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Realistic or Modern The Royalty Protection Program

Amelia took a seat and whilst she sat straight, her hands neatly placed on her lap, a situation began unfolding before her. Agents introducing themselves and clueless royals demanding they be shipped back to their countries. Of course, the young girl too was confused but she decided to take a more gentle approach to the situation. She simply smiled and sighed, "I assume you did not ask for all of this drama to occur so I will just cooperate. I trust my parents enough to not question this further." The Qatar princess was not about to argue, this was about her safety. She knew something like this would occur since after it was announced that she would be the next heir to the throne. Her parents had ordered the maids to escort her down the stairs holding her hand, if they were crazy enough to do that then they would go to endless lengths to make sure their daughter was safe. Amelia would have thanked them but it was slightly annoying, she was unaware that this was a meeting explaining how they will be stripped away for a few weeks and given a new life, it would have been helpful to get abheads up. Looking diwn at her elegant attire, she was in no state to be in an adventure, because that is what it seemed to her.

One big treasure hunt to find security and safety.



"Yes you will all be given new identities, new backgrounds, and we will be bringing you to our stylists and they will be giving you new clothes and giving you all new hairstyles, all of this is completely necessary" Lucas stepped up to stay, "There are several stations you will go to, and once everyone is finished we will leave" He took a step back " Emmett stood up next "Because of the uneven numbers of agents and royals, no one is going to be specifically assigned to anyone, you will be placed in groups, one agent will be responsible for you but may not be will you as often as normal" he glanced over to Elliot "Everyone is being placed in one location, because of this shortage, everyone is being placed in one location" Cameron looked over to the one princess who wished to talk to him, "I'm sorry your highness but that is not an option, your life is being threatened, and if you return to your country, no doubt you may not be able to protect your country. Your parents agreed to let you go, they understand the risk you are at and they may send you back" He had to be brutally honest, if not then she would probably try leave he bowed and walked back to the line up "All of you are in danger, and trying to leave may end your lives" Both Lucas and Nolan looked at each other. Nolan, Cameron and Emmett walked out "We need to divide them up and get this process going"

@princxss @Chocoholique @Kingmalikai @Crimson smile @Starry Night @Bhlow @JAMN @Smoaki @Keira Winston @Lord Shaxx @Victoria Bradley @Akeira


Vasilissa Ivanov


"Finally someone else who doesn't see this as a press conference". A snort came out of her mouth as the Russian princess sat up slightly, her eyes already glittering with mischief as Adelaide, the Princess of England slipped into a seat next to her.

"Surely you know me better than that to ever think I would take this anywhere near seriously" Vasilissa replied in Russian. She was always amused at the fact that Adele had learnt Russian, considering it wasn't a major country in terms of economic prosperity - unless you counted vodka. "You know I'm curio-". Vasilissa spoke, switching back to English but she was interrupted by new faces that walked in and were clearly not Royal.

She listened to the agents talk, battling with her self to stop from pouncing on them and giving them a piece of her mind, and she tuned out at some points because frankly this was completely ludicrous. She was not her brother, and she wouldn't meet his fate. Frankly she didn't understand how she'd been next in line for a little less than a year and she was already being quarantined.
"...until the threats on your countries are gone". Vasilissa looked up, towards the agent that said that, and found no motivation to keep herself shut any longer. "I hate to break it to you, but these types of threats never go, and I frankly don't see how an understaffed agency who herds us all together - which probably is the stupidest decision because it guarantees the least safety and offers a larger target - is ever going to keep us safe". Vasilissa sat back, unaware that she had sat forward, almost rising up, before an agent continued that they would be receiving make overs.

Vasilissa resisted having a spat again at the 'compulsory' make - over, especially when she liked the way she looked, but the agents walked out before she could make her mind up, but she had managed to make her mind up about one thing, and that was, there was no way in hell she was going to let anyone touch her and give her a make-over.

@Tsiwentiio @Smoaki

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She chuckled at her friend's response to her own comment and listened intently as she began to speak in english, only to be cut short by one of the Agents walking into the room. Adele knew for sure that the men that filed in weren't royals, if only at first by the way they were dressed all the same in uniform. One began talking and mentioned the threat of their lives being gone. Adele couldn't help but chuckle at this as her hot-headed friend sat forward rather furiously and began to talk at the agents, only to be ignored. Vasilissa sat back again, fuming a bit, before the man also brought up having to get 'make-overs'. Adele narrowed her eyes at this and opened her mouth to protest, but didn't get the chance as the men walked out. Huffing annoyedly, she turned to her friend again.

"I don't see the point of a 'make-over', it's not like the people hunting us down don't know our faces."

There was no damned way she was going to let someone mess with the way she looked, especially not if they were to suggest her hair being cut and for her to get a nose job. She'd had it with people always suggesting that her looks weren't as good as they should be.

@Bhlow Mentioned: @Tsiwentiio



Nolan listened to everyone talking, all of them suddenly one of their fellow agents walked in, he signals for one of them to leave, so Nolan walked out, he was given very disturbing news something he knew the royals would need to be aware of he walked back in "A royal family was just assassinated, a king, Queen, a 13 year old prince and a 4 year old princess. Now I hope you all understand this risk, this could have been you and your families" he said before walking back out "We have to get moving now" he said to some of the other agents, Elliot walked out as well, being one of the newbies he had to listen to Nolan "yes sir" he said listening to the orders

Cameron looked at everyone "you would be surprised what these people know, if we can figure out what you look like, they probably do to" Another agent walked in handing Cameron a file, with pictures. He whispered something to Emmett who went over to the laptop and pulled up the picture on to the large screen, it was a picture of the murdered family. "These killers studied this family, they knew their routine, whoever it was they were more than likely someone they trusted" Cameron said walking towards the screen "thankfully for you all, we got to you in time, this is why every threat on a royal family is taken 100% seriously"

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Adrian gave a slight smile, "Then what are we waiting for? Sooner we get this over the better," Adrian feels a slight shift in his arms that reminds him to ask one more question, "I hope I will be able to keep my dog? It's kind of a deal breaker honestly."

Dixon froze, his face paling to a pasty white as the blood drained from it. He stared in horrified disbelief at the picture the agents brought up. "Oh god..." Dixon whispered. He'd known them. They were the royal family closest to Dixon's. They'd been there for him, acted as his family, when no one else would. The boy and his sister had been like siblings to him. And now they were dead. Murdered. Dixon slumped back against the wall, sliding down until he was sitting on the floor. He hung his head, swiping away a stray tear and stopping anymore from escaping.
Steven's head whipped up when he heard the agent's words. His gaze went straight to the projection of the picture. He ran his hand through his hair and scratched the back of his neck nervously. Turning around, he braced his hands on the edge of the table, his muscles flexing as they held his weight. The situation was worse than he thought. And not just for his family, but for nearly all royals.

Steven closed his eyes, cursing himself for the thoughts that started running through his head. They were selfish and wrong, especially right now with people dying. Steven balled his fist and struck the table, expelling his thoughts.
John looked up at the projection. It was only a matter of time. Murders happen all the time, the only different thing about this one is that these people where in "power." Why should this inspire any more sadness than any other?

John didn't know the family well, but he did have a good understanding of international politics. It's probably for the best. Their policies where heavily misguided... have been for generations and would most likely continue to. The revolutionaries will probably be better rulers and in the end its probably going to end up better for everyone.

Internally, John's reaction was obviously quite different from the others in the room, but one may as well play the part. So externally, John seemed shocked at the images. His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly, "My god..."
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