The Runaways












Why run away?


@Amanda Cromwell

Victoria Throne



Victoria J Throne











-Partygirl,Bitchy,Dramatic,Drinker,Very Flirty


Victoria was born on May 6th 1997 in Los Angeles. Her mother Jennifer Throne is from the Dominican Republic and her father Nick Throne is from New York. When she turn 5 she moved in a new house in VA her her mother and father and her sister in a nice house. When she turned 9 Victoria was rapped by her father and her mother was getting beat. All her life she been a fighter to fight off being rapped. When she turned sixteen her father came up to her room and rapped her even more she then realized it was time to fight back so she grabbed and lamp and slammed it against is head. She then got up and realize there was blood all over the place. She puts on her clothes and grab so,e food and water and her bag and ran out her house. She hopes that the police never finds her ever.





Play guitar

Having fun



Having Sex


Being Rapped

Vibe Killers

The Po Po/Police








Why run away?

Killed Nick Throne


Good Fighting Skills

Can Run Really Fast

Good Lier


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[QUOTE="Amanda Cromwell]

Victoria Throne



Victoria J Throne











-Partygirl,Bitchy,Dramatic,Drinker,Very Flirty


Victoria was born on May 6th 1997 in Los Angeles. Her mother Jennifer Throne is from the Dominican Republic and her father Nick Throne is from New York. When she turn 5 she moved in a new house in VA her her mother and father and her sister in a nice house. When she turned 9 Victoria was rapped by her father and her mother was getting beat. All her life she been a fighter to fight off being rapped. When she turned sixteen her father came up to her room and rapped her even more she then realized it was time to fight back so she grabbed and lamp and slammed it against is head. She then got up and realize there was blood all over the place. She puts on her clothes and grab so,e food and water and her bag and ran out her house. She hopes that the police never finds her ever.





Play guitar

Having fun



Having Sex


Being Rapped

Vibe Killers

The Po Po/Police





Let's wait and see



Why run away?

Killed Nick Throne


Good Fighting Skills

Can Run Really Fast

Good Lier


Accepted you can start if you like or wait until everyone joins
Name: James "Jay" Williams

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Sexuality: Straight

Personality: +Nice, +Eccentric, +Outgoing, +Great Driver

-Smoker -Bi-Polar -Emotional -Depressed

Backstory: He was born into a poor family and his mom had custody of him. His dad had money and only saw him for 2 days every 2 weeks. He had a twin brother who he fought with since before he could remember. Hehad bad grades in school but was always smart, he just goofed off alot. One day his friend came over to his moms house and brought drugs. He and his friend went into the back yard and smoked weed. His mom figured out but didnt care and tried it herself. She got weird after that. She had always been abusive towards him and his brother and he hated her. One day they got into a terrible fight over Jay wanting to leave with his best friend to Ohio then she called his dad. He then lived with his dad for a year soon after his mom hung herself and he was depressed. Then her got into his RV and picked up his friends and ran away.

Likes: Smoking Partying Girls Converses

Dislikes: Suicide Assholes Depression

Crush: Noone yet


Why run away? His moms suicide and major depression Guitarist

Specialties: Fighter Great driver Charming Smart
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Shiloh Harmony Mason

  • peyton-list-licking-an-ice-cream_1.jpg



FrankieLynn said:
Shiloh Harmony Mason

  • peyton-list-licking-an-ice-cream_1.jpg



Yes please use a human picture
Name: Carter Medass

Gender: Male

Age: 19


Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: A caring and trustworthy person, unless you don't know him. He can lie to anyone with his adult looks and mature way of acting, he's very deceiving. Considering that he lied to people very often to get his friends alcohol, drugs and other things, if a friend lies to him he will lose a lot of trust in them. As well as his dislike for fighting, he will if he has too, and is very good at it. Just don't annoy Carter, and you'll be fine.

Backstory: Carter wasn't particularly popular when he was younger, with a last name like Medass, you can guess how much he was made fun of. At the age of 17 he beat up another man, nearly killed him and was almost arrested. He is usually very calm now, and will do anything for his friends. His loyalty to his friends comes from his family's ignorance to him. Sure, they spoilt him but they didn't love him like they loved his sister. They were very accepting of his sexuality, only because it didn't affect them.

Likes: Reading, drinking, talking to friends. Firing his revolver.

Dislikes: fighting, singing, rugby

Crush: None as of yet...

BF/GF Not yet...

Why run away? To travel with his friends, leave his bad memories of his childhood behind.

Specialties: practically the perfect liar, and a lovable personality. Most people find it difficult to not confide in him in times of trouble, as he has great solutions for most problems. One of his solutions might be fighting, however, so it might be best to talk him out of that idea. A great fighter, if you couldn't tell, but he can be angered easily over certain subjects.
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TheMentalEagle said:
Name: Carter Medass
Gender: Male

Age: 19


Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: A caring and trustworthy person, unless you don't know him. He can lie to anyone with his adult looks and mature way of acting, he's very deceiving.

Backstory: Carter wasn't particularly popular when he was younger, with a last name like Medass, you can guess how much he was made fun of. At the age of 17 he beat up another man, and was almost arrested. He is usually very calm now, and will do anything for his friends.

Likes: Reading, drinking, talking to friends.

Dislikes: fighting, singing, rugby

Crush: N/A


Why run away? To travel with his friends.

Specialties: practically the perfect liar, and a lovable personality. Most people find it difficult to not confide in him in times of trouble, as he has great solutions for most problems.
Name: Aster Seymore

Gender: Female

Age: 16



Sexuality: Demisexual


+Protective,+Meticulous,+Observant,+ Decisive,+Reasonable,-Overconfident,-High Temper,-Impatient,-Introvert,-Sarcastic

Usually she is quiet and regularly uses a polite manner of speech. Plus, she rarely opens up to people besides her close friends in which she can be protective of and would constantly worry of their well being. Aster is mostly observant to her surroundings, noticing little details and would be meticulous in everything she does. She is always reasonable and is not in any way indecisive. However, she can be overconfident at times and sort of sarcastic. She has a high temper that can be caused by pushing the wrong buttons or testing her slight impatience. Still, it can be rather easy to calm her down.


When Aster was forteen, her mother, Celinda Seymore was finally pregnant with her younger sibling which had already determined to be a male and had loved him more than she had loved Aster. Upon the death of Alvin Seymore, her father, Celinda went into a depressed state but tried to take care of unborn child and fully ignored her daughter. Unfortunately, she had gotten a miscarriage and put all of her misfortune on Aster. Celinda forced her into prostitution and would daily look for clients.

In school, none of the students were aware of her situation except her close friends in which mysteriously she felt comfoftable with. On one instance, there was a teacher who knew her prostitution affairs and tried to rape her, claiming she needs to be dedicated on her 'job'.

Likes:Night sky, Bubbles.

Dislikes:Arguments, Perfume, Threats.

Crush: Adding later...

BF/GF: Available

Why run away?: Does not want to do anymore prositution jobs.


Intelligence and


  • She surprisingly excels in both her academics and co-curricular activities at school thus the other students not noticing there is even a problem in her household. She is especially great in acrobatics.
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Altheaire said:
Name: Aster Seymore
Gender: Female

Age: 16



Sexuality: Demisexual


+Protective,+Meticulous,+Observant,+ Decisive,+Reasonable,-Overconfident,-High Temper,-Impatient,-Introvert,-Sarcastic


When Aster was forteen, her mother, Celinda Seymore was finally pregnant with her younger sibling which had already determined to be a male and had loved him more than she had loved Aster. Upon the death of Alvin Seymore, her father, Celinda went into a depressed state but tried to take care of unborn child and fully ignored her daughter. Unfortunately, she had gotten a miscarriage and put all of her misfortune on Aster. Celinda forced her into prostitution and would daily look for clients.

In school, none of the students were aware of her situation except her close friends in which mysteriously she felt comfoftable with. On one instance, there was a teacher who knew her prostitution affairs and tried to rape her, claiming she needs to be dedicated on her 'job'.

Likes:Night sky, Bubbles.

Dislikes:Arguments, Perfume, Threats.

Crush: Adding later...

BF/GF: Available

Why run away?: Does not want to do anymore prositution jobs.


Intelligence and Athletic

  • She surprisingly excels in both her academics and co-curricular activities at school thus the other students not noticing there is even a problem in her household. She especially great in acrobatics.
Name: Heart Carver

Gender: Female



She has a septum and lip piercing.


Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: + Boyishly feminine, + Artistic



+ Tough


+ Protective

- Dominant





Backstory: Heart grew up with four sisters, all who were very feminine. They were upper class citizens who lived in a nice house and wore the finest of brands. Her parents were obsessed with gender roles, her mother being a beauty queen and such . They were very upset when Heart was more masculine than her sisters, the girl preferring to run around in the woods instead of Barbies, wearing cheap overalls instead of dresses and skirts. Heart's parents would avoid her for a while, hoping the girl would slowly adapt to what they called beauty. She would relish her parents negligence, turning to partying, smoking, clubs, at which she met the first person she had a crush on; a woman five years older named Amelia. One day, her oldest sister went to one of Heart's favorite clubs and saw her kissing Amelia. The sister immediately told her parents, Mrs and Mr. Carver horrified at their little girl's sexuality and habits. They rejected Heart and since then she'd been living on the streets .

Likes: Partying/Clubbing, fighting, smoking, intimacy, threating, dancing and singing, thunderstorms, swearing,rock music.

Dislikes: Beets, being quiet, being tied up, homophobes, country music, organization, children, not being allowed to swear, being forced to do something.

Crush: Victoria

BF/GF: Develop within RP or PM.

Specialties: Heart is easily the most skilled fighter within the group.

She is a talented singer and dancer

She is a great strategist

She's a pretty good cook .

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Name: Cody Isacco

Gender: Male

Age: 17





Cody is a rebel. He doesn't do anything to please anyone. He doesn't do well with authorities and gets into plenty of trouble on his own. He is quiet, not because he is shy but because he is planning. He is seen as not the brightest person around, but do not let that deceive you. He is very intelligent and observant. He has a tough shell that if you can get through it, you will see that he is sweet and polite. He doesn't like most people and has a very limited view of society. In his mind, there are always two sides to everything and nothing good can from it.


Cody was born to two young adults who had not yet decided what they wanted to do with their life. As he grew up, he found that most of their attention was more focused on their jobs and not on him. They didn't care what he did in school and were away a lot. He found that he could get away with a lot of things and decided that he would make a reputation of being a troublemaker, when in secret he studied. He studied anything he could. He did not want to end up like his parents and he most certainly did not want to ignore any of his future kids. He was an only child and still felt alone. After a while, he decided that he did not want to feel the loneliness of his childhood again and braved his way into talking to the first girl he saw. They soon became best friends and some teased them that they would make a cute couple. He denied it and ignored them. Even then, he knew that he had a crush on her. He would never admit to it though. He wouldn't admit that when they held hands, he enjoyed. It was just something his reputation and he himself would not allow.

Likes: Pranks, studying, walking, hiding and reading (would never admit to it though)

Dislikes: Goody two shoes, teachers, school, educational systems and fast food restaurants.

Crush: Best friend.

BF/GF: None

Why run away?

An act of defiance




Zaffre Blue]Name: Heart Carver Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=" said:


She has a septum and lip piercing.


Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: + Boyishly feminine, + Artistic



+ Tough


+ Protective

- Dominant





Backstory: Heart grew up with four sisters, all who were very feminine. They were upper class citizens who lived in a nice house and wore the finest of brands. Her parents were obsessed with gender roles, her mother being a beauty queen and such . They were very upset when Heart was more masculine than her sisters, the girl preferring to run around in the woods instead of Barbies, wearing cheap overalls instead of dresses and skirts. Heart's parents would avoid her for a while, hoping the girl would slowly adapt to what they called beauty. She would relish her parents negligence, turning to partying, smoking, clubs, at which she met the first person she had a crush on; a woman five years older named Amelia. One day, her oldest sister went to one of Heart's favorite clubs and saw her kissing Amelia. The sister immediately told her parents, Mrs and Mr. Carver horrified at their little girl's sexuality and habits. They rejected Heart and since then she'd been living on the streets .

Likes: Partying/Clubbing, fighting, smoking, intimacy, threating, dancing and singing, thunderstorms, swearing,rock music.

Dislikes: Beets, being quiet, being tied up, homophobes, country music, organization, children, not being allowed to swear, being forced to do something.

Crush: Victoria

BF/GF: Develop within RP or PM.

Specialties: Heart is easily the most skilled fighter within the group.

She is a talented singer and dancer

She is a great strategist

She's a pretty good cook .



Mayumi said:
Name: Cody Isacco
Gender: Male

Age: 17





Cody is a rebel. He doesn't do anything to please anyone. He doesn't do well with authorities and gets into plenty of trouble on his own. He is quiet, not because he is shy but because he is planning. He is seen as not the brightest person around, but do not let that deceive you. He is very intelligent and observant. He has a tough shell that if you can get through it, you will see that he is sweet and polite. He doesn't like most people and has a very limited view of society. In his mind, there are always two sides to everything and nothing good can from it.


Cody was born to two young adults who had not yet decided what they wanted to do with their life. As he grew up, he found that most of their attention was more focused on their jobs and not on him. They didn't care what he did in school and were away a lot. He found that he could get away with a lot of things and decided that he would make a reputation of being a troublemaker, when in secret he studied. He studied anything he could. He did not want to end up like his parents and he most certainly did not want to ignore any of his future kids. He was an only child and still felt alone. After a while, he decided that he did not want to feel the loneliness of his childhood again and braved his way into talking to the first girl he saw. They soon became best friends and some teased them that they would make a cute couple. He denied it and ignored them. Even then, he knew that he had a crush on her. He would never admit to it though. He wouldn't admit that when they held hands, he enjoyed. It was just something his reputation and he himself would not allow.

Likes: Pranks, studying, walking, hiding and reading (would never admit to it though)

Dislikes: Goody two shoes, teachers, school, educational systems and fast food restaurants.

Crush: Best friend.

BF/GF: None

Why run away?

An act of defiance




Austin Garrett Reinhardt

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Appearance: Austin Garrett would most likely be described as rather lanky, with both a muscular yet slight figure. Tattoos coat his arms, crawling up in dark shapes up to his neck, accompanied with several facial piercings including a septum, eyebrow loop, and multiple of his lip; not to also mention his rather large gauges in each ear. He has white blonde hair that is generally seen in a light mohawk fashion, being shorter in the back and quite long near the front. Occasionally he dies it, but that is rather rare. He has green eyes and pale skin, with a rather thin figure and flat-jawed facial structure. Austin has a rather oval-shaped face, with almonds for eyes and a chin that falls in a quaint point. He prefers tight clothing of usually darker hues to accentuate his lighter tone and bring it out from such contrast. He has a strong liking with large and baggy jackets.


Austin Garrett is a rather strange individual, and one would note that he would rather write to speak than become verbal. He doesn't like to do as such unless completely and utterly necessary, or when with someone he trusts, which isn't often. He has a tough time learning to trust people as well. He is quite the introvert, but does possess some extroverted qualities as well. He tends to read people quite in depth upon meeting. He tends to be romantically blind, but does know how to flirt. Because he doesn't talk much, when angered, Austin gets quite physical. Despite his rather quiet composure, he just really loves someone to 'talk' to.

Backstory: Austin Garrett's extreme anxiety and recurring nightmares all stem back from his early childhood, something deeply cognitive and psychoanalytical, as well as finally something very biopsychological. He was an orphan who lived in a foster home based around technology. They had an entire room just for stereos, televisions, computers, and all other electrical devices that fall in between. One day, however, he was in the peak of his hacking career, he was smoking in the technology room when he set down his cigarette because of having to do a PC process with two hands. He had, however, accidentally set the smoking implement down on some notes, as it was in the darkness of night. Unfortunately, there was also alcohol in the picture. So, with a sparking ignition, the house caught itself in a blazing inferno with copious amounts of thick, black smoke. Austin, the only one being in the house at the time, had set the entire house ablaze and had almost nearly not escaped from the burning building. He had suffered many terrible burns as well as a case of smoke inhalation thus permanently affecting his speech and throat. Despite such a scarring event and permanent damage, Austin Garrett still smokes and drinks, despite the pain that it brings him for his throat. He can't help it, because of his addiction. He had to make at least some change, however, so, with quite a bit of research, he invested himself in e-cigarettes rather than traditional ones.



+ Writing

+ Technology

+ Being active

+ Reading

+ Smoking/drinking


- Speaking

- Fire/smoke/steam

- His immune system/being sick

- The nightmares his dreams fabricate

- Annoyances

Crush: ---

BF/GF: ---

Reason for Runaway:
*read biography* Austin Garrett was both a hacker as well as a technological criminal master mind. He has the ability to hack into the must secure computers and practically control wiring and electricity, as well as animation of otherwise inanimate machines to do his bidding. With the memory of an elephant, he can recall names, phone numbers and dial tones, personalities, etc. and use them for a deadly advantage. He is also a (falsely) suspected arsonist. Once caught, he escaped his house and became a runaway.


Austin always has a notebook or whiteboard on hand for speaking. He is also fluent in ASL. He has severe asthma and also usually keeps an inhaler with him. He is very susceptible to many respiratory diseases/illnesses, with pneumonia, bronchitis, and byssinosis being the most usual.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Austin Garrett ReinhardtGender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Appearance: Austin Garrett would most likely be described as rather lanky, with both a muscular yet slight figure. Tattoos coat his arms, crawling up in dark shapes up to his neck, accompanied with several facial piercings including a septum, eyebrow loop, and multiple of his lip; not to also mention his rather large gauges in each ear. He has white blonde hair that is generally seen in a light mohawk fashion, being shorter in the back and quite long near the front. Occasionally he dies it, but that is rather rare. He has green eyes and pale skin, with a rather thin figure and flat-jawed facial structure. Austin has a rather oval-shaped face, with almonds for eyes and a chin that falls in a quaint point. He prefers tight clothing of usually darker hues to accentuate his lighter tone and bring it out from such contrast. He has a strong liking with large and baggy jackets.


Austin Garrett is a rather strange individual, and one would note that he would rather write to speak than become verbal. He doesn't like to do as such unless completely and utterly necessary, or when with someone he trusts, which isn't often. He has a tough time learning to trust people as well. He is quite the introvert, but does possess some extroverted qualities as well. He tends to read people quite in depth upon meeting. He tends to be romantically blind, but does know how to flirt. Because he doesn't talk much, when angered, Austin gets quite physical. Despite his rather quiet composure, he just really loves someone to 'talk' to.

Backstory: Austin Garrett's extreme anxiety and recurring nightmares all stem back from his early childhood, something deeply cognitive and psychoanalytical, as well as finally something very biopsychological. He was an orphan who lived in a foster home based around technology. They had an entire room just for stereos, televisions, computers, and all other electrical devices that fall in between. One day, however, he was in the peak of his hacking career, he was smoking in the technology room when he set down his cigarette because of having to do a PC process with two hands. He had, however, accidentally set the smoking implement down on some notes, as it was in the darkness of night. Unfortunately, there was also alcohol in the picture. So, with a sparking ignition, the house caught itself in a blazing inferno with copious amounts of thick, black smoke. Austin, the only one being in the house at the time, had set the entire house ablaze and had almost nearly not escaped from the burning building. He had suffered many terrible burns as well as a case of smoke inhalation thus permanently affecting his speech and throat. Despite such a scarring event and permanent damage, Austin Garrett still smokes and drinks, despite the pain that it brings him for his throat. He can't help it, because of his addiction. He had to make at least some change, however, so, with quite a bit of research, he invested himself in e-cigarettes rather than traditional ones.



+ Writing

+ Technology

+ Being active

+ Reading

+ Smoking/drinking


- Speaking

- Fire/smoke/steam

- His immune system/being sick

- The nightmares his dreams fabricate

- Annoyances

Crush: N/A


Reason for Runaway: *read biography* Austin Garrett was both a hacker as well as a technological criminal master mind. He has the ability to hack into the must secure computers and practically control wiring and electricity, as well as animation of otherwise inanimate machines to do his bidding. With the memory of an elephant, he can recall names, phone numbers and dial tones, personalities, etc. and use them for a deadly advantage. He is also a (falsely) suspected arsonist. Once caught, he escaped his house and became a runaway.


Other: Austin always has a notebook or whiteboard on hand for speaking. He is also fluent in ASL. He has severe asthma and also usually keeps an inhaler with him. He is very susceptible to many respiratory diseases/illnesses, with pneumonia, bronchitis, and byssinosis being the most usual.
Accepted and if anyone wants to make 2 characters thats fine
Name:Arizona Parker

Gender: Female

Age:17(Foster kid)




Personality: She has a gypsy soul and an I am down for whatever personality. She loves to laugh and have an all around great time. She is focused and intelligent at school when she decides to be. She is a lover, but a hell of a fighter if it comes to that. She has a barrier up because she is not very trusting.

History: Foster child tossed around until the Parker family adopted her, she is rebellious and hard to handle. However, once she got used to the environment, she slowly started making her tight knit group of friends. She decided to move to Europe after high school graduation, but since the proposition of going cross country came up she decided to wait. She usually does not let anything hold her back from getting what she wants, and is unapologetically herself.

Skills: She is artistic, tough, rebellious, and can handle stress/ pressure well.

Specialties: She can be manipulative (especially with men), fast, witty, and quick to handle emergent situations.

Weaknesses: emotional, impulsive, and risky

Why run away?" Why not run away, lets adventure."

Crush:Jay, she flirts, and tries to understand him. @LunarShines

Others: piercings on her ears, one tattoo on her foot.
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