The School


Lady, running down to the riptide
Can we please keep the species and genders evened out? I don't want to have something like 4 female vampires,1 human, 2 male demons, etc. There should be more humans then super naturals anyway seeing this is a public school in modern times.

Girls: 10/10 Boys: 2/10 (I'll give more slots when they are starting to get filled up better...)

Notice: For a while this roleplay will only be accepting males. Sorry ladies >.<

Super Natural Sheet

Name: ... (First and last)

Nicknames: ... (If any)

Gender: ...

Age: ... (14+)

Appears to be: ... (This is optional)

Height: ...

Species: ...

Powers: ... (Don't be over-powerful please. Try to only have 1-5 powers.)

Personality: ...

Appearance: ... (Picture please!)

Pets: ...

Relationship status: ... (Single/dating)

Other: ...

Human Sheet

Name: ... (Full)

Gender: ...

Age: ...

Height: ...

Species: ... (Human)

Personality: ...

Pets: ...

Appearance: ...

Relationship status: ... (Single/dating)

Other: ...

~~~My Character~~~

Name: Eseld Agalia (Pronounced: Ess-Eld Agg-A-Lie-uh)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 5'4

Species: Huldra (They are very beautiful people who look like humans but with a long, slender cow or fox tail. Look up more on Wikipedia)

Tail: Cow (It looks better then you'd think :P )

Powers: Beauty(Which usually causes men to follow/talk to her), Ability to 'tame' wild animals just by being near one, but the animal is only tame to the huldra(I don't know what it's called)

Personality: Kind, sweet, timid, shy, curious, care-free, stubborn at times, sassy or sarcastic at times, more in rp.

Relationship status: Single

Pets: None


(At home)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1917f9e_Eseldthehulra.PNG.2b7b581ad5c29b16f9ce266f24a23ea4.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1917f9e_Eseldthehulra.PNG.2b7b581ad5c29b16f9ce266f24a23ea4.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

At school:



And her shoes are just white Egyptian sandals that lace around her legs till they reach her knee.

Other: She always wears long dresses to hide her long tail. Even then she has to be careful about the length of her tail because it reaches her ankles.

Likes: Hanging out with friends, smiling, hugging/cuddling(Childish, ik), sweets

Dislikes: Fighting, some girls



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Name: Alba Suckorman

Nicknames: Four

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appears to be: ... (This is optional)

Species: She doesn't really have a species but if anything, she's a cyborg.

Powers: X-ray vision, she can hear clear conversations from miles away, and can move things with her mind.

Personality: Quiet, shy, sort of the nerd or geek of the school.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-21_20-50-41.png.5bd2fc5676980b852e464e9b530fc56a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-21_20-50-41.png.5bd2fc5676980b852e464e9b530fc56a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pets: None.

Relationship status: Too shy to date.

Other: None.



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Name: Kazuno Tikoto

Nicknames: Kaz

Gender: Girl

Age: 18

Appears to be: 16/17

Species: Vampire

Powers: Can make people forget.

Personality: Kaz is the most anti-girly girl you'll ever meet. She doesn't care about her hair or nails, she hates shopping, she never wears makeup,

nothing along any of those lines. Although Kaz seems more like a boy than a girl personality wise, she is still very caring. She will help anyone in need. Doesn't matter of she loves you or hates you.


Pets: N/A

Other: Fluffy Bunny
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Name: Drew Natalia Cook

Nicknames: D or Nat

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appears to be: 14

Species: Davea (Can only be summoned in the dark and attacks through shadows cannot travel through extreme light look for more info on wikipeadia)

Personality: Generally does not trust anybody even those who she is close to, and would much rather be alone than having fun with friends. She tries to speak and be seen as little as possible, because of the lack of confidence she has in herself and the fear of being judged by others. Never wears make-up, dresses nice, or goes shopping due to the fact nobody sees her outside of school.

Powers: Invisibility and teleportation

Pets: Blue Australian Mist

Relationship Status: Single



Other: Fluffy Bunny
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Name: Nerissa Stark (Pronounced: Ner-iss-uh)

Nickname(s): (None currently)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 5'5

Species: Human

Relationship status: Single

Personality: Easy-going, shy, nice, casual, quiet, sarcastic at times, sweet, more in rp.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-21_21-37-12.jpeg.19c87897c5901221add159799d3bab21.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-21_21-37-12.jpeg.19c87897c5901221add159799d3bab21.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Daeda Luse

Nicknames: Daedalus

Gender: Non-binary

Age: 3

Appears to be: 16-18

Height: 6'0

Species: Android. Daeda was created for observational observe what, no one has a clue. Not even Daeda.

Powers: Daeda's physical capabilities are all boosted past peak human. Ze is capable of cyberpathically syncing with and controlling machines as well as communicating with them, and releasing electromagnetic energy from hir hands. However, ze is weak whilst touching water. Hir mental cognitions and the like are all extremely great, however, due to hir robotic mind. Telepathic immunity is provided due to this, but it keeps hir out of touch with the real world.

Personality: Daeda is incredibly bad with being social. Ze has no information at all on social cues, and ze's rather cold and blunt about..everything. Making friends isn't hir strong suit, observation is. Ze's rather intelligent though, since hir brain is literally a computer database.



Pets: None.

Relationship status: Single

Other: Water isn't just a 'no powers' weakness. It completely shuts down hir cognition. Expect hir unable to react much at all whilst doused in water.
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Name: Kare Dare Mamoru

Nicknames: ghost, hero(used sarcastically)

Gender: male

Age: 17

Height: five foot eleven

Species: antivista (half human half vampire)

Powers: Hero mode- when certain situations occur his blood will activate his Yokai ancestry turning him serious and giving him increased focus, aim, flexibility, sense, and reflexes.

Personality: calm and laid back.


black hair, blue eyes, and wears black tennis shoes.

Pets: N/A

Relationship status: single

Other: while he doesn't talk much he is some what a silent observer, which has earned him the nickname ghost, he watches and steps in when things usual get too far or he deems that things will take a turn for the worst if he dose not intervene. however he wasn't always like this. he used to help out everyone he could weather it be something small or something big until his actions caught the eyes of full blooded Yokai. they attacked him and his best friend and school beauty was hurt during the fight between him a a couple full blooded Yokai. after the event everyone started to sarcastically call him "hero" which sent him into silence and caused him to be more withdrawn from the world and his old friends. after the incident he started wearing black arm bands that would transform into guns if it is necessary but it would only work if his blood had activated his Yokai ancestry.

Fluffy Bunny
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Name: Benificent Savage

Nicknames: Beni

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 5' 8"

Species: Carpathian (Similar to a vampire but does not kill prey, wiki it for more details)

Powers: Telepathic communication with prey, animals, and other Carpathians. Elemental manipulation but only earth and fire. Healing self of almost all wounds a mild ones on others. She's trying to learn shape shifting but is not very good at it.

Personality: Benificent is usually a very serious person but has a fiery temper when pushed. She mostly deals in sarcasm when made uncomfortable. She has a bit of a noble air that she seems oblivious to but causes others to avoid her at times.


Pets: Jack


Relationship status: Single

Other: Benificent has very strict parents. After school she is usually found at the ballet studio.

Fluffy Bunny


Atlas Randal


None at the Moment...










Invisibility, Telekinesis


Atlas tries to see the good in everyone, all his life never being given a chance has made it a habit for him to do so for others. He loves to see others happy even if he's not in the end, and to make others happy he finds it needed that he must be kind and caring to everyone. Atlas is a sweet guy who always tries his best in school hoping to someday reach his expectations in the end. But behind his smile he's truly broken, his past leaving him with a broken charred soul that none have reached. Atlas can come off odd due to his selflessness this pushing many people away from him, he often can not find his words when talking with someone. But once he trusts you he will be perhaps one of the most loyal people you will meet.




None at the Moment

Relationship status:


Other: ...


Name: Caterina Palomba

Age: 17

Species: preternatural (souless and upon touch can turn supernatural being into humans)

Personality: Rich and some would say spoiled. Always prim and proper as any lady should be. Fashionable and always dons a dress and parasol. She also likes to read drink tea and eat sweets. She is headstrong and fearless. She is highly intelligent and perfer the comforts of the library over going to class. She would be deemed anti-social by most, but the fact is simply it is hard to relate with those not from similar circumstance.

Background: She is born to an Italian father, Alessandro Palomba and a British mother. She has inherited the unusual condition of being super rich yet despising money. This enables her to see past the material world and led her into retreating into the library to take solace in fanasty worlds as evidenced by her victorian fashion sense. She is adept in the art of parasol combat. She writes to cope with being raised in obscurity by an expatriate Brit and an incurable curmudgeon. She escaped small town life and inadvertently acquired several degrees in Higher Learning while still in high school. Ms. Palomba then traveled the historic cities of Europe, subsisting entirely on biscuits secreted in her handbag. She resides in the Colonies with her dog and estranged family, surrounded by fantastic shoes, where she insists on tea imported from London.

Pet: wolf

Relationships: single

Name: Roxus

Gender: male

Age: 17


Species: vampire

Powers: strength speed sight and smell

Personality: roxus is very lay back he doesn't care what happens to him or any other person so he minds his own business say what you want abouit him he just doesn't care


Relationship status: single (again just doesn't care)



Theaphonora Mako (Thea)








Thea is extremely chill and laid back. She loves to listen to dubstep on her spare time and focus on keeping the mind relaxed. She hates keeping Cerragaita in his cage, but she gets to go wild and crazy when he isn't looking or paying any attention whatsoever. She is extremely nice, confident and loves a good laugh. She's a fast runner, a smart thinker, and a strong fighter.


She possesses the power of an ancient prophet-beast named as Cerragaita, and can be one with his soul. Came froma different universe to seek to prey upon another race.

- Virus cells -

These cells are projected through the wrist and down; Touching any mechanical/ electrical object/system will cause it to change into an alien melee weapon, or a long range weapon, depending on it's components.

- Revolvment -

Highly active metal plates that are held together by a magnetic force grant the mech to shift plates to either dodge a highly aware strike/attack, if Cerragaita sees something coming slower than a bullet, it will be able to revolve around on sight.


Never really spent time on master Cerragaita, in which he is just an alien mech seeking vengeance for the loss of his soul. She's had to deal with him her whole life, unfortunately. But other than that, she plans to stick to education and a good time. Perhaps to find love?


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