The Roleplay


"A ghost?! Waa! Dakota, we were too late!" Sam shouted, his eyes practically becoming as wide as saucers. Despite his tone and choice of words, he swiftly let Dakota land on the ground. On the other hand, he dropped to the floor on his knees, the bang being loud enough to show that he truly let all his weight fall, therefore showing that he was really really upset at the situation at hand. Tears began forming at his eyes, and he bowed his head to respect the 'dead.'

@TheAnimeRabbit @galaxycorgi @JayKuro


He face-palmed at Sam's actions. "Dude, we're alive," he said with a chuckle. "It's a joke. You do know that ghosts don't actually exist, right...?" He trailed off, standing up and patting Sam on the shoulder. "It's nice to know that you'd respect us though." 


Dakota Emerson 

Dakota had to hold back a laugh as he was put down and Sam fell down to his knees. 'At least we now know that he cares...' Dakota thought as Blake patted Sam on the shoulder. "Alright time for the surgery to begin! Who wants to go first!" He said excitedly as he held the kit over his head his face turning back to its original pale color. He smiled at everyone and wondered who would volunteer to go first Blake or Shelby?





Blake stopped patting Sam on the shoulder. "I don't really care, I mean, Shelby got her's cut first. It all depends on what she wants to do," he said. Smiling, he continued, "I mean, I can go first if you want. I really have no opinion." However, even if he didn't care, the thought of someone sticking a needle and thread through his hand gave him chills. 



When the boy rose his head, he began laughing like a manic, holding his stomach as though he was in pain. "Heh," he uttered, pulling down his left, lower-eyelid and sticking out his tongue to taunt them. "I'm not that dumb. I know that ghosts don't exist!" Sam stated matter-of-factly. He should've stopped there, but Sam's.. Well, he's Sam, and so, he continued. "The only thing that exists that we don't see are aliens," he added, switching his position so that he was cross-legged on the floor. When Dakota mentioned surgery, the male used his hands to turn himself around. No way was he going to watch that!

@JayKuro @galaxycorgi @TheAnimeRabbit
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Dakota Emerson 

"You're really something you know that Sam." Dakota said laughing a bit as he looked over at him when aliens were mentioned. "alright then Blake you can go first. You're manly so you don't even need anesthetics do you?" He said jokingly, either way he would use anesthetics it hurt a lot more than it had to without them. He sat down on one of the bunks criss cross apple sauce as he so liked to call it and pat the bed in front of him telling Blake to sit there. He opened the kit and grabbed one of the several needles and filled it with anesthetics smiling as he looked it over. He glanced over at Sam "you know, it's actually not that bad. You don't have to be afraid to watch, it's not like this is some type of horror movie. It's only stitches." 





"You know it," Blake said with a wink. "Just kidding, yeah, I'm gonna need the anesthetics." He smiled at Sam's attitude, "It is only stitches. It's not going to be that bad. Well, not unless Dakota makes it that way, but I trust him... Even though I just met him..." Blake sat next to Dakota, the smile sticking. 



"I'm not something, Dakota. I'm Sam!" The boy said, making arm movements even while not facing the group. It's true that he's a firm believer in aliens, though; in fact, one could say that he's an advocate for the extraterrestrial creatures. Back home, his entire bedroom was alien themed, and he even brought his little stuffed alien, who he had named Oikawa, along with him to the camp. When told what he thought was the impossible, he replied with, "I don't like seeing any injury! It's scary." He crossed his arms as if that action would prove his point; really, the thought of being injured was pretty freaky to him. If he wouldn't be able to play his sport due to an injury, he'd probably be one sobbing mess.

@JayKuro @galaxycorgi @TheAnimeRabbit
Dakota Emerson

"Right, right your Sam not something and injuries are scary. I understand!" Dakota said as he laughed a bit at Sam, though not in a bad way.

"Don't worry nothing's gonna happen. But in case something does happen, Sam I'm counting on you to take the blame." Dakota said smirking as he did so. "No I'm just kidding, I've done this a thousand times, it's a piece of cake!" Dakota said as he gently took Blake's hand and wiped the blood off with some disinfectant wipes before putting the needle in near the wound. 

While the effects were kicking in Dakota took his time in putting the string in the thin needles and tying the end so it wouldn't come off and get stuck in Blake's hand. "Alright I'm getting ready to start, if you don't wanna watch now' the time to look away." He said as he began doing the stitches with his left hand. 'It's a little worse than I thought, but it shouldn't hurt too much after three to four days.' He thought as he began doing the stitches occasionally moving his hair out the way.



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He tried not to move a muscle, and was glad when the anesthetic kicked in. Occasionally, he would glance at what Dakota was doing, but would just end up cringing. When he heard Shelby, he looked at her. "Shelby," he said, "How much sleep did you get last night?" Blake could notice her zoning out, but wasn't sure if it was from sleep-deprivation or blood loss. 


Dakota Emerson 

"Hey, I know exactly how you feel although I at least got an hour of sleep." Dakota said laughing a bit as he bit off the string afterwards cutting it down lower and tying the ends until you couldn't see where it began or where it ended. "There we go! All done!" He said happily as he searched the kit once more and tossed Blake a bottle of painkillers. "Those are just some painkillers for when the anesthetics where off." He said as he started preparing another needle. "Well, Shelby its you turn now!" He said looking over yo her and smiling. 




"Eh? Done already?" Sam questioned, turning around to take a good look at the stitches. Getting interested in the handwork, he scrambled over to Blake, getting close and personal to view it. He was pretty amazed at the quality of said stitches and said, "Wooow, good job, Dakota!" When hearing about the video games, he glanced over at Shelby, his eyebrows raised. The male had the chance to play them all the time, but not once in his life had he taken up that offer; it was a bit strange for him to be one of the few kids his age to have never gotten on a console. He hadn't even bothered with phone games, either, but this was mainly because he never really had anything besides a 90s flip phone. Home-schooled most of his life, he hadn't had much of a chance to use a computer. Call him old fashioned, but that's just how his mother raised him. "Ya'll play video games? Are they fun?"

@JayKuro @galaxycorgi @TheAnimeRabbit


"Dude, you could be a surgeon," Blake said to Dakota, looking at the stitches. Shaking his head at Shelby, "It doesn't hurt at all." He stared at Sam when he asked if video games were fun. "You.. Have you never played a video game?" he asked dramatically, "I hope there's an Xbox or Wii here or something so that we can introduce you to the fun of them!" He grinned and with a chuckle said, "So, yeah, they're pretty fun. However, I didn't stay up all night playing them, like some people."


Dakota Emerson 

"well I said I've done it a million times it'd be strange if I weren't good at it by now, but thanks!" Dakota said looking at both Blake and Sam glad they liked his work. "I'm on a sugar high it's impossible for me to even think about sleeping!" He said as if were the most obvious thing in the world. "Wait you seriously haven't played a video game before? What kind of world gave you been living in?!" He said looking over at Sam in disbelief. 'He's just kidding right? He looks like the type of person who only plays video games and does sports!' He thought.




"Yup!" He admitted, "I've never played; my mom has a ban on 'em." Rubbing the back of his neck, he gave a weak smile, realizing that he was the odd one out when it came to things like this. Without pause, he added, "Same with sweets! And soda.. And fast food.." Sam looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember all of the things that his mother prohibited. Since it was one of the needed items for the stitching process, one certain rule came to mind. He wasn't allowed to use over the counter medicine, so he'd just have to sit out fevers, headaches, and typical discomfort. Whenever he'd ask her about it, she'd say that it was forbidden because it'd mess up the balance in his body; of course, he still got shots. The people he used to talk to would say that his mother was insane for not letting him have something so basic in today's world, but he was always a pretty healthy kid. 

@JayKuro @galaxycorgi @TheAnimeRabbit
Dakota Emerson

Dakota smiled and gently took Shelby's hand sitting it on his lap as he wiped the blood off with disinfectant wipes. He prepared another needle and inserted it near the wound carefully before placing it down next to him on the bed and start to thread the needle used for the stitches. 

He he tyed the end and waited for a moment just to make sure the effects had kicked in and start stitching up the cut. "Yeah, I have the feeling your totally gonna like them!" He said looking up at Sam before looking back down to see what he was doing.




"Mhmm.. I dunno," the boy admitted. The last thing he wanted to do was go against his mother's rules, but he decided that, since he was at the camp, he'd be able to do whatever the hell he wanted. "I'll play only if you play a game of my choosing! Well, maybe except for you guys, Shelbs and Bla-eroonie; you can't play with your hands like that." Sam was between two sports that he was going to force Dakota into doing, basketball or volleyball. The thought of either made him grin widely. 

@JayKuro @galaxycorgi @TheAnimeRabbit
Dakota Emerson

"hm... Okay that sounds fare enough. I must warn you though I'm not really the athletic type so you'll probably have to teach me the rules and such." He said as he finished up on Shelby's hand and gave her a pill bottle as well. This was going to be a very interesting experience. He,, and Blake get to teach Sam how to teach video games and Sam gets to teach Dakota to play a physical game. Of course if Blake and Shelby really wanted to play there was a slight possibility that they could play without further worsening their injuries.




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