The Royal Academy [Inactive]

Allison Mustang

The Little Flame Alchemist
AllisonChase submitted a new role play:

The Royal Academy - You've been chosen for the Royal Academy

Prince's and Princesses from around the world are sent to this Academy to learn what it means to be royal, they sing, paint, practice people skills, and get taught proper skills for Royality, Each year a new set of Royals are chosen, but the point of the school is to match people together.
Read more about this role play... 
She had arrived at the castle with her things. Who's the caretaker of this place? It's magnificent! Dear Lord. She walked up the castle steps.

"Ahh Miss Sulkie." A man smiled at her. "Your the first to arrive." Raymona her baby black dragon flew up to her head, ~ Hey Chika? Can we get some food?~

"Yes Raymona I will ask." She giggled a bit. "Hello Mr.?" She paused waiting for a name. He just walked away, beckoning her to follow. "Or,you could ignore me and walk away." She shrugged and followed to her room.
Ambrosine's private limousine pulled up in front of the school, not her idea of course, but he parents insisted on it, so she went along with it. The Driver got out and quickly walked around to her door, opening it up for her.

"Here we are, Miss Ambrosine." He stated in a polite manner. Ambrosine held her tongue, fighting the urge to snap back Of course I know we are here, I have eyes. But like a good, respectable princess, she held her tongue. Clearing her throat softly she stepped out of the car, wearing a short, crimson red skirt, and a white lace top with a pale pink tank top underneath.

"Thank you," She replied to the man, blinking her icy blue eyes briefly over at him before making her way towards the trunk, but the man had already closed the door and moved to get her bags, himself. With a sigh she turned towards the large, elegant building.

"Great." She muttered, not thrilled about the idea of attending this academy. With a slight glance over her shoulder at the man she began to walk towards the entrance, her chin raised slightly, in a proud way, her pink hair spilling over her shoulders and cascading in soft curls down her back.

Reaching the doors she extended a hand and clasped the cool metal, brass handle and pulled it open, only part way before the limousine driver had caught up with her and pulled it back enough so she could get through, and with out a word, she walked in. Her gaze shifted towards a neatly dressed, middle aged man walking towards her. Blitz, the young fox brushed against her leg and Ambrosine looked down at her pet with a soft smile, and swooped down to pick her up. The animal followed her everywhere, and a lot of the time she barely even noticed.

"Hello Miss Ambrosine," The man greeted, bowing his head politely, and she did the same, feeling as though that was the right thing to do in this situation. She absent mindedly stroked the foxes soft russet fur peering around the place. It was so big. She thought nodding approvingly before returning her gaze.

"Hello," She responded in a curt, disinterested tone, that didn't seem to bother the man.

"I will take you to your room now." He informed her beginning to walk off with a flick of his fingers which Ambrosine took as him telling her to follow.

"Miss Sulkie arrived not long ago, you are the second to arrive." He added with a brief glance over his shoulder, walking in a brisk manner, but it was no matter for the long legged princess, she matched his strides, but her limousine driver seemed to be struggling a bit behind her, but she only took slight notice, staring straight ahead of her, past the man leading her to the room.

"I don't know who that is." Ambrosine mumbled blinking her icy blue eyes, fringed with long dark eye lashes that fluttered against her fair skin, running a hand through her silky pink hair.

"Another princess I assume though." She added, not needing him to tell her that.

"Yes, Yes. Princess of Britain." The man said, a grin tugging up at the corners of his lips. Brushing his white gloved hands down his side into both of his jacket pockets and pulled out a golden key, with her room number attached to it, passing it over to her, and she held out a hand to grasp the room key.

"I look forward to meeting her." Was all Ambrosine had to say about the girl, and exhaled when the man finally stopped in front of a door that would open up into her room. He Stopped abruptly a swiftly turned on his heel, gazing over at her with his sharp eyes.

"Here it is, your room, if you need anything at all, give any of us down in the main hall a call." He said in a light, up beat tone, handing her a card which he had quickly pulled out of his breast pocket, then brushed past her, walking back down the hall like their was something very urgent waiting for him back behind the desk of the lobby.

Ambrosine's pale pink lips curved into a slight smirk watching him leave, looking down at Blitz who just shrugged, and then to her limousine driver who was panting slightly. Turning back to the door, she slid the key into the lock, hearing the soft click of the door being unlock, and she reached out to push it open, walking into the large room.
She herd another car pull up. Great, people probably another person-. Her though was interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Hello?" She answered. she had a feeling she knew who it was.

"Hey Sulkie!" A boyish voice answered, "How is my favorite princess doing?"

"No, Yukio. I'm not doing this." She hung up, walking out of her room in rage. He was always after her, she liked him as a friend. "Hello!" She called hoping the other person would show.
Suzoku sighed as he drove his Lamborghini up to the beautifully built academy building he had been sent to, why? He had no idea. His parents were never around, so why would they send him to this place? It's not like they knew that he needed it! But he was just getting angry for nothing, he would be surrounded by rich, selfish punks, and elegant and beautiful women, women whom are so far above him they'll look upon him with disgust. He always thought the worst in people, he however had a very high tolerance for women, men however, he despised so greatly, but he was just going on and on about stuff he had felt a million times before. He parked near some Limo that was at the front of the staircase. He got out of the car and checked his cell phone, no messages.

He took his sword out of his shotgun seat and walked up the staircase and admired the door, this building was beautifully crafted. He opened the door and saw a man in a suit, he merely walked up and snatched the key, he didn't want to talk to a man. He read the number on the key and walked over to his room. He slid the key into the lock and twisted it and heard the click. He opened the door and walked into his room. He placed his sword on his bed. He admired the room, he would redecorate it later, for now he figured he would meet the others first.

Suzoku left the room and he began exploring the building, if he ran into a man, he would just ignore them.
Ambrosine looked upon the man carrying her luggage and with a mere wave of her hand, gestured that he could set her bags down and leave, she would tend to them later. Setting Blitz down she watched the fox roan around the room, taking in the new sights, scents, and sounds. With a soft sigh she began to walk around herself, her face expressionless, giving away none of the emotions she was feeling on the inside, she had mastered this trick quite perfectly, after years of practice. Walking into the bathroom she peered at her own reflection in the glass, running her hand through her silky pink hair, taming any strand that managed to get out of place. Turning on a heel she made her way towards the door she had left open, about to shut it before she heard the sound of a girls voice.

Leaning forward she peaked her head out of the door, her gaze meeting a fair haired, pretty girl, she looked around before realizing the girl was most likely talking to her. Stepping out of the door frame back into the hall, she clasped her hands behind her back, meeting Sulkie's gaze evenly.

"hello." She responded, looking over her from head to toe. She looked like the delicate, sweet type, she came to a hasty conclusion nodding her head curtly to approve of her decision.

"You must be Sulkie. Princess of Britain." She stated calmly, tilting her head slightly to the side to show she was indeed asking conformation on her greeting, hoping she was indeed who she thought she was, if not, that could be slightly embarrassing. She pulled her pale pink lips into a gentle smile, and reached out a hand from behind her back, towards the girl to shake her hand.

"I'm Ambrosine, of Holland." She stated, the words flowing smoothly from her lips, as though she had said them a million times. Looking past the girl her icy blue eyes met up with a boy that looked about her age, with long silver hair.

Gesturing to Sulkie to look over at Suzuko she mumbled,

"Who is he? Should we introduce ourselves?" She asked, her gaze lingering on the boy before returning to the fair haired girl before her.
Suzoku was looking around when he noticed a gorgeous pink haired woman look right at him, then back at the person she was standing in front of. He looked away from her as quick as he could and started telling himself he wasn't worthy, being a man and all. Men were what was wrong with this world, Hitler, the man from Germany had tormented a million or more Jews in Concentration Camps. Even in religion men had proven to be the worst when Adam fell under the influence of the Serpent of Temptation. Men like him were what was wrong with this world. He crossed his arms over his chest and thought for a moment before uncrossing his arms and facing the two women.

Suzoku approached the women hesitantly. "Greetings, I am Suzoku of Britain." Suzoku spoke quickly and straight to the point, he wanted to get this over with as fast as possible without seeming to be rude or in a hurry. He looked over the pink haired woman, she was gorgeous, she had flawless beauty, beautiful silky hair, and nice skin too. He felt so unworthy of being in her presence, his face however masked the emotions he was feeling.
Maon slowly approached the two parked cars on his horse, a pure white mare. He was dressed very simply, a pale blue suit suit, simple boots, duffle over his shoulder, sword on his hip and a cigar in his mouth. When he rode up he noticed some of the others had arrived, and in more what they called style. He dismounted his horse and handed the reins to a man in a dark grey suit, he flashed the ring on his finger and made his way to the dorms. The architecture fascinated Maon, it was both impressive and beautiful. He waled through the front door and down the hallways. As he made his way around he waved to a couple of the ladies chatting, and gave them a smile. He got to his room and looked at it's luxury. He stubbed his cigar in the crystal ashtray and left it there.

"Fancy" He thought aloud. "To fancy." He walked back to the hallways looking into some of the other rooms, they were all the same, overly highbrow and not to his taste. He walked until he ran back into the ladies and a young man.

"Awright lassies ."(Hello ladies.) He bowed to them. "'n' guid day tae ye sur, how urr ye a' th'day?"(And good day to you sire, how are you all today?) Maon's accent was a very thick Scottish brogue, a result of his highland country living, he hoped he'd be understood.

((If you prefer I not use the brogue for Maon's dialogue or that you'd like me to put a clearer no accent translation in parenthesis next to it like I have above, just say so and I will))
Ambrosine heard approaching footsteps and peered up, past Sulkie, her icy blue eyes meeting up with Suzoku's, a small smile tugging up at the corners of her pale pink lips. Holding his gaze she blinked, her long, dark eyelashes fluttering against her cheek before her gaze cascaded down to his shoes, then back up to his eyes, in a fluid motion, looking him over, absorbing what there was to know about him from his appearance.

"Hello, Suzoku." She greeted in a gentle tone, casting a glance over at Sulkie before looking back at him.

"I'm Ambrosine, of Holland." She introduced herself with a nod and a smile, moving her hand towards his, to shake his hand as a polite gesture. She ran her free hand through her silky pink hair, pursing her lips before she grinned happily,

"So if Sulkie, is indeed, princess Sulkie..." She trailed off a bit hesitantly, the girl hadn't really told her, her name yet so for now, Ambrosine was only guessing the girl standing beside her was princess of Britain.

"Then that means, you both are from Britain." She finished, shifting her weight slightly from one foot, to the other before she felt something soft brush up against her leg, and her gaze dropped to the floor, recognizing her pet fox, Blitz, staring back up at her, bushy tail flicking back an forth.

"Ah yes," She purred happily, reaching down to pick up the baby fox, holding it close to her chest.

"And this is Blitz." She stated, her tone laced with the fondness she had towards this animal. Running a delicate hand over Blitz's velvety ears she softly kissed the top of the fox's head.

Turning her head she watched as a man on a white horse approached the building. The ginger haired man sliding off his horse, he was different then the two people she had just met, of course she hadn't met this guy yet, but she could tell he wasn't too flashy. First the horse, then the clothes, and he ended up holding her interest until she returned her attention to Suzoku's.

"Who knew people still rode horses as a mode of transportation," She laughed softly, though was quite intrigued by the large white animal. She turned her head as he approached, dipping her head politely, folding her arms across her chest, studying him in slight interest, her cold eyes giving nothing away.

"So far my day hasn't been all bad." She replied with an arched eyebrow, surprised he hadn't introduced himself first, or even asked for their names, quite strange. She wondered if that was just what he was accustomed to, or if he just didn't care enough.

"I'm, Ambrosine, of Holland, and from the sound of that accent, I would guess, you're from Ireland." She stated with a slight tilt of her head, wondering how long this man would be able to hold her attention, he seemed decent enough. She thought before returning her gaze to Suzoku and then back to Maon, they were very different from each other, she noticed, she had expected most everyone to look and act the same, but in the few short moments of being here, that theory was proved incorrect.
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Suzoku watched the male approach. "I'm afraid I must go, I have to see my best friend." Suzoku said as he gave a narrow gaze at the man who had approached. He walked away from the group and entered his room, he noticed his bag and his puppy were here now. When the puppy saw Suzoku the dog ran towards him, despite the dogs tiny legs. Suzoku lifted up the dog and smiled as she licked his face. "You are my only real friend. Nobody will ever be as faithful to me as you." Suzoku said and he again allowed his puppy to lick his face. He placed the dog down to the ground and looked around. He snapped his fingers trying to get Ambrosine's attention. Then he motioned for her to come in his direction.
Maon listened to her words, prim and proper, just as he expected.

"'N' a'm Maon McHale, O' clan McHale"(And I am Maon McHale, of clan McHale) He had trouble getting a read on this woman, was she just polite? Or simply playing at being so? "Ye wur a'maist richt aboot th' accent, bit nae ferr. It's an honor tae catch up wi` ye princess, it's nae ilka day yin is in sic braw company. Kin ah as howfur someone o' sic ryle pedigree haes come tae be 'ere? Ye awready seem tae hae etiqute 'n' ye hae an air o' sophistication aboot ye, even ah kin tell that. "(You were almost right about the accent, but not quite. It is an honor to meet you Princess, it is not every day one is in such fine company. May I as how someone of such royal pedigree has come to be here? You already seem to have etiquette and you have an air of sophistication about you, even I can tell that.) He wondered why royalty who acted like royalty were here, he knew why he was here, to learn how to act like royalty. He noted how the other man scoffed and walked away, he had no manners, even commoners had better manners than him. Maon looked around for his hound, he did not see him. He lifted his boot and knocked his knuckle against the heel, resulting in a not to loud crack that would carry. In less than a minute, Artair came around the corner and ran to Maon. He patted his sides and scratched his chin. "Och, 'n' this is artair, mah dug. "(Oh, and this is Artair, my dog.) He stayed down on one knee, scratching Artair's side, looking up at Ambrosine. He smiled at her as he awaited her response.
Ambrosine had a slightly hard time translating what he was saying, his accent was quite thick, and she wasn't too accustom to it. She watched him intently, her cold gaze holding his, her chin raised in a proud manner.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Maon." She replied, her voice was flawless, not wavering in the slightest, she was brought up to talk like royalty and she was preforming the art, beautifully. She wasn't exactly polite, just doing what she had to. She wore a mask, hiding everything she really wanted to say, and how she wanted to act, replacing it with what she knew would bring pride to her family. She bit her lower lips slightly, envy burning silently within her as she listened to Moan, he acted like how she wished she could, and he didn't give a second thought about it. She forced the emotion away and replaced it with a soft laugh and an award winning grin,

"Aw, I was off on the accent? How so?" She stiffened slightly as he commented and or questioned her reason for being here,

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure, it was my parents decision, and I strive to be like them. So if they think this is the best place for me, then so be it. My only guess is that they feel this Academy will make me more... what's the word... well know." She stated calmly after a brief pause, she peered over at his dog, her eyes softening before she reached down instinctively to pet it, running her fingers through his fur,

"Aw, he's so handsome, and-" She cut herself off and quickly resumed her former proud stance, clearing her throat softly. Scolding herself inwardly, for letting the animal get the best of her.

"Nice Dog." She stated curtly, not meeting his eyes, her attention was now focused on Suzoku as he began to walk off, stating he had to go find his best friend, and being her curious self, she raised an eyebrow wondering who he was talking about. Her calm gaze followed him before she turned back to Maon and Sulkie... or who she thought was probably Sulkie. She felt Blitz squirm in her arms and in response she nuzzled her pet before placing her back down on the ground, watching her pad off towards where Suzoku had wandered off to. Turning towards the two still standing in front of her she managed a small smile,

"So what do you think of this place?" She gestured to the whole building with a long flick of her hand, her pink hair swishing against her back as she turned her head to look around, even the hall way was decorated beautifully.

Upon hearing a snapping noise she turned her head, looking over at Suzoku, blinking her icy blue eyes in surprise that he was requesting her to come over to where he was, through snapping. She wondered if he had forgotten her name already, quickly she shrugged off the thought and with a brief glance at the Irish Prince and the Britain Princess, nodding respectfully before brushing past them. She wanted to hear Maon's responses to her questions, but it would be rude to keep someone waiting. So she moved away and approached Suzoku.

"What is it?" She asked, her tone laced with slight curiosity, before spotting a small black puppy. She refrained for moving towards it in the un-proper manner she had done earlier.

"May I pet her?" She asked, glancing over at him cautiously. Blitz moved towards the dog and sniffed at her slightly, ears perked.
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Maon started to reply

"Na need tae speak sae formally aroond--"(No need to speak do formally around--) He was cut off by Ambrosine leaving to answer Suzoku's snapping.

Maon looked at Suzoku with a look of disdain. And he made sure to look him in dead in the eyes with it. He had no manners, no class whatsoever. Maon whispered in Artair's ear."Gang plooter th' toy ower thare."(Go play with the toy over there.) His smile was broad. He stood and turned to Sulike. He bowed again.

"'n' howfur aboot ye fair maiden? urr ye weel th'day? Allow me tae introduce masell formally, a'm Maon McHale, prince o' Scootlund, it's a buzz tae catch up wi` ye. "(And how about you fair maiden? Are you well today? Allow me to introduce myself formally, I am Maon McHale, Prince of Scotland, it is a pleasure to meet you.) He smiled again, and gave a slight tap of his heels. Artair shot towards Suzoku and his dog, he moved low and fast, just like he was trained for the hunt. Artair slammed his head into the young pup, sending it flying down the hall, then he slowly returned to Maon's side. Maon scratched the top of his head.

"Guid laddie."(Good boy) He whispered. He looked at Suzoku with a smile that said 'What are you gonna do pretty boy' Maon did not like that boy, he was rude, unchivalrous, and called on the princess in a way befitting a scoundrel. He wanted to start a fight with this boy who dared call himself 'prince', it was a title befitting noble men and he was not one. He turned back to Sulike with an innocent smile.
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Alana stepped out of the sleek black limousine,her auburn-furred wolf trailing behind, and slammed the door behind her, her luggage on the floor. Grumbling, she tried to balance herself, teetering on the edge of her dark red heels. " Aunt Cecylja, is it really necessary to wear these god-awful heels? I don't really think I'll survive in these malicious footwear. I might trip, and sprain my ankle, and die. Shi-Damn it, see? I almost did. Please let me go home. I don't need to learn to be a proper lady, I can, I don't know, use my looks and charm and wits to win suitors. See? My mom didn't need to be proper lady to win father over, in fact he was the one who courted her in the first place!" Her aunt scoffed and peeked at Alana from behind her over-sized Dior sunglasses through the open window, " Alana, mind your words, will you. From now on you'll be staying in a place full of talented royals, and you have to start acting like one. Your mother was lucky, and she was a charismatic woman, though I can't say the same for you-"

" What? I'll have you know that I'm very charismatic too!"

Her aunt merely tutted and dismissed her with a wave of her gloved hand, " Not at the moment you're not. But you have potential, hidden behind your boyish hobbies and unruly etiquette. That's why I decided to get your parent's permission to send you here. You're a...a..." Her aunt shook her head as she tried to think up of a proper metaphor, " -a...raw diamond. Yes! A raw diamond indeed! You just need a bit of polishing, well, a lot of polishing really, and you'll shine just as bright as the others. Now mind you, I have tea with an Irish noble, goodbye!" With that, she rolled the window up an the limousine was gone, sending a trail of dust in its wake.

" Goodbye to you too," Alana sighed and clapped her hands together, looking down at the curious gaze of her wolf," Well Lexi, let's get this thing started." Adjusting her black leather gloves, she picked up her luggage once more and headed down the path towards the grand building. Once she was settled, and had left her things in her room, she wandered around the building, curious to see what was within those majestic walls. Lexi padded beside her, only stopping once to sniff at a book someone dropped. When she was out in public, Lexi often intimidated others, standing just above Alana's hip with its strong build, it looked extremely out of place, especially during social gatherings. But here, Alana guessed Lexi looked almost normal, with dragons and dogs almost as tall as her shoulders, but that still didn't stop her from receiving cautious gazes.

Brushing a strand of her soft, messy light brown curls behind her ears, her emerald green eyes scanned past a small crowd of two girls and a guy standing by the hallway. From what she gathered, both o the girls were British royalty, and the guy was from Scotland. She almost gawked when she saw the girls, they were almost the images of grace. One had hair so pale it looked like snow, while the other had beautiful pink curls that cascaded down her back. Both of them looked extremely beautiful, and dignified, and well- unlike her. She looked at herself as she smoothed down the skirt of her short silk pale mauve dress self-consciously. Both of them had womanly figures, with long legs and soft curves, she had curves too, but she lacked the softness and litheness, after all the hours, days, months and years she had spent practicing combat and shooting with her mother, her body had developed a sort of a toned build. While she still had the barely-tanned skin most royalties did, even after the hours spent under the Sun standing next to them, it just didn't look the same. Standing next to them, she'd probably look like a train wreck.

Well, I guess it's never too late to make new friends, even if they are much more dignified and regal than you are.

Smiling nervously to herself, she adjusted the dark crimson hairband on her head and looked up, just in time to see the Scottish prince send his large dog slamming into another guy's pup. " Hey!" She yelled, all calmness and grace lost in that moment, " You bloody fåntratt, how could you!" She stormed towards him angrily, Lexi right on her heels. When she was upset, she tend to slip back into her mother tongue, " How could you?! You can't just attack a pup! It's just a pup för Guds skull! There is never, I repeat, NEVER a good reason to attack a small animal, especially not even if its owner was being an arse- Oof!" She wobbled on the sharp points of her heels and fell smack on the polished floor, right in front of them. But right then, the crowd seemed to be more shocked by her language than her fall. " Oh tusan också!" She got up hastily and stood up to the Scottish guy, jabbing a finger at him. " So don't you ever punish another small animal again for no good reason or I swear to god I'll pin you up to the wall and shoot you right in the kisser, oh and guess what lad, I'll even let you pick which gun I'll use to send a bullet through your head,"she growled lowly. There was a moment of silence, that was when she finally realized that she probably looked like some sort of demented psychopath, and not the least bit royal. Heat rushed up to her cheeks, and she chuckled nervously, slowly retrieving her hand, " So... I'm Alana Rosenbelrg, from the Roselbelrg family in Sweden. You can call me Ana, that's fine as well, can we pretend that didn't just happen? I mean the whole yelling and tripping and threatening part?" She gave them all a weak smile, then buried her face in her palms," Oh who am I kidding? I'm an idiot." She quickly snapped her head back up, and fixed a glare at the Scotsman," But I still mean the part about you not hurting small animals again. I'm an animal lover, mind you." Then with an afterthought, she tried to plastered a smile on her face, probably resulting in a really awkward expression, and added, " Please?"
Suzoku watched as his dog was slammed across the hall, the perpetrator was seen returning to it's master. A man, typical. Suzoku quickly ran straight at the animal and picked it up by the tail. Then he simply walked out the front door and slung the animal like it was a throwing knife. After that he turned to the man who's animal had hurt his. "You had better stay away from my dog, I didn't like you before that happened and I sure as hell don't like you now. Oh, and excuse my manners, living alone I never needed to practice my manners, so I am not the least bit hesitant to pound your face into the wall and slice you up with my sword." Suzoku said coldly and harshly, this was exactly why he wanted to stay alone. He walked over to his animal and picked it up gently as he stroked her back gently. He began examining the dog for injuries, it looked like the dog was bleeding, and had a dislocated leg bone. Being a little puppy it was sensitive to pain. Suzoku was now ready to really hurt that animal, and it's master.
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She kept silent the whole time before smiling slightly and waving hello. "Hello. I'm Sulkie." She tilted her head. Se could be nice, rude or just downright mean. But she usually was just big mouthed. Her voice barley carried. "I'm the princess of England" she held out her hand to shake. "Pleased to meet ya!"
Night slipped out of the vette his driver had pulled up in it was a brand new model and Night was happy to own one. Nodding softly he tossed a few bills towards the driver and smiled. "Now remember to be here when school lets out, I get to drive home and show you how this little car works tho ok?" Night laughed and smiled as the driver responded with a 'Yes Master, whatever you wish' "Told you, you don't have to call me master. Just call me Night, master makes me feel like your my little slave." With that Night shut the door and headed off towards the school

Stepping into the academy, Night glanced around and blinked. "I know this is for the royal, but is this much needed?" Night proceeded down the hall pulling out a schedule reading the paper while he walked. Tilting his head to the side he cringed as a little bird nipped at his ear. "Ren, Hey Ren cut it out. I told you not to leave the bag yet, people might not enjoy a black bird flying around." The bird cawed and hopped onto his head resting there. "Fine, just be careful ok?" He spoke then glanced around the halls. "And now I'm lost...."
She danced to the door, with her music in. She danced passed a boy with a raven. She paused. "What a beautiful creature, I am Sulkie. the princess of England." Raymona came up next to her. "I would be very careful, when going down that hallway." She cautioned, "Argument's are happening and I wouldn't be surprised if a fight broke out." She hummed a catchy tune. "Well pleased to meet you whoever you are, If you need me I will be out back in the maze." She skipped off.

Chika? Where are you going? Her dragon asked.

"To the maze." She ran off getting lost.
Mano was was just starting to talk to Alana when Suzoku came over and spoke to him in a rather irritated manner.

"Excuse me fur juist a moment lassy."(Excuse me for just a moment miss) He walked over to Suzoku and leaned over his shoulder

"You'd best learn tae be polite, or ah micht actually hurt ye oan purpose. Ah ainlie tellt artair tae speil. Sae sorry if mah hound likes tae speil raucle. Bit if ye ever titch him in that manner again,"(You'd best learn to be polite, or I might actually hurt you on purpose. I only told Artair to play. So sorry if my hound likes to play rough. But if you ever touch him in that manner again,) Maon slid the claymore a couple inches out of it's sheath. "Ah will gut ye, 'n' tell mah dug that thir's a freish type o' gam in toun, yin that is wee wi' black fur."(I'll gut you, and tell my dog that there's a new type of game in town, one that is small with black fur.) He clacked his heels and returned to Ana. Artair ran to join him. He returned to her and bowed once more, Maon couldn't help but smile at the Swedish princess, he liked her style

"Sorry, mah dug played a bawherr tae raucle, ah awready said sorry fur him. A'm an animal lover masell, this is Artair. It's an absolute buzz tae mak' ye acquaintance Alana, 'n' kin ah say whit a bonny name that is? "(Sorry, my dog played a little too rough, I already apologized for him. I am an animal lover myself, this is Artair. It is an absolute pleasure to make you acquaintance Alana, and may I say what a beautiful name that is?) He gave here a smile and looked over her. She was quite fetching, and not like he expected from the other royalty as far as her personality went, he liked that about her. And to top it off, he liked that she seemed very humble for royalty as well. "'N' a'm feelin' assured yer na eejit lassy, 'twas mah dug wha acted oot o' line, he'll be getting na mae bridie th' nicht."(And I feel assured you are no idiot miss, it was my dog who acted out of line, he'll be getting no extra meat tonight." He liked this one, the Scots and Swedes normally shared a friendship, he hoped he would not ruin it here, after all, he liked the way she acted.
Suzoku quickly entered his room, placed the dog down, and picked up his long sword. He strapped it to his waist and returned. "Alright, let me make this as clear as I possibly can, you can threaten me all you like, I don't care what happens to me, but I won't hesitate to cut you into a million pieces if you so much as look at my dog the wrong way, and I'm already being way too forgiving with you as it is. I hate men, you know what that means? It means I hate you, i hate myself, and any other man that has ever existed in this decrepit world we live in. I won't hesitate to kill you if you step out of line around me, you're little Claymore doesn't scare me. Besides, if memory serves your little demon started this whole thing. My dog is not a guard dog, it isn't a fighting dog, it's the only friend I have and I will blow the world up before seeing her hurt. So. Back. Off." Suzoku threatened with the coldest voice he had ever spoken, he didn't lie though, he didn't care about himself, or the world.
"Sir." The man all clad in uniform bowed in front of him, with great reverence, as he got out of the long dark sleek automobile, an silver insignia on the side of the car, representing his House. The dust kicked up in the air, just a bit over ankle height.

The person got out of the auto and closed the door behind him. He was tall, and well built. Aodhan's dark waist coat was fitting his torso perfectly, his shadow tie fitted on his neck, his dark hair messed in a right way, like if it fit him flawlessly. A sword rested upon his waist, slender and thin. His bag was over his shoulder, thumping against his arm. The driver got out of the car and rushed to the back of the car, taking out extra baggages that he might have brought. He looked up at the blue sky with his startling yellow eyes, the horizon dotted with white blobs of steam. The greeter looked at him confusedly, probably wondering what he was waiting for. He didn't, however, hear the violent flapping, getting closer and closer as finally, a shadow passed them both, as big as the limo was. It circled once and a whistle flew out of the German aristocrats mouth, alerting the creature of his master's presence.

The Griffon landed near the car, a big wind washing both of the men over, almost making the other man trip by surprise. Aodhan simply smiled and patted his head. The animal squawked and blinked twice. He wasn't near big enough for him to ride him, as he was only the size of a large dog, and the driver didn't let the Griffon get in the car with him, at the sadness of Aodhan, who wouldn't dare let the driver know of that emotion. Anyways, the Griffon was better off in the airs, in his natural habitat. "Come on, Lester, we have to get to the dorms." He said, with his cold and icy voice. The Griffon, however, perceived those words as warm and nice, squawked in response, nudging him forward with his head.

The German boy was at the least surprised when he saw the academy. It looked grand and just a tad bit overpriced, but it was to expect, since much more aristocrats than him arrived here. He wondered if anyone else arrived already as he marched on, wandering straight to his dorm. He needn't no help to see where the dorms were. They were, of course, huge and were impossible to miss.

Arriving at his own dorm, he put his bag on the bed and beckoned the driver to put his bag down, so that he could unpack them later. He was a bit too jittery at the idea of others like him in this Academy to worry about unpacking. A tad bit excited, he headed down the hallways and skipped down the stairs, his trusty Griffon following him like a pet bird.

That was when he heard voices, angry voices even. Curious, he headed down to the main hall . Two people, both males, were squaring off in a fight. His expression was devoid of expressions already as he examined the two men. "Vhat is this affair about?" He enunciated, with just a light German accent to his voice.
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Maya and her butler, Jermaine, pulled up to the school in a shiny white limosine. Maya opened the door, her long, fluffy black gown bouncing in the wind. "Thank you, Jermaine. It vas great to see you again. Goodbye." She said, slamming the door.

She walked up to the doors. A man in a long black coat was opening the doors for her. He took her bags and bowed to her. "Hello. Please wait here." e said, walking inside. She nodded. Her cat, Kosovo, was sitting beside her.
Ambrosine was about to reach down to pet the puppy before it was roughly hit by the Irish prince's dog. She inhaled sharply and took a step back, hearing the puppy whimper, her icy blue eyes widened as the two began snapping at each other. Were they about to get into a fist fight? She wondered, her heart beat beginning to quicken, reaching down she pulled Blitz into her arms, holding the fox protectively against her chest.

Averting her gaze she watched as a girl stormed towards them, slightly wobbly in her high heels, gasping softly as she fell, but regained herself quite quickly.

Ambrosine couldn't help but smile, and she placed a hand over her mouth to laugh softly in amusement. She quite liked this girl, she had never heard a girl talk like that to someone else in her life, it was so... so... what was the word. She gazed away in thought, biting her lower lip slightly, trying to recall the word. After a few heart beats she lifted a hand and snapped as it came to mind, that's it! Free spirited. Alana, seemed so free, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She greatly admired that, it was something she would never allow herself to do.

With a brief sigh she turned her gaze to Suzoku, who was moving towards Maon with his long sword close to his side. She took a step back, she didn't know weapons were allowed here. She looked down the hall towards her room, running a hand through her pale pink hair. She was being introduced to so many different things all at once that her innocent, protected mind was having a hard time accepting.

The pale pink haired girl's blue eyes looked from one boy to the other beginning to move away from the crowd gathering in the hall,

"I'm just going to go get some air." She mumbled, managing an apologetic smile before walking off towards the lobby and then to the outdoors, squinting at the sudden sunlight she found a bench that was placed not too far away and approached it. Cautiously she sat down, placing Bltiz on the ground, and gently ran her hands over her crimson short shirt, smoothing it out.
"They need to shut up." She growled angerly walking into the crowded hallway. "If you would be so kind, to-" They couldn't hear her. She took a breath. "SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP!" She yelled with a strong british accent. "Jesus we came here to solve our problems not create more!" She looked at everyone there. "I truly am sorry to those who weren't part of the arguing. But I came from an Very Argumentative family, And I note that, there will be arguing but please refrain from hurting other royalties pets. I love animals and if i see one hurt, I will not hesitate to challenge you to a duel.." She waited to get made fun of again.
Maon was about to retort to Suzoku's words when he heard Sulike speak he glared at Suzoku.

"She is ferr richt, we ur royalty we shuid act lik' it."(She is quite right, we are royalty we should act like it.) He smiled maliciously at Suzoku, he would destroy him by rallying others against him, he was obviously the more civil man here, was he not? "Ye throwing dugs by thair tails 'n' drawing steel in th' presence o' lassies, please huv a go tae act lik' a civilized jimmy."(You throwing dogs by their tails and drawing steel in the presence of ladies, please try to act like a civilized man.) He walked past Suzoku, lightly brushing against his shoulder. He stopped in front of Sulike, and bowed down before her. "Awright, kin ah ask whit th' fair lady's name is? A'm Maon McHale, prince o' Scootlund. Tis 'n' honor tae catch up wi` ye."(Hello, may I ask what the fair lady's name is? I am Maon McHale, prince of Scotland. It's and honor to meet you.) He looked up and gave her a smile, British though she may be, she seemed to be a good enough person. He thought of ways to destroy Suzoku, the 'man', if one could even call him that, was a disgrace to me everywhere, he was undeserving of royalty in Maon's mind.

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