadn't brought her any discomfort, he'd only been trying to help. The others were beginning to introduce themselves, which made him begin to feel a bit more comfortable around them. He began to drift into his own thoughts a little, glancing back at Wynleth curiously. "Did you perhaps.. in Rosenfall, did you meet anyone by the name of Elder Lannya?" His voice was quiet as he was unsure such a question was even worth anything at all, but he couldn't help but wonder if she was alright.

He focused himself on listening to the introductions, though he doubted he'd ever remember any of it. Azzara had been the dark skinned woman to speak first - Maldvir. The Orc was Tza'Hal. The man with shadow relations was Trynten, and the other human male just kinda looked at him funny and held off from saying his name. Charlie swallowed. What had he done wrong?

Apparently the only reasonable solution was to split into two groups already. While he wasn't against learning info about the shadow, he was surprised to be splitting up already. It eventually dawned on the young lad that he had yet to introduce himself -- and after Inara's whole "my aim is true and my magic is fierce" he was positive anything he said would sound like a soggy mop.

"My name's Charlie Reddeman, Sur Elf." Technically no lie there. He just wasn't quite ready to announce that bit about him yet, and it wasn't like it was gonna make or break the mission.. right? "I feel I would be of more assistance on the airship, looking for the Seed. I can lend aid with my magic where need be." Finally, a point where he could talk about his strengths. "I traveled by horse, so if I am going by airship the people travelling by foot can take him." Look at him! Being useful! He even managed a small smile and nod at the end. The level of severity of the issue had weighed down quite a bit on him but now, getting to know his travel companions, did help to lighten the load a bit.

Location: Bales and Burrows Tavern

With: All

Azzara Omari

It looked like almost everyone was going to be on board after all. After hearing what Hal had to say about travelling to the seed, Azzara grimaced lightly. Her stomach was still turning at the thought of boarding an airship, but she would endure it, especially for the Seed. She gulped as her body cursed the words she was about to speak. "I'll travel to retrieve the seed as well. I'm well-versed in using my Inner Light to combat any shadow users that we could come across. Their monstrous way plague have plagued Maldvir for some time." She also wanted to see the seed for herself. It'd bring more legitimacy to this whole ordeal and sitting around, asking questions and waiting in Lauderdine of all places wouldn't do wonders on her now worrying mind. Plus she knew that, aside from the few elves that were in the group, the others would not fare well against a shadow adept.

She looked to Lysander, one of the volunteers to help find the seed. "We shouldn't make light of death as it may be quite the possibility in this journey. Still, we should strive to bring everyone back on their feet and in one piece." Her gaze ran back to Hal, their de facto leader. He looked......capable enough to fulfill the role. "How long is the trip north going to be? I should probably start doing some further shopping for supplies...and some some new clothes." She lifted her arms to point out that her attire was meant for mildly cool weather, at best. "These just won't do."

@Effervescent @JDParadox
Hal Midigan

It was clearly apparent the shae was not keen on the concept of the group splitting up, but something caused her to bite her tongue, both figuratively and literally. Shae Pippa sat back in her seat, arms crossed over her chest in silent protest as she sneered in a thought. Between her teeth rested her long tongue sticking out the side of her mouth, her lips closing around it as she listened to the others plan where they will go and how they can contribute.

Hal seemed rather excited at the prospects of whatever they were planning. Even if Pippa's prophecy was the catalyst, to which he was still rather skeptical, the idea of saving the world from a terrible enemy was rather romantic. His ignorance into the situation and its seriousness was still apparent even after Wyn had given her story.

"A map," Hal repeated after the Thall Ranger asked for one. He didn't own a map, nor did he study much of the land of the other kingdoms. While they were Baladur's allies, learning their land wasn't much of a priority in their education. What he knew came from what he had either experienced or learned from travelers or kinsmen who had been on adventures outside of Baladur. His eyes trailed about the tavern in hopes of finding perhaps a convenient map hung up on the wall or on a patron's belongings. He could find nothing readily available of that sort, but that would not stop his endeavors.

Turning about, he reached over to empty tables where patrons had left their mugs and plates to be cleaned after they'd left. Hal collected the items and began placing them on their own table to create a rather crude map of Thallas and Baladur. He set down a fork next to a piece of asparagus. "The fork is where we are," he stated, and then pointed upwards towards a line of assorted vegetables. "And this is the border between Thallas and Baladur."

He paused a moment and dumped another plate of mostly eaten food to the edible map's west. Gravy and juices from a roast stained the wood grain and slowly creeped towards Pippa and those sitting closest to her. She frowned at the mess. "This is the Twisted Woods. Lauderdine is just there-" Hal set down a sliced carrot piece. "-right at the corner of all three borders, but just in Thallas."

He looked between Tryn and Inara. They were the only two willing to go the course that Hal felt was the most practical. "Theresia is a friend," Hal said to them. "She used to be a traveling alchemist, but recently took root in Lauderdine. She won't do any business with you regarding information unless you give her my name: Hal Midigan. She'll remember it. And be prepared to have proper payment. She doesn't take gold, but information for information. I'll speak more to you about it when we're done here."

Taking an empty mug, he set it over the border into Baladur. "The rest of us will be headed here to the Northern Mountains," Hal continued. "Since it's Spring it won't be too cold. It gets below freezing, so if you don't have warmer clothes it'd be best to procure it before we head on. Ralder is just here on the border not too far from where we're headed. And the closest skyport to us right now..."

His hand hovered over the asparagus marking the monastery for a moment before he remembered Wynleth's story. "Well, it isn't the Elssar Monsastery anymore. It's... Um... This place just about twenty miles South." He tapped his finger on the table where the port would exist, but he couldn't recall the name to save his life. "There. We'll need to ride there and hitch a ride North to Ralder. Shouldn't be but, what, a day's ride on the airship? And then from there it's another day's hike through the mountains. We'll need some climbing equipment. Any questions?"

"Nyeh," Shae Pippa grumbled as she plucked the asparagus from the table. "Wasties time. Wasties time! Chop chop and movies out. Bottoms up and bottoms out." She points the floppy, steamed asparagus over towards Tryn. "Yous wasties yous time. Shady biddie. Too scaredsie fly sky high? Hmph! Snooze."

@Elle Joyner @StoneWolf18 @Red Thunder @SkyGinge @Space Cowboy Ein @Doctor Jax @Dragongal @CloudyBlueDay @JDParadox @Rissa @BookWyrm
Trynton Lothorsen


Trynten gave Pippa a noncommittal shrug.

"If there are perfectly safe means of travel otherwise, I see little reason to risk oneself miles in the air. Besides," he added, smiling ruefully, "if Hal is to be believed, there is something to be gained from visiting Theresia. Information, reliable information, can be hard to come by."

His cheeks creased in humor. It wasn't terribly evident what what he joke was, nor whether the stressed word was a slight at the Shae, though implications could certainly be drawn. Scratching his beard absentmindedly, he examined the impromptu map, nodding in comprehension.

"Our good Shae's judgement aside, Hal, how long of a journey are Inara and I looking at? And what dangers along the way? I've sadly not been that far beyond Eversyth, so my working knowledge of the land is...limited."

@Effervescent @Rissa
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Ekrah had never thought it was to this degree, mainly because she had been shut off from the outside world her whole life, or maybe because her subconscious didn't want to believe it to be true. Unfortunately after debating internally with herself, she had missed a good portion of the conversion and had little idea what was currently being discussed. Though after a bit of listening, she finally caught on. "My name is Ekrah Feyrn though my race should be a bit more than obvious. I would rather travel on foot if at all possible though will join the group on the airship if need be." The woman fell silent, unable to say any more due to her unfortunate momentary lapse in concentration.


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She wasn't optimistic. She wasn't sure she'd ever feel optimistic again. She'd had hope, wandering into the monastery, and it had been all but shattered in a moment. In one shocking betrayal. She didn't have much hope now, then, that anything would change this time around, even if the group was different. Of course, it wasn't her desire to see good men and women give up their lives for any cause, least of all a lost cause, but victory was hardly assured and already, they were fracturing... splitting off. Dividing, when the odds were stacked against them seemed like a pretty good way to ensure they were thoroughly trounced by the enemy.

And it seemed in many ways, Shae Pippa wasn't encouraged by the idea, either. It would reason then that they might listen to the one who had called them there in the first place, to the one who had envisioned this very meeting. That her concerns might be heeded, but the stubbornness of man never ceased to amaze, her own not withstanding. Still, at least some information might be garnered... should they even survive the journey northward to meet up in the middle.

"It won't do to send everyone out at once for supplies. If one or two of you gathers what we need, it will draw less attention. For the others, I'd recommend a hearty meal and a good night's rest. It's not likely you'll get either for a good while, once we've departed. And if you haven't, I'd recommend you send word to your relatives, your loved ones... Just in case."

Biting her lip, she shifted in her seat and glanced down to the make-shift map spread across the table. Looking up again a moment later with a slightly anxious expression, she sighed, "I have to say it. I think it's foolish to split up before we've even begun. What we're up against... the Shadow? I could not imagine, in my worst nightmares the abominations I witnessed at the monastery, and I don't want to imagine what else is out there..."

Her eyes flickered over to Tryn, a frown on her lips as she shook her head, "Information is crucial, yes... but without the Seed, it holds no worth. Wouldn't it reason then, that we could all travel to Lauderdine to meet this woman
after we've located the Seed and brought it back? I should think there'd be more benefit to a few hours of discomfort on an airship than there would be in breaking apart a group which Shae Pippa has seen destined to find the Seed, together. It's not my call to make, it just doesn't make sense to me to split up when we're already grossly outnumbered. I lost everyone at the monastery... I have no desire to see it happen a second time."

Trynten Lothorsen


"Going separate ways doesn't mean losing anyone." Trynten shifted his weight and sniffed. "If it's been foreseen, presumably it will happen. Who is to say that we who would go to Lauderdine aren't doing so because we were meant to?"

He glanced about at the strange group. Yes, it was an odd thing that they should all be called together to accomplish such a weighty thing when there was nothing previously binding them together. He himself only recognized two or three faces from his years in the woods, and only those from when he came into Syth to trade.

But perhaps...no, he'd said all he needed to. The others might do as they pleased, but the hunter's mind was well made.

"I head for Lauderdine in the morning. Those who wish to follow are welcome; I would be glad for the company. As to supplies..." Trynten smiled grimly and patted his sword hilt. "I've not survived years in the wild without learning how to hunt. I leave an hour before dawn from the front of the tavern.

"Goodnight, all, and the Maker grant you safe travels in the morning."

With a nod of his head to Inara and Azzara, Tryn stepped through the crowd of patrons and out the door, careful to keep his eyes downcast.
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Throughout the discussion, Tza'Hal kept her tongue. She almost protested at the mention of an airship being a dangerous mode of travel during such times -- an orc ship was not something to sneeze at! -- but she chose, rather than fight, to listen. Long had she fought with others in loud arguments. Now was not the time. The Order of the Lynx had at least taught her to keep her opinions to herself.

Nevertheless, there were valid concerns laid before the table, and she considered them silently. Splitting in two did, indeed, seem like a foolhardy plan. However, Tza'Hal knew that outside information was important. What would happen if they did not, indeed, find the Seed? What if it had already been taken by some third party? No to mention, what if the Shae was wrong, and this boy, Hal, was mistaken in the Seed's location? What then? There was no way to know how to even keep the Seed alive or find out what it does!

However, Tza'Hal was quite impressed with Hal's very clear demonstration of where everything was. A mountain between three borders -- how fitting that the Seed be in a most inopportune location. People began pledging themselves to different routes, some to the road by foot into Lauderdine, while others decided to take the airship. If memory served her right, the airship she had come in on was not due to leave for another day or so, but she knew the captain well, and perhaps she could negotiate for an express journey toward the border. He would not enjoy the prospect, but he
would tease the challenge of driving so close to the Shadow's home. The captain of the Merrimack was no coward, and he knew it -- he just couldn't help it.

One of their number left the room, and Tza'Hal looked about at the others. She wasn't sure if all of them had stated their intended destinations yet, but they were wasting daylight here when the airship port was a good twenty miles south. They needed to get moving and to fetch warmer clothes as well. Tza'Hal, of course, would not be taking such clothing with her -- she was a monk, and hardship was par for the course. The cold suited her better than the heat, besides.

"We should ape our companion and make haste. The ship I came in on is still at port and will be for the next two days. It is quite a fast ship, meant to ferry people more than goods, and I know the captain. He can take us as far as the mountains perhaps even faster than what young Hal has predicted, given a good tailwind. However, I warn you, going that fast, you will wish you were born without a stomach," Tza'Hal grumbled almost fondly. "Warm clothes can be got nearest the airship's port. They take foreigners north regularly, and they keep many furs for those without warm garments. What say you, Shae? Are you to sojourn with us?"

She looked to Shae Pippa, half-expecting her to say 'no'. After all, it was what the Shae did -- give their half-cryptic answers and then go without so much as a by-your-leave.

@Space Cowboy Ein @Effervescent @Red Thunder @StoneWolf18 @CloudyBlueDay
Inara Belanor

Inara let herself drift from the conversation as she studied Hal’s improvised map. Rolling hills and canopied forest trails blossomed in her mind’s eye, and she stifled her sudden urge to ride with Hal’s word of further information. A shiver shot through her as the gravy, juice, and half-eaten food in the west crept it’s way toward Shae Pippa. It stained the surface of the table as the Shadow had stained the land. Inara stole a glance at Pippa, whose frown was blatant, and wondered, like the She-Orc, if she’d accompany them.

More words were traded, and Inara took turns memorizing the impromptu map, listening to her company’s conversations, and struggling with the nagging doubt that surfaced with Wynleth’s earlier recommendation. She hadn’t told her brother she was leaving… Maybe it’s better that way, Inara thought, Maybe it’s for the best… If I don’t make it back… Inara shook the negative thoughts away. There were far too many of them already occupying her mind, she didn’t need to be thinking of that too.

She longed to follow suit and leave the bar to it’s usual nightly patrons, but as Trynten made it clear he would be leaving before dawn, she’d have to wait the meeting out. Inara had to hear what Hal, Hal Midigan, had to offer, and there’ll be no time to waste in the morning. Truth be told, she was rather interested in this Theresia Ashenbury who dealt in information. Inara couldn’t help but contemplate on the kind of information that would be ‘proper payment’. She stifled a yawn with the back of her hand, wondering how long the meeting would go on and if magical knowledge would do the trick.
Solana and Vane.

All of this talk about where to go and who to go with and all of these people spouting out names like they were people he should know and recognize made Vane's head hurt. Since he had just finished his food all he wanted right now was for it to stay in his stomach, for Solana to make whatever medicine she had in mind, and to get some much needed sleep. By this point Vane was starting to see fairies flit about the room. Or, were those fairies? They looked awful fat to be fairies. Have I gone without proper sleep for that long? A sudden stirring in his stomach caused Vane to go pale and to rest his head in his hands. "Please just let the negotiations hurry up.", he whispered as he fought to keep his food down.

Solana had kept watch over her future patient throughout the meeting. While she had tried to keep track of everything as best she could, there were still names she mixed up. But they were of no consequence at the moment. The moment they were released by the goat-woman, Solana moved to Vane's side. Deep down she still thought about how he might want to kill her just because of her race - but she had to help him. "We can take the shared room. It would be easier so that I could help during the night if needed." Solana picked up Vane's pack and looked to him again. "If you have no further questions for the others...?"

"None." Vane stood up, grabbing the table to steady himself, and followed Solana towards the room. The idea of sharing the room with an elf didn't bother. Truthfully the idea of traveling alongside one, not to mention having one tend to his sickness and possible future injuries, well....Vane was never the racist type. Unless the Tainted counted as a race.

Once in their shared room, Solana set down their packs and gently sat Vane down on the bed that would be his for the night. He seemed to be needing a little guidance.... "Before I can get started, I need to know if you had any wounds when you were travelling? They didn't have to be fresh, just open, or even scabbing." Vane looked at Solana and cocked an eyebrow before easing out of his shirt. There were a multitude of cuts and bruises from weeks of fighting and traveling. "Some are old enough to scab, most are fresh. I've been hunting Tainted for weeks now. Ran into plenty of brigands as well." He sighed, obviously drained from both travel and travel sickness, but he managed a charming smile nonetheless. "Just part of the life of a ranger."

Solana looked over the wounds and ran her fingers over them with a touch lighter than a butterfly's wings. He was right; some of them were quite fresh, one even had some dried blood around it. She set right to cleaning them with extreme gentility. While she worked, she had to ponder her patient. Dark hair, grey winter eyes, he didn't seem much different from Surs, except, of course, his ears. After cleaning a number of the cuts, she said, "Well, I have good news and bad news. Good news, I've cleaned your wounds and I'll bandage them up too. Bad news... your travel sickness is not from any of these wounds. No infection, at least none that was bad enough to cause that, so you'll need some medicine, but you should be almost fully healed by morning, and by the next morning you'll be completely fine." Once she had finished bandaging the wounds, she moved to the fireside and put a travel kettle over the flames while she started working on putting together the right mix of herbs. In honesty, she was intensely curious about her patient, but didn't want to alienate him. Trying to seem casual, she asked, "So, why did you join the rangers...?"

Vane had stiffened slightly on Solana's approach, though he quickly relaxed at her touch. She had a very calming presence about her, and her touch was almost nonexistent. Every now and then a cut would burn or sting as it was being cleaned, but for the most part the process was pretty well painless.

As Solana worked on the medicine Vane thought over his answer to her question. "I grew up on a farm. Never much cared for it to be honest. I'd spend my days wandering about fighting imaginary monsters and rescuing even more imaginary princesses. We went to town one year for the market and I found out about the rangers. I guess it was like fate, because I joined on almost immediately."

Solana smiled and nodded. "That actually sounds very nice. Vane seemed a pretty open man, but she could tell... there was some darkness in his past. As much as she wanted to know and wanted to help if he could, she didn't see any way she could ask without upsetting or alienating him. Her next question was probably just as potentially alienating, though. "I know... that this is asking quite a bit, especially since we just met, but... would you be comfortable if I cast a minor bit of arcane magic on you? It won't hurt, and it'll definitely make the next bit much more pleasant for you, but I understand if you don't want me to." Vane hadn't ever been hexed, or whatever it was called when someone used magic on you, before. He'd heard stories about it sure, but he hadn't even met a caster before. But, she said it wouldn't hurt...

"I don't see why not. I mean, you are the healer here, so I'll trust your judgement call."

Solana nodded and continued her work. The illusion would work better if he didn't know exactly what magic she was using. While she worked, her hands moved mechanically, the practice evident in everything that she did. And as her hands carried on, her mind wandered as she reached out to Vane's aetherial presence. The connection was made easily enough. She poured the tea into a thick earthenware mug and handed it to him. Here was where the illusion would play in: the tea in reality would make his body feel like it was burning for a short time as it purged the travel sickness. It was a very strong mix, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and ash she had said, he would be almost completely fine by morning. And with her illusion cast on him, he would't feel a thing.

If Vane noticed the connection it was faint. He took the mug from Solana carefully as he smiled. "Thank you." After a short sniff he turned the mug up and slowly downed the warm beverage. His face contorted slightly as he shook his head, but the mug was empty nonetheless. "Not the best tasting stuff I'll give it that, but if it works." He ran his hand through his hair absentmindedly as he sighed. "Beggars can't be choosers as my da always said."

Vane found himself looking over Solana, carefully studying her features. "I don't see why our people have had problems before. You are kind. Well, kind enough to help a total stranger."

Isn't that the question all of my people wonder? Solana looked at him for a moment, then said, "Thank you. Our peoples had problems because of fear.... When fear outweighs trust, and blinds one from what is fair, leading to prejudices and... anger... it leads to madness and chaos. So says history in repetitive forms." Solana gave Vane a small, sad smile. "But, dark history is no reason to lose hope in the future. If I had my way, our people never would have separated. Yet, if I had my way, though, a good many things would be different, but I am but one. The hope is that one day we may fix the mistake that was made. It is never to late to fix, or forgive." She realized that she had rambled a bit about her hopes for the future. After a moment, she cleared her throat a bit. Vane was nice, but he was also someone she had just met. Which reminded her that she needed to remove her illusion; the removal took but a moment. "You should rest. It has been some long weeks for you, and the medicine will need time to work. Vane suddenly seemed to become aware of the overpowering sense of exhaustion that consumed him. Although he smiled at Solana and nodded by the time he had laid on his bed and his lids had closed sleep had taken hold of him.

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