The Safehaven (OOC)

Alright! Chatter and such! So, I'll be posting an introduction to the world our characters exist in here shortly, okay? From there, I'd like to start a post cycle with the following turn order:





If you have any qualms with this turn order, tell me. The more communication we have in the group, the sooner we can settle disputes that arise.

EDIT: Just because I'm posting the introduction doesn't mean the roleplay is officially beginning. We're still waiting to get everyone ready and together.
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Would you prefer to be earlier in the order? I figured I'd assign it by the order of who contacted me for the RP. If you have a better method, I'd appreciate it.
Would you prefer to be earlier in the order? I figured I'd assign it by the order of who contacted me for the RP. If you have a better method, I'd appreciate it.

I mean I figured that was the case but I though that you would've used something such as a random order generator. (I can deal though >.>)
Woo! Go Paxon! Haha Skye did a very dumb thing. I wouldn't be surprised if he got shot for that... Wouldn't mind if it were fatal, though, I could perhaps make a new character who suffered a similar fate as the others, maybe from the zombie raid a few blocks over or something of the sort?
One question, cursing, is it allowed? I'm just gonna ask before I begin to post.
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@Reaper 1-1 George cusses like a sailor if you haven't noticed. If the GM cusses, go ahead.

@Noivian Fear not. Skye will NOT be killed in this situation. I can't say for sure in any future encounters, though. Just so you're aware and can write the story/post accordingly, the sniper is going to panic with Skye's sudden attack on his nest. He'll get shot through a wing, but it won't be fatal. Perhaps it'll ground him for a week or two, but he'll live.

Regarding that, the sniper's shot will hit Skye, but it won't stop his momentum. So, if you maybe wanna dive bomb the bastard and wrestle with him, be my guest.
Talons to the shoulders? Probably some bad bleeding, but nothing debilitating.
XD I think I'm doing a crappy job, so it's great that someone enjoys my writing! :D  
I'm sorry to interrupt the flow my friends, I'm feeling rather abysmal tonight and I can't continue. 
When that zombie apocalypse hits but you're horrible at drawing...

Noivian stop that, you're not terrible at anything you do. You're great. Helluva lot better than I am, c'mon have some self confidence. 
No! I was going to do that! Gaaah! This is what I get for playing Starbound instead of drawing...
Seriously though, oh my gosh that's so cute. Here I was drawing Paxon.
Confidence is literally the least... if my personality was like a skills sheet, confidence would be like a 2 out of 10. Maybe less.
Well then let's try to change that, yeah? You're a great person who creates great things.

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