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Realistic or Modern The Runaways CS (A sibling based RP)

Crimson Rose

Elder Member

Quote, something:






Realistic Face claim:

Any details that you want to include that the picture might not have?:



Opt bio:

(For Half siblings.) What happened to your character’s mother?:

(For step-sister) What happened to your character’s father?:

(Friend or cousin) Why are they running away?:

Medical issues?:

What items would they take with them?:





Quote, Something:
"I'm cute people will believe me"

Name: Kimiko Lee

Nickname: Kimi, Kimi-chan

Age: 7 years

Gender: Female

Grade: 2nd grade

Ethnicity: Caucasian/Japanese with a hint of Korean. ( Her Mom was Japanese/Korean)


Any details that you want to include that the picture might not have?: Not at the moment.

Kimiko is a very clever young seven-year-old. Who has ways of getting what she wants quite easily most of the time? How so one may ask? By using the power of her cuteness. It is quite a powerful weapon she’s learned to master. Kimi being the rather difficult child that she is doesn’t like to be treated like a child and is at that age where she claims things are for babies like her little brother, and will often try to do things she shouldn’t be doing at her age such as stealing money or food from people off the street on her way home from school. If you expect her to do something for you, you better have at least two cookies or some candy to give. If someone tells her later on something she will start charging you interest on her sweets! Her interest rate raises 10 % every twenty minutes!

Despite being a low key seven-year-old con artist in the works Kimiko is still just a kid who still gets spooked over things easily. That can be rather sweet and caring for who she chooses.

Quirks: She is secretly very sensitive. Also, the reason she became who she is now is that someone left her alone with a crime show marathon on tv for like four hours when she was younger.

(For Half siblings.) What happened to your character’s mother?: Her mother supposedly didn’t want her and abandoned Kimiko with her father before outing out of their lives. It is unknown about what happened to her mother.

Medical issues?: Mild separation anxiety disorder, and anemia

What items would she take with her?: A few sets of clothing, her sailor costume that resembles a Japanese middle schoolers outfit. A small coin purse that can hold around 40 dollars but it is full of candy and some lamb plush she’s had since she was an infant.

Likes: Candy, sugar, riding a bike, streams of water.

Dislikes: Dad, the stepmom, being told what to do, being told she’s too young.

Hobbies: Does being a con artist count as a hobby?

Other: Kumiko not really knowing her mother, only knows English.​
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Quote, something: Wip

Name: Lane Taylor

Nickname: Lanie

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Realistic Face claim: See picture attached

Any details that you want to include that the picture might not have?: not at the moment

Personality: Kind to people she likes, stubborn, sarcastic, Hot-headed, determined, tough, and protective

Quirks: When she lies you can tell because she plays with her hair

Opt bio: Wip

(For Half siblings.) What happened to your character’s mother?: She died from cancer

Medical issues?: Diabetic

What items would they take with them?: 500 dollars in cash, a bag filled with some clothes, insulin, a Lancet device, and a diamond necklace belonging to her mother.

Likes: Marshmallows and hot chocolate, her siblings, her friend, skate boarding, and watching sports

Dislikes: Storms, her father, step mother, step sister, scary movies, and shellfish

Hobbies: Skate boarding

Other: not at the moment


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Quote, something:
"If you want something, Take it. If you can't have it, Break it."

Kim Jae-Seon

Jason Or Jay



Half Korean/American

Realistic Face claim:


Any details that you want to include that the picture might not have?:

Jae- Seon used to be a very calm and collected person who would always do anything for his siblings, even going as far as take any punishment that was gonna be inflicted into his younger siblings. But through this hardship, it sharpened his skills and personality. He even started to steal, it being from food or clothes or money, heck even stealing candy just so that his younger siblings would eat something sweet. Ask him to steal something and he will steal it for you.

Often chewing bubblegum or biting his lips.

Opt bio:

(For Half siblings.) What happened to your character’s mother?:
He was left with grandparents after his mother death at the age of 5. Eventually his parents wouldn't be able to take care of him for so long, so they dropped him off with his father.

(For step-sister) What happened to your character’s father?:

(Friend or cousin) Why are they running away?:

Medical issues?:

What items would they take with them?:
His lucky Multi Tool charge TtI titanium, a military backpack, a knife he stole from his father before leaving


Likes: Sleeping, His siblings

Dislikes: Father, step mother,

Hobbies: Does Stealing count??? Cleaning his multi tool


"Every door has a key, even if that key is a crowbar."

Anthony T. DeLane

"Tony" "T.T."

"You can drink at any age, if you think about it."


"Yeeaaah I don't really mess with that 'percent' stuff."

Anthony is a bad boy type. He likes making messes, picking fights, and just generally being 'that guy.' However, he sticks to a very strict code of ethics. He refuses to do anything bad in front of his younger siblings, and most kids in general. Besides that, he would do just about anything to help out his family.

Unfortunately, he has some issues with abandonment. He's worried he'll lose his siblings at any moment if he doesn't do things right.

Will pick up loose objects where he can find them. Carries a lighter and a pack of cards everywhere.

(Friend or cousin) Why are they running away?:
Anthony has never had an issue leaving the house. He's never really cared for his parents or aunts/uncles. However, he feels a great sense of duty when it comes to his cousins, since he knows how bad things are for them. He doesn't have it in him to tell them what they should do, so he follows them to make sure they don't get hurt.

Medical issues?:
Anthony has bad vision, and is in desperate need of glasses. He refuses to get them.

What items would they take with them?:

Playing cards, exploring new areas, swimming

Slow days, cold weather, tight spaces

Swimming, skating, spray-painting

Ah, eyo Rose. I was just casually looking around... saw, your name in this RP thread. And just uh, well... was glad to see that you're okay.

And for me, I have been pretty alright actually, though I tend to not RP here as much as I used too.
Ah, eyo Rose. I was just casually looking around... saw, your name in this RP thread. And just uh, well... was glad to see that you're okay.

And for me, I have been pretty alright actually, though I tend to not RP here as much as I used too.
glad to see your okay too haven't heard from you in a while either or have seen your name as much anymore! Gonna send you a pm! :3
Quote, something: Here's to never growing up.

Name: Cassidy

Nickname: Cassie

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Irish

Realistic Face claim:

Any details that you want to include that the picture might not have?: She wears a friendship bracelet on her right arm, and yellow crocs.

Personality: Cassidy has a "just in case" mentality and likes to think of things ahead of time. She's observant, but doesn't trust her memory very well, so she writes down things she views as important. Though it's easy for her to be sidetracked, she never forgets what she needs to do, and doesn't stop until her mental to-do list is cleared. She prides herself of being a good and loyal friend, and gets angry when people are left behind.

Quirks: Gets sidetracked easily, is a bit of a doormat, can be irrational

(Friend or cousin) Why are they running away?: To find her friend, and also to prove that she can survive on her own.

Medical issues?: Suffers from vertigo.

What items would they take with them?: A harmonica, a notebook and two mechanical pencils, a flashlight, water, bandages

Likes: Celtic music, naps in the sunlight, loyal and dependable people

Dislikes: People being left behind, being babied, peppermint, forgetting things

Hobbies: Poetry, paper plane making, harmonica music
Quote, something:
Emily May Smith
Nickname: Em, Emmy, Emma, Mily, Emee (by her little brother)
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Latina
Realistic Face claim:
Any details that you want to include that the picture might not have?:
Emily is on the short side for her age about 57.3”. Has a tiny star birthmark over her left cheek. She loves wearing sweaters that are a bit too large for her.
Personality: Emily is a sweet, friendly, energetic and optimistic. She always tries to have a positive outlook on a situation, is quite curious and has a big imagination.
Quirks: Has a big imagination which is her escape from reality. Tends to bit the ends of her sleeves when bored or scared.
Opt bio:
Emily is an only child and is used to being out on her own as her parents are always busy that they tend to forget she is even around. Always keeping her way with many activities they can sing her up in (music, art, ballet, etc.). But what she enjoys more is running off to her cousins home. She has quite a number of cousins and sees them like brothers and sisters, thinking they are quite lucky to have each other, although their home life is bad.
Why are they running away?: She wanted to go along with her cousins, and go on an adventure like her fairy tale books.
Medical issues?:
She will start to hyperventilate if very scared, or gets stuck in a dark place and worse if she is alone.
What items would they take with them?: Her backpack, stuffed bear, her blanket, her nightlight, batteries, cookies and her fairy tale book.
Her stuffed bear, animals, anything cute and fantasy.
Dislikes: Mean people, being teased about her height, thunderstorms, and the dark.
Hobbies: Reading and crafting

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