The Roleplay

Dakota Emerson

"Ah yeah Totally! It sounds really fun!" Dakota said excitedly once again jumping up and down a bit. "I can easily climb in and out that window so as long as Sam here can distract them for at least a minute then we're all good!" He said holding up his thumb with a big smile on his face. Techincally it wasn't really stealing if they were gonna put it back, although they probably weren't besides it meant for the campers anyways and there's bound to be more.





"Awesome!" he said. The medical supplies was technically for the campers anyway, so no one would care. Besides, if the thought it was missing thy'd probably just think that they miscounted the number of supplies. "Thanks, Dakota! I'm sure Sam can distract them if he wants, and then we'll meet in the Moon Cabin."

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Not understanding that it was joke, the male's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. "You're bleeding to death?!" He nearly screeched, his arms flailing around in the air. Sam didn't want to lose his first friends at this camp, so now, he was worried beyond comprehension. "Come on, Dakota! We need to hurry," he said, obviously in a rush. Grabbing Dakota's hand, he pulled him along; he was running as fast as his legs could take him, and to put it short, Sam's a pretty fast runner. 

@galaxycorgi @JayKuro @TheAnimeRabbit
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Blake was surprised that Sam didn't get it was a joke. However, the sooner they got it, the faster he could get the small pieces of glass that cause his hand to continue to leave drops of blood. "Okay, well, we'll meet you at the Moon Cabin!" he yelled after them, and began walking to the Cabin. 


Dakota Emerson 

Dakota laughed a bit when Blake said he was bleeding to death, the next thing he knew he was being pulled most likely to the infirmary by Sam. 'Jeez such a fast runner!' He thought struggling to keep up with him. "Hey, slow down a bit! You gonna pull my arm off!" He said trying to catch his breath. "Don't worry... Shelby and Blake are fine... It was just an expression..." dakota said slowing to a stop and breathing heavily. He was never the type of person to run unless it was an emergency, and while it was urgent no one was going to die.




Sam stopped in his tracks immediately, which seemed impossible what with the speed he was running at. Although, he was terribly concerned by what Dakota said. "Eh? Your arm can be pulled off?!" He questioned, not getting the phrase once again. The male craned his neck down, trying to get a good look at the short boy. 'Well, he is pretty small. I gotta go easy on 'em!' He reflected, pursing his lips as he thought everything over. When told that the two back at the house were fine, his eyebrows furrowed. He wondered why Blake would say that in the first place, even if it was an expression. However, he shook the though off, crouching down on the ground, ready to give the male a piggy-back ride. "Hop on, we still gotta hurry!"

Dakota Emerson

"Ah no I don't think it could be pulled off." Dakota said looking back up at Blake  'Although it could be pulled out of socket.' He thought as Blake leaned down to his height. 'Okay I know i'm short but this guy's just a giant.' He thought as Blake crouched on the ground offering him a piggyback. "It's been so long since i've had a piggyback ride!" Dakota said excitedly getting on Blake's back. "Awesome, I feel so tall now!" 


Although still confused about the expressions, Sam didn't mention anything about it. "Eh? I'm not that tall yet!" The male said, holding the belief that he was still pretty short. Even though he's much taller than most of the people around him, Sam wasn't going to consider himself a giant until he finally became six feet tall. 'Just a half more of an inch!' He though to himself, although he stated afterwards, "I'm still growing." Without another word, he pulled his arms underneath Dakota's legs and joined his hand, securing the weight on his back- even though there wasn't much weight anyway. After standing up, he began running, nearly as fast as he was going before. 

Dakota Emerson

"You mean you're still growing!" Dakota said almost in disbelief. 'Just what is he eating!? Some type of growing pills!?' He thought as Blake started running just about as fast as he was before. "Lucky... I stopped gorwing in middle school! Although I still have hopes of growing even if it's just a little." He said looking for anything that might look like an infirmary. 'If Sam really wanted too, he could probably be an olympic runner! No wonder he's in sun cabin...' He thought as he put two and two together. 'Not the smartest, but he's definetly a very very good athlete.' 


rap monster.png


"Mhm! Still growing," he replied simply, continuously picking up the pace. Dead leaves and stranded branches were crushed under his feet, and often, the sound would take him away from his own thoughts. Now, he was wondering what it would feel like if, instead of being a human, he was a different organism being demolished by something bigger. His expression changed to one of terror, but as soon as he heard Dakota speak, he tuned back in. "If you think I'm lucky, you should've seen my dad," he commented. "He was suuuper tall!" 

Dakota Emerson

"I'm afraid to know what your version of super tall is..." Dakota muttered resting his head on Sam's shoulders. "But i'm still curious, how tall is your dad?" Dakota was thinking around 6'8 or 6'9 but Sam's dad could've been 7'5 for all he knew. 'His whole family is probably huge. A house full of giants...' He thought closing his eyes a bit opening them every so often just to see where they were.


(That picture though...) 

Sam snickered, understand the wording of the fellow camp-member for once; he could tell that he actually wasn't afraid, but that did trip him off a bit. "He was 7'6!" He said, his usual grin covering his features. When he felt Dakota's head on his shoulder, that grin got ten times wider. He couldn't wait to tell his mother all about his new buddies; he was practically bursting with joy, and being the radiate boy he was, it was showing. "I'm definitely not gonna be as tall as him," he admitted. As the infirmary, or at least what he thought to be the infirmary, came into view, he slowed down. "Probably because my mom's pretty small; she's only 6'3." The male let out a sigh after his statement, and when they got just a few feet from the building, he crouched down again, letting Dakota get off.

Dakota Emerson

Dakota literally stopped breathing when Sam said his mother was 6'3 not only that but he said he was actually pretty small. He got off of Sam's back and smiled. "Usually woman aren't that tall. My mom was only 5' I think my dad was around 6' though." He said biting his lip as he thought for a moment. 'Wait, if my dad was 6' something, and my younger brother is 6' something too... Then why am I so short!?' He thought as realiization finally hit him, he shook it off and looked at the infirmary and then Sam. "I'll sneak around the side and go in through the window okay? I only need about a minute so i'm counting on you to distract the nurse until then."


The male's left hand rubbed the back of his neck, adding, "I'm actually the shortest in my family.." Honestly, he was a bit embarrassed by that detail, mainly because his sister was at least four inches taller than him, and his aunt was around seven inches taller. Of course, his father was the giant in the family, the first one to be over seven feet tall, but that didn't stop everyone else from being skyscrapers. That thought quickly left his mind, though, an he soon quickly sent a nod Dakota's way. "O-K! I'll make ya' proud, Dakota!" He said with a smile, skipping in through the door of the infirmary without any hesitation. The nurse turned to face the one coming in through the door, asking if she could help Sam. Said male tensed up; he planned to use pick-up lines, but now, he was a bit worried about getting in trouble on his first day at camp. 

With an internal sigh, Sam started closing the gap between the nurse and him to get her attention, and he practically yelled, "Did you sit on sugar? Because you have a pretty sweet-" Before he could continue, because he's always been clumsy,  his foot managed to get behind one of the flower pots in the building. He tripped, his weight smashing the ceramic almost instantly. Doing her job, the old lady ran over to him and sat down on the floor to reach his level, checking for any cuts or scraps on the boy. Taking a hold of the nurse's hand, the male slowly lifted himself up to meet her face, a smirk covering his. "Ya' know.. Pots aren't the only thing I'm good at smashing."

Dakota Emerson

"No way, you're kidding right!? Your so tall, yet your the shortest in your family?!" Unbelievable, just how tall are these people? 'Those are some really scary genetics...' He thought as Sam began talking again. "Well i'll be counting on you so do your best!" He said as Sam left heading into the infirmary.

Dakota snuck around the infirmary curious as to what Sam was going to do. He listened closely as he quietly opened one of the windows in the back of the infirmary. He heard what Sam said and did his best to contain his laughs. Being small had its uses as he easily slipped inside the window and into the infirmary. 'Wow, this is really easy.' He thought as he quietly searched through the cabinets until he found a box containing medical supplies. 'Perfect... The only thing I don't see is anesthetic... Crap we need that.' He thought as he began searching through the cabinets again this time looking for anesthetic. 'Let's see. Where is it?!' He thought internally groaning.

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( i've been looking for awkward pick-up lines, and I saw this one that was like "i wanna smear you in green paint and spank you like a disobedient avocado," and I died a lil inside )


Instead of getting the slap that Sam felt he deserved, he heard a loud chuckle coming from the nurse. "You're one spunky kid," she said in between laughs. With her eyebrows furrowed, she lifted her dominant hand up to her chin, trying to think something through about the mess of a boy in front of her. Meanwhile, Sam did his best to keep his eyes off of Dakota and on the nurse in front of him. Making his job a bit easier, she added, "You're Sam Yong Sook, right?" Although confused to how she knew, the boy nodded, and as if reading his mind, she continued. "You're just like your mother described you.." She muttered, "You'll be able to come in here every morning to take your medication, and maybe then, you'll be able to tell me some more of your jokes." The nurse slowly began to rise from her spot, but Sam jumped up before she could even do so, catching her attention. "Wait, wait! I have more!" He exclaimed, and to humor him, the nurse signaled for him to tell them to her. In reality, Sam didn't have anything else prepared at all, so he just wished that Dakota would hurry up. "U-Uh.. Do you have an inhaler? Because, you've got ass, ma.." It wasn't his best, but then again, it was made up on the spot. 
(Lol I'm definetly gonna use that!) 

Dakota Emerson 

Dakota kept searching for the anesthetic. He finally found it behind a few pill bottles. Carefully moving them out the way he grabbed the anesthetic and put it in the box of medical supplies, aka the first aid kit. 'Mission accomplished!' He thought as he snuck back in the window sitting on the window sill for a moment as he held a thumbs up to Sam a big smile lighting up his features. 

He he closed the window behind him and went up to the front of the infirmary leaning against the wall holding the first aid kit behind his back away from the sight of others as he waited for Sam to exit as well. He couldn't just leave him not could he? That would just be rude.


This time, his pick-up line received nothing but a poker-face in return, and now that Dakota was out, he decided it was time to skedaddle too. "Heh, well.. That's the last one I have, so I'll just.. go," he finished, the timing to his words being more than awkward. After that, he pushed at the door, then having to pull it because, well, he definitely wasn't doing it correctly the first time around. His eyes searched for the short boy, and soon enough, he found him. With his face being a bright red, he ambled on over to his pal. "You, uh.. You didn't hear any of that, yeah?"

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Dakota Emerson

"I guess I'll let it slide this time! That last pick up line could've used some work though." Dakota said laughing a bit afterwards. "Anyways, I got the kit. I was a bit delayed because I had to look for the anesthetic so that they wouldn't be screaming in pain as I did my work on them. He held up the kit showing it to Sam as if to confirm that he actually did get it. 

"You ready to go? Shelby and Blake are bleeding to death remember." He said a bright smile still on us face.

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In embarrassment, the boy turned his head to the side, scratching at his cheek. "It was pretty bad, huh?" When presented with the medkit, he completely forgot about the situation he was just in, covering his face with a wide grin, but of course, it was replaced instantly with a worried expression. "Screaming in pain?!" He gasped, his jaw nearly dropping out of its socket. After hearing the last sentence, one might've thought that he had just seen someone die in front of him what with the face he made. Sweeping Dakota off his feet, literally, he began running to the moon cabin, carrying him in the fashion of the classic television trope 'bridal carry.' As soon as they had arrived at the cabin, Sam managed to kick another door open, but this time, it didn't go flying off its hinges. He yelled, "You guys aren't dead yet, right?!"

@JayKuro @TheAnimeRabbit @galaxycorgi
Dakota Emerson 

"ah don't worry they won't be screaming in pain. I got anesthetic so they won't feel a thing." He said and the next thing he knew was that he wasn't even on the ground but was instead in Sam's arms Bridal style. His face turned a deep red as he hid it behind the first aid kit. 'This is more than just a little embarrassing.' He thought as he heard Sam kick the door open luckily not breaking it off its hinges this time. It would be kind of bad if he did considering this was the cabin in which they slept in, bugs would probably be the least of there problems if there wasn't a door. 

He looked over as Shelby started talking still hiding his red face behind the first aid kit his eyes being the only thing that could be seen. He laughed a bit at what Shelby and Blake said knowing that Sam being the person he was would problsnoy take it literal. 

"It was no problem. It was actually really fun!" Dakota said from behind the kit.



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