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Realistic or Modern The Secret World: Chaos and Conspiracy

Jedi Sentinel

Truth Seeker
Everything you know is a lie.

The truth of the world you see around you is little more than a fragile illusion, carefully crafted by powers far beyond the comprehension of any single human being. Terrors of myth and legend stalk in the shadows just out of sight, the fair folk dance in the ancient forests, whispering of secrets long forgotten by living men, In dark lit rooms secretive cabals gather to decide the fate and future of all of us, while gods old and new stir elsewhere and begin to wonder who exactly is commanding who.

You are one of the few individuals who have gained the ability to look beyond the curtain and see how the world really works, but you are not here by accident, even if you don't fully realize it yet. Each of you was chosen by an organization for your abilities, some of which you may not even have awakened to yet.

The societies each vie for control in order to establish their own ideals as law, and while there are many of them playing at power there are 3 which stand above the rest


The Illuminati: The youngest of the 3 society's but by no means any weaker, power itself is their end goal and it doesn't matter how they obtain it. On any given day they can be doing anything from running a charity event to assassinating political officials, communing with demons and black mailing angels, sometimes all at the same time as long it could potentially put them in a better position. With connections and controlling influences across the world and a very polished, corporate image, they are always looking for new ways to influence the world and attain even greater power - sometimes to their detriment. Natural worshippers of individual advancement, they offer your character a chance to harness your true potential and achieve great power- but not before warning you that failure will not be tolerated...



The Templar: An ancient order of warriors far, far older than the band of knights with which they share a name. They are bound by sacred creed to battle evil in all its forms- and to do it by whatever means they deem necessary. Old-fashioned, honour-bound and conservative - at least compared to the others - they naturally consider the Illuminati their enemy in every sense of the word; nonetheless, they have just as many connections in the "Real World," though they prefer to ally themselves with governments rather than corporations. Seeking new recruits among soldiers, adventurers and modern-day crusaders, the Templars invite you to their headquarters in London, offering a purpose in life and a chance to stand against the darkness. However, they also warn you to avoid becoming too fixated on chivalry; halos are fading all over town...



The Dragon: Probably the most enigmatic of all the factions, they are also unique in their goals; the Dragon show no plans to "rule" the world as such, but instead seek to understand the underlying system upon which Chaos operates, and to ultimately balance the world with the knowledge they have gained. To that end, they cause chaos across the world in order to test their theories and models, sometimes as destructive as a major terrorist attack, sometimes as minuscule as a butterfly flapping its wings in the wrong direction. The Dragon are almost omniscient thanks to the predictive models they've created through their study of Chaos Theory; however, they still need operatives in the field to ensure that everything goes according to plan - which is where you come in. You join the Dragon with very little idea of your role - except that you are now officially an Agent of Chaos.


Remember this however, your struggle will not always be among the 3 factions. Far greater dangers exist out in the world, be it from lesser compacts attempting to harness a power they don't understand, to dark powers awakening in forgot cities and threatening to swallow the world, or perhaps a long forgotten and abandoned project awakens in the far north, and doesn't seem fond of the way the world has changed while he was asleep. Regardless there will be times when even rival societies must work together to preserve the delicate charade, or perhaps even to save the world. Whatever comes next, this secret is yours.

A nondescript black helicopter buzzed over the primeval forests of the pacific northwest.

Kurt starred out one of the blackened out windows, watching the scenery go by, only occasionally looking over to his fellow field agents, who were going about their own things. No one had spoken a word outside of the initial greetings when they first met up for the trip and even that had been little more than a few grunts of acknowledgement and little else. Growing tired pf the silence Kurt had almost opened his mouth to say something when they suddenly got word from their liaison.

The voice of a young, attractive woman chimed through their earpieces. At least Kurt assumed she was young and attractive, as far as he could tell no one had ever met the lady on the other end, let alone known anything about her. The only thing he'd been told about her was that her code name was Sun Ray, beyond that was anyone's guess.

"Hope you all had a nice flight." Kurt rolled his eyes at the practiced, false sincerity in her voice. "By now you're probably all wondering why you're here. Rest assured we didn't fly you across the country for a low level shake down.

Over the last month there have been a number of mid level occurrences in a local town called Clarke's head, Mysterious sightings, a few disappearances, some fluctuating radio signals, the works. We'd been keeping tabs on it since it began but nothing had really grabbed our attention until about a week ago. We picked up a massive surge of some unidentifiable energy and by the time we got our eyes on the place the whole town was gone. People, Buildings, everything, all replaced by forest sporting some interesting readings. We sent down a team of researchers to figure out what exactly went down, but we haven't heard from them since they went into the forest about 5 days ago. Your job is to find out anything you can about the place and recover any data the research team might have found, and the team itself if there's anyone left.

For now you'll be based out of a motel in the nearby town of Kaser. The place is called the Rivercrest Inn. It's pretty low rent but it'll help you avoid unwanted attention, we've already stored your equipment in your rooms as well as the key to your rental car. Oh, there were only two rooms available so one of you will have to share. Remember folks above all else, get the job done and do it discrete. I'll contact you again if anything comes up, beyond that it's all on you. Sun Ray out."

The Helicopter put down in a parking lot across the street from the Rivercrest Inn, leaving the moment all of it's passengers disembarked, hopefully noone had notice the 3 strangers climbing out of an unmarked helicopter in the middle of the day. As advertised, the inn wasn't exactly a five star resort. The group could make out the rental car by virtue of it being the only car on the lot. A red 2 door pick-up truck in a model that Kurt wasn't even sure they still made. Good to see the compact had spared no expense for this mission. Giving an annoyed sigh he looked over to his new comerades.

"So I guess this is it."

Sasha gives a slight grunt, her eyebrows knotted tight as she stepped out of the 'port' created in the headquarters of the Dragon's and appearing in a narrow, dark space. Shortly after she stepped out, the cyan swirls that had brought her here imploded on itself. It took her a while to get her bearings, but she recognized the brooms and chemicals, as well as the bitter stench of chlorine. Shaking her head left and right, she opens the door to the broom cupboard she was stuck in, and peered out. A motel. So far, everything had gone according to the briefing. Now it depended on her, and the soon-to-arrive comrades that would arrive with her. As she watched for the few residents and staff members that passed by, the debriefing slowly flowed through her mind:

A tall woman in full yellow - mask, pants and vest, only her dark-toned fingertips giving her any possibility of recognition whatsoever. She was just another operative, of course. Orders were always sent through chains to ensure that it was never really clear where they came from. But such was the chaotic nature of the Dragons. "There has been several mysterious and, perhaps ... unnatural occurrences in Clark's Head. However, this isn't your average superstition." Sasha, together with the few other members seated, listened intently. "There have been spikes of energy coming from there, and , until recently, it was actually a place. Now, it is not. It simply vanished off of the map. We are uncertain of what it involves, but considering the Illuminati -... " the word itself created tension amongst the members. "-... has seemingly sent researchers into the area, we can only assume that it is important. Our omni's are currently looking for their second wave of operatives. You will be sent in as a scout and interception force to take any research that they might have collected, and, more importantly, ensure that if anything of value exists there, to not let it fall into the hands of neither the Illuminati or the Templars. Remember, balance is key here. We cannot let one side get the overhand on the other." Clearing her throat, she continues. "We have suggested that once the omni's find their position, that you go in covertly until you understand the situation. After that, you know what to do."

Of course they did. Hostile takeover of the very building that the Illuminati were checking in at. Their chopper had arrived only seconds ago, but the plan was still not in proper place yet. With this in mind, Sasha decided that her other operatives would simply have to do as she started the plan by herself. Exiting the broom cupboard, she quickly made her way to the door leading to reception - a small, dangy door connected to a cubicle where the receptionist sat. Receptionist and owner, most likely. She doubted that the staff here would be extensive enough to notice someone missing for the next few hours. Stepping next to the door, her pinky slowly decayed into bone, reshaping and resizing into different jagged aspects of keys. Putting it into the keyhole, she'd mold the finger after what was needed, and then, slowly open it. The receptionist, sitting there with her earphones blaring, did not even notice the new arrival. Quickly and efficiently, Sasha whipped out a cloth and chloroform, pulling the receptionist under the reception desk with a bit of a struggle. Chloroform might cause permanent brain damage ... but it was a risk that had to be taken. After that, she'd carefully drag the unconscious body towards the cupboard she had exited, ensuring that she was not seen. Once there, she swapped clothes with the receptionist, grimacing at the bland yellow and beige outfit and skirt she had to slip into. So goddamned uncomfortable. Once more, she stepped towards the reception and idly stood by it, elbows resting on the reception desk as she looked around idly for anything of interest while she waited. They better have gotten the right hotel ... on the desk she saw small business cards. Picking one up, she read it to herself. "Rivercrest Inn ... huh?" By this time, her boney finger had regenerated completely to look absolutely normal.
Jackson's eyes glazed over as she grew even more bored than she had already been. She blinked and shook her head, trying to clear the prominent figurative cobwebs. She sighed opening, upwardly blowing her bangs from her eyes. Her fire red hair was swirling around her hips and waist and it was getting on her nerves. Her hair never was really still, especially not in this damn helicopter. She sighed again, rolling her bright blue eyes toward the window, discreetly checking out her fellow agents. Great. I'm stuck with the wild west demon and the wealthy suit. She rolled her eyes again. She ran a hand through her hair in pure boredom.

Suddenly, Sun Ray began speaking in her head. No, wait, her ear.
Duh. Jackson swore Sun Ray's voice came to her in her dreams she talked so fake and so much. Not Sun Ray appearing in her dreams, just her voice. It was weird. Even though Jackson hated her false sincerity, she listened intently. She needed to know her job. She needed to who she was supposed to kill and where they were located. Wait, what? Jackson listened to the entire message, running it back and forth through her head, a trick her dad taught her. During this, she absentmindedly rolled the dogtag around her neck in her fingers. There were no indications of a subject. There was no victim for her to end. There were no mentions of a name at all. She wasn't even really sure why she was here. She was an assassin. This was a recon and info mission, not an assassination mission. Why the hell was she here? Because I'm one of the best. She reminded herself confidently with a small smile. But then she shook her head. I kill people. Not search for ones probably already dead. Then she grimaced. That was a little harsh. It was lucky no one could really see inside her head.

Wait, did she say only two rooms? She made a clearly irritated face as they landed. There's no one here! How could they only get two rooms?! She demanded in her head. Then she shook her head again. Whatever. I'll make do. She hopped out of the helicopter, her shirt blowing around her waist as the blades spun around. Jackson finally looked over as the wealthy suit spoke. "Looks like it." she said with a grim smile. "Since I assume you two won't share a room, you get to flip a coin to decide who gets stuck with me." She said, looking at both of them with a glimmer in her eye. She raised an eyebrow, turned around and walked across the street.
Kurt glanced over at the cowboy who looked disinterested as ever, then back towards G.I. Jackie who seem to be the only one more unhappy about their current situation than he was. giving a deep sigh he jogged a bit to catch up.

"We'll figure out living conditions later, for now let's just get our rooms and hope that these hicks have walked off with our stuff." The disdain in his voice was palpable.

The reception area was empty save for the woman at the desk. a quaint little souviner stand sat in the corner along with a rack for some variety of magazines about hunting and other outdoorsy pastimes, meanwhile a little light country music played from an ancient jukebox on the other side of the room. Kurt had always known there was a hell, but this was far beyond any torment he felt he deserved.

Approaching the desk he gave a polite, practiced smile to the young receptionist.

"We have some rooms reserved here, 6 and 7 I believe. Someone should have called ahead."
Jackson watched as the wealthy suit jogged to catch up with her long legs. "If we've met, I don't remember you. I'm Jackson." She said, sticking out her hand for him to shake as she continued walking. Jackson turned her attention suddenly to a car that almost hit her as she crossed the street. She narrowed her eyes threateningly at the elderly couple until they started apologizing profusely through their rolled down windows. She waved them off and continued walking, following the suit.

As they approached the desk, she smiled at the receptionist. She was always very good at acting like she belonged even when she knew she didn't. She touched the suit's arm lightly, to give off the air of knowing each other well, as she walked past him. The country music didn't bother her much as she walked around, checking out every single magazine on the stand. She walked around the room as he spoke to the girl. She wanted to know every single one of her angles for every room she was in.

She walked back over to the receptionist and the suit, standing partially behind him. The receptionist looked a little like she didn't belong here, but Jackson shook it from her mind. This was the kind of town people got stuck in and she figured the receptionist was just another one of those unlucky girls. Jackson was never one of the those people and she was always very lucky because of it. She smiled at the girl and waited a little impatiently for the room keys.
The group stuck out like a sore thumb - their mannerism and air of formality made them a walking purple bubble in this place. Sasha simply stared the man in the eye for a few seconds, giving a stoic look, then a slightly curved smile. Aaaaah ... goddamnit where are the keys here? It had not occured to her that she would need to do exactly that, and with such a simple oversight, she felt the whole operation crumble. Turning around, she saw a row of keys right behind her, attempting to naturally move towards it and pick off the one's labeled with the appropriate numbers for the rooms. "Yes. Of course." Hopefully, the slight moment in hesitation did not come off as suspicious. She'd slide the keys over the reception desk. "The name's Barbra Ohayon," or at the very least she'd read of off the name tag she was wearing. "I'll be your 'host' so to speak, so if you need anything, please inform us here at reception." A light smile formed on her lips, attempting to mimic the false formalities that she usually encountered with those working in the tertiary sector.

They seemed familiar, for Agents. Whether this was part of their ruse or not, Sasha could honestly not interpret. And that gave her a nagging sense in her gut. However, she felt that it was justified that she knew so little, considering they had only just met. This thought calmed her down. A nod was given in their direction to finalize the 'transaction' of keys.
Sid spun one of his revolvers absentmindedly as he followed Kurt and Jackson. He tossed the gun up and caught it before sighing. He worked with Kurt fairly often, so he knew how the other agent worked, but Jackson...

"Hey, Kurt, why'd we get sent with the princess?" He asked quietly as Jackson went up the the receptionist. He watched closely.

There. Hesitation. Either she's new, or somethings off. Were the Templars or Dragons tipped off? He narrowed his eyes at the receptionist and tapped Kurt on the back. 2 quick, soft taps on the left shoulder blade. A signal that something was off, but to wait. Sid holstered his revolver and turned back to the Receptionist.

"Hunting, If you're wondering." He motioned to the revolver. He took the keys from the receptionist and turn to his fellow agents. "Our stuff is in the rooms, right? We'll see the arrangements when we get to the rooms." He walked out of the lobby and waited for the others
Jackson rolled her eyes at the wild west demon. She had only heard of him, never worked with him. She heard the "princess" comment and she did not like it. She shook her head again and watched the receptionist closely. Jackson was good at telling how people would put of a fight just by their movements. She watched the receptionist hesitate. Jackson didn't like it.

Hesitation was always a sign. It always meant something. Jackson wasn't sure what this hesitation meant, but she knew to watch the receptionist very closely. Nothing gets the better of me. Jackson reminded herself as she took one of the keys. She tipped her head to the receptionist and watched as the wild west said something and then walked out. Jackson sighed in irritation and rolled her eyes again. But eventually, after getting the suit's attention, who had never actually told her his name, walked out several seconds after the demon. "Be careful," she said to the demon, "This 'princess' can seriously mess you up. Demon or not." She growled, her voice low, eyes narrowed and then she walked toward the rooms.
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Kurt grimaced a bit. All these "subtle" gestures were going to get them caught, and he had a hunch that they were tagged already. He gave an awkward laugh and nodded to to the receptionist. He wouldn't blame her if she decided to call the cops.

"Thanks. We'll...We'll be in our rooms if you need us." He quickly waved the others out and followed closely behind. Once they were a safe distance away he started speaking to the others.

"This is going great." He said in a mocking, sarcastic tone. "I know we're supposed to just assume that the pyramid always has a plan, but I can't be the only one confused to why the 3 of us got sent out here. It's like they purposely put us out of our element. Unless..." He stopped as the reached the doors to their rooms. "What if we're supposed to get caught?" He grabbed the key from Sid and ushered everyone into the room. Once inside he closed the curtains and turned to face the others.

"I think we might be bait. Sun Ray had to have known something was up before hand which is why they didn't bother covering out insertion. They wanted to draw attention."
Even if he hadn't been sitting in the coffee shoppe across the street from the Motel, Merlyn still would've seen everything. It was too blatant, too obvious. Either the Illuminati were slipping or they were getting over-confident. Either one meant either the Templar's or the Dragon would gain the upper hand, this time around. And, although some doubted his loyalties (due to the fact that he was born in Britain, been part of the US Military, and had only spent a month at the Temple in Seoul,) Merlyn was loyal only to the Dragon.

Mainly because he didn't like people thinking they could take over the world without anyone noticing or trying to stop them. He really didn't like that.

He smiled at the waitress, whose name tag read 'Jessica,' and stood from the small, square table by the window, which had the perfect vantage point of the Motel across the street. Hence why he had picked it. He dropped a hundred dollar bill on the table and left quietly, taking his duffel bag with him, slinging it across his body. Before crossing the street, he closed his eyes and took a breath, opening his six senses as much as he could. The sounds and smells of a small town, going along with the look. That, he expected. But the feel of electricity in the air? The taste of copper on his tongue? And, lastly, the magical energies swirling about, unchecked? Something was definitely going on here. Probably why they Illuminati had sent their own fire-team bumbling in.

He opened his eyes once more and crossed the street quickly, taking advantage of the lull in traffic. His eyes flicked about, noticing everything, an old habit from his military days. The lack of people about and the only car, a shamelessly obvious rental, in the lot gave him the impression that this motel, the Rivercrest Inn, wasn't exactly a five-star resort. He smirked. As he had figured, the enormously wealthy Illuminati were nothing but cheap bastards, saving every penny they could, wherever they could.

As Merlyn approached the entry way, he halted, just for a moment, catching a scent. Two scents, both demonic. One smelled of old dirt and gunpowder. The Gunslinger. An enemy he was not unfamiliar with. The other, he was very familiar with. The Bone Mistress. Merlyn smiled. So, this was one of the people he was going to be teamed up with. A smirk played on his face as he entered the establishment and approached the reception desk.

"Could you look any more bored, Sasha?" he asked, his British accent failing to be hidden. Not that he was trying. "Oh, I'm sorry. Barbra. Bored Barbra." he chuckled. "Gimme something lucky." he said, gesturing to the room keys, specifically room number thirteen. Before she could reach for it, it flew off it's hook and into his hand. "And remember to wipe the real receptionists memory. Unless you need me to do that. You'll know where I'll be, I'm sure." he said, chuckling before moving down the hall.

He was sure to skirt the trio as well as rooms six and seven. Those two rooms in particular stank of money. Illuminati money. He entered his room nonchalantly, taking one last look at the group. Two males and a female. The Gunslinger he knew. The other male and the female, he did not. He smirked and gave them a nod, more out of professional courtesy than anything, before disappearing into his room.

At least they knew they weren't alone.
Sid smirked at Jackson as she claimed she could mess him up. "Well, sweetheart, why don'tcha try it?" He told her, hand on his gun.

"I ain't a demon, either." He said, before Kurt pulled them away. "I mean, I don't have a soul, and my next..." He began to count on his fingers "3 children are forfeit, but I'm not full demon. More like... 3/4."

He listened to what Kurt had to say and snarled. "I hate being the distraction." He said, getting up. "If we are the distraction, what exactly do they need some of their best agents to be distraction for?" He went to the front window and looked outside through the closed blinds just in time to see Merlyn walk into the lobby. He grit his teeth. The Magician...

"Well, I think we were right to be wary of that receptionist. Dragon's here, and they sent their most annoying agent." He said through his teeth, remembering some of their previous encounters.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Can you both save the pissing match for later?" With a sigh he started to walk towards the beds and finally remembered to answer Jackon's question.

"I'm Kurt by the way. I guess you've already met Sid." He climbed up under the nearest bed and pulled out a long unmarked black case. Popping it open he found more or less what he was expecting.

"M4 carbine, shortened barrel and collapsing stock, 3 mags, someone's fancy 1911, 3 mags for that, gas masks, some kind of energy reader, and what I think might be a bomb. We should check the other beds to see if we got any other crates." It was then that he heard Sid's comment about the magician.

"The dragon sent a sorcerer after us?" He sounded more confused than anything, though he supposed that it wasn't all that strange, whatever was going on in Clarke's head was clearly supernatural in one way or the next, so sending someone who could actually sense magic made more sense than, well, sending his own group for one thing. Though the way Sid damn near hissed when he talked about him certainly didn't make him feel any easier.

"So we know Dragon's here, and we know they know we're here. Regardless we're not gonna drag this out into the streets. Last thing we need is to get in a fire fight and draw any more attention than we have already. No shooting unless they come for us first."
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Jackson narrowed her eyes at the 3/4 demon. "What fun is a gun fight?" she growled at him lowly. Then turned her attention as the suit, Kirk... Kurt... Something... Spoke. She'd have to figure out which one it was eventually. She sighed, watching as I'm pretty sure it is Kurt. pulled a case out from underneath the closest bed.

"That would be mine." Jackson said, plucking the 1911 from the case over Kurt's shoulder. "The bastards took it from me before we loaded." She said, fixing the gun easily into it's holster and running her fingers over the cool, comforting metal. She felt much more at peace with it on her hip. "Didn't you notice something weird about the receptionist?" She asked the two. "Like she didn't really know what she was doing. She hesitated." She said, "She definitely needs to be watched." Jackson said, plopping down on the bed from where Kurt had already cleared the weapons.

"If we're bait," Jackson said, throwing one leg over the other and leaning back on her hands, "Why don't we just start the fire fight? Headquarters is obviously waiting on us to do something. Why don't we just give 'em what they want?" She asked, absentmindedly running her fingers over her gun again. She then looked upward and to the corner of the room, moving only her eyes. "Oh yeah. Maybe not the best idea to drag three fourths of a demon and a sorcerer into the streets of a small town." She nodded. "Probably not best." She murmured, mostly to herself now. She looked back at Kurt and the wild west 3/4s of a demon. Did he say Sid? I think he said Sid. Whatever.
They noticed. Of course they did. As the trio walked off, Sasha let out a light sigh, her eyes narrowing at nothingness in front of her. Before she had time to even start her next move, Merlyn bolted into the motel. An eyebrow raised inquisitively as he approached, her expression as stoic as ever. Mention her real name, Sasha gave a slight frown. "Unprofessional - somewhat." She coughed, avoiding eye contact for a few seconds before reaching around to grab a key. But it was too late. Her head whipped around and gave him a semi-annoyed look, though she seemed to want to smile. But this just wasn't the time for it. "I will, I will - try and be a bit more covert, will you?".

There had always been a problem of trust when it came to Mr. Lance due to his background, but from what Sasha had heard of him, she believed his loyalty was in the right place. She sure as hell wouldn't question it. As he strutted off to his room, she buried her face in her hands, groaning silently for reasons unknown. As quickly as possible, she would walk over to the cupboard and peer into it, the unconscious receptionist there, but ... the delivery had yet to be made. What the hell is taking them so long? Shaking her head left and right, she closed the cupboard and locked it with a key, slipping it into her pocket before wandering back to reception. Perhaps it would be best to give Mr. Lance a visit later ... especially if no other operatives arrive.
Kurt cocked an eyebrow. "The receptionist? Yeah, she was about as subtle as we were. And if the Sorceror is any indication then she's probably a Dragon agent too."

He went back to rummiging through the equipment box. " And in any case, starting a shoot out here could get us all in trouble. Them too. See, the Conspiracies hate each other, but they hate anyone else getting in on the fun way more. If we do anything that could expose their operation to the world, even if just by accident... I once heard a story about a guy who tried to take his stuff to the press, the police found the reporter he had went to murdered in his house, arrested and convicted him for the murder, and the the pyramid really went after him. So yeah, going loud is not an option, bait or not.

That being said, say they follow us out to Clarke's head. A lot of weird stuff's gone on over the last few weeks. Whose to say a few more people don't go missing out that way?"

Not finding anything else of use in the first box, Kurt closed it up and went back under the bed.

"For now let's just play it cool and act like we don't know anything. We'll get set up and head out of town as soon as we're ready."

Kurt grabbed a second box from underneath the other bed and again listed off the contents. "Pair of Beretta m9s, suppressors for both, 8 mags between the two of them, survival knife, some kind of lever action rifle with some kind of special ammunition, and enough bullet proof vests for the 3 of us. Nothing to ward off magic though." He sighed, grabbing a hand gun, a mag and a suppressor from the container and hiding them on his person. Just because he didn't plan on starting a fire fight doesn't mean he planned on going under dressed. He grabbed one of the keys and headed out the door.

"In any case I don't plan on hiding out in here all day. Dragon or no, we still have to get info on Clarke's head before we head out." With that he went out into the parking lot, looking first towards the Magician's room, although he couldn't see him, he couldn't help but feel he was still being watched, and then towards the receptionist who he could see through the window to the reception area, once again giving her a polite nod before finally heading on his way. Kaser wasn't a big town, and thankfully anything of any remote importance was pretty close to the center of town. The locations of interest he could mark off the top of his head were the inn where they were staying, a small time survival store that sold guns and equipment that might prove useful if they found themselves scraping the bottom of the barrel, a small but creepy looking fishing dock, and a diner that seemed to be where most of the towns folk congregated around this time of day. If there was a place to look for answers, this would probably be the place to start.

The place projected the same kind of feeling that the reception office gave off, that kind of down homey, deep country vibe that tried way too hard to come off as inviting. He was starting to actually miss New York. In any case the diner was about half full and fairly quiet, save for a hand full of quiet conversations and another jukebox playing another, slightly louder country song. Kurt took a seat on one of the open bar stools and waited for a waitress to come by. After a moment an older woman whose name tag called Diane made her way over. She eyed him, pretty obviously tagging him as an outsider.

"what're ya buyin'?" She spoke with a kind of dismissive tone, as if he was wasting her time just by being around.

It occurred to Kurt that he hadn't actually looked at the menu. He answered quickly as he could. "I'll just have a burger, everything on it. side of fries and a coke." He hadn't eaten since before his flight anyway, so no point in passing up a meal. The waitress turned to walk away but luckily he remembered he wasn't just here for the food. "Oh, one other thing. I was hoping you might be able to tell me about Clarke's head." And the moment the words left Kurt's mouth it happened. The entire diner froze, everyone stopped exactly as they were, the conversations went silent, the only sound in the entire restaurant was the jukebox and the sound of sizzling grease. Kurt looked around frantically, but it seemed like it had effected everyone in the room but him. After a few seconds everyone slowly came back to life, though they seemed to have trouble getting back to what they were doing. A glass was dropped and everyone who had been talking seemed to struggle to remember what they had been saying. After a moment Diane blinked a few times, looking a Kurt dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry were you sayin' something?" Kurt stared for an awkward second.

"I was just wondering if I could make that a to go order." Food bag in hand Kurt made his way back towards his motel. The others were gonna need to here this.
Sid took one of the 2 remaining vests and put it on under his poncho. Afterwards, like clockwork, he took the lever action rifle from the crate and strapped it across his back using the bandolier it had came with, counting the bullets one by one. He took a deep breath and took out both of his revolvers, spinning them before holstering them again. "I'll keep an eye out while you're away." He told Kurt as he was leaving. He sat on the edge of the bed closest to the window, watching the sorcerer's room through the blinds. He took his rifle off his back and began slowly loading it, carving words into each bullet. "I dare you, wizard, make a fuckin' move." he mumbled


Sid saw Kurt walking back and put the rifle down. He looked over to Kurt as he walked into the room, his usual grin gone. "So, you get anything else besides some take-out?"
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Jackson watched Kurt leave without any kind of offering to work together. Even better. They don't want to work with me anymore than I want to work with them. She watched quietly as Kurt left and then watched Sid put the vest on. She sighed. That was the worst thing about being a girl, none of your socially acceptable clothing allowed you to wear one of those without people knowing. As a result, she'd gotten pretty good at dodging bullets flying at her. Jackson glanced at Sid again and watched for a few moments as he mumbled things and carved something in the bullets from the lever action rifle. She rolled her eyes and got up from her spot on the bed. She walked out of the room and back down to the receptionist area. "Hi." Jackson said fake happily to the girl at the desk. "You happen to know the best place to eat around here? We're starving." She placed her elbows on the counter in front of the girl and cocked her head to the side, smiling at her.

Sitting idly at the receptionist area, Sasha had simply been minding her own business, waiting for the delivery. At first, she was taken aback by Jackson's friendliness and physical approach, momentarily flustered, but would quickly retaliate. Worst case scenario, she'd hoped Jackson would see her as somewhat of an introvert - she was not too comfortable with sudden physical approaches anywho, and they would usually leave her flustered. A slight smile spread across her face as she nodded enthusiastically. "Your husband left towards the diner only moments ago." She'd give her another nod. "Or at the very least I would presume as much ... seeing how close the two of you seemed. Came here for a holiday of some sort? Your husband bring his brother along?" After asking the initial question, she would back it up with another statement. "And the diner across the street servers great burgers and salads -... though I wouldn't go for the fish they serve there." Whilst the comments were somewhat pitiful in attempt, Sasha was more so interested in poking at the woman's personality rather than anything else.

It bothered the life out of her. None of the other operatives had acted yet, and the delivery package was late. At this rate, everything would proceed far too slow for Sasha's initial idea to be complete. Perhaps she'd have to improvise. The delivery was nothing but for assurance anyway.
Kurt dropped the bag on the bed. "Yeah, a lot more, and yet somehow not much at all." He eyed the rifle Sid was holding and gave something a concerned look. "You holding down the fort?" Silently hoping his ally hadn't finally lost it, Kurt found a place to sit and worked on trying to explain what he had seen. "I went to ask around, see if I could find anything about this missing town of ours. I figured that at worst they'd all have a collective amnesia or something. But the moment I brought up the name it's like they all had a massive stroke." He grabbed some food out of the bag. "First the Dragon, now this. This job is getting weird."
Jackson narrowed her eyes at the girl's strange flustered reaction, but then shook it off and smiled. She ignored the husband jab and blinked at the girl. "Did he? Oh jeeze. I guess I should pay more attention." She gave the girl a look, she was asking a lot of questions. "We came to visit a friend. A town over." She made a slightly frustrated face. "You know how that is, getting dragged around." She chuckled and shook her head. "Well, thanks for the advice." Jackson said, waving a hand at the girl as she walked from the office and back up to the room.

"You're back." Jackson said, walking through the door. "That receptionist girl is a part of this screwed up operation. I have a weird feeling." Jackson said, sitting down next to Kurt. "Any chance you found out anything except the fact that this is basically a mission for our death?" She said, eyeing Sid with his rifle. That was someone who had to be watched too.
Sid nodded. "When hasn't the job been weird?" He told Kurt. "Still, when have we ever run into a situation like this? The one that's closest was back in Cuba, with the disappearance of the Santa Juanita, but that was just amnesia, not like you're saying." He put his gun down and stood up, spinning his revolver instinctively. He heard the door open again and looked over to see Jackson walk in. "We all feel weird about this, princess." He replied. He leaned on the wall. "Dragons here,it's only a matter of time before the Templars get here."


"Gee, mister! That's a big cross!" The child commented as Blackwater passed by. He looked back and smiled

"Of course it is, it's full of ze lord's mercy." He said, before walking on. He stopped and looked at the motel, frowning. "Ech, I can smell ze sin from here." He crossed the street and walked through the parking lot, walking into the Reception office. "Bonjour. Do you have an free rooms for a wandering preacher such as myself?"
Kurt groaned. "I hadn't even thought of that. Those self-righteous idiots will turn this whole place into a war zone if the catch wind of anything big." He'd only been a member of the Illuminati for a few years, but Kurt had managed to gain a special dislike for the Templar, half because of their tendency to escalate conflicts at the drop of a hat, and the other half because of their unwavering ability to always paint themselves as heroes no matter what. Sure, Kurt killed and tortured people for money, but he never went around trying to pretend it was about anything more than that.

Still clearly aggravated about the prospect of having to deal with Templars in any respect, he tried to cycle back to the prospect at hand, nodding to Jackson and bringing her up to speed before continuing Sid's. "Anyway, Juanita was just a bunch of dumb locals sticking their heads where they didn't belong. This feels different. More than just the memory thing. I'll be honest man, I don't like this."
Jackson growled fiercely."You're about to run out of times to use that word, demon." She snarled when he said princess again. Her eyes were narrowed, but she cleared her throat as the conversation turned to Templars. She shuddered. She'd dealt with Templars before and she hated them. She hated the Dragons too, but the Templars were something different. Painting themselves as good somehow made them more evil. She narrowed her eyes again and then ran a hand absentmindedly through her hair. Sid and Kurt had obviously worked together before, which was incredibly unfortunate for her because it meant she was pretty much an outsider among the three. She sighed, kicking one leg over the other and bit her bottom lip in thought.
It seemed like everyone was on edge with just the mention of Templars. "It probably wouldn't hurt to speed up our time clock, especially now that we know that we probably aren't" getting anything out of the people in town. We'll pack up once it gets dark and head out before the Dragons or Templars can catch on." He sighed and leaned back. "Hopefully we can clear out before anymore trouble shows up." He looked over to Jackson. "So do you think that receptionist is going to be a problem or should we let her be for now?"

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