The Secret of Pompeii

Pitch Black

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(The app for one of the group of four)




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History: (Detailed please)


(Mutant app)



Gender: (If any)

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History: (Detailed please)

Name: Mika Rosalynn Hunter

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Personality: Mika has a sarcastic way about her, and often refuses to fear what most others do. Though she comes off as abrasive, rash, and even violent or cruel at times, she is only this way to protect herself. Truly, she is an incredibly insecure and frightened girl trapped in an adult body. But she will endure great lengths to keep this hidden.

There is kindness somewhere inside her, as she finds that she cares very much for the well being of other people that she befriends. She jokes quite often, but in the right situation, she becomes the leader very quickly.

History: Mika grew up with her parents and two little sisters, but the home was anything but a pleasant place for her to grow up. Her mother often worked, which drew her out of the house and away from the children, while their father stayed home. He was unhappy that he was not the one working and earning the money, and this anger was taken out on the three young girls. He would hit them, choke them, and daily threaten their lives, but their mother chose to be oblivious to the bruises on her children's bodies because she was afraid of losing him. Mika realized the fear her mother had was the only thing stopping her from saving her and her sisters from their father's unjustified wrath. She immediately swore to never be that afraid.

Mika made it her job as the oldest sister to protect the youngest two to the best of her ability. She would often throw herself in front of her little sisters to obtain the beating, or she would blame things upon herself so that she would receive the punishment. One night, however, she missed one of the opportunities to help the youngest sister. As a fight rose up in the household, Mika heard it begin from upstairs, but by the time she had made it into the kitchen, she saw her youngest sister, 3 year old Amelia, lying on the tile with her color extracted as if she had turned into a ghost. Her father flew into a tangent, blaming Mika for whatever he could. Mika locked herself in a room and called the police, who got there and arrested her father for domestic violence. Amelia had been chocked to death. And her middle sister had watched.

Mika and her remaining sister were put with their mother, who was rarely home due to work, and this meant Mika was the one to raise and school her sister. They were homeschooled together, and their bond became incredibly strong. However, it seemed Mika was only nice to her sister, as she was constantly finding trouble to stir in her neighborhood: stealing from other houses, beating up other kids, and even accidently killing a neighborhood cat. People kept their children away from Mika, and Mika prefered that. She instead spent her time reading, delving herself in old history books, promising herself that one day she would get out of this place and explore the ruins of once beautiful and now fallen cities. She felt like she could relate to them the most.

At age 21, Mika is a bit of a rebel, still holds on to her violence, and yet watches out for her sister religiously. 

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