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Realistic or Modern The Royalty Protection Program


Basic Bitches Not Wanted





Rose checked her uniform one last time nervously. Today was her first day of her first ever assignment and she was a wreck. The other agent who was new always had seemed so poised to her, after all, the other agents never called him newbie; but it didn't bother her too much. Looking up at her clock she cursed herself, she was already almost late. She'd have to book it to the common room where they were meeting to get there on time.

Rushing into the room, her previously neat bun in absolute ruin, she noticed only four other agents in the room and huffed. Plastering on an obviously embarrassed smile, she sat down across from the four of them and tucked a piece of bright auburn hair behind her ear to no avail, having it fall back into her face just as quickly.

"This is going to be exciting, isn't it?" she commented, her obvious nerves making their way into her happy tone.



Alexandria Annabelle D'Marc
Alex had been feeling an odd mixture of excitement, anxiety, and curiosity for some time now. After all, after the whole terrorism situation in France, her father had begun to create distanced relationship between them; he constantly kept a forlorn smile on his tired face, staring out of the window for long periods of time with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Alex knew that her father desperately missed her mother, yet could never truly mourn for his wife because of the desperate situation of his country; however, after she had stepped food onto the helicopter, Alex couldn't help the smile that creeped across her lips. This princess always loved traveling, exploring the different corners of the Earth. Honestly--in Alex's opinion--it was one of the most rewarding benefits as a member of the royal family.


Without noticing, Alex had dozed off. The smooth buzzing of the gliding helicopter had rocked Alex to sleep, though she quickly woke up after they had arrived at their destination. After a rather rocky landing, confusion following fear, and lastly being abruptly brought into a hall, Alex sighed. Still, the young princess' posture remained upright as she wandered through the large hall, finding a seat.

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Amelia's eyes were focused on the ground, it was such a beautiful thing, scenery. Tall buildings, greenery and lakes all came into sight, creating a very modern view. Her helicopter had a very good few male and female guards, but Amelia had that urge to break free from them and jump off. It must have been amazing, flying. Flying on private planes, jets and helicopters was the closest she would ever get as an heir could not just skydive down, she was the only hope for their family, her brothers were surprisingly not up to it.

"Are we there yet?" She asked the pilot, she then saw from the corner of her eye that he nodded. A soft smile plastered her face as she looked out of the glazed window again, watching how they came closer to their destination. Then, seeing the co-pilot breathe in and twist buttons and pull random levers, the princess knew that they were actually here. They landed quite swiftly yet also abruptly, which meant by the time the helicopter had met the ground, the guards shuffled in closer and blocked contact with the leather seat when she would almost hit heshoulder. "Thank you, but I am fine." She said, kindly.

After a moment or two, to make herself look presentable,, the guards escorted her out. She stood in the middle of the pack which formed around her. Did her father believe that she needed this much protection? Her posture was respectful, back straight, head held high and arms stuck to her side. When the time came to suddenly be steered into a room, Amelia raised a brow, only to find another woman in the room. It must have been a royal so she walked over to her with graceful strides. "Is this seat taken?" She smiled, meeting new people and making them like her was her superpower, if it was not her sweet personality or her humour, then it would be her loyalty.

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Adrian was on a helicopter. He didn't know where he was going or why he was leaving. Scratch that, he did know why... but it was easier for him to pretend he didn't know why. He learned the news about him leaving from his father who tersely told him to take whatever he could carry and hurry outside into the courtyard of the castle he lived at.


Adrian had been playing piano in the grand hall, he enjoyed when it was empty, as the chords would ring through the silence of the room. Adrian's fingers moved dexterously across the piano, playing a song he had long forgotten the name of. Hurried footsteps against the marble behind him disturbed the quiet. When Adrian turned around he was surprised at the site that he saw. It was his father, but it didn't look like him. His hair was messed up, clothing ruffled and a terrified expression on his face, "Get whatever you can carry and hurry outside." Adrian hardly had anytime to digest what he said before he dashed out of the grand hall knocking over a vase on his way out. Adrian stood shell-shocked before he moved, slowly at first then he took off running. Stepping into the halls he could hardly hear over the chaos that was occurring, servants rushing everywhere, and... he swore he saw some of the guards carrying larger weapons than they usually carry. Adrian rushed past the servants and guests at the castle up to his room. It was a large spacious room that had been spared from most of the chaos that was happening in the halls. He rushed over to his desk and pulled out a feather, a memory he would most certainly need, as he was about to decide what to get next he heard a loud explosion outside of the castle, whatever was happening was more than just something at the castle. Deciding against trying to grab anything else he was about to step out of the room when he heard a whimper. Benny was on his bed with his head on his legs. "Come on Benny." Michael patted his leg and burst out into the halls. Looking behind him to make sure Benny was behind him he ran for the entrance out to the courtyard. Stepping outside he was immediately assaulted with the loud noise of the helicopter blades spinning. Some men shouted at him to jump on the helicopter and he did so promptly, with Benny jumping up with him. "What about my parents!" Adrian tried to yell over the helicopter engine but to no avail. As the helicopter doors slid closed he saw some of the servants he knew run out into the courtyard yelling for the helicopter to come back as it rocked itself into the air. Somebody handed him two pairs of headphones and he put on one pair and attempted to strap the other pair to Benny's ears. Sitting down Adrian took a few seconds to buckle before he immediately started panicking and wondering about what just happened. He looked out at the city of Copenhagen, fires were visible all over the city and it seemed as if explosions were erupting near the castle. One final large explosion lit up the front of the castle. Adrian didn't dare to think about if his parents would have survived that, assuming and hoping that they did.


Adrian was knocked out of his daydreaming by one of the people who had brought him into the helicopter, "We're going to be landing soon, as soon as we land you follow behind me. Don't lag behind." The helicopter lowered itself down onto the helipad. As soon as the doors opened, Adrian jumped out motioning for Benny to follow him. When Benny touched down onto the helipad two agents advanced toward him with a collar and leash, "Hey what do you think you're doing." Adrian said as he put himself between the agents and his dog,

"Don't worry Prince Adrian you're dog will not harm-"

"How do I know that for sure." Adrian interrupted the agent as he was talking.

"You might not exactly but-"

"I'm not going to leave him with you." Adrian interrupted again, he then turned around and picked up Benny in his arms, an impressive feat considering the weight of the dog. The agent gave Adrian a glare as Adrian stared at him deadpan. The agent finally turned away, breaking the impromptu staring contest and began walking towards the building. After a moment more Adrian breathed a deep sigh and began following him.


Adrian had at some point made it into a large hall, with the agent suddenly disappearing from sight. He noticed all of the seats and decided to take a seat next to the girl. Looking down at the large dog he had somehow managed to carry he was about to let Benny down to the ground when Adrian noticed that he had fallen asleep in his arms. Adrian gave a slight smile and turned to face the girl, he thinks about sticking out his hand for a handshake but he winces, A prince doesn't give handshakes! Adrian rubs his head a little bit as the voice shrieks through his head. Not sure what to exactly say he finally says, "Hello. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier I'm P-Adrian Althian." Adrian stops himself from revealing that he was a prince, It might be kind of interesting to see how somebody who's not a prince is treated He thinks to himself, "If I may ask, who might you be?"
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Princess Alda Savoia of Italy


"If we fall at this height will it kill us?" Alda asked absentmindedly as she peered out the window of the helicopter. She has been trying to guess where they were heading since she got on. In between questions of course. Most definitely, her mind answered for her before switching to a different topic as she spotted a helicopter pad. We are here! We are here! Or we are somewhere at least.

Sitting down properly Alda waited eagerly to land and have something to distract herself besides stiff agents and lots of land. She needed a distraction. Otherwise she was going to remember what led her here nor what her father last said to her and she wouldn't be so happy. She couldn't let that happen. It wasn't the time to mope! It definitely wasn't the time to be distracted. Once the helicopter landed Alda was among the first to get out and looked around her curiously. "I was sort of hoping there was more. Especially considering all the drama and secrecy."

"You just live off that don't you?" Juan said by way of greeting as he spotted the familiar face of one of his childhood friends. Alda greeted him happily as they were led to a room full of agents and royalty.

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Marianne A. Olson


Marianne leaned her head against the window and sighed. She didn't know where she was going or why she was sent here. Yes Norway was being threatened by Sorte Engler but they didn't directly threaten her as far as she knew. Marianne sighed before looking out the window at the small buildings and trees now appearing into her sight. Her curiosity grew more as the plane got closer to their destination, wherever that may be. Honestly, when Marianne tried to look at this situation in a positive light, she saw it as a new adventure and she was always up for a new adventure. But still, she couldn't help but think that this was a method that her parents were using to get her out of their hair for the time being so that they could deal with the situation at hand. Marianne smiled at the thought, if she was optimistic about that, it would mean that she would not have to worry about being perfect for her parents and maybe she could act normal for once.

"Are we there yet?" Marianne asked the pilot. From what she could see from the window, it seemed that they would be wherever the destination was in no time but Marianne had to hear it from the pilot first. He nodded and a smile crept up Marianne's face. Her curious hunger would soon be fed. Soon, Marianne felt the helicopter dip and she knew that they were almost there. The landing was quick and Marianne was grateful for that. The guards waited patiently for Marianne with expressionless faces as she fixed herself to look more presentable than she already did.

After smoothing down her blue dress, fixing the tight bun in her hair and adjusting her tiara, Marianne was ready to go. The guards escorted her and honestly she did not mind it for once. This time, it felt a little overdone with way more guards than usual but she knew her safety was of top priority. She was led into a room where three others were seated and she guessed they were royals too. Marianne looked around the room before putting on her usual smile and taking a seat next to the blonde royal. "Hello." Her greeting was short but she was taught to greet others that way, it being polite and mannerly.

Tags: @princxss

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Vasilissa Ivanov


Vasilissa scowled out of the window, this green scenery that she was seeing while her private jet was touching down was not the bustling city of London that her parents had promised she was being taken to. Not that she had truly believed them, in the past year since her brother's death they kept her by their side, with an invisible chain around her neck, and even though they had lied, being away from them would be a bliss.

Unless this was a rural countryside where she would have to tend farm animals...for that she would not settle.

They landed smoothly, the plane gliding onto the ground, amongst helicopters and other jets which only furthered her confusion.

"We're here - this way Princess Vasilissa". A voice broke her out her thoughts and she followed the figure. "I don't suppose you're going to tell me where the hell 'here' is?". Her question, unsurprisingly was left unanswered as the figure led her towards what seemed like a conference room where already people were sitting down and conversing. Vasilissa scanned their faces, recognising them as royal bloodlines. The last year of intense royal education, other than that usual to of her major, meant that she could practically recite royal bloodlines from around the world and picture their faces. Vasilissa took a seat, slightly away from the others, and with her cold blue eyes she assessed the royal around her, it was her first time meeting them in person - and with the high security alert for her, and probably others, she wondered if having them all in the same place was the best idea.

"Hello. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier I'm P-Adrian Althian." Vasilissa turned her eyes towards the boy who had spoken and scoffed slightly. Some people were ridiculous. "I think you dropped a 'Prince' in that title" she muttered, a faint Russian accent laced in her condescending voice. How stupid did this boy think they were.

Vasilissa slouched back in her chair, in an un-princess like position, with no poise - unlike the others in the room, and waited for someone to reveal what the goddamn was going on.

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Adrian looked over at all the new arrivals, "Well hello! I'd bow if it weren't for my friend here." Adrian motions to the large dog strewn across his lap and on top of one of his arms, "You'll have to suffice for this feeble attempt of a bow at the moment." Adrian nodded his head at everyone, "Also, I'm sure that you are allowed to sit down in any of these seats." He finishes with a smile. Adrian hears one of them mumble, "I think you dropped a 'Prince' in that title," he turns to her giving her a blank stare for a few seconds, "It's wonderful to meet yet another beautiful lady." Adrian tips his head at her a soft smile across his face, "I do hope that they tell us what will happen to us." Adrian looks down at Benny peacefully sleeping on him. He taps his head a little and Benny immediately perks his head up once more, Whatever happens, as long as I've got you I think I'll be alright. Benny sits up a little and begins to lick Adrian's face. Adrian regrets waking him up, "So then who might you all be?" Adrian says in between dodging the dog desperately reaching for his face.
John had already known that he would be sent away for weeks now. Only months before had that man attempted to assassinate him at his crowning ceremony, it was broadcasted worldwide and it was the only thing the news reported about for days. John was the heir to the American Empire after all, Crown Prince of the Americans, the only son of Emperor Francis of the Americans. John sighed and told himself, "And I wasn't even able to put on the crown, but I'm still 'Crown' Prince.", thinking about the whole ordeal. The helicopter was to arrive in a few minutes, John was just trying to pass the time.

John was wearing the clothes he had worn for the picture that was sent to the state-controlled media outlets to show that he was still alive after the attempt on his life. A coat above some formal wear, may as well be presentable.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c470aec55c1bd78a8386b8e8fd4a03b6.jpg.7eb38bc236f948d237ed089eb90262a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c470aec55c1bd78a8386b8e8fd4a03b6.jpg.7eb38bc236f948d237ed089eb90262a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

John stood up and began to make his way to where the helicopter was to soon arrive. Even though it wouldn't arrive for a few more minutes, the amount of time it takes take get from one place to another in the Imperial Palace of Buchanan would most likely fill up that time. He passed by a few maids and Imperial Guards, but he didn't care to talk to them. They where doing their jobs. He passed by the many gardens and fountains and finally got to the large grassy area in which the helicopter was soon to land. He looked back at the Imperial Palace of Buchanan. It was most definitely the largest palace in the world, much larger then Palace of Versailles in France. As well as the most luxurious, a luxury that many Americans and people in general would never see or live with. John mindlessly stared at the Imperial Palace for at least another minute before the deafening sound of the helicopter caught his attention, the helicopter had arrived. John quickly got in, no point in wasting time. The helicopter began rising again. This helicopter was one of the new American models that was almost completely silent on the inside, it was peaceful. John slowly began to see the Imperial Palace get smaller and smaller, they where off.

John stared out the window, looking at the world below him. One day all of this will be "his". The helicopter then began to fly over one of the "camps". Rows and rows and rows of barracks made of a variety of materials, mostly wood and such, all filled to the brim with people. It was surrounded by a motion sensing fence and Imperial Troops, don't get too close... at least from the inside. It was deplorable, but John didn't think much of it nor really cared, same most of nation and the international community turned a blind eye to it. This is what John was shot at for... and much more. A Imperial Guard next to John told him to look away and John complied. The guard then spoke into some device and the windows dimmed. John closed his eyes, it was going to be a long ride.

John was awoken by the Imperial Guard next to him, "We're here." John nodded and the helicopter was opened. The deafening sound filled his ears. John and the Imperial Guard stepped out and quickly made their way to the building. It was a short walk, the Imperial Guard opened the door to the meeting room and John stepped in. He was greeted by a table surrounded by chairs, who seemed to be filled by Princes and Princesses, mostly European, people stood around the room. Probably guards, John thought. He decided to take a seat next to Adrian Althian. "Why hello, Mr. Prince of Denmark. I haven't seen you in years!" John smiled as he exclaimed, "Look at you! I remember us being the same hight and now it looks like I'm a foot taller than you!" John calmed down as he asked, "How's your family and Denmark doing? I've heard it's been plagued with civil unrest and social instability."




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Adele was rather sour about this whole situation, especially since to her it seemed her parents didn't trust her to take care of herself after the shooting. In addition, she'd been told she'd be given a fake name, which she really disliked. How was she to be seen as a proud role model for all of the little girls who looked up to her when she was in hiding?

"We will be landing shortly princess," the agent sitting across from her in the jet said, obviously trying to sound friendly," I think you'll find this whole experience to be a bit exciting."

She shot the agent a look that basically spelled death if he ever mentioned 'this experience' and 'exciting' in the same sentence ever again.

"I would be excited if I didn't have to hide my identity," she replied in a hard tone, standing and smoothing down her dress as the plane touched the ground. In her mind this was going to be the worst time of her entire life.


She was led into a large hall where a few other people she assumed were royals from different countries sat. Noticing how confused everyone seemed to different degrees, she assumed none of them had gotten a memo telling them where they were. Noticing a few others chatting away, she chose a seat next to a princess she knew as that of Russia. She wasn't trying her best to be as lady-like as possible, and Adele immediately liked that about her.

"Finally someone else who doesn't see this as a press conference," she joked to the girl in fluent Russian. (written in english for the sake of everyone else)


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Alexandria Annabelle D'Marc

"Hello, I'm Alexandria," Alex replied, bowing her head ever so slightly as a sign of respect. Scanning the room, Alex noticed that a majority--if not all--of the individuals gathered in the grand hall were recognized royalty. There were certain princesses and princes that Alex identified as acquaintances, while there were also quite a few unfamiliar faces. Currently, numerous countries around the world were either facing financial, territorial, or political issues; many countries were receiving multiple threats of war, calamity, and complaints within their own kingdom. France had been no exception; this must have been what her father had intended, although he refused to cue his own daughter in on this detailed plan.

"Excuse my manners, are you perhaps a member of a royal family," Alex inquired, though she knew it was rather rude to be so straightforward with her words; however, Alex needed to confirm her suspicions once and for all. Even as a princess, she was sick and tired of being treated like a fragile vase, or a caged bird. While her country--the country she loved--was in grave danger, she had fled the country, abandoning her family, friends, and her subjects.

@Starry Night

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The five men made their way out of the conference room, Cameron went over everything, how they would explain everything to the royals. Their job is to keep them safe, keep an eye on them at all times, no matter what. Cameron was a little nervous about having to explain everything and making sure that everyone fully understands what is happening. He opened the doors and although some of them were not there, but he would get what ever information he could into those who were there and get the process moving. "Hello your highnesses, I am agent Thomas the lead agent of this assignment" he gestured to the 4 others "Agents Johnson, Mitchell, Phillips, and Roberts my four specialists" he looked at each of them "You are all here because your lives are in serious danger, your parents know that you are safe but they don't know where which is best" he walked towards the front of the room "What happens now is that you all will be given new identities, new appearance, and we and a few other agents will bring you all to a new location, until the threats on your countries are gone and everything is safe you will be brought back" he said waiting for the over flow of questions from each of them


Marianne A. Olson


Marianne had recognized most of the royalty in the room, if not all. "I am Marianne." She bowed her head in a similar manner to Alexandria and smiled. Then she recognized her, Princess Alexandria D'Marc of France. "It is a pleasure to meet you in person Princess Alexandria." Marianne sat back in the plush chair breaking her perfectly straight posture. She knew her parents wouldn't approve of her slouching, even if it was just barely, but they were not here to see that now were they? So Marianne took this opportunity to relax for a while.

"Yes, I am. Princess Marianne Olson of Norway." She replied. Marianne had referred to herself as one of her few titles and it felt rather weird. She wasn't one to speak of herself like that and usually her mother or father did introductions for her if she had to attend a meeting. Marianne was accustomed to others addressing her that way but she doesn't address herself as something so...formal. Before Marianne could continue on with what she was saying, five men entered the conference room and one explained what was going on. After the explanation another man began to speak, introducing himself and the other agents and also further explaining the process and situation.

Marianne looked at him blankly for a few seconds before the information sunk in. She didn't know how to feel, she was having a series of mixed emotions at this point. "So, what you're saying is that we would basically be getting new lives and being totally different people until the threats in our countries are gone." Marianne heard what he said but she wanted to be sure. She didn't care at that moment if her voice had a sharp edge to it and that she more or less sounded rude but the fact that her parents sent her away to safety to be protected while her people, her family, her friends and everyone in Norway were being threatened by Sorte Engler was enough to make her lose her cool even just by a bit. Even if she wasn't aware of where she was being sent, she still couldn't help but feel guilty and a failure of a princess for abandoning her people. She could help and she knew it! There was no reason for her to be pushed away from the matter at hand and watch from behind the saftey of a million guards or agents or whatever!

Tags: @princxss @Tsiwentiio



It was just a few weeks before Coronation day. Camille would never have expected this to happen. Her beautiful golden brown eyes wondered from the beaches of Monaco to the lavish Grimaldi palace she grew up in as the helicopter took off of the lawn of the palace. For the first time in her life, she felt scared, confused, unsure, and unsafe. The feeling was foreign to her. She was under 24/7 security watch with her bodyguard never leaving her side. The palace was always a safe place. It's felt as if it were her home, but she didn't know it was possible to feel unsafe in her own home until the terrorists had sieged it.


As the ground got farther and farther away, Camille began to take in the idea of never seeing her home country of Monaco ever again. It felt more real to her. She'll never be able to enjoy the sandy beaches of Monte Carlo ever again. Or at least it felt that way at the moment.

~time skip~

Camille's thick, long lashes fluttered open as the helicopter landed on its pad. Most of the ride she was asleep. The other parts were spent listening to her agent, Rylan, ramble on about how Monaco was in danger. Of course she had already known about the threats to her country, but she didn't need to hear it twice. She didn't think it was that serious until today.

An usher opened the helicopter door for her and lead her to the faculty.

"Welcome to the royalty Protection Program, Princess Camille Celine Grimaldi of Monaco," the usher said politely. She was impressed that he had announced her correctly. Camille gave him one of her award-winning smiles in return and smirked noticing his blush after seeing her shining smile.

She was brought to what seemed like the conference room full of royals that she has heard of right before the agents came in to explain the program. Camille took as seat next to Adelaide, the Princess of England, and Vasilissa, the Princess of Russia. She had recognized Adelaide before. Monaco and England were close allies. Some of the Grimaldi's descendants had lived there.

Her ocular orbs shifted its attention to Cameron, the agent who was explaining the program, who was especially attractive.
If I'm going to be stuck here, why don't I have a bit of some fun for myself, she thought deviously.

"So, how are our agents going to be chosen for us?" she asked in her silky-smooth French accent. She was always told her tone was a bit flirtatious, and her intentions could or could not be. Camille looked at Cameron attentively with her brown, puppy-looking eyes and bit her lip flirtatiously.

@Tsiwentiio @Smoaki @Bhlow




Security Room






Glock 18





Corporal. Ackermann, Thomas F.

Special Recce Regt and British Military Intelligence

"Ahahaha-There he is, Oh my god look at him he's getting so big Ash, Hey Mitchell!" Thomas excitedly cooed at the screen of his IPad, he was seated off towards the center in a cafe and his irregular manner of speech earned him one or two questioning looks, Thomas was happy and he hadn't been able to see his son in person just yet so none of that was going to stop him from deservedly acting the fool for the moment "I know right, definitely got that from you.... as for his incredibly good looks... we both know he gets that from" Thomas laughed heartily along with the woman on the other end as she finished off her words with a quick dual-thumb point at herself.

Your mum came round today, I like it when she comes over she always tells me these stories about you as a child" the woman, Ashley, gave him a shit eating grin as he held his head in both hands, letting huffs of embarrassed laughter seep through them, Thomas had been a very odd child growing up to say the least "Please... Please don't remind me" his plea was met simply with more laughter from her, after they'd settle down she spoke again "So where are you now anyway?", Thomas unable to answer the question due to security reason just sighed "You know I can't tell you that..." his smile was gradually fading "Yea... That's not the first time I've heard that." what she had said was a low blow and she knew it.

There had been a fairly long silence between the two before she spoke again, a much more positive tone in her voice "
Hey watch this!" Thomas cocked an eyebrow as she set his son down on a pillow and moved the camera to a better angle to include the two of them, he took note of the T-shirt she had on, it was one of his T-shirts on the larger side even for him, that covered her down to her thighs and just below her elbows, he let a smirk form on his face as he watched her pull an acoustic guitar from under her bed and began to play 'Safe and Sound' to their son Mitchell who very much awake and active, pulling on his feet with his hands but gradually settling himself down as she progressed.

"Just close your eyes

the sun is going down

you'll be alright

no one can hurt you now"

Thomas sat there in his seat in the middle of cofe shop simply staring at the screen with a pleasant smile on his face as he watched his son laying contently on a pillow, his smile only grew when he saw her use another T-shirt of his as a blanket for their son, she looked to the camera and said possibly the quietest yet most enthusiastic goodbye he'd ever heard as she ended the video call, Thomas turned his head to look outside at the night, he only got about thirty minutes to himself a day and he'd just spent about twenty seven of those on Skype, in his opinion it was time well spent.

----Time Skip----

Thomas stood in the security room that was linked directly to the conference room, he never really had to be involved in the meet and greets or any meetings for that matter they just left things on the notice boards, being the QRF team leader he was pretty much obsolete seventy percent of the time, not that he'd complain about that though, the room was decently sized with doors leading to the access only QRF's ready room and many others like the emergency route, there were eight monitors with live feeds of the conference room, eight monitors for eight cameras and yet, someone managed to find a way to block one, Thomas had hailed on the radio for whoever it was to move but after the third time repeating himself he saw no point in trying again and just simply made his way towards the security door, his advances were stopped as he was relayed a message over the net.

Thomas brought a hand to his headset to assist in hearing "Mhm, Roger that Castillo, I'll tell him now. Don't worry about missing the brief, they'll probably be given a secondary brief anyway." a buzzing sound was emitted from a speak on either side to signal its opening, it was a loud and fairly obnoxious sounding alert to say the least and with that sound he enter the room directly behind Agent Thomas, he tried to move without drawing all too much attention to himself but it was hard given that he was the only one in the room masked up and looked ready to rumble it didn't help that there was a constant blooping and chatter coming from one his radios or that he had a big fuck off Assault Rifle hanging under his arm either.

"I just got word that Castillo will be running slightly behind, nothing serious just a bit of a delay, the pilot had to land at another airport due to over crowding they won't be too long though" Thomas whispered, he gave the other man, who also had the name of Thomas a brief pat on the shoulder before he moved off to find the source of cameras blockage, almost as soon as he set out to find it he had found the person,
Cause.... Cause it's the newbie, he thought to himself as he ate the distance between them, he looked at her for a good moment or two, opened his mouth to speak but then closed it as he found the reason, Riiiiiight "You know... It helps to actually have the earpiece in your ear also don't stand infront of the cameras" Thomas gave a point to the ridiculously hard to see thing on the wall directly behind her, to be honest he couldn't blame her everyone was new to something at some point or another, without loitering he swiftly made his way back to the door, once again it let out the obnoxious blurt of a buzz before it opened for him and closed behind him.
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Dixon had known for months now that something was wrong. His parents had been at home for over eight months straight, which had never happened before. Even when he was newborn, they'd left him in Macon's care. But now, they had been keeping him in their sight for as long as they could and they'd quadrupled security within and around the palace. They'd also doubled the amount of security cameras and Dixon knew they had a special ops force from the military on speed dial. Every time he looked at them, he saw fear in their eyes. And when they looked at him, he could see guilt and regret mixed with the fear. It was the most attention they'd paid him in all 21 years of his life so far.

Which is why today's events hadn't shocked him. Unnerved him? Yes. Worried him? Yes. Shocked him? No. He didn't bother to ask his security escorts where they were going, because he knew just by looking at them and their stoic expression that they wouldn't answer him. They wouldn't tell him. He suspected it was under orders from his parents in an effort to protect him. From what, he didn't know. He remained silent during the flight, as well as the drive to their destination. He was nervous and apprehensive when he saw the military-like base he'd been taken to. It was top-notch security and crawling with armed Officers. His parents had simply told him he was being "sent away".

The armed men met the car where it stopped in front of the doors and two of them immediately flanked him as he was led through the cavernous halls. The Prince, and supposedly future King, inside him wanted to explore and ask questions. Wanted to assess the use of such a high-tech and highly-secured base. He was led through what seemed like a labyrinth before men led him through a pair of double doors into a conference room. Large, open, and well-lit, the hall had a vaulted ceiling and a short stage on one end. But what surprised and worried Dixon the most was the amount of elegantly dressed young adults who filled the room. Following his mind's lead, his feet halted just inside the door.
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Steven knew they were coming before they arrived. He knew who they were, and why they were there. They were his kingdom's enemies. They were power-hungry savages who held no care for the loss of human life as long as they got what they wanted. And he knew exactly what that was. They wanted his kingdom. They wanted his father's crown, his father's throne, and all the power and wealth that came with them. They wanted to be feared, so that they could rule and not a soul would dare rebel out of fear of the consequences. They dictators at their finest hours.

They attacked in the early morning, splitting into three groups. One group went to the servants' quarters. One group to the King and Queen's personal chamber. And the third went after the Prince. After Steven. But the Prince had already been risen from his bed and whisked away. He wasn't supposed to know what it was about. He wasn't supposed to know that he or his kingdom were in grave danger. He wasn't supposed to know why he was being taken away. He wasn't supposed to know anything. But Steven hated lies and he hated secrets. His thirst for knowledge, and for the truth, had led him to investigate his family's strange behavior over the last few months. It had taken him but a week to uncover the threats on his life from a Rebellion who was eager to slaughter the royal family and replace it with their own.

Steven remained silent and expressionless as he was led off the plane and into a black vehicle. A miniature motorcade consisting of police motorcycles leading and following the vehicle he was in transported him from a private airport, to a highly secured base he didn't recognize. Security with weapons and gadgets unlike anything he'd studied before swarmed the place. The motorcade stopped outside an entrance on the side of the main building and Steven proceeded to allow the men to lead him to where they wanted him to go. His knowledge of the truth of his situation allowed him to believe this was some sort of method of protection. His inference was solidified when he saw the other royals inside the cavernous conference hall the men left him in. He heard the slam of the large double doors as they shut behind him. Looking around, he recognized every young royal in the room. There were fourteen, including himself. The Princes and Princess of fourteen different countries, all in one place.

'Well, this is a first,' Steven thought.

● la princesa de andorra & agent castillo ●

mentioned: @Lord Shaxx , @Tsiwentiio , @Victoria Bradley

Malia reposed in the Andorran royal airplane with a pleasant sigh, her eyes closed to everything around her. She listened to the modest hum of the engine, which soothed her on the long journey. The only noise she heard beside the motor was the sound of her assistant, Jordina, writing notes in an organized binder. The sound was almost soporific to the princess, as she unwound in her leather seat in preparation for the vacation. It was times like this one that Malia appreciated her royal status, as she had the opportunity to travel to remote spas on the other side of the world. She could afford it and deserved the luxury, especially since Marcel’s death and her lessons, which had taken their toll on her over the past months.

“We have arrived, princesa.” A feminine voice announced, interrupting Malia’s siesta and causing her to groan in a coarse manner. The young princess blinked her eyes open to see Jordina standing before her, dropping into a low curtsey when their eyes met. “The landing pad was crowded, so we were forced to land at a neighboring airport. There is a car waiting to escort you to the proper location.”

“Thank you, meu amic.” The princess replied with the upmost grace, rising from her seat and moving across the cabin to look into the mirror bolted to the wall. “Do have Andreu come to the suite, once he is settled, so the three of us can go over outfits for this evening.” She commanded with a gentle tone and a sweet smile, glancing at Jordina before turning her attention back to the mirror.

Malia smiled at her reflection in the glass and sent Jordina a wink, smoothing down the
black jumpsuit the flattered her small frame. The brunette also fixed a few stray curls running down her back, letting her aviator sunglasses frame her face, as she moved to exit the airplane. Her tall, black heels clicked against the carpeted floor, and she chuckled delicately when Jordina walked briskly to keep up with the princess. Malia descended the stairs outside onto the landing pad, lowering her sunglasses slowly in puzzlement, when it was obvious that they were not at a resort.

- - - - -

“Ackermann, let Thomas and the others know that I’ll be accompanying Princess Malia to the base from the neighboring strip. We’re a bit behind schedule.

Agent Ian Castillo had been waiting outside the compound for stranglers, when he received a notice that one of the royal planes had trouble landing on the crowded pad. Being the accommodating gentleman he was, Ian offered to make the trek to receive the monarch, whom would miss a portion of the initial briefing as a result. Now, he stood squarely on the landing pad of the neighboring air terminal with his hands behind his back, glancing up as the Andorran airplane began its descent into the deserted port. When the aircraft was grounded, he approached the flying machine with a flank of guards accompanying him, securing the area in case of a possible threat. Fortunately, they found none, and the extraction procedure was executed perfectly.

Ian chuckled under his breath, as the lovely Andorran princess exited the airplane with visible confusion on her face. She was dressed for a tropical resort and seemed momentarily upset that she was not met with warm sand at her feet. Instead of letting her ponder, Ian stepped closer to brief the princess on the current situation, bowing reverently before speaking up.

“Princess Malia, I apologize for the secrecy, but the King and Queen arranged your expedition here for your safety under the Royal Protection Program.” He remarked with eloquence, his Brazilian accent enunciating each word. “If I may, I can escort you to the facility where the others will be waiting. The presentation began minutes ago, and you will be far more comfortable and secure there than at our present location.” He announced with a respectful smile, offering his elbow to the female monarch before him.

Agent Castillo smirked lightly, as Malia’s confused expression diminished, nodding when she took his arm and beginning to lead her toward the car waiting for them. Minutes later, the royal motorcade left the landing strip with the Princess Malia, her assistant, and Ian riding in the middle car. The drive was silent, and the agent witnessed Malia fix her hair multiple times, wondering how anxious she felt now that she knew the truth of her trip. Rather than inquiring, he kept his hand near his holster, exiting the car first to secure the lot, when they arrived at the main facility.

“Have we arrived? Has there been informació from mare, pare, or Tomàs?” Ian heard the princess ask her attendant inside the car, letting the other woman console her before approaching the vehicle once more. With a suave movement, he offered his elbow to the female monarch once more, carefully helping her out of the automobile and toward the doors of the main facility. ”Welcome to the Royalty Protection Program, La Princesa Malia Elisenda Juana Gasper de Andorra La Vella.” The usher said politely at the door, a private smile crossing the princess’ lips at the address. Ian raised his brow at the gesture, but he knew the effort it took to say the Andorran beauty’s proper diplomatic title.

“Right this way, your highness.” The agent murmured, acknowledging Ackermann with a nod, as he guided Malia past the security room. He ventured further into the premises, opening the conference room door and letting the princess enter first. The young agent entered the room behind her to see a prince standing near the door, nodding to Agents Thomas, Johnson, Mitchell, Phillips, and Roberts. After Malia was properly seated, Ian Castillo stood behind the other agents at the table, a fetching smile crossing his lips, as he glanced at the attractive princesses before him and waited for their assignments.
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"Why hello, Mr. Prince of Denmark. I haven't seen you in years! Look at you! I remember us being the same height and now it looks like I'm a foot taller than you! How's your family and Denmark doing? I've heard it's been plagued with civil unrest and social instability." Adrian gave a soft smile and a shrug, "I have no idea, last I saw they were in the castle as it blew up." Adrian took a second to look downcast before the smile returned, "Of course there's civil unrest, even from what I got in my isolation the kingdom hates my parents. I mean you've met them right? As for height I'm sure I've still got you beaten in other areas..." Adrian finished with a teasing voice and a mischievous smile, "Sorry couldn't help it John." Five men who all carried a sense of news and importance entered the room. "Hello your highnesses, I am agent Thomas the lead agent of this assignment. Agents Johnson, Mitchell, Phillips, and Roberts my four specialists. You are all here because your lives are in serious danger, your parents know that you are safe but they don't know where which is best. What happens now is that you all will be given new identities, new appearance, and we and a few other agents will bring you all to a new location, until the threats on your countries are gone and everything is safe you will be brought back." Adrian chuckled lightly before he broke out laughing which quickly devolved into coughing, "What else is new? I thought it was common for assassination attempts on your life." Adrian chuckled a little bit before growing a neutral look on his face again, "Wherever you put me is fine as long as you give me a piano... and some extra food for my buddy here." Adrian shook Benny in his arms, who was starting to grow more and more antsy. "So, how are our agents going to be chosen for us?" Adrian looked over to the woman who was biting her lip and staring at Cameron, "Yeah, I'd sure like to know if we can choose whoever we plan to have sex with." Adrian smiled deviously, making the jab at the princess even more obvious.

@JAMN @Tsiwentiio @Keira Winston
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Alexandria Annabelle D'Marc

Alex's suspicions had been confirmed; royal members of different countries had been gathered in a single location, and they all appeared to be princes and princesses, rather than kings or queens. Alex smiled politely, opening her mouth to speak, though she was quickly interrupted. Shifting her attention to the men that had just proceeded to enter the hall, Alex listened carefully to their each and every word, somewhat surprised that they themselves weren't members of royal families; rather, they introduced themselves as agents, assigned to protect the royals' lives. Their message, although it had already been locked into Alex's mind, still shocked the princess, reaffirming the heavily set guilt that she experienced for abandoning her country. Every day, hundreds, if not thousands of casualties appeared across France, yet here she was, hiding away.

Enough was enough, Alex had decided. Whether or not Alex risked her life didn't matter; after all, at least she would be fighting for a cause she believed in--fighting for the people that believed in Alex and her father. Walking up to agent Thomas, Alex smiled politely--in a way she had been accustomed and trained to do so--very princess-like.

"Hello, Agent Thomas. I am Princess Alexandria Annabelle D'Marc of France, and I would like a word with you, if you do not mind," Alex urged, trying desperately to hide the anxiety, dread, and fear that threatened to consumer her from within. Although she waited patiently, Alex's patience had began to dissipate; the sand in her patience hourglass had slowly leaked out.

There were many questions that she had in mind, though for now, she knew there was only one that she would not take 'no' for an answer. Alex decided that she would, after all, request to be sent back to her country: "excuse me, Agent Thomas. I am eternally grateful to you--and all of the agents that risked their lives to bring me here today--but I need to return to my country. I am hoping that a flight can be arranged tonight, though I suppose I am willing to postpone it to tomorrow at the latest. Please accommodate my selfish request, as my people need me."

@Starry Night @Tsiwentiio

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Dixon turned his gaze to the Prince who walked in behind him. He didn't recognize him from anywhere, which was strange. As a Prince, it was Dixon's duty to know all other royal families. In fact, he knew every royal in the room except for him. He was even dressed differently. Rather than wearing a suit or dress clothes, this boy was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and boots. They were well-pressed and expensive, but compared to what Dixon was used to, they were still considered casual.

Shaking off his confusion when the other boy moved away, towards the large table in the middle of the room where the agents were gathered, Dixon's gaze was drawn back to the door as it opened again. In walked Princesa Malia of Andorra La Vella. She was dressed for a resort. Dixon assumed she'd believed she was going on vacation. He smirked. But this was shock for her. He turned away, moving to stand against the wall of the room.

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Steven listened intently to the agent. The investigator in him wanted to know everything. When he stopped talking, Steven stepped away from the door and up to the table. He didn't say anything, or look at any of the agents as he looked at the folders they had placed on the table. Disregarding the ones that weren't what he was looking for, Steven grabbed the folder with his name on it and leaned back against the table with his ankles crossed as he opened it and started flipping through it.

The shocked looks of the royals in the room didn't bother him. He knew they were surprised, and probably appalled, at his entirely incorrect and improper manner. He didn't care. This was the first time he got to just be Steven, rather than Prince Steven Andrew Braiden of Ireland. For crying out loud, Steven wasn't even Irish!
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