The Secrets of a Deadly Virus (RolePlay)

Marie chewed on the inside of her lip as she deliberated. Alex made her feel anxious as if she expected her to do something unnecessarily cruel to her. She wasn't likely to do that, but Marie couldn't reason her unease away. She disliked the feeling that people didn't like her and she assumed that Alex didn't like her. She was used to being disliked about her faith and how religious she was, but she never pushed her religion. She wanted to, but Marie simply lacked the guts to be pushy about it.

She also wanted to push the necessity that she felt medicine to be. If something happened to someone she would be next to useless. The devil-men were always lurking and if they didn't succeed in creating a corpse then that person should be nursed back to health. She didn't want to leave anyone behind because they weren't prepared. They could go without food for a couple of days, but if someone got hurt seriously it could only take minutes. Marie shook her head, Alex was clearly better at surviving and she would have to submit. She didn't wish to be left behind to die just because she annoyed anyone by pressing at issues.

A man awkwardly posed a question and Marie felt sympathy as he seemed to stumble over his words, "M-my name is Marie." she piped in barely raising her voice loud enough to be heard and she shot a smile at the man that was supposed to look anything but a smile that some sort of creepy stalker would wear. Marie visibly cringed aware of how creepy that smile she had given Auby was and she glanced down at the pavement at her feet. Everyone was going to hate her if she kept up in the way that she was.
It was already high noon when he made the first stop, given the circumstances, he was pretty sure he'd gotten a long distance away from the last city. The infection seemed to be a bit wild in his last location. His hideout was discovered not two weeks after he had settled in. Usually it took a month or two for the brainless pieces of crap to find him, this time was a bit faster, which, needless to say, concerned him. But not as much as his diminishing supply of ramen noodles.

He growled under his breath, eyes of blue darting about the area as he stuffed edibles into his "game-bag," in search of possible movement. The store was dark, unlit as many of the windows were moronically boarded, blocking whatever sunlight wanted to force its way in. The blonde was struggling, his every movement just a little bit hindered due to the pain upon his arm. Just this morning, he was sure he'd shattered the bones of his hand as the nearest zombie crashed into the car door, effectively catching his hand. Though, fortunately, it had been his left and he was well capable of running them the **** over with his right.

Lane glanced towards his left, where he'd seen the flutter of a near by piece of paper, catching his eye in a lone streak of sun light. Perhaps the wind was also enough to blow about here, he did still hear the soft blow of the breezes from outside. It could very well be hard enough to form a slight draft within the store. But he knew that it was not the wind, he knew damn well what came after the faint rustle of clothing and the sound of dragging feet.

Only one thought crossed his mind when the grotesque creatures explode into view, arms extended blood stained mouths opened wide for an anticipated meal.

I'm so screwed...
Hunter pulled the arrow out with a wet ripping noise, and wiped it off on the zombies shirt. It had taken him quite a while to track this one down, and he was a big hoss too. Roughly three hundred pounds, heavily built, and a nasty temper. He placed the arrow back into its quiver, and adjusted the mask on his face. It was strange; in this apocalyptic world with flesh eating psychopaths, he felt oddly at ease. The years of therapy meant nothing now. He opened the door to his RV, and stepped inside. He shrugged off his quiver, and tosses his bow onto the passenger seat. He started the RV, and drove down the street, eventually stopping at a convenience store with boarded up windows.

He picks up his backpack and riot shield, and tightens the mask on his face. He steps out of the RV, and strafes towards the building, his head swiveling around for signs of danger. He reaches the door, ready to bust it open, when he realizes it is already open, the lock on the door busted. He pushes open the door, and readies the shield in front of his body. The sound of shuffling feet reached him, and he quickly turned to see a zombie shuffling towards a blonde guy, who was apparently too afraid or too stupid to do anything.

Hunter grinned under his mask, and charged at the zombie, shield raised. He slammed into the the zombie, and knocked it to the floor, but it was immediately getting back up. Hunter jumped at the zombie, and pinned it to the ground under his shield. The zombie attempted to bite him through the shield, but only succeeded in pushing its face against it. He stood up on top of the shield, jumped up, and slammed his feet into the shield, right above the zombies head. with a sickening crunch, its head flattened out, its grey-brown brain leaking through the cracks in its crushed skull.

He picked up the shield, looking at the blackish blood and gore that had stuck to it, and wiped it against a wall, clearing it of most of the offending stuff. He looked over to the blonde, waved, and continued to the food. Amazingly, there were a few bags of Doritos left, and 3 packs of Dr. Pepper. Hunter put it all into his bag, and then raided the candy aisle, picking it clean of most of the energy bars and chocolates. He hefts his bag onto his shoulder, and raised the shield in front of himself again, and exited the building. When he sees nothing living around, he lets the shield rest at his side, and he calmly walks back to the RV.
Alex turned around after hearing a couple introductions after the suggestion of introducing ourselves. She faced the small group, smiling a bit she holds out her hand to them, to anyone who would accept it. "Alex Martinez, military LT." she held back the shock on her face as she said this. Alex was so used to saying this when she greeted people before, but that was before... She mentally shaked her head before the thought could finish it's self. This was no time to think of such sad things, she had things to get done before something bad happened. "It's nice to meet you all." she added in a friendly tone.
Matt watched what the kid did and was somewhat impressed. So, he decided to lay off and head towards the group, meeting up with them. There was a small group, however, bigger than what he was used to seeing recently. There was a good, secure feeling with a large group, however, a feeling of unease and mistrust. He kept his hand on the holster of his Magnum nonchalantly, just in case. When they began introducing each other, Matt decided to chime in when there was a small silence.

"Matt Sebastian." Matt said, deciding to keep his conversations short, sweet, and to the point.
Karli looked around the group, listening to introductions, trying to pin each name to the corrosponding face. "I'm Karli" she said, still scanning the group. She wasn't sure about these people, but then, what choice did she really have? It wasn't their use of weapons that bothered her, it was the ease she was sure those weapons could turn on her, or another human being. For the first time ever, Karli wished she had the bility to protect herself
Marie glanced at each person as they spoke and she managed not to pull psychotic smiles on each of them as they introduced themselves. She didn't doubt that she would forget their names within an hour. She had always seemed to have such a poor memory, which was evidenced by the fact that she had left her most valued object on the roof of an apartment building. That was her mother's Bible. But now wasn't exactly the time to worry about those things as reluctantly as she chose to admit this.

When Alex introduced herself she extended a hand forward which nobody seemed to take. Marie debated it for a minute, but the extended hand was starting to become awkward. She wondered if it would make Alex pleased to be relieved of the choice of holding her hand out until someone took it or pulling it back and having the offer rejected. Then again, Alex probably didn't dwell on these things and the awkwardness Marie thought permeated the situation.

"S-should we go somewhere?" she asked hesitantly and shook Alex's hand with a slight smile even though they had already been introduced. Even though there was a chance that someone might join them, Marie hated the feeling of being so exposed. On the apartment roof she at least felt secure. Surrounded by people with the appropriate weaponry seemed to unnerve her for some bizarre reason.
Alex smiled a bit as she shook Marie's hand, the one holding the bible. Which she didn't mind, Alex wasn't judging her at all inside or outside her head. She nodded a bit at her question as she released her hand and rest it back at her side. "Yes, I just have to get something before we can go there." She turned back around and began walking again. When she reached the one place she came for, a gas station, she looked behind the place. There was two gas tanks, she grabbed both of them. Going to one of stations she shaked them to see if there was gas, which there was. After a couple minutes of filling them she picked up the two heavy tanks and walked back over to the group. "You guys need to get anything else from the town or...." he voice trailled, waiting for an answer.
Auby grimaced "A shotgun would be nice... Perhaps some gasoline and bottles? Oh! There was an armory on the fifth of Elm, but it's very close to..." his voice trailed off at the end, implying the area infested with the horde. Auby suggested a shotgun because it was his jokingly favourite choice of weapon, even if he lacked the upper body strength to withstand the shell-shock from firing one.
As some of the people in the group started to give out their names, Dante felt like he should too. "My name's Dante Yamata. Elite special force soldier." Dante greeted them with a bow. But inside him, that 'Title' was rotting him away. He had seen things that could have made him gone insane.. The whole Seattle mission was insane. He hoped that the same thing that happened to Seattle won't happen here. Looking back at his truck after he heard Alex talking about getting some supplies, Dante turned back to where Alex was at. "I got supplies in the truck, enough to last for a couple of days.." He told her, but then he heard a man who was right next to him say something about an armory, and he said it was close. "I don't think there will be any weapon's left there.. When the outbreak started here, the civilians must have taken all of those weapons there for survival. It is likely that we can find a few things, but don't get your hopes up." He said. Dante thought that they should start off with something simple, like a small gas station.


"But, there IS a gas station not too far from here. I saw it when I was driving around the city. Maybe there's still some supplies left in there that we can all use." He told them, hoping that he was able to go there with some of them. He could have sworn that he saw a couple of dead US soldiers there, not infected though. If he was correct, then this means that there could be weapons laying around the floor there that he probably missed when he was driving by. And, the soldiers could have radios on them, something that the whole group could use. But he wasn't sure if those bodies are still there, because maybe a couple of zombies just came by to grab a little snack from the dead corpses. They just had to find out for themselves. "But, it's your call, Alex." He said. It obviously was her call, because she was the one person who actually had the decency to get them all into a group. Dante honestly thought that none of them, including himself, would last very long if they weren't able to find each other. Now, it looks like they all had a chance to actually survive.. That's if they can all work together.
(Lmao, you all do realize that I already went to the gas station for gas....)

Alex shifted her weight on the gas tanks, "Well gas is covered, and I have about two weeks worth of supplies. I do have a fair amount of weapons, but it doesn't matter to two of our group members..." her voiced trailed off as she looked to the two girls she was refearing to. "No offense though, not everyone can deal with violence." she said quickly to the two, hoping she didn't anger or upset anyone. Alex turned to the rest of the group, "Well I'm ready and so are you guys, so let's go. I wanna get there before sun down, so we don't have to deal with the dogs." she turned her head to the shy as she walked through the group and to the front. It was near afternoon, and it would take awhile to get to the hide out. Alex beging walking back to the highway openeing, somewhere a couple miles down was her gasless civic, which held all her suppiles.
Karli shrugged at Alex's comment. "None taken. I appreciate your acknowledging it" She fell into step behind her. She was sort of glad that the others were alright with using firearms
"Sounds like a plan to me." Dante told Alex, as she started to walk back to her civic. "I'll get on my truck, you just lead the way once we start heading out." He yelled out over to her so Alex can hear him, since she was already by her civic vehicle. Then Dante turned around and started walking his way back to the truck. If there was anybody wanting to come and get on his truck, he wouldn't mind. As long as they were alright on sitting in the back of the truck if someone took the passenger seat.

But what went through his mind was if Alex's hideout - or where ever she was taking them - was any safe. No where is safe, that's for sure. Yeah, maybe somewhere away from America was safe, but nobody knows if the virus made its way to the other side of the world. It was hopeless to even try to survive sometimes, but yet.. Dante didn't lose any hope being around this group. He felt like if they actually had a chance to live. And chances count. Hell, Dante didn't come all this way for nothing. All of them didn't. He just hoped that they can all live long enough to see the end of all this madness.

As Dante finally made it to his truck, he opened the door and sat on the driver's seat. He then looked back over to the back of the truck, where he could see all of his supplies there. Good, nobody came over to steal anything.. He thought to himself, feeling good that he wasn't freaking robbed. Which of course, could happen a lot more nowadays. He then turned on his vehicle, and drove by to where Alex's civic was at. He then patiently waited there for everyone else to get ready and for Alex to give out the signal to move out.
Marie felt a jolt of panic go through her as she realized that everyone was on the move. She let Alex's offer slide past her, let God punish her for abandoning her Bible, but she didn't want to be a burden on these people much more than she knew that she already was. She wished that she had some sort of practical skill... like if she had been a nurse or something.

Reluctantly she edged towards the truck, which happened to be the closest vehicle to her by this point. When nobody said anything to suggest that she was doing something wrong Marie slid into the passenger seat. She perched at the edge of her seat as if filled with the fear that someone was going to reprimand her. Who was it that had said that the meek would inherit the earth? She could barely muster up enough nerve to claim a passenger seat.

"Dogs?" she asked Dante because he was sitting beside her. What had Alex meant by that and why did it concern her more than the fact that people were tearing each other's throats out?
"It's not that far out." she said to the group as they continued down the abandoned highway. It wasn't far out of the little town to where her civic was, so they didn't have to walk far. There was two cars when she and group got there. A blue Civc that she owned before all this happened, and a Mazda 7 parked next to it, it was an survivor's car before he was turned. Alex quickly emptied the gas tanks into the two cars, after she threw the two gas container tanks in the back of the civic. Turning to the group she crossed her arms and leaned back on the civic. "I'll be dirivng this one, you guys can decided who drives that one." she said pointing a finger to the mazda. "I can only take five people since all my supplies takes up half the car." Alex was happy that no one had stolen anything from her car, but knew no one was alive to do so. Alex guessed on who was going to drive, she guessed it would be one of the guys. Kind of hopping it wasn't going to be the guy who shocked the zombie, she didn't trust him, he looked like he was going to turn into a "crazy". That's what she called people who go insane because they couldn't handle everything going around them. Alex was going to keep an eye on him...

The game plan sounded nice to her ears even though herwords were absent. She kept her opinions to herself as they introducedthemselves. She had been raised on southern hospitality and just calling outnames sounded more like a jail line up instead of introductions. “Leelee Wiggs.I’ll take my truck. Just don’t get us lost.” She said walking to the apartmentthat she began on the roof of. She pulled up the garage revealing the Ford 250.She packed her bags into the bed quickly because the night before she haddecided to head to find others. Instead people had found this little city. Shesat in her truck as she watched and waited. Looking over each person she couldtell by their body language who was weak and who was going to be a challenge toget along with. She decided at that point she needed to light up just a bit becausethis was not about personal relationship. She didn’t have to really get alongwith them. She just had to survive. Pretend to get along. There is no sluts anddumb as shit people anymore. Just white meat and dark meat, them and theinfected. They’re going to survive this by pulling together not apart. That’s howshe grew up and she had to stick lightly by her roots.


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