The Secret Life (Me and Ene Kagerou)

Dani Green was a name that is very well known around Hollywood and celebrities. This young and upcoming star has been around since her first commercial when she was a kid and since then has been booked for many TV shows and several movies roles, quickly building up her repertoire and earning herself among top celebrities.

Dani was even scheduled to be a part of a new girl group forming, even though she couldn't sing. This girl girl was supposed to take the world by storm, by using their cheap tricks of autotune and hat not. Dani did not like that. And she didn't like the fact that her manager was controlling her life and what she does.

Dani secretly wanted to be like a regular kid again, and when she brought it up one day her manager flipped out on her. "You are in your prime! You can't run away from it now!" He would say.

Dani then decided to just run away. She picked out a disguise. From her usual long brown wavy hair, she cut it short. She cut it to shoulder length, and even decided to but a wig for safe measures. She bought a long black haired wig and even bought colored contacts. Instead of her usual green eyes, she picked out brown eyes. Her limo driver thought she might be over doing it but she didn't want anyone to recognize her. Her limo driver was also going to act as her guardian.

She was all signed up for High school too, in a really small town far away from Hollywood. She walked up to the school all nervous. She was starting to have second thoughts. She didn't know how real high school kids act or were...she only portrays them on the tv. With a gulp she went into the school.

Of course, she had to be introduced in the front of the class. She nodded and then with some acting boldness she said, "My name's Dani..Washbish." She almost forgot her new last name for being in disguise. She stared out at the faces of all these normal students, normal people. she just hoped she would fit in as she took a seat somewhere in the back.
Ashi was a normal highschool student with the scars of watching his girlfriend kill herself in front of him haunting his ability to make friends. He had heard of Dami, but didn't really pay much to her, liking books and music a lot better than movies.

He sat in his corner and gazed out the window until he heard the quiet sound of a chair moving, as the new girl sat next to him. He looked over at her with his own strangely yellow eyes and then began looking back out the window. He watched a bird fly past, and wished he could have wings like that, instead of being chained to the ground. He took the red scarf out of his pocket using it as a stress realiever and took a deep breath. He was thinking too much, and needed to pay attention. No one had ever sat next to him before, the seat in front of him was still empty, and he assumed that they'd both be empty soon again, once the girl made some friends.
Dani looked around, still unsure about this. She was really nervous. This was like a whole new kind of acting and yest it wasn't acting. Her limo driver told her to just be herself, but she was afraid to do that really. She looked up at the board of the classroom and saw what they were learning about here. It looked like something that involves math. surprisingly enough Dani did have a knack for math, and always did her best in it when she was being home schooled. Some girls wanted to chat with her and get to know her after class.

"So where are you from?" "I love your hair!" "Wanna be friends?"

Dani choked a bit at answering these questions. "Uhh....Tennesee...thanks and I don't know?" She said with a nervous laugh. these girls were just coming up to her and talking, usually paparazzi did this.
Ashi searched for his ipod, putting his scarf back into his pocket. He looked back at the board, and realized he missed something while skipping ahead to the homework and finishing it. He took his notebook back out and copied everything he missed. He heard the loud talking, and was a bout the only one who was quiet. looked at the girls who were near his desk, finding them a bit annoying. The new girl was from Tennessee but had no accent, so Ashi assumed it was a lie and unconsciously narrowed his eyes.
As soon as the girls were gone Dani sighed in relief. That was hard to do, she thought. She knew it would be hard adjusting to something like this and she was determined to make it work. Copying the notes down herself she heard the bell rang and looked at the schedule she was given with a bit of confusion. She didn't know where exactly her next class was, and was afraid to ask for help. She wandered around as she looked at the class rooms for the right class. For all she knew she could be at the wrong end. "Ugh...I'm going to be late if I don't find this class...." She said to herself
Ashi finished just in time for the bell and walked out of the classroom. He had found his IPod but it was pretty much useless now, because no one was annoying him. He walked past groups talking and was heading to his next class, he looked at the new girl and heard what she said. "Do you need help?"
She looked to where she heard someone talk and saw a boy there. She saw him in the class she was just in but didn't pay that much attention to him. "Oh...uh...yeah I can't find this...Spanish class." She said showing him the schedule.
"Lucky for you, I'm already headed there," Ashi replied, looking at her schedule and noticed that there were quite a few classes they had together, so he motioned her to follow, avoiding her gaze. He thought that if she saw his yellow eyes she would assume he was a demon or something, and continued walking towards the Spanish room. He wondered why she chose spanish, there were only twelve students in the the whole grade who did so and only one Spanish class.
"Thanks." She said as she followed behind him. "So...uh...what's your name?" she asked him as they walked to the class. Figured she would say something to break the silence and get to know some of the kids here in this school, especially if she wanted to fit in with them and be a normal teenager. Back at Hollywood she didn't really have friends, just other celebrities who say they like so and so on camera but off of camera people didn't generally like each other. At least in her experience it felt that way with former co stars.
"Ashi," He replied, "Ashi Shintaro. And I noticed your lie to those girls about being from Tennessee. You don't exactly have the accent down." He chuckled and walked into class wondering where the hell that came from. He sat in the back near the window again, like usual. "Hey it's the new chick! Shintaro, your first friend's a girl?" Laughed a tan blonde guy sitting on a desk. "I showed her where her class is, that doesn't make us friends."
She blinked at what he said but then he went inside the class before she could respond. She huffed a bit at him accusing her of a lie. She was actually from Tennessee but grew out of her accent for Hollywood. Then she walked in and they seemed to make fun of Ashi for something. She didn't really understand as she just took an empty seat and sat down. She didn't know why she was taking this class since her Limo driver signed her up here. She looked around at the class, pretty small and not a lot of people here. Kinda better than the previous class with more people in it.
"Aww, Ashi? Talk to me I'm here for you? I'm still sorry about your girlfriend, but try to cheer up! She was just too weak for life," The guy began to take it a bit too far, and Ashi shot him a look of anger, then went back to staring out the window, trying to calm himself. "Hey, new girl, what's your name?"
She watched the exchange between the two, it seemed like something personal. She didn't really want to get in the middle of it when she snapped out of it when someone asked her something. "Its uh...Dani." She replied though not really paying attention. She looked over to Ashi who seemed to want to be alone. She was new, she couldn't just get in people's business like that. "I'm Dani."
"Nice to meet you, Dani! I'm Kaseto, but you can call me Seto or Kaset!" He grinned friendly and looked back at Ashi, "She's number 13, we need to make sure she doesn't die." Ashi shot Seto a look and went back to gazing out the window. "Hey Seto, Can you shut up?" Said a girl with a dull face and long, dark blue hair, "I'm trying to do the home work before I get yelled at." Seto looked back at the girl with an urge to tease.
Dani bit her lip. This guy she didn't like already. "I know it's none of my business but maybe you shouldn't tease someone about stuff like that." She said with a slight frown. "Bullies like you are just scum."
"He's not bullying anyone, Dani. You really are unlucky being number thirteen in this class," said the girl, "It's considered unlucky at our school to be number thirteen in an elective with Ashi, that's why it's not considered bullying, because now you're Ashi's responsibility. By the way my name is Luna. Since you already know Seto and Ashi.
Dani raised her brow as she heard that. what was this some kind of supernatural thing going on? She didn't understand at all. "I don't follow, is this like Mystery High or something?" She asked referencing an old High School drama she used to watch when she was younger. It was stupid though, about monsters and ghosts nd mysterious rooms in this school.
"It's not a monster or anything, it's just bad luck," Seto said. Ashi glared at the group and stood for once. "Listen, only one person died in this class and the reason no one comes here isn't because they're all dead! Everyone justs finds this class boring because we don't even learn anything, we just sit around and talk!" Ashi sat back down and stared out the window again, as if he didn't just yell out his thoughts.
Dani looked away, she didn't know what to say. She was still confused about this whole thing. Maybe she picked the wrong school to attend. She could always move and go to a different one. It seemed like forever but it didn't last that long case before she knew it the class had ended and she didn't even know a teacher had come in and tried to teach anything. She stood up and tried to find her next class again, this time being successful since it was just down the hallway.
Ashi began to walk towards Gym, and thought he probably looked like an idiot even trying to talk to her. It was hope that maybe he could get one friend, just one, but he completely ruined it. "Stupid, Stupid! Stupid!" He muttered, banging hisfist onto his head. He sighed in frustration and continued walking, slouching down his shouldersand head as he walked.
Her next class was pretty boring and she didn't pay that much attention to it. She did get called to answer some questions but she only looked like an idiot since she was spacing out. Her mind was preoccupied with a bunch of things. So when this class ended and it was time for lunch she hungrily went to the cafeteria, though the food looked disgusting to her. She decided to go with a salad and then looked around for somewhere to sit.
Ashi sat on the roof alone, eating a sandwich and chips. He occasionally watched the people who were enjoying a game of baseball with their group of friends. He had thought of joining a group, but the only thing he was good at was music, and there wasn't any type of music club he was interested in and it was too hard to start a club that needed three people to start, because he had no friends.
It seemed like the rest of the day at school wasn't very exciting. Dani used to think regular high schools were filled with drama and the like but she hadn't seen any like she hoped. Whe school was over she waited for her limo driver to pick her up though she knew it wouldn't be a limo. She hoped it wasn't some disgusting little car. "This is jot how I thought it wo uld be..the xomplete opposite." She said to herself which was a bad habit. "Maybe my manager was right..:
Ashi began walking home, and not looking both ways before crossing, he was almost hit by a black Mercedes benz. He looked at the car for a second and ran to the other side of the street as shocked as ever, as well as a bit scared.
Before she knew it a car pulled up and her limo driver got out. "Miss Dani" he nodded his head. She looked at the nice car, a black mercedez Benz. He opened the door for her and she looked back and shook her head.

"That's fine I can do it." She said walking and getting in.

"I'm terribly sorry I'm late Miss Dani, some kid just walked out in front of me"

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