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Fantasy The School for the Supernatural

Cedric raised a eye brow, he didnt know aaron had gone and done that, then again he hadent even know his name. Still... He couldnt blame the guy for asking almost, he had to admit she looked quite good. Still it explained why he was coming over here in the first place. Aaron was surprised by the sudden assault and his secret exposed so easily so at first he fell to the assault easily. Then he grabbed her arms and threw her off him, while she was stronger then any human untransformed he was stronger then her. He left bruises on her arm and he grabbed her as hard as he could before throwing her. "You lying bitch." He said trying to recover his reputation which was hard to do with blood nose and like he had broken a few bones in his face. "Im gonna ki--" He said till a deadly aura collapsed on the room. The teacher who had been getting up to break up the fight froze in fright like a deer caught in head lights and Aaron was shaking as he looked at Cedric. Cedric who was usually nice a cheerful was now looking at him seemingly disapprovingly but there was power behind his stare. It contained the aura of a hunter that caused many in the room to shiver just from back lash. Cedric was a young vampire but he had a strong blood line. People had only seen him fight once, were he nearly killed 3 vampires without ever getting hit om the first day. He had been trained to fight by his father, who was decently high up in the coven. So releasing this kind of killing intent was easy for him. "You will not do anything aaron, your gonna sit down and shut up or your gonna fight me, do you believe your strong enough to do that aaron?" Aaron shook his head no quickly, he was a punk. Not a fighter like Cedric. And he feared the man who could stop him with a glance. He sent one last glare at Hayden before getting up and walking off. Cedric looked at the teacher. "Its been resolved, we will start the project now." The teacher sat down quickly while Cedric walked over to hayden. "Hey are you alright?" He asked, unaware many girls in the room were all but swooning over him and his performance. His voice was half concerned half amused.
Paul, walked back into the library to his couch, spitting at the ground "cowards, using the bell as an excuse to stop fighting. I'll get them all later, but that big guy is a bit too protective, he should know better than to try and interrupt a fight". Laying back down with the book over his face again, he waited for the bell. While resting he reviewed everything he'd seen in the fight. "That big guy, he's obviously not using agility, more strength than speed, he also seems to make sure he has the upper hand when fighting either a werewolf or a vampire. I'll definitely have to use speed to beat him, pepper him with lighter attacks then hit him with all my might to finish him off. The girl is the polar opposite, she's light on her feet but she doesn't look like she could take much of a hit, I'll have to check up on that. If I'm right it'll only take one good hit to take her out, I've just gotta catch her first. And if I'm wrong about both of them then I'll have to go all out again". He grinned, assuring himself that he had the next fight in the bag.
"A few bruises but nothing I'm not used to. I'll be fine," Hayden said softly as she looked up at him, wondering why he practically just protected her. "Thanks," she said before noticing the other girls. "I think they want you," she said with a hint of sadness and jealousy in her voice as she pointed to them.
He looked back at the several people behind him and shrugged. "Ahh they can wait, besides we got a project to do." He said with a small grin. "Still even though aaron did that he was aiming for me that time, you didnt have to defend me." He said softly as he looked at the bruises on her arms. He had noticed sadness and surprisingly jealousy in her voice. Suddenly he went and lightly kissed one of her bruises then the other then looked up with a smile. "My mom always did that whenever i got hurt, feel any better."
Hayden blushed light red and looked down. "I don't like when people mess with my friends," she said quietly. Her blush became darker when he kissed the bruises and she nodded slightly as an answer. "Yea," she said truthfully, once again her shy nature coming out.
"So im your friend already, even if i am a vampire." He said with a light tease. Several girls were looking on in envy but he didnt seem to mind them, right now his attention was on you. "Good, it always helped me back then too." He said with a smile.
"To be honest, I really don't care about that," Hayden said softly as she glanced at them. Rolling her eyes slightly, she went back to her desk, ignoring the pain that shot through her back from the impact of Aaron throwing her.
"I dont really ethier." He said with a small grin. He walked over and sat down as well and started the lab. The lab itself was about difference in temperatures and you had two chemicals and you were supposed to add chemical to chemical one till you got a certain boiling point.
Hayden smiled slightly and put her safety goggles on before starting to do the lab. Every now and then there would be an occasional pain that shot through her back but she made a habit out of ignoring it the best she could.
Rangvaldr left his room as he headed towards the weight room. He did at least a hour of weights and another hour of physical excessive a day to keep himself in his peak condition. While he was as able as most when it came to agility even with his vampiric speed he was a big target. His only real advantage there was the armor he wore. A werewolf had a chance of touching every 5th link witch had been coated in silver. A Vampire had to be careful not to touch every 4th link, witch bore a single Holy symbol. He had been considered a enforcer for a few hundred years as he tired of the war and could not understand why the races normally hated each other. As long as you left Rangvaldr alone for the most part he would leave you alone.
Getting up once again from his couch, Paul went out into the halls looking for either Rangvaldr. "I'll take on the big guy first, he'll probably be the hardest to beat so I need to be in good condition to fight him". Paul had fought men much bigger than himself, even before becoming a werewolf, but few match the size of Rangvaldr and none could match his probable skill.
( Rangvaldr pretty much tag teamed Paul and is doing workouts instead of classes because of previous education. He is here to keep everyone alive. or undead if your vampiric. There is a big argument in the science class thought. )
(Ok let me think of my post) 
Nichole ran as fast as she could to class. "Oh gosh! How did I get so lost in my book?! Why didnt you tell me rei?!" Her bat screeched flying next to her. Nichole ran faster and skidded to a stop in front of the door. She fixed her sweater and skirt sighing. Her sweater sleeves draped over her hands some. "Thanks rei."she said. Rei landed on her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek. Nichole patted him and walked in. She tiptoed to an empty desk hoping she didnt get caught. Nichole had her hair in a ponytail, her sweater was black and a bit big on her, she wore a red and black skirt, a black choker, purple stockings, and black knee length boots.
( Got to go for a while. Family dinner. Assume Rangvaldr is doing weights and Physical Exercise for a while. )
(Cya fire) 
Nichole blinked seeing no one paying attention. and she was sitting near the window. The gears started to turn. Nichole got a sly grin and sneakily opened the window and climbed out. Then held her hand out for rei. Rei landed in her hand and nichole closed the window. She was hungry. Good thing she had some fruit to hold her over. Nichole hummed climbing up to the roof and sat on it eating her fruit. And gave rei his blood bag.
As Paul walked around he noticed Nichole on top of the roof. "Well well well, at least there's one person who shares at least one of my values." He climbed up to roof as well and calmly walked toward Nichole.
Nichole blinked and said"um hello? Who are you?" Before eating some more pomegranate. She spit out the seeds and smiled finishing. then nichole took out some fresh juicy red strawberries. Paul would notice she mostly just ate red fruit. Rei finished his blood bag and screeched. Nichole petted him and giggled.
"My name's Paul, how about you". When the bat screeched, Paul gave her a strange look "do you, uh, usually have a bat around you?"
Nichole said"my name is nichole! Nice to meet cha!" Smiling. She smiled letting rei land on her finger. "Hes my best friend so of course I do."
"You know what, I ain't gonna judge. After all, my best friends are usually my bed and one of the couches in the library. Of course, those spots are too obvious when skipping out on class". He laid down next to her "I guess the roof is the next best thing."

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