Other The search for Passion


New Member
I desperately want to find and pursue my passion, but it saddens me that I have not yet found it. I want to know what to do with my life, what my purpose is and I want to have a direction to go in. I'm trying to explore new interests to find my passion but so far they really only feel like hobbies and because I'm so desperate I try to force passions out of hobbies.

Is anyone else in the same boat as me? Has anyone here found their passion?
Not in the slightest. I don't have even the smallest clue what I want to do with my life, and in fact at the moment I don't want to do anything with it. I've been told this is fairly normal for our age, don't worry ( :) ) It'll come up eventually.
Ah, passions. Sir, you are only 18 years old with plenty of time to find your passion. It is admirable that you are trying new things and testing yourself. That's probably the best way to do it. Just keep pushing yourself and exploring things that spark an interest in you. Also know that a passion is not a forced thing. If you feel like your trying to make yourself want something that you don't really want that's not passion.

Don't, however, confuse a lack of passion with not wanting to do hard work. Sometimes we have a natural passion for things but let the tedious parts get in the way of our fulfilling that passion. Every good thing, even the things we love the most, have difficult, slow, and tedious parts. I'm 23 and still finding my way, but you know what? I've begun to understand myself and have learned more contentment in just being.

Keeping pushing yourself, but don't get so caught up that you forget to enjoy the life your experiencing right now.
Wow, that's well said! Yeah, I'll keep looking, and try not to force passion. I guess I'm just feeling pressure because college is coming up this year, and I'll eventually have to declare a major. I'll try to just go for the ride of life though.
ZHNelsonW said:
Wow, that's well said! Yeah, I'll keep looking, and try not to force passion. I guess I'm just feeling pressure because college is coming up this year, and I'll eventually have to declare a major. I'll try to just go for the ride of life though.
Ah, I get you. Don't worry, you have some time to take classes and find out what you like. I changed my major halfway through!
Tronethiel said:
Ah, I get you. Don't worry, you have some time to take classes and find out what you like. I changed my major halfway through!
Yeah apparently most people do. I'll see how it goes.

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