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Realistic or Modern The Rose Club(Characters)


Just Me
{Character Sheets}






A little about them-



Cleopatra Mary-Eloise Carthen





Cleopatra has always been the little wild girl. If she wanted to do something, she did it, even if it meant getting in trouble. She was never afraid to climb the tree to get the kite, or to say hello to the stranger on the street. Cleo loved freedom, and was never one to be held down by the rules of the society around her. She was the exact opposite of her twin Cassie. Cassie was all brains and beauty, the one who loved with all her heart and got hurt easily. Cassie was the soft one while Cleo was the loud one. Cassie couldn't do anything with music while Cleo could spend every waking music playing and instrument. Nothing could separate the two, nothing other than Cassie's suicide.


Brently Cassiden Oxly





Brently was born to two very loving parents who wanted him with all their hearts. . . Well that is what he has been told his entire life by his adoptive parents. He was never told much about where he came from other than that, and he was fine with keeping it that way. Brently loves his life and wouldn't want it changed in any way. Brently is the guy that everyone asks for help with homework, but he never gives it. Little do they know it isn't because he is a stuck up genius, rather he guesses on most things and makes up for it by having his friends help him out. The only subject he is actually good at is science, more exactly chemistry. He loves to experiment, and that is what you can usually find him doing.

Eliza Botts





A first impression of Eliza might leave one thinking she is cynical and extremely sarcastic. They would be right. Eli is your sort of "evil teenager" person. She isn't all that nice to strangers or friends, and though she acts hard on the outside, she's a real fuzzball on the inside. When you break down Eli's walls, she is extremely trustworthy and caring, and listens to her best friends. Her sense of humor is dry and witty, and though she rarely cracks a smile, many say it's one of the most beautiful things they have witnessed. Eliza isn't normally one to start meaningless conversation, except when she is bored, in which she will taunt you to no end. A lot of people find her terrible to be around, though those who do stick around are rewarded. Eli makes friends slowly, but you'll know she will stick with you when she isn't afraid to crack a joke on someone else's behalf in front of you.

Eliza smokes, though only once every other day. She keeps the habit under control, except when she is stressed.

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