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One x One The Scoop


New Member

T h e - S c o o p

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Into the fire

Battles are not won by firing ICBMs into a foreign nation, battles are won by the will of the people and it is our job, our responsibility, to keep the people up to date even if it implies the loss of one of our own.

Reckless journalist knows this harsh reality better than most others. He has been at the frontline in Afghanistan, Ukraine and most major conflicts in the past decade. Every inch of his skin had been pierced by grenade's shrapnel, or a dragger in the hand of a suicidal extremist, or even by the sharp edge of a friendly jeep at one point or another. The fact that Alexander Julian, a fellow journalist of the same press, was killed in action last Tuesday in Gaza when an IED exploded near the road in front of the U.S. embassy was regretful. But, "it would not stop me from going in again", he shared.

"I cannot fathom what's next. This time too, he refuses to leave that god forsaken land", Worrywart editor bitterly revealed. As Reckless journalist's personal editor, she has learned first hand for the past five years just how far this man would go to be the first and, more often than not, the only one to bring the hottest scoops to the public mass.

"I fear for his safety", she answered when I asked about the reason why she insisted on taking the first flight to Gaza amid the escalating conflict.

"If this is what it takes, I'll have to drag him out myself"

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death
Robert Fulghum

The roleplay

This is a private roleplay between Heather and Fujihita. Heather will be playing the female worrywart editor. I'll be playing the male reckless journalist. The newspaper extract above will be the reference for the predetermined climax of our roleplay.

We will be acting out the events before and after the above article; more specifically, the time when the two of them are together in the press's office building while he was waiting to be assigned to Gaza, the time when he took a time off from Gaza before he returned to the field and one of his colleague was killed in action, and finally the time when they were both stuck in Gaza when she was convincing him to leave.

The first arc ends when the players have finished getting to know the characters and the world. The second arc ends when the players have finished developing their romantic relationship and ready for the trial to come. The third arc ends when either both of us die, or both of us leave the country safely (or one becomes a lone survivor but we'll not go there for the love of God).
How shall we start this exactly? Do we just start off in the office in the conference or something else? Who should start as well?
I updated the Biography.

Anyways, for the first arc, we'll just do some casual talks about random people and stories we come by. So I'll be submitting the request to be assigned to Gaza via the press's local network and you can see it on your computer. After a bunch of gossips and mundane talks, make sure to bring up the topic about the request to visit yet-another-red-zone.

If you want to invent or narrate something related to my character, you can talk about it here and I'll see if it can be applied.

"Good morning, you forgot your camera in the conference room yesterday, I left it on your desk (1). Erm, about the new article, what were you doing in front of a kid firing a rocket launcher? (2)"

"Oh, thanks. Well, that pic. I mean, he was firing at the allied tank behind me. I'm surprised he could carry that on his tiny shoulder"

"That's not even the point, what were you doing in front of a tank?"

"Doing my job"

or something of the sort...(1) (2) are elements related to my character but narrated by yours.

Okay, I understand now what we will start off doing for the first arc. As I come up with some I shall post them here.

Also, who should start first?
Technically speaking, I haven't even done with the sheet...Either ways, I'll have to get off the lappy soon and start doing some serious IRL work now that the deadline is next Wednesday and I have done jack.

R.I.P. me
Oh I'm so stupid I should of thought that in the first place, my bad. I wish you luck on your work, my friend!
Oops, I didn't see your post there...

I'm sorry, but I don't know how I'm supposed to go on with a reply full of reactions. You didn't give me anything to work on. At the current rate, ending the interaction would be the sensible course of actions but clearly that wouldn't bring us anywhere.
oh I'm sorry. I will fix that when I get back on to my laptop which won't be till tomorrow. I am really sorry about that.

I finally edited my post. I hope this works well for you, and I am sorry that I am terrible. Hope you can forgive me of my mistakes.
The amount of content I can use still hasn't changed although I see you did try to increase the length. Oh well, I'll see what I can do...

In the meanwhile, there's a nice tutorial in the workshop by the name "Blocking the block", I think you'll find it useful to read through at least the first section.
Hey, I feel extremely bad that I just dropped this! I am want to start it up again. I just was overwhelmed and felt bad that I wasn't a good writer compared to you. I hope you can forgive me for that. If not then that's fine I understand. Just let me know.
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